xref: /openbmc/u-boot/tools/buildman/builderthread.py (revision 70b26cd057f42c7126088b49d4285955c8a00eae)
1# Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc
3# SPDX-License-Identifier:      GPL-2.0+
6import errno
7import glob
8import os
9import shutil
10import threading
12import command
13import gitutil
17def Mkdir(dirname, parents = False):
18    """Make a directory if it doesn't already exist.
20    Args:
21        dirname: Directory to create
22    """
23    try:
24        if parents:
25            os.makedirs(dirname)
26        else:
27            os.mkdir(dirname)
28    except OSError as err:
29        if err.errno == errno.EEXIST:
30            pass
31        else:
32            raise
34class BuilderJob:
35    """Holds information about a job to be performed by a thread
37    Members:
38        board: Board object to build
39        commits: List of commit options to build.
40    """
41    def __init__(self):
42        self.board = None
43        self.commits = []
46class ResultThread(threading.Thread):
47    """This thread processes results from builder threads.
49    It simply passes the results on to the builder. There is only one
50    result thread, and this helps to serialise the build output.
51    """
52    def __init__(self, builder):
53        """Set up a new result thread
55        Args:
56            builder: Builder which will be sent each result
57        """
58        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
59        self.builder = builder
61    def run(self):
62        """Called to start up the result thread.
64        We collect the next result job and pass it on to the build.
65        """
66        while True:
67            result = self.builder.out_queue.get()
68            self.builder.ProcessResult(result)
69            self.builder.out_queue.task_done()
72class BuilderThread(threading.Thread):
73    """This thread builds U-Boot for a particular board.
75    An input queue provides each new job. We run 'make' to build U-Boot
76    and then pass the results on to the output queue.
78    Members:
79        builder: The builder which contains information we might need
80        thread_num: Our thread number (0-n-1), used to decide on a
81                temporary directory
82    """
83    def __init__(self, builder, thread_num, incremental, per_board_out_dir):
84        """Set up a new builder thread"""
85        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
86        self.builder = builder
87        self.thread_num = thread_num
88        self.incremental = incremental
89        self.per_board_out_dir = per_board_out_dir
91    def Make(self, commit, brd, stage, cwd, *args, **kwargs):
92        """Run 'make' on a particular commit and board.
94        The source code will already be checked out, so the 'commit'
95        argument is only for information.
97        Args:
98            commit: Commit object that is being built
99            brd: Board object that is being built
100            stage: Stage of the build. Valid stages are:
101                        mrproper - can be called to clean source
102                        config - called to configure for a board
103                        build - the main make invocation - it does the build
104            args: A list of arguments to pass to 'make'
105            kwargs: A list of keyword arguments to pass to command.RunPipe()
107        Returns:
108            CommandResult object
109        """
110        return self.builder.do_make(commit, brd, stage, cwd, *args,
111                **kwargs)
113    def RunCommit(self, commit_upto, brd, work_dir, do_config, config_only,
114                  force_build, force_build_failures):
115        """Build a particular commit.
117        If the build is already done, and we are not forcing a build, we skip
118        the build and just return the previously-saved results.
120        Args:
121            commit_upto: Commit number to build (0...n-1)
122            brd: Board object to build
123            work_dir: Directory to which the source will be checked out
124            do_config: True to run a make <board>_defconfig on the source
125            config_only: Only configure the source, do not build it
126            force_build: Force a build even if one was previously done
127            force_build_failures: Force a bulid if the previous result showed
128                failure
130        Returns:
131            tuple containing:
132                - CommandResult object containing the results of the build
133                - boolean indicating whether 'make config' is still needed
134        """
135        # Create a default result - it will be overwritte by the call to
136        # self.Make() below, in the event that we do a build.
137        result = command.CommandResult()
138        result.return_code = 0
139        if self.builder.in_tree:
140            out_dir = work_dir
141        else:
142            if self.per_board_out_dir:
143                out_rel_dir = os.path.join('..', brd.target)
144            else:
145                out_rel_dir = 'build'
146            out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, out_rel_dir)
148        # Check if the job was already completed last time
149        done_file = self.builder.GetDoneFile(commit_upto, brd.target)
150        result.already_done = os.path.exists(done_file)
151        will_build = (force_build or force_build_failures or
152            not result.already_done)
153        if result.already_done:
154            # Get the return code from that build and use it
155            with open(done_file, 'r') as fd:
156                result.return_code = int(fd.readline())
158            # Check the signal that the build needs to be retried
159            if result.return_code == RETURN_CODE_RETRY:
160                will_build = True
161            elif will_build:
162                err_file = self.builder.GetErrFile(commit_upto, brd.target)
163                if os.path.exists(err_file) and os.stat(err_file).st_size:
164                    result.stderr = 'bad'
165                elif not force_build:
166                    # The build passed, so no need to build it again
167                    will_build = False
169        if will_build:
170            # We are going to have to build it. First, get a toolchain
171            if not self.toolchain:
172                try:
173                    self.toolchain = self.builder.toolchains.Select(brd.arch)
174                except ValueError as err:
175                    result.return_code = 10
176                    result.stdout = ''
177                    result.stderr = str(err)
178                    # TODO(sjg@chromium.org): This gets swallowed, but needs
179                    # to be reported.
181            if self.toolchain:
182                # Checkout the right commit
183                if self.builder.commits:
184                    commit = self.builder.commits[commit_upto]
185                    if self.builder.checkout:
186                        git_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, '.git')
187                        gitutil.Checkout(commit.hash, git_dir, work_dir,
188                                         force=True)
189                else:
190                    commit = 'current'
192                # Set up the environment and command line
193                env = self.toolchain.MakeEnvironment(self.builder.full_path)
194                Mkdir(out_dir)
195                args = []
196                cwd = work_dir
197                src_dir = os.path.realpath(work_dir)
198                if not self.builder.in_tree:
199                    if commit_upto is None:
200                        # In this case we are building in the original source
201                        # directory (i.e. the current directory where buildman
202                        # is invoked. The output directory is set to this
203                        # thread's selected work directory.
204                        #
205                        # Symlinks can confuse U-Boot's Makefile since
206                        # we may use '..' in our path, so remove them.
207                        out_dir = os.path.realpath(out_dir)
208                        args.append('O=%s' % out_dir)
209                        cwd = None
210                        src_dir = os.getcwd()
211                    else:
212                        args.append('O=%s' % out_rel_dir)
213                if self.builder.verbose_build:
214                    args.append('V=1')
215                else:
216                    args.append('-s')
217                if self.builder.num_jobs is not None:
218                    args.extend(['-j', str(self.builder.num_jobs)])
219                config_args = ['%s_defconfig' % brd.target]
220                config_out = ''
221                args.extend(self.builder.toolchains.GetMakeArguments(brd))
223                # If we need to reconfigure, do that now
224                if do_config:
225                    config_out = ''
226                    if not self.incremental:
227                        result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'mrproper', cwd,
228                                'mrproper', *args, env=env)
229                        config_out += result.combined
230                    result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'config', cwd,
231                            *(args + config_args), env=env)
232                    config_out += result.combined
233                    do_config = False   # No need to configure next time
234                if result.return_code == 0:
235                    if config_only:
236                        args.append('cfg')
237                    result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'build', cwd, *args,
238                            env=env)
239                result.stderr = result.stderr.replace(src_dir + '/', '')
240                if self.builder.verbose_build:
241                    result.stdout = config_out + result.stdout
242            else:
243                result.return_code = 1
244                result.stderr = 'No tool chain for %s\n' % brd.arch
245            result.already_done = False
247        result.toolchain = self.toolchain
248        result.brd = brd
249        result.commit_upto = commit_upto
250        result.out_dir = out_dir
251        return result, do_config
253    def _WriteResult(self, result, keep_outputs):
254        """Write a built result to the output directory.
256        Args:
257            result: CommandResult object containing result to write
258            keep_outputs: True to store the output binaries, False
259                to delete them
260        """
261        # Fatal error
262        if result.return_code < 0:
263            return
265        # If we think this might have been aborted with Ctrl-C, record the
266        # failure but not that we are 'done' with this board. A retry may fix
267        # it.
268        maybe_aborted =  result.stderr and 'No child processes' in result.stderr
270        if result.already_done:
271            return
273        # Write the output and stderr
274        output_dir = self.builder._GetOutputDir(result.commit_upto)
275        Mkdir(output_dir)
276        build_dir = self.builder.GetBuildDir(result.commit_upto,
277                result.brd.target)
278        Mkdir(build_dir)
280        outfile = os.path.join(build_dir, 'log')
281        with open(outfile, 'w') as fd:
282            if result.stdout:
283                fd.write(result.stdout)
285        errfile = self.builder.GetErrFile(result.commit_upto,
286                result.brd.target)
287        if result.stderr:
288            with open(errfile, 'w') as fd:
289                fd.write(result.stderr)
290        elif os.path.exists(errfile):
291            os.remove(errfile)
293        if result.toolchain:
294            # Write the build result and toolchain information.
295            done_file = self.builder.GetDoneFile(result.commit_upto,
296                    result.brd.target)
297            with open(done_file, 'w') as fd:
298                if maybe_aborted:
299                    # Special code to indicate we need to retry
300                    fd.write('%s' % RETURN_CODE_RETRY)
301                else:
302                    fd.write('%s' % result.return_code)
303            with open(os.path.join(build_dir, 'toolchain'), 'w') as fd:
304                print >>fd, 'gcc', result.toolchain.gcc
305                print >>fd, 'path', result.toolchain.path
306                print >>fd, 'cross', result.toolchain.cross
307                print >>fd, 'arch', result.toolchain.arch
308                fd.write('%s' % result.return_code)
310            # Write out the image and function size information and an objdump
311            env = result.toolchain.MakeEnvironment(self.builder.full_path)
312            lines = []
313            for fname in ['u-boot', 'spl/u-boot-spl']:
314                cmd = ['%snm' % self.toolchain.cross, '--size-sort', fname]
315                nm_result = command.RunPipe([cmd], capture=True,
316                        capture_stderr=True, cwd=result.out_dir,
317                        raise_on_error=False, env=env)
318                if nm_result.stdout:
319                    nm = self.builder.GetFuncSizesFile(result.commit_upto,
320                                    result.brd.target, fname)
321                    with open(nm, 'w') as fd:
322                        print >>fd, nm_result.stdout,
324                cmd = ['%sobjdump' % self.toolchain.cross, '-h', fname]
325                dump_result = command.RunPipe([cmd], capture=True,
326                        capture_stderr=True, cwd=result.out_dir,
327                        raise_on_error=False, env=env)
328                rodata_size = ''
329                if dump_result.stdout:
330                    objdump = self.builder.GetObjdumpFile(result.commit_upto,
331                                    result.brd.target, fname)
332                    with open(objdump, 'w') as fd:
333                        print >>fd, dump_result.stdout,
334                    for line in dump_result.stdout.splitlines():
335                        fields = line.split()
336                        if len(fields) > 5 and fields[1] == '.rodata':
337                            rodata_size = fields[2]
339                cmd = ['%ssize' % self.toolchain.cross, fname]
340                size_result = command.RunPipe([cmd], capture=True,
341                        capture_stderr=True, cwd=result.out_dir,
342                        raise_on_error=False, env=env)
343                if size_result.stdout:
344                    lines.append(size_result.stdout.splitlines()[1] + ' ' +
345                                 rodata_size)
347            # Write out the image sizes file. This is similar to the output
348            # of binutil's 'size' utility, but it omits the header line and
349            # adds an additional hex value at the end of each line for the
350            # rodata size
351            if len(lines):
352                sizes = self.builder.GetSizesFile(result.commit_upto,
353                                result.brd.target)
354                with open(sizes, 'w') as fd:
355                    print >>fd, '\n'.join(lines)
357        # Write out the configuration files, with a special case for SPL
358        for dirname in ['', 'spl', 'tpl']:
359            self.CopyFiles(result.out_dir, build_dir, dirname, ['u-boot.cfg',
360                'spl/u-boot-spl.cfg', 'tpl/u-boot-tpl.cfg', '.config',
361                'include/autoconf.mk', 'include/generated/autoconf.h'])
363        # Now write the actual build output
364        if keep_outputs:
365            self.CopyFiles(result.out_dir, build_dir, '', ['u-boot*', '*.bin',
366                '*.map', '*.img', 'MLO', 'SPL', 'include/autoconf.mk',
367                'spl/u-boot-spl*'])
369    def CopyFiles(self, out_dir, build_dir, dirname, patterns):
370        """Copy files from the build directory to the output.
372        Args:
373            out_dir: Path to output directory containing the files
374            build_dir: Place to copy the files
375            dirname: Source directory, '' for normal U-Boot, 'spl' for SPL
376            patterns: A list of filenames (strings) to copy, each relative
377               to the build directory
378        """
379        for pattern in patterns:
380            file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(out_dir, dirname, pattern))
381            for fname in file_list:
382                target = os.path.basename(fname)
383                if dirname:
384                    base, ext = os.path.splitext(target)
385                    if ext:
386                        target = '%s-%s%s' % (base, dirname, ext)
387                shutil.copy(fname, os.path.join(build_dir, target))
389    def RunJob(self, job):
390        """Run a single job
392        A job consists of a building a list of commits for a particular board.
394        Args:
395            job: Job to build
396        """
397        brd = job.board
398        work_dir = self.builder.GetThreadDir(self.thread_num)
399        self.toolchain = None
400        if job.commits:
401            # Run 'make board_defconfig' on the first commit
402            do_config = True
403            commit_upto  = 0
404            force_build = False
405            for commit_upto in range(0, len(job.commits), job.step):
406                result, request_config = self.RunCommit(commit_upto, brd,
407                        work_dir, do_config, self.builder.config_only,
408                        force_build or self.builder.force_build,
409                        self.builder.force_build_failures)
410                failed = result.return_code or result.stderr
411                did_config = do_config
412                if failed and not do_config:
413                    # If our incremental build failed, try building again
414                    # with a reconfig.
415                    if self.builder.force_config_on_failure:
416                        result, request_config = self.RunCommit(commit_upto,
417                            brd, work_dir, True, False, True, False)
418                        did_config = True
419                if not self.builder.force_reconfig:
420                    do_config = request_config
422                # If we built that commit, then config is done. But if we got
423                # an warning, reconfig next time to force it to build the same
424                # files that created warnings this time. Otherwise an
425                # incremental build may not build the same file, and we will
426                # think that the warning has gone away.
427                # We could avoid this by using -Werror everywhere...
428                # For errors, the problem doesn't happen, since presumably
429                # the build stopped and didn't generate output, so will retry
430                # that file next time. So we could detect warnings and deal
431                # with them specially here. For now, we just reconfigure if
432                # anything goes work.
433                # Of course this is substantially slower if there are build
434                # errors/warnings (e.g. 2-3x slower even if only 10% of builds
435                # have problems).
436                if (failed and not result.already_done and not did_config and
437                        self.builder.force_config_on_failure):
438                    # If this build failed, try the next one with a
439                    # reconfigure.
440                    # Sometimes if the board_config.h file changes it can mess
441                    # with dependencies, and we get:
442                    # make: *** No rule to make target `include/autoconf.mk',
443                    #     needed by `depend'.
444                    do_config = True
445                    force_build = True
446                else:
447                    force_build = False
448                    if self.builder.force_config_on_failure:
449                        if failed:
450                            do_config = True
451                    result.commit_upto = commit_upto
452                    if result.return_code < 0:
453                        raise ValueError('Interrupt')
455                # We have the build results, so output the result
456                self._WriteResult(result, job.keep_outputs)
457                self.builder.out_queue.put(result)
458        else:
459            # Just build the currently checked-out build
460            result, request_config = self.RunCommit(None, brd, work_dir, True,
461                        self.builder.config_only, True,
462                        self.builder.force_build_failures)
463            result.commit_upto = 0
464            self._WriteResult(result, job.keep_outputs)
465            self.builder.out_queue.put(result)
467    def run(self):
468        """Our thread's run function
470        This thread picks a job from the queue, runs it, and then goes to the
471        next job.
472        """
473        while True:
474            job = self.builder.queue.get()
475            self.RunJob(job)
476            self.builder.queue.task_done()