xref: /openbmc/u-boot/tools/binman/ftest.py (revision 7b384eccc785b596f68448b155cbda26df57fb23)
1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
2# Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
3# Written by Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
5# To run a single test, change to this directory, and:
7#    python -m unittest func_test.TestFunctional.testHelp
9from optparse import OptionParser
10import os
11import shutil
12import struct
13import sys
14import tempfile
15import unittest
17import binman
18import cmdline
19import command
20import control
21import elf
22import fdt
23import fdt_util
24import tools
25import tout
27# Contents of test files, corresponding to different entry types
28U_BOOT_DATA           = '1234'
29U_BOOT_IMG_DATA       = 'img'
30U_BOOT_SPL_DATA       = '56780123456789abcde'
31BLOB_DATA             = '89'
32ME_DATA               = '0abcd'
33VGA_DATA              = 'vga'
34U_BOOT_DTB_DATA       = 'udtb'
35U_BOOT_SPL_DTB_DATA   = 'spldtb'
36X86_START16_DATA      = 'start16'
37X86_START16_SPL_DATA  = 'start16spl'
38U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA     = 'nodtb with microcode pointer somewhere in here'
39U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA = 'splnodtb with microcode pointer somewhere in here'
40FSP_DATA              = 'fsp'
41CMC_DATA              = 'cmc'
42VBT_DATA              = 'vbt'
43MRC_DATA              = 'mrc'
45class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
46    """Functional tests for binman
48    Most of these use a sample .dts file to build an image and then check
49    that it looks correct. The sample files are in the test/ subdirectory
50    and are numbered.
52    For each entry type a very small test file is created using fixed
53    string contents. This makes it easy to test that things look right, and
54    debug problems.
56    In some cases a 'real' file must be used - these are also supplied in
57    the test/ diurectory.
58    """
59    @classmethod
60    def setUpClass(self):
61        global entry
62        import entry
64        # Handle the case where argv[0] is 'python'
65        self._binman_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
66        self._binman_pathname = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'binman')
68        # Create a temporary directory for input files
69        self._indir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binmant.')
71        # Create some test files
72        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.bin', U_BOOT_DATA)
73        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.img', U_BOOT_IMG_DATA)
74        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl.bin', U_BOOT_SPL_DATA)
75        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('blobfile', BLOB_DATA)
76        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('me.bin', ME_DATA)
77        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vga.bin', VGA_DATA)
78        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA)
79        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl.dtb', U_BOOT_SPL_DTB_DATA)
80        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot-x86-16bit.bin', X86_START16_DATA)
81        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-x86-16bit-spl.bin',
82                                      X86_START16_SPL_DATA)
83        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot-nodtb.bin', U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)
84        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin',
85                                      U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA)
86        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('fsp.bin', FSP_DATA)
87        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('cmc.bin', CMC_DATA)
88        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vbt.bin', VBT_DATA)
89        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('mrc.bin', MRC_DATA)
90        self._output_setup = False
92        # ELF file with a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol
93        with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
94            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', fd.read())
96        # Intel flash descriptor file
97        with open(self.TestFile('descriptor.bin')) as fd:
98            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('descriptor.bin', fd.read())
100    @classmethod
101    def tearDownClass(self):
102        """Remove the temporary input directory and its contents"""
103        if self._indir:
104            shutil.rmtree(self._indir)
105        self._indir = None
107    def setUp(self):
108        # Enable this to turn on debugging output
109        # tout.Init(tout.DEBUG)
110        command.test_result = None
112    def tearDown(self):
113        """Remove the temporary output directory"""
114        tools._FinaliseForTest()
116    def _RunBinman(self, *args, **kwargs):
117        """Run binman using the command line
119        Args:
120            Arguments to pass, as a list of strings
121            kwargs: Arguments to pass to Command.RunPipe()
122        """
123        result = command.RunPipe([[self._binman_pathname] + list(args)],
124                capture=True, capture_stderr=True, raise_on_error=False)
125        if result.return_code and kwargs.get('raise_on_error', True):
126            raise Exception("Error running '%s': %s" % (' '.join(args),
127                            result.stdout + result.stderr))
128        return result
130    def _DoBinman(self, *args):
131        """Run binman using directly (in the same process)
133        Args:
134            Arguments to pass, as a list of strings
135        Returns:
136            Return value (0 for success)
137        """
138        args = list(args)
139        if '-D' in sys.argv:
140            args = args + ['-D']
141        (options, args) = cmdline.ParseArgs(args)
142        options.pager = 'binman-invalid-pager'
143        options.build_dir = self._indir
145        # For testing, you can force an increase in verbosity here
146        # options.verbosity = tout.DEBUG
147        return control.Binman(options, args)
149    def _DoTestFile(self, fname, debug=False, map=False, update_dtb=False):
150        """Run binman with a given test file
152        Args:
153            fname: Device-tree source filename to use (e.g. 05_simple.dts)
154            debug: True to enable debugging output
155            map: True to output map files for the images
156            update_dtb: Update the position and size of each entry in the device
157                tree before packing it into the image
158        """
159        args = ['-p', '-I', self._indir, '-d', self.TestFile(fname)]
160        if debug:
161            args.append('-D')
162        if map:
163            args.append('-m')
164        if update_dtb:
165            args.append('-up')
166        return self._DoBinman(*args)
168    def _SetupDtb(self, fname, outfile='u-boot.dtb'):
169        """Set up a new test device-tree file
171        The given file is compiled and set up as the device tree to be used
172        for ths test.
174        Args:
175            fname: Filename of .dts file to read
176            outfile: Output filename for compiled device-tree binary
178        Returns:
179            Contents of device-tree binary
180        """
181        if not self._output_setup:
182            tools.PrepareOutputDir(self._indir, True)
183            self._output_setup = True
184        dtb = fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(self.TestFile(fname))
185        with open(dtb) as fd:
186            data = fd.read()
187            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile(outfile, data)
188            return data
190    def _DoReadFileDtb(self, fname, use_real_dtb=False, map=False,
191                       update_dtb=False):
192        """Run binman and return the resulting image
194        This runs binman with a given test file and then reads the resulting
195        output file. It is a shortcut function since most tests need to do
196        these steps.
198        Raises an assertion failure if binman returns a non-zero exit code.
200        Args:
201            fname: Device-tree source filename to use (e.g. 05_simple.dts)
202            use_real_dtb: True to use the test file as the contents of
203                the u-boot-dtb entry. Normally this is not needed and the
204                test contents (the U_BOOT_DTB_DATA string) can be used.
205                But in some test we need the real contents.
206            map: True to output map files for the images
207            update_dtb: Update the position and size of each entry in the device
208                tree before packing it into the image
210        Returns:
211            Tuple:
212                Resulting image contents
213                Device tree contents
214                Map data showing contents of image (or None if none)
215        """
216        dtb_data = None
217        # Use the compiled test file as the u-boot-dtb input
218        if use_real_dtb:
219            dtb_data = self._SetupDtb(fname)
221        try:
222            retcode = self._DoTestFile(fname, map=map, update_dtb=update_dtb)
223            self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
224            out_dtb_fname = control.GetFdtPath('u-boot.dtb')
226            # Find the (only) image, read it and return its contents
227            image = control.images['image']
228            image_fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image.bin')
229            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(image_fname))
230            if map:
231                map_fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image.map')
232                with open(map_fname) as fd:
233                    map_data = fd.read()
234            else:
235                map_data = None
236            with open(image_fname) as fd:
237                return fd.read(), dtb_data, map_data, out_dtb_fname
238        finally:
239            # Put the test file back
240            if use_real_dtb:
241                TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA)
243    def _DoReadFile(self, fname, use_real_dtb=False):
244        """Helper function which discards the device-tree binary
246        Args:
247            fname: Device-tree source filename to use (e.g. 05_simple.dts)
248            use_real_dtb: True to use the test file as the contents of
249                the u-boot-dtb entry. Normally this is not needed and the
250                test contents (the U_BOOT_DTB_DATA string) can be used.
251                But in some test we need the real contents.
252        """
253        return self._DoReadFileDtb(fname, use_real_dtb)[0]
255    @classmethod
256    def _MakeInputFile(self, fname, contents):
257        """Create a new test input file, creating directories as needed
259        Args:
260            fname: Filenaem to create
261            contents: File contents to write in to the file
262        Returns:
263            Full pathname of file created
264        """
265        pathname = os.path.join(self._indir, fname)
266        dirname = os.path.dirname(pathname)
267        if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname):
268            os.makedirs(dirname)
269        with open(pathname, 'wb') as fd:
270            fd.write(contents)
271        return pathname
273    @classmethod
274    def TestFile(self, fname):
275        return os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'test', fname)
277    def AssertInList(self, grep_list, target):
278        """Assert that at least one of a list of things is in a target
280        Args:
281            grep_list: List of strings to check
282            target: Target string
283        """
284        for grep in grep_list:
285            if grep in target:
286                return
287        self.fail("Error: '%' not found in '%s'" % (grep_list, target))
289    def CheckNoGaps(self, entries):
290        """Check that all entries fit together without gaps
292        Args:
293            entries: List of entries to check
294        """
295        pos = 0
296        for entry in entries.values():
297            self.assertEqual(pos, entry.pos)
298            pos += entry.size
300    def GetFdtLen(self, dtb):
301        """Get the totalsize field from a device-tree binary
303        Args:
304            dtb: Device-tree binary contents
306        Returns:
307            Total size of device-tree binary, from the header
308        """
309        return struct.unpack('>L', dtb[4:8])[0]
311    def _GetPropTree(self, dtb_data, node_names):
312        def AddNode(node, path):
313            if node.name != '/':
314                path += '/' + node.name
315            #print 'path', path
316            for subnode in node.subnodes:
317                for prop in subnode.props.values():
318                    if prop.name in node_names:
319                        prop_path = path + '/' + subnode.name + ':' + prop.name
320                        tree[prop_path[len('/binman/'):]] = fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(
321                            prop.value)
322                    #print '   ', prop.name
323                AddNode(subnode, path)
325        tree = {}
326        dtb = fdt.Fdt(dtb_data)
327        dtb.Scan()
328        AddNode(dtb.GetRoot(), '')
329        return tree
331    def testRun(self):
332        """Test a basic run with valid args"""
333        result = self._RunBinman('-h')
335    def testFullHelp(self):
336        """Test that the full help is displayed with -H"""
337        result = self._RunBinman('-H')
338        help_file = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'README')
339        # Remove possible extraneous strings
340        extra = '::::::::::::::\n' + help_file + '\n::::::::::::::\n'
341        gothelp = result.stdout.replace(extra, '')
342        self.assertEqual(len(gothelp), os.path.getsize(help_file))
343        self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr))
344        self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code)
346    def testFullHelpInternal(self):
347        """Test that the full help is displayed with -H"""
348        try:
349            command.test_result = command.CommandResult()
350            result = self._DoBinman('-H')
351            help_file = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'README')
352        finally:
353            command.test_result = None
355    def testHelp(self):
356        """Test that the basic help is displayed with -h"""
357        result = self._RunBinman('-h')
358        self.assertTrue(len(result.stdout) > 200)
359        self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr))
360        self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code)
362    def testBoard(self):
363        """Test that we can run it with a specific board"""
364        self._SetupDtb('05_simple.dts', 'sandbox/u-boot.dtb')
365        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('sandbox/u-boot.bin', U_BOOT_DATA)
366        result = self._DoBinman('-b', 'sandbox')
367        self.assertEqual(0, result)
369    def testNeedBoard(self):
370        """Test that we get an error when no board ius supplied"""
371        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
372            result = self._DoBinman()
373        self.assertIn("Must provide a board to process (use -b <board>)",
374                str(e.exception))
376    def testMissingDt(self):
377        """Test that an invalid device-tree file generates an error"""
378        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
379            self._RunBinman('-d', 'missing_file')
380        # We get one error from libfdt, and a different one from fdtget.
381        self.AssertInList(["Couldn't open blob from 'missing_file'",
382                           'No such file or directory'], str(e.exception))
384    def testBrokenDt(self):
385        """Test that an invalid device-tree source file generates an error
387        Since this is a source file it should be compiled and the error
388        will come from the device-tree compiler (dtc).
389        """
390        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
391            self._RunBinman('-d', self.TestFile('01_invalid.dts'))
392        self.assertIn("FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree",
393                str(e.exception))
395    def testMissingNode(self):
396        """Test that a device tree without a 'binman' node generates an error"""
397        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
398            self._DoBinman('-d', self.TestFile('02_missing_node.dts'))
399        self.assertIn("does not have a 'binman' node", str(e.exception))
401    def testEmpty(self):
402        """Test that an empty binman node works OK (i.e. does nothing)"""
403        result = self._RunBinman('-d', self.TestFile('03_empty.dts'))
404        self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr))
405        self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code)
407    def testInvalidEntry(self):
408        """Test that an invalid entry is flagged"""
409        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
410            result = self._RunBinman('-d',
411                                     self.TestFile('04_invalid_entry.dts'))
412        #print e.exception
413        self.assertIn("Unknown entry type 'not-a-valid-type' in node "
414                "'/binman/not-a-valid-type'", str(e.exception))
416    def testSimple(self):
417        """Test a simple binman with a single file"""
418        data = self._DoReadFile('05_simple.dts')
419        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data)
421    def testSimpleDebug(self):
422        """Test a simple binman run with debugging enabled"""
423        data = self._DoTestFile('05_simple.dts', debug=True)
425    def testDual(self):
426        """Test that we can handle creating two images
428        This also tests image padding.
429        """
430        retcode = self._DoTestFile('06_dual_image.dts')
431        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
433        image = control.images['image1']
434        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), image._size)
435        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image1.bin')
436        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
437        with open(fname) as fd:
438            data = fd.read()
439            self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data)
441        image = control.images['image2']
442        self.assertEqual(3 + len(U_BOOT_DATA) + 5, image._size)
443        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image2.bin')
444        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
445        with open(fname) as fd:
446            data = fd.read()
447            self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data[3:7])
448            self.assertEqual(chr(0) * 3, data[:3])
449            self.assertEqual(chr(0) * 5, data[7:])
451    def testBadAlign(self):
452        """Test that an invalid alignment value is detected"""
453        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
454            self._DoTestFile('07_bad_align.dts')
455        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment 23 must be a power "
456                      "of two", str(e.exception))
458    def testPackSimple(self):
459        """Test that packing works as expected"""
460        retcode = self._DoTestFile('08_pack.dts')
461        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
462        self.assertIn('image', control.images)
463        image = control.images['image']
464        entries = image.GetEntries()
465        self.assertEqual(5, len(entries))
467        # First u-boot
468        self.assertIn('u-boot', entries)
469        entry = entries['u-boot']
470        self.assertEqual(0, entry.pos)
471        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
473        # Second u-boot, aligned to 16-byte boundary
474        self.assertIn('u-boot-align', entries)
475        entry = entries['u-boot-align']
476        self.assertEqual(16, entry.pos)
477        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
479        # Third u-boot, size 23 bytes
480        self.assertIn('u-boot-size', entries)
481        entry = entries['u-boot-size']
482        self.assertEqual(20, entry.pos)
483        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.contents_size)
484        self.assertEqual(23, entry.size)
486        # Fourth u-boot, placed immediate after the above
487        self.assertIn('u-boot-next', entries)
488        entry = entries['u-boot-next']
489        self.assertEqual(43, entry.pos)
490        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
492        # Fifth u-boot, placed at a fixed position
493        self.assertIn('u-boot-fixed', entries)
494        entry = entries['u-boot-fixed']
495        self.assertEqual(61, entry.pos)
496        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
498        self.assertEqual(65, image._size)
500    def testPackExtra(self):
501        """Test that extra packing feature works as expected"""
502        retcode = self._DoTestFile('09_pack_extra.dts')
504        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
505        self.assertIn('image', control.images)
506        image = control.images['image']
507        entries = image.GetEntries()
508        self.assertEqual(5, len(entries))
510        # First u-boot with padding before and after
511        self.assertIn('u-boot', entries)
512        entry = entries['u-boot']
513        self.assertEqual(0, entry.pos)
514        self.assertEqual(3, entry.pad_before)
515        self.assertEqual(3 + 5 + len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
517        # Second u-boot has an aligned size, but it has no effect
518        self.assertIn('u-boot-align-size-nop', entries)
519        entry = entries['u-boot-align-size-nop']
520        self.assertEqual(12, entry.pos)
521        self.assertEqual(4, entry.size)
523        # Third u-boot has an aligned size too
524        self.assertIn('u-boot-align-size', entries)
525        entry = entries['u-boot-align-size']
526        self.assertEqual(16, entry.pos)
527        self.assertEqual(32, entry.size)
529        # Fourth u-boot has an aligned end
530        self.assertIn('u-boot-align-end', entries)
531        entry = entries['u-boot-align-end']
532        self.assertEqual(48, entry.pos)
533        self.assertEqual(16, entry.size)
535        # Fifth u-boot immediately afterwards
536        self.assertIn('u-boot-align-both', entries)
537        entry = entries['u-boot-align-both']
538        self.assertEqual(64, entry.pos)
539        self.assertEqual(64, entry.size)
541        self.CheckNoGaps(entries)
542        self.assertEqual(128, image._size)
544    def testPackAlignPowerOf2(self):
545        """Test that invalid entry alignment is detected"""
546        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
547            self._DoTestFile('10_pack_align_power2.dts')
548        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment 5 must be a power "
549                      "of two", str(e.exception))
551    def testPackAlignSizePowerOf2(self):
552        """Test that invalid entry size alignment is detected"""
553        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
554            self._DoTestFile('11_pack_align_size_power2.dts')
555        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment size 55 must be a "
556                      "power of two", str(e.exception))
558    def testPackInvalidAlign(self):
559        """Test detection of an position that does not match its alignment"""
560        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
561            self._DoTestFile('12_pack_inv_align.dts')
562        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Position 0x5 (5) does not match "
563                      "align 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception))
565    def testPackInvalidSizeAlign(self):
566        """Test that invalid entry size alignment is detected"""
567        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
568            self._DoTestFile('13_pack_inv_size_align.dts')
569        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Size 0x5 (5) does not match "
570                      "align-size 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception))
572    def testPackOverlap(self):
573        """Test that overlapping regions are detected"""
574        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
575            self._DoTestFile('14_pack_overlap.dts')
576        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-align': Position 0x3 (3) overlaps "
577                      "with previous entry '/binman/u-boot' ending at 0x4 (4)",
578                      str(e.exception))
580    def testPackEntryOverflow(self):
581        """Test that entries that overflow their size are detected"""
582        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
583            self._DoTestFile('15_pack_overflow.dts')
584        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Entry contents size is 0x4 (4) "
585                      "but entry size is 0x3 (3)", str(e.exception))
587    def testPackImageOverflow(self):
588        """Test that entries which overflow the image size are detected"""
589        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
590            self._DoTestFile('16_pack_image_overflow.dts')
591        self.assertIn("Section '/binman': contents size 0x4 (4) exceeds section "
592                      "size 0x3 (3)", str(e.exception))
594    def testPackImageSize(self):
595        """Test that the image size can be set"""
596        retcode = self._DoTestFile('17_pack_image_size.dts')
597        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
598        self.assertIn('image', control.images)
599        image = control.images['image']
600        self.assertEqual(7, image._size)
602    def testPackImageSizeAlign(self):
603        """Test that image size alignemnt works as expected"""
604        retcode = self._DoTestFile('18_pack_image_align.dts')
605        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
606        self.assertIn('image', control.images)
607        image = control.images['image']
608        self.assertEqual(16, image._size)
610    def testPackInvalidImageAlign(self):
611        """Test that invalid image alignment is detected"""
612        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
613            self._DoTestFile('19_pack_inv_image_align.dts')
614        self.assertIn("Section '/binman': Size 0x7 (7) does not match "
615                      "align-size 0x8 (8)", str(e.exception))
617    def testPackAlignPowerOf2(self):
618        """Test that invalid image alignment is detected"""
619        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
620            self._DoTestFile('20_pack_inv_image_align_power2.dts')
621        self.assertIn("Section '/binman': Alignment size 131 must be a power of "
622                      "two", str(e.exception))
624    def testImagePadByte(self):
625        """Test that the image pad byte can be specified"""
626        with open(self.TestFile('bss_data')) as fd:
627            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl', fd.read())
628        data = self._DoReadFile('21_image_pad.dts')
629        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + (chr(0xff) * 1) + U_BOOT_DATA, data)
631    def testImageName(self):
632        """Test that image files can be named"""
633        retcode = self._DoTestFile('22_image_name.dts')
634        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
635        image = control.images['image1']
636        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('test-name')
637        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
639        image = control.images['image2']
640        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('test-name.xx')
641        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
643    def testBlobFilename(self):
644        """Test that generic blobs can be provided by filename"""
645        data = self._DoReadFile('23_blob.dts')
646        self.assertEqual(BLOB_DATA, data)
648    def testPackSorted(self):
649        """Test that entries can be sorted"""
650        data = self._DoReadFile('24_sorted.dts')
651        self.assertEqual(chr(0) * 1 + U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + chr(0) * 2 +
652                         U_BOOT_DATA, data)
654    def testPackZeroPosition(self):
655        """Test that an entry at position 0 is not given a new position"""
656        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
657            self._DoTestFile('25_pack_zero_size.dts')
658        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-spl': Position 0x0 (0) overlaps "
659                      "with previous entry '/binman/u-boot' ending at 0x4 (4)",
660                      str(e.exception))
662    def testPackUbootDtb(self):
663        """Test that a device tree can be added to U-Boot"""
664        data = self._DoReadFile('26_pack_u_boot_dtb.dts')
665        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, data)
667    def testPackX86RomNoSize(self):
668        """Test that the end-at-4gb property requires a size property"""
669        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
670            self._DoTestFile('27_pack_4gb_no_size.dts')
671        self.assertIn("Section '/binman': Section size must be provided when "
672                      "using end-at-4gb", str(e.exception))
674    def testPackX86RomOutside(self):
675        """Test that the end-at-4gb property checks for position boundaries"""
676        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
677            self._DoTestFile('28_pack_4gb_outside.dts')
678        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Position 0x0 (0) is outside "
679                      "the section starting at 0xffffffe0 (4294967264)",
680                      str(e.exception))
682    def testPackX86Rom(self):
683        """Test that a basic x86 ROM can be created"""
684        data = self._DoReadFile('29_x86-rom.dts')
685        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + chr(0) * 7 + U_BOOT_SPL_DATA +
686                         chr(0) * 2, data)
688    def testPackX86RomMeNoDesc(self):
689        """Test that an invalid Intel descriptor entry is detected"""
690        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('descriptor.bin', '')
691        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
692            self._DoTestFile('31_x86-rom-me.dts')
693        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/intel-descriptor': Cannot find FD "
694                      "signature", str(e.exception))
696    def testPackX86RomBadDesc(self):
697        """Test that the Intel requires a descriptor entry"""
698        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
699            self._DoTestFile('30_x86-rom-me-no-desc.dts')
700        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/intel-me': No position set with "
701                      "pos-unset: should another entry provide this correct "
702                      "position?", str(e.exception))
704    def testPackX86RomMe(self):
705        """Test that an x86 ROM with an ME region can be created"""
706        data = self._DoReadFile('31_x86-rom-me.dts')
707        self.assertEqual(ME_DATA, data[0x1000:0x1000 + len(ME_DATA)])
709    def testPackVga(self):
710        """Test that an image with a VGA binary can be created"""
711        data = self._DoReadFile('32_intel-vga.dts')
712        self.assertEqual(VGA_DATA, data[:len(VGA_DATA)])
714    def testPackStart16(self):
715        """Test that an image with an x86 start16 region can be created"""
716        data = self._DoReadFile('33_x86-start16.dts')
717        self.assertEqual(X86_START16_DATA, data[:len(X86_START16_DATA)])
719    def _RunMicrocodeTest(self, dts_fname, nodtb_data, ucode_second=False):
720        """Handle running a test for insertion of microcode
722        Args:
723            dts_fname: Name of test .dts file
724            nodtb_data: Data that we expect in the first section
725            ucode_second: True if the microsecond entry is second instead of
726                third
728        Returns:
729            Tuple:
730                Contents of first region (U-Boot or SPL)
731                Position and size components of microcode pointer, as inserted
732                    in the above (two 4-byte words)
733        """
734        data = self._DoReadFile(dts_fname, True)
736        # Now check the device tree has no microcode
737        if ucode_second:
738            ucode_content = data[len(nodtb_data):]
739            ucode_pos = len(nodtb_data)
740            dtb_with_ucode = ucode_content[16:]
741            fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(dtb_with_ucode)
742        else:
743            dtb_with_ucode = data[len(nodtb_data):]
744            fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(dtb_with_ucode)
745            ucode_content = dtb_with_ucode[fdt_len:]
746            ucode_pos = len(nodtb_data) + fdt_len
747        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('test.dtb')
748        with open(fname, 'wb') as fd:
749            fd.write(dtb_with_ucode)
750        dtb = fdt.FdtScan(fname)
751        ucode = dtb.GetNode('/microcode')
752        self.assertTrue(ucode)
753        for node in ucode.subnodes:
754            self.assertFalse(node.props.get('data'))
756        # Check that the microcode appears immediately after the Fdt
757        # This matches the concatenation of the data properties in
758        # the /microcode/update@xxx nodes in 34_x86_ucode.dts.
759        ucode_data = struct.pack('>4L', 0x12345678, 0x12345679, 0xabcd0000,
760                                 0x78235609)
761        self.assertEqual(ucode_data, ucode_content[:len(ucode_data)])
763        # Check that the microcode pointer was inserted. It should match the
764        # expected position and size
765        pos_and_size = struct.pack('<2L', 0xfffffe00 + ucode_pos,
766                                   len(ucode_data))
767        u_boot = data[:len(nodtb_data)]
768        return u_boot, pos_and_size
770    def testPackUbootMicrocode(self):
771        """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly
773        We expect to see the following in the image, in order:
774            u-boot-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the correct
775                place
776            u-boot.dtb with the microcode removed
777            the microcode
778        """
779        first, pos_and_size = self._RunMicrocodeTest('34_x86_ucode.dts',
780                                                     U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)
781        self.assertEqual('nodtb with microcode' + pos_and_size +
782                         ' somewhere in here', first)
784    def _RunPackUbootSingleMicrocode(self):
785        """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly
787        We expect to see the following in the image, in order:
788            u-boot-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the correct
789                place
790            u-boot.dtb with the microcode
791            an empty microcode region
792        """
793        # We need the libfdt library to run this test since only that allows
794        # finding the offset of a property. This is required by
795        # Entry_u_boot_dtb_with_ucode.ObtainContents().
796        data = self._DoReadFile('35_x86_single_ucode.dts', True)
798        second = data[len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA):]
800        fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(second)
801        third = second[fdt_len:]
802        second = second[:fdt_len]
804        ucode_data = struct.pack('>2L', 0x12345678, 0x12345679)
805        self.assertIn(ucode_data, second)
806        ucode_pos = second.find(ucode_data) + len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)
808        # Check that the microcode pointer was inserted. It should match the
809        # expected position and size
810        pos_and_size = struct.pack('<2L', 0xfffffe00 + ucode_pos,
811                                   len(ucode_data))
812        first = data[:len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)]
813        self.assertEqual('nodtb with microcode' + pos_and_size +
814                         ' somewhere in here', first)
816    def testPackUbootSingleMicrocode(self):
817        """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly with fdt_normal.
818        """
819        self._RunPackUbootSingleMicrocode()
821    def testUBootImg(self):
822        """Test that u-boot.img can be put in a file"""
823        data = self._DoReadFile('36_u_boot_img.dts')
824        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_IMG_DATA, data)
826    def testNoMicrocode(self):
827        """Test that a missing microcode region is detected"""
828        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
829            self._DoReadFile('37_x86_no_ucode.dts', True)
830        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-dtb-with-ucode': No /microcode "
831                      "node found in ", str(e.exception))
833    def testMicrocodeWithoutNode(self):
834        """Test that a missing u-boot-dtb-with-ucode node is detected"""
835        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
836            self._DoReadFile('38_x86_ucode_missing_node.dts', True)
837        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Cannot find "
838                "microcode region u-boot-dtb-with-ucode", str(e.exception))
840    def testMicrocodeWithoutNode2(self):
841        """Test that a missing u-boot-ucode node is detected"""
842        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
843            self._DoReadFile('39_x86_ucode_missing_node2.dts', True)
844        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Cannot find "
845            "microcode region u-boot-ucode", str(e.exception))
847    def testMicrocodeWithoutPtrInElf(self):
848        """Test that a U-Boot binary without the microcode symbol is detected"""
849        # ELF file without a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol
850        try:
851            with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_no_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
852                TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', fd.read())
854            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
855                self._RunPackUbootSingleMicrocode()
856            self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Cannot locate "
857                    "_dt_ucode_base_size symbol in u-boot", str(e.exception))
859        finally:
860            # Put the original file back
861            with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
862                TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', fd.read())
864    def testMicrocodeNotInImage(self):
865        """Test that microcode must be placed within the image"""
866        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
867            self._DoReadFile('40_x86_ucode_not_in_image.dts', True)
868        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Microcode "
869                "pointer _dt_ucode_base_size at fffffe14 is outside the "
870                "section ranging from 00000000 to 0000002e", str(e.exception))
872    def testWithoutMicrocode(self):
873        """Test that we can cope with an image without microcode (e.g. qemu)"""
874        with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_no_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
875            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', fd.read())
876        data, dtb, _, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('44_x86_optional_ucode.dts', True)
878        # Now check the device tree has no microcode
879        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)])
880        second = data[len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA):]
882        fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(second)
883        self.assertEqual(dtb, second[:fdt_len])
885        used_len = len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA) + fdt_len
886        third = data[used_len:]
887        self.assertEqual(chr(0) * (0x200 - used_len), third)
889    def testUnknownPosSize(self):
890        """Test that microcode must be placed within the image"""
891        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
892            self._DoReadFile('41_unknown_pos_size.dts', True)
893        self.assertIn("Section '/binman': Unable to set pos/size for unknown "
894                "entry 'invalid-entry'", str(e.exception))
896    def testPackFsp(self):
897        """Test that an image with a FSP binary can be created"""
898        data = self._DoReadFile('42_intel-fsp.dts')
899        self.assertEqual(FSP_DATA, data[:len(FSP_DATA)])
901    def testPackCmc(self):
902        """Test that an image with a CMC binary can be created"""
903        data = self._DoReadFile('43_intel-cmc.dts')
904        self.assertEqual(CMC_DATA, data[:len(CMC_DATA)])
906    def testPackVbt(self):
907        """Test that an image with a VBT binary can be created"""
908        data = self._DoReadFile('46_intel-vbt.dts')
909        self.assertEqual(VBT_DATA, data[:len(VBT_DATA)])
911    def testSplBssPad(self):
912        """Test that we can pad SPL's BSS with zeros"""
913        # ELF file with a '__bss_size' symbol
914        with open(self.TestFile('bss_data')) as fd:
915            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl', fd.read())
916        data = self._DoReadFile('47_spl_bss_pad.dts')
917        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + (chr(0) * 10) + U_BOOT_DATA, data)
919        with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
920            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl', fd.read())
921        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
922            data = self._DoReadFile('47_spl_bss_pad.dts')
923        self.assertIn('Expected __bss_size symbol in spl/u-boot-spl',
924                      str(e.exception))
926    def testPackStart16Spl(self):
927        """Test that an image with an x86 start16 region can be created"""
928        data = self._DoReadFile('48_x86-start16-spl.dts')
929        self.assertEqual(X86_START16_SPL_DATA, data[:len(X86_START16_SPL_DATA)])
931    def _PackUbootSplMicrocode(self, dts, ucode_second=False):
932        """Helper function for microcode tests
934        We expect to see the following in the image, in order:
935            u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the
936                correct place
937            u-boot.dtb with the microcode removed
938            the microcode
940        Args:
941            dts: Device tree file to use for test
942            ucode_second: True if the microsecond entry is second instead of
943                third
944        """
945        # ELF file with a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol
946        with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
947            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl', fd.read())
948        first, pos_and_size = self._RunMicrocodeTest(dts, U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA,
949                                                     ucode_second=ucode_second)
950        self.assertEqual('splnodtb with microc' + pos_and_size +
951                         'ter somewhere in here', first)
953    def testPackUbootSplMicrocode(self):
954        """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly in SPL"""
955        self._PackUbootSplMicrocode('49_x86_ucode_spl.dts')
957    def testPackUbootSplMicrocodeReorder(self):
958        """Test that order doesn't matter for microcode entries
960        This is the same as testPackUbootSplMicrocode but when we process the
961        u-boot-ucode entry we have not yet seen the u-boot-dtb-with-ucode
962        entry, so we reply on binman to try later.
963        """
964        self._PackUbootSplMicrocode('58_x86_ucode_spl_needs_retry.dts',
965                                    ucode_second=True)
967    def testPackMrc(self):
968        """Test that an image with an MRC binary can be created"""
969        data = self._DoReadFile('50_intel_mrc.dts')
970        self.assertEqual(MRC_DATA, data[:len(MRC_DATA)])
972    def testSplDtb(self):
973        """Test that an image with spl/u-boot-spl.dtb can be created"""
974        data = self._DoReadFile('51_u_boot_spl_dtb.dts')
975        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_DTB_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_SPL_DTB_DATA)])
977    def testSplNoDtb(self):
978        """Test that an image with spl/u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin can be created"""
979        data = self._DoReadFile('52_u_boot_spl_nodtb.dts')
980        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA)])
982    def testSymbols(self):
983        """Test binman can assign symbols embedded in U-Boot"""
984        elf_fname = self.TestFile('u_boot_binman_syms')
985        syms = elf.GetSymbols(elf_fname, ['binman', 'image'])
986        addr = elf.GetSymbolAddress(elf_fname, '__image_copy_start')
987        self.assertEqual(syms['_binman_u_boot_spl_prop_pos'].address, addr)
989        with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_binman_syms')) as fd:
990            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl', fd.read())
991        data = self._DoReadFile('53_symbols.dts')
992        sym_values = struct.pack('<LQL', 0x24 + 0, 0x24 + 24, 0x24 + 20)
993        expected = (sym_values + U_BOOT_SPL_DATA[16:] + chr(0xff) +
994                    U_BOOT_DATA +
995                    sym_values + U_BOOT_SPL_DATA[16:])
996        self.assertEqual(expected, data)
998    def testPackUnitAddress(self):
999        """Test that we support multiple binaries with the same name"""
1000        data = self._DoReadFile('54_unit_address.dts')
1001        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + U_BOOT_DATA, data)
1003    def testSections(self):
1004        """Basic test of sections"""
1005        data = self._DoReadFile('55_sections.dts')
1006        expected = U_BOOT_DATA + '!' * 12 + U_BOOT_DATA + 'a' * 12 + '&' * 8
1007        self.assertEqual(expected, data)
1009    def testMap(self):
1010        """Tests outputting a map of the images"""
1011        _, _, map_data, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('55_sections.dts', map=True)
1012        self.assertEqual('''Position      Size  Name
101300000000  00000010  section@0
1014 00000000  00000004  u-boot
101500000010  00000010  section@1
1016 00000000  00000004  u-boot
1017''', map_data)
1019    def testNamePrefix(self):
1020        """Tests that name prefixes are used"""
1021        _, _, map_data, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('56_name_prefix.dts', map=True)
1022        self.assertEqual('''Position      Size  Name
102300000000  00000010  section@0
1024 00000000  00000004  ro-u-boot
102500000010  00000010  section@1
1026 00000000  00000004  rw-u-boot
1027''', map_data)
1029    def testUnknownContents(self):
1030        """Test that obtaining the contents works as expected"""
1031        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
1032            self._DoReadFile('57_unknown_contents.dts', True)
1033        self.assertIn("Section '/binman': Internal error: Could not complete "
1034                "processing of contents: remaining [<_testing.Entry__testing ",
1035                str(e.exception))
1037    def testBadChangeSize(self):
1038        """Test that trying to change the size of an entry fails"""
1039        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
1040            self._DoReadFile('59_change_size.dts', True)
1041        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/_testing': Cannot update entry size from "
1042                      '2 to 1', str(e.exception))
1044    def testUpdateFdt(self):
1045        """Test that we can update the device tree with pos/size info"""
1046        _, _, _, out_dtb_fname = self._DoReadFileDtb('60_fdt_update.dts',
1047                                                     update_dtb=True)
1048        props = self._GetPropTree(out_dtb_fname, ['pos', 'size'])
1049        with open('/tmp/x.dtb', 'wb') as outf:
1050            with open(out_dtb_fname) as inf:
1051                outf.write(inf.read())
1052        self.assertEqual({
1053            '_testing:pos': 32,
1054            '_testing:size': 1,
1055            'section@0/u-boot:pos': 0,
1056            'section@0/u-boot:size': len(U_BOOT_DATA),
1057            'section@0:pos': 0,
1058            'section@0:size': 16,
1060            'section@1/u-boot:pos': 0,
1061            'section@1/u-boot:size': len(U_BOOT_DATA),
1062            'section@1:pos': 16,
1063            'section@1:size': 16,
1064            'size': 40
1065        }, props)
1067    def testUpdateFdtBad(self):
1068        """Test that we detect when ProcessFdt never completes"""
1069        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
1070            self._DoReadFileDtb('61_fdt_update_bad.dts', update_dtb=True)
1071        self.assertIn('Could not complete processing of Fdt: remaining '
1072                      '[<_testing.Entry__testing', str(e.exception))
1074if __name__ == "__main__":
1075    unittest.main()