xref: /openbmc/u-boot/test/py/u_boot_utils.py (revision ee1e600c)
1# Copyright (c) 2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
3# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
5# Utility code shared across multiple tests.
7import hashlib
8import inspect
9import os
10import os.path
11import pytest
12import sys
13import time
14import re
16def md5sum_data(data):
17    """Calculate the MD5 hash of some data.
19    Args:
20        data: The data to hash.
22    Returns:
23        The hash of the data, as a binary string.
24    """
26    h = hashlib.md5()
27    h.update(data)
28    return h.digest()
30def md5sum_file(fn, max_length=None):
31    """Calculate the MD5 hash of the contents of a file.
33    Args:
34        fn: The filename of the file to hash.
35        max_length: The number of bytes to hash. If the file has more
36            bytes than this, they will be ignored. If None or omitted, the
37            entire file will be hashed.
39    Returns:
40        The hash of the file content, as a binary string.
41    """
43    with open(fn, 'rb') as fh:
44        if max_length:
45            params = [max_length]
46        else:
47            params = []
48        data = fh.read(*params)
49    return md5sum_data(data)
51class PersistentRandomFile(object):
52    """Generate and store information about a persistent file containing
53    random data."""
55    def __init__(self, u_boot_console, fn, size):
56        """Create or process the persistent file.
58        If the file does not exist, it is generated.
60        If the file does exist, its content is hashed for later comparison.
62        These files are always located in the "persistent data directory" of
63        the current test run.
65        Args:
66            u_boot_console: A console connection to U-Boot.
67            fn: The filename (without path) to create.
68            size: The desired size of the file in bytes.
70        Returns:
71            Nothing.
72        """
74        self.fn = fn
76        self.abs_fn = u_boot_console.config.persistent_data_dir + '/' + fn
78        if os.path.exists(self.abs_fn):
79            u_boot_console.log.action('Persistent data file ' + self.abs_fn +
80                ' already exists')
81            self.content_hash = md5sum_file(self.abs_fn)
82        else:
83            u_boot_console.log.action('Generating ' + self.abs_fn +
84                ' (random, persistent, %d bytes)' % size)
85            data = os.urandom(size)
86            with open(self.abs_fn, 'wb') as fh:
87                fh.write(data)
88            self.content_hash = md5sum_data(data)
90def attempt_to_open_file(fn):
91    """Attempt to open a file, without throwing exceptions.
93    Any errors (exceptions) that occur during the attempt to open the file
94    are ignored. This is useful in order to test whether a file (in
95    particular, a device node) exists and can be successfully opened, in order
96    to poll for e.g. USB enumeration completion.
98    Args:
99        fn: The filename to attempt to open.
101    Returns:
102        An open file handle to the file, or None if the file could not be
103            opened.
104    """
106    try:
107        return open(fn, 'rb')
108    except:
109        return None
111def wait_until_open_succeeds(fn):
112    """Poll until a file can be opened, or a timeout occurs.
114    Continually attempt to open a file, and return when this succeeds, or
115    raise an exception after a timeout.
117    Args:
118        fn: The filename to attempt to open.
120    Returns:
121        An open file handle to the file.
122    """
124    for i in xrange(100):
125        fh = attempt_to_open_file(fn)
126        if fh:
127            return fh
128        time.sleep(0.1)
129    raise Exception('File could not be opened')
131def wait_until_file_open_fails(fn, ignore_errors):
132    """Poll until a file cannot be opened, or a timeout occurs.
134    Continually attempt to open a file, and return when this fails, or
135    raise an exception after a timeout.
137    Args:
138        fn: The filename to attempt to open.
139        ignore_errors: Indicate whether to ignore timeout errors. If True, the
140            function will simply return if a timeout occurs, otherwise an
141            exception will be raised.
143    Returns:
144        Nothing.
145    """
147    for i in xrange(100):
148        fh = attempt_to_open_file(fn)
149        if not fh:
150            return
151        fh.close()
152        time.sleep(0.1)
153    if ignore_errors:
154        return
155    raise Exception('File can still be opened')
157def run_and_log(u_boot_console, cmd, ignore_errors=False):
158    """Run a command and log its output.
160    Args:
161        u_boot_console: A console connection to U-Boot.
162        cmd: The command to run, as an array of argv[], or a string.
163            If a string, note that it is split up so that quoted spaces
164            will not be preserved. E.g. "fred and" becomes ['"fred', 'and"']
165        ignore_errors: Indicate whether to ignore errors. If True, the function
166            will simply return if the command cannot be executed or exits with
167            an error code, otherwise an exception will be raised if such
168            problems occur.
170    Returns:
171        The output as a string.
172    """
173    if isinstance(cmd, str):
174        cmd = cmd.split()
175    runner = u_boot_console.log.get_runner(cmd[0], sys.stdout)
176    output = runner.run(cmd, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
177    runner.close()
178    return output
180def run_and_log_expect_exception(u_boot_console, cmd, retcode, msg):
181    """Run a command that is expected to fail.
183    This runs a command and checks that it fails with the expected return code
184    and exception method. If not, an exception is raised.
186    Args:
187        u_boot_console: A console connection to U-Boot.
188        cmd: The command to run, as an array of argv[].
189        retcode: Expected non-zero return code from the command.
190        msg: String that should be contained within the command's output.
191    """
192    try:
193        runner = u_boot_console.log.get_runner(cmd[0], sys.stdout)
194        runner.run(cmd)
195    except Exception as e:
196        assert(retcode == runner.exit_status)
197        assert(msg in runner.output)
198    else:
199        raise Exception("Expected an exception with retcode %d message '%s',"
200                        "but it was not raised" % (retcode, msg))
201    finally:
202        runner.close()
204ram_base = None
205def find_ram_base(u_boot_console):
206    """Find the running U-Boot's RAM location.
208    Probe the running U-Boot to determine the address of the first bank
209    of RAM. This is useful for tests that test reading/writing RAM, or
210    load/save files that aren't associated with some standard address
211    typically represented in an environment variable such as
212    ${kernel_addr_r}. The value is cached so that it only needs to be
213    actively read once.
215    Args:
216        u_boot_console: A console connection to U-Boot.
218    Returns:
219        The address of U-Boot's first RAM bank, as an integer.
220    """
222    global ram_base
223    if u_boot_console.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_bdi', 'n') != 'y':
224        pytest.skip('bdinfo command not supported')
225    if ram_base == -1:
226        pytest.skip('Previously failed to find RAM bank start')
227    if ram_base is not None:
228        return ram_base
230    with u_boot_console.log.section('find_ram_base'):
231        response = u_boot_console.run_command('bdinfo')
232        for l in response.split('\n'):
233            if '-> start' in l or 'memstart    =' in l:
234                ram_base = int(l.split('=')[1].strip(), 16)
235                break
236        if ram_base is None:
237            ram_base = -1
238            raise Exception('Failed to find RAM bank start in `bdinfo`')
240    return ram_base
242class PersistentFileHelperCtxMgr(object):
243    """A context manager for Python's "with" statement, which ensures that any
244    generated file is deleted (and hence regenerated) if its mtime is older
245    than the mtime of the Python module which generated it, and gets an mtime
246    newer than the mtime of the Python module which generated after it is
247    generated. Objects of this type should be created by factory function
248    persistent_file_helper rather than directly."""
250    def __init__(self, log, filename):
251        """Initialize a new object.
253        Args:
254            log: The Logfile object to log to.
255            filename: The filename of the generated file.
257        Returns:
258            Nothing.
259        """
261        self.log = log
262        self.filename = filename
264    def __enter__(self):
265        frame = inspect.stack()[1]
266        module = inspect.getmodule(frame[0])
267        self.module_filename = module.__file__
268        self.module_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(self.module_filename)
270        if os.path.exists(self.filename):
271            filename_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(self.filename)
272            if filename_timestamp < self.module_timestamp:
273                self.log.action('Removing stale generated file ' +
274                    self.filename)
275                os.unlink(self.filename)
277    def __exit__(self, extype, value, traceback):
278        if extype:
279            try:
280                os.path.unlink(self.filename)
281            except:
282                pass
283            return
284        logged = False
285        for i in range(20):
286            filename_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(self.filename)
287            if filename_timestamp > self.module_timestamp:
288                break
289            if not logged:
290                self.log.action(
291                    'Waiting for generated file timestamp to increase')
292                logged = True
293            os.utime(self.filename)
294            time.sleep(0.1)
296def persistent_file_helper(u_boot_log, filename):
297    """Manage the timestamps and regeneration of a persistent generated
298    file. This function creates a context manager for Python's "with"
299    statement
301    Usage:
302        with persistent_file_helper(u_boot_console.log, filename):
303            code to generate the file, if it's missing.
305    Args:
306        u_boot_log: u_boot_console.log.
307        filename: The filename of the generated file.
309    Returns:
310        A context manager object.
311    """
313    return PersistentFileHelperCtxMgr(u_boot_log, filename)
315def crc32(u_boot_console, address, count):
316    """Helper function used to compute the CRC32 value of a section of RAM.
318    Args:
319        u_boot_console: A U-Boot console connection.
320        address: Address where data starts.
321        count: Amount of data to use for calculation.
323    Returns:
324        CRC32 value
325    """
327    bcfg = u_boot_console.config.buildconfig
328    has_cmd_crc32 = bcfg.get('config_cmd_crc32', 'n') == 'y'
329    assert has_cmd_crc32, 'Cannot compute crc32 without CONFIG_CMD_CRC32.'
330    output = u_boot_console.run_command('crc32 %08x %x' % (address, count))
332    m = re.search('==> ([0-9a-fA-F]{8})$', output)
333    assert m, 'CRC32 operation failed.'
335    return m.group(1)