xref: /openbmc/u-boot/test/README (revision 172e3c11901229f0fb88317ac73a47d944a74f46)
1f6349c3cSSimon GlassTesting in U-Boot
2f6349c3cSSimon Glass=================
3f6349c3cSSimon Glass
4f6349c3cSSimon GlassU-Boot has a large amount of code. This file describes how this code is
5f6349c3cSSimon Glasstested and what tests you should write when adding a new feature.
6f6349c3cSSimon Glass
7f6349c3cSSimon Glass
807f4eadcSSimon GlassRunning tests
907f4eadcSSimon Glass-------------
1007f4eadcSSimon Glass
1107f4eadcSSimon GlassTo run most tests on sandbox, type this:
1207f4eadcSSimon Glass
13*499fde5cSSimon Glass    make check
1407f4eadcSSimon Glass
1507f4eadcSSimon Glassin the U-Boot directory. Note that only the pytest suite is run using this
16bcbd0c8fSSimon Glasscommand.
1707f4eadcSSimon Glass
18*499fde5cSSimon GlassSome tests take ages to run. To run just the quick ones, type this:
19*499fde5cSSimon Glass
20*499fde5cSSimon Glass    make qcheck
21*499fde5cSSimon Glass
2207f4eadcSSimon Glass
23f6349c3cSSimon GlassSandbox
24f6349c3cSSimon Glass-------
25f6349c3cSSimon GlassU-Boot can be built as a user-space application (e.g. for Linux). This
26f6349c3cSSimon Glassallows test to be executed without needing target hardware. The 'sandbox'
27f6349c3cSSimon Glasstarget provides this feature and it is widely used in tests.
28f6349c3cSSimon Glass
29f6349c3cSSimon Glass
30f6349c3cSSimon GlassPytest Suite
31f6349c3cSSimon Glass------------
32f6349c3cSSimon Glass
33f6349c3cSSimon GlassMany tests are available using the pytest suite, in test/py. This can run
34f6349c3cSSimon Glasseither on sandbox or on real hardware. It relies on the U-Boot console to
35f6349c3cSSimon Glassinject test commands and check the result. It is slower to run than C code,
36bcbd0c8fSSimon Glassbut provides the ability to unify lots of tests and summarise their results.
37f6349c3cSSimon Glass
38f6349c3cSSimon GlassYou can run the tests on sandbox with:
39f6349c3cSSimon Glass
40f6349c3cSSimon Glass	./test/py/test.py --bd sandbox --build
41f6349c3cSSimon Glass
42f6349c3cSSimon GlassThis will produce HTML output in build-sandbox/test-log.html
43f6349c3cSSimon Glass
44f6349c3cSSimon GlassSee test/py/README.md for more information about the pytest suite.
45f6349c3cSSimon Glass
46f6349c3cSSimon Glass
47f6349c3cSSimon Glasstbot
48f6349c3cSSimon Glass----
49f6349c3cSSimon Glass
50f6349c3cSSimon GlassTbot provides a way to execute tests on target hardware. It is intended for
51f6349c3cSSimon Glasstrying out both U-Boot and Linux (and potentially other software) on a
52f6349c3cSSimon Glassnumber of boards automatically. It can be used to create a continuous test
53630dfedeSHeiko Schocherenvironment. See http://www.tbot.tools for more information.
54f6349c3cSSimon Glass
55f6349c3cSSimon Glass
56f6349c3cSSimon GlassAd-hoc tests
57f6349c3cSSimon Glass------------
58f6349c3cSSimon Glass
59f6349c3cSSimon GlassThere are several ad-hoc tests which run outside the pytest environment:
60f6349c3cSSimon Glass
61f6349c3cSSimon Glass   test/fs	- File system test (shell script)
62bcbd0c8fSSimon Glass   test/image	- FIT and legacy image tests (shell script and Python)
63f6349c3cSSimon Glass   test/stdint	- A test that stdint.h can be used in U-Boot (shell script)
64f6349c3cSSimon Glass   trace	- Test for the tracing feature (shell script)
65f6349c3cSSimon Glass
66bcbd0c8fSSimon GlassTODO: Move these into pytest.
67f6349c3cSSimon Glass
68f6349c3cSSimon Glass
69f6349c3cSSimon GlassWhen to write tests
70f6349c3cSSimon Glass-------------------
71f6349c3cSSimon Glass
72f6349c3cSSimon GlassIf you add code to U-Boot without a test you are taking a risk. Even if you
73f6349c3cSSimon Glassperform thorough manual testing at the time of submission, it may break when
74f6349c3cSSimon Glassfuture changes are made to U-Boot. It may even break when applied to mainline,
75f6349c3cSSimon Glassif other changes interact with it. A good mindset is that untested code
76f6349c3cSSimon Glassprobably doesn't work and should be deleted.
77f6349c3cSSimon Glass
78f6349c3cSSimon GlassYou can assume that the Pytest suite will be run before patches are accepted
79f6349c3cSSimon Glassto mainline, so this provides protection against future breakage.
80f6349c3cSSimon Glass
81f6349c3cSSimon GlassOn the other hand there is quite a bit of code that is not covered with tests,
82f6349c3cSSimon Glassor is covered sparingly. So here are some suggestions:
83f6349c3cSSimon Glass
84f6349c3cSSimon Glass- If you are adding a new uclass, add a sandbox driver and a test that uses it
85f6349c3cSSimon Glass- If you are modifying code covered by an existing test, add a new test case
86f6349c3cSSimon Glass  to cover your changes
87f6349c3cSSimon Glass- If the code you are modifying has not tests, consider writing one. Even a
88f6349c3cSSimon Glass  very basic test is useful, and may be picked up and enhanced by others. It
89f6349c3cSSimon Glass  is much easier to add onto a test - writing a new large test can seem
90f6349c3cSSimon Glass  daunting to most contributors.
91f6349c3cSSimon Glass
92f6349c3cSSimon Glass
93f6349c3cSSimon GlassFuture work
94f6349c3cSSimon Glass-----------
95f6349c3cSSimon Glass
96f6349c3cSSimon GlassConverting existing shell scripts into pytest tests.