1 config RSA 2 bool "Use RSA Library" 3 select RSA_FREESCALE_EXP if FSL_CAAM 4 select RSA_SOFTWARE_EXP if !RSA_FREESCALE_EXP 5 help 6 RSA support. This enables the RSA algorithm used for FIT image 7 verification in U-Boot. 8 See doc/uImage.FIT/signature.txt for more details. 9 10 if RSA 11 config RSA_SOFTWARE_EXP 12 bool "Enable driver for RSA Modular Exponentiation in software" 13 depends on DM && RSA 14 help 15 Enables driver for modular exponentiation in software. This is a RSA 16 algorithm used in FIT image verification. It required RSA Key as 17 input. 18 See doc/uImage.FIT/signature.txt for more details. 19 20 config RSA_FREESCALE_EXP 21 bool "Enable RSA Modular Exponentiation with FSL crypto accelerator" 22 depends on DM && RSA && FSL_CAAM 23 help 24 Enables driver for RSA modular exponentiation using Freescale cryptographic 25 accelerator - CAAM. 26 27 endif 28