1 config RSA 2 bool "Use RSA Library" 3 select RSA_ASPEED_EXP if ARCH_ASPEED && ASPEED_ACRY 4 select RSA_FREESCALE_EXP if FSL_CAAM && !ARCH_MX7 && !ARCH_MX6 && !ARCH_MX5 5 select RSA_SOFTWARE_EXP if !RSA_FREESCALE_EXP && !RSA_ASPEED_EXP 6 help 7 RSA support. This enables the RSA algorithm used for FIT image 8 verification in U-Boot. 9 See doc/uImage.FIT/signature.txt for more details. 10 The Modular Exponentiation algorithm in RSA is implemented using 11 driver model. So CONFIG_DM needs to be enabled by default for this 12 library to function. 13 The signing part is build into mkimage regardless of this 14 option. The software based modular exponentiation is built into 15 mkimage irrespective of this option. 16 17 if RSA 18 19 config SPL_RSA 20 bool "Use RSA Library within SPL" 21 22 config RSA_SOFTWARE_EXP 23 bool "Enable driver for RSA Modular Exponentiation in software" 24 depends on DM 25 help 26 Enables driver for modular exponentiation in software. This is a RSA 27 algorithm used in FIT image verification. It required RSA Key as 28 input. 29 See doc/uImage.FIT/signature.txt for more details. 30 31 config RSA_FREESCALE_EXP 32 bool "Enable RSA Modular Exponentiation with FSL crypto accelerator" 33 depends on DM && FSL_CAAM && !ARCH_MX7 && !ARCH_MX6 && !ARCH_MX5 34 help 35 Enables driver for RSA modular exponentiation using Freescale cryptographic 36 accelerator - CAAM. 37 38 config RSA_ASPEED_EXP 39 bool "Enable RSA Modular Exponentiation with ASPEED crypto accelerator" 40 depends on DM && ARCH_ASPEED && ASPEED_ACRY 41 help 42 Enables driver for RSA modular exponentiation using ASPEED RSA/ECC 43 accelerator - ARCY 44 45 endif 46