xref: /openbmc/u-boot/doc/imx/habv4/introduction_habv4.txt (revision c882163b09b8a2c52e3dd8acd7d296d6d06d1f2e)
1          +=======================================================+
2          +     i.MX Secure and Encrypted Boot using HABv4        +
3          +=======================================================+
51. Introduction
8The i.MX family of applications processors provides the High Assurance Boot
9(HAB) feature in the on-chip ROM. The ROM is responsible for loading the
10initial program image (U-Boot) from the boot media and HAB enables the ROM
11to authenticate and/or decrypt the program image by using cryptography
14This feature is supported in i.MX 50, i.MX 53, i.MX 6, i.MX 7 series and
15 i.MX 8M, i.MX 8MM devices.
17Step-by-step guides are available under doc/imx/habv4/guides/ directory,
18users familiar with HAB and CST PKI tree generation should refer to these
19documents instead.
211.1 The HABv4 Secure Boot Architecture
24The HABv4 secure boot feature uses digital signatures to prevent unauthorized
25software execution during the device boot sequence. In case a malware takes
26control of the boot sequence, sensitive data, services and network can be
29The HAB authentication is based on public key cryptography using the RSA
30algorithm in which image data is signed offline using a series of private
31keys. The resulting signed image data is then verified on the i.MX processor
32using the corresponding public keys. The public keys are included in the CSF
33binary and the SRK Hash is programmed in the SoC fuses for establishing the
34root of trust.
36The diagram below illustrate the secure boot process overview:
38          Host PC + CST                             i.MX + HAB
39          +----------+                             +----------+
40     ---> |  U-Boot  |                             | Compare  |
41     |    +----------+                             +----------+
42     |          |                                     ^    ^
43     |          v                         Reference  /      \  Generated
44     |    +----------+                      Hash    /        \   Hash
45     |    |   Hash   |  Private                    /          \
46     |    +----------+    Key                     /            \
47     |          |          |                +----------+  +----------+
48     |          v          |                |  Verify  |  |   Hash   |
49     |    +----------+     |                +----------+  +----------+
50     |    |   Sign   |  <---      SRK            ^            ^
51     |    +----------+            HASH            \          /
52     |          |                  |          CSF  \        /   U-Boot
53     |          v                  v                \      /
54     |    +----------+        +----------+        +----------+
55     |    |  U-Boot  |        |          |        |  U-Boot  |
56     ---> |     +    | -----> |   i.MX   | -----> |     +    |
57          |    CSF   |        |          |        |    CSF   |
58          +----------+        +----------+        +----------+
60The U-Boot image to be programmed into the boot media needs to be properly
61constructed i.e. it must contain a proper Command Sequence File (CSF).
63The CSF is a binary data structure interpreted by the HAB to guide
64authentication process, this is generated by the Code Signing Tool[1].
65The CSF structure contains the commands, SRK table, signatures and
68Details about the Secure Boot and Code Signing Tool (CST) can be found in
69the application note AN4581[2] and in the secure boot guides.
711.2 The HABv4 Encrypted Boot Architecture
74The HAB Encrypted Boot feature available in CAAM supported devices adds an
75extra security operation to the bootloading sequence. It uses cryptographic
76techniques (AES-CCM) to obscure the U-Boot data, so it cannot be seen or used
77by unauthorized users. This mechanism protects the U-Boot code residing on
78flash or external memory and also ensures that the final image is unique
79per device.
81The process can be divided into two protection mechanisms. The first mechanism
82is the bootloader code encryption which provides data confidentiality and the
83second mechanism is the digital signature, which authenticates the encrypted
86Keep in mind that the encrypted boot makes use of both mechanisms whatever the
87order is (sign and then encrypt, or encrypt and then sign), both operations
88can be applied on the same region with exception of the U-Boot Header (IVT,
89boot data and DCD) which can only be signed, not encrypted.
91The diagram below illustrate the encrypted boot process overview:
93     Host PC + CST                                      i.MX + HAB
94     +------------+                                  +--------------+
95     |   U-Boot   |                                  |    U-Boot    |
96     +------------+                                  +--------------+
97            |                                                ^
98            |                                                |
99            v         DEK                            +--------------+
100     +------------+    |                       ----> |    Decrypt   |
101     |   Encrypt  | <---                       |     +--------------+
102     +------------+                        DEK |             ^
103            |                                  |             |
104            |       Private                    |             |
105            v         Key                  +------+   +--------------+
106     +------------+    |                   | CAAM |   | Authenticate |
107     |    Sign    | <---                   +------+   +--------------+
108     +------------+            DEK             ^             ^
109            |                + OTPMK       DEK  \           /  U-Boot
110            |                   |          Blob  \         /   + CSF
111            v                   v                 \       /
112     +------------+       +----------+          +------------+
113     | Enc U-Boot |       |          |          | Enc U-Boot |
114     |   + CSF    | ----> |   i.MX   | -------> |   + CSF    |
115     | + DEK Blob |       |          |          | + DEK Blob |
116     +------------+       +----------+          +------------+
117            ^                   |
118            |                   |
119            ---------------------
120                   DEK Blob
121                    (CAAM)
123The Code Signing Tool automatically generates a random AES Data Encryption Key
124(DEK) when encrypting an image. This key is used in both encrypt and decrypt
125operations and should be present in the final image structure encapsulated
126by a CAAM blob.
128The OTP Master Key (OTPMK) is used to encrypt and wrap the DEK in a blob
129structure. The OTPMK is unique per device and can be accessed by CAAM only.
130To further add to the security of the DEK, the blob is decapsulated and
131decrypted inside a secure memory partition that can only be accessed by CAAM.
133During the design of encrypted boot using DEK blob, it is necessary to inhibit
134any modification or replacement of DEK blob with a counterfeit one allowing
135execution of malicious code. The PRIBLOB setting in CAAM allows secure boot
136software to have its own private blobs that cannot be decapsulated or
137encapsulated by any other user code, including any software running in trusted
140Details about DEK Blob generation and PRIBLOB setting can be found in the
141encrypted boot guide and application note AN12056[3] .
1432. Generating a PKI tree
146The first step is to generate the private keys and public keys certificates.
147The HAB architecture is based in a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) tree.
149The Code Signing Tools package contains an OpenSSL based key generation script
150under keys/ directory. The hab4_pki_tree.sh script is able to generate a PKI
151tree containing up to 4 Super Root Keys (SRK) as well as their subordinated
152IMG and CSF keys.
154A new PKI tree can be generated by following the example below:
156- Generating 2048-bit PKI tree on CST v3.1.0:
158  $ ./hab4_pki_tree.sh
159  ...
160  Do you want to use an existing CA key (y/n)?: n
161  Do you want to use Elliptic Curve Cryptography (y/n)?: n
162  Enter key length in bits for PKI tree: 2048
163  Enter PKI tree duration (years): 5
164  How many Super Root Keys should be generated? 4
165  Do you want the SRK certificates to have the CA flag set? (y/n)?: y
167The diagram below illustrate the PKI tree:
169                                +---------+
170                                |   CA    |
171                                +---------+
172                                     |
173                                     |
174            ---------------------------------------------------
175            |               |                 |               |
176            |               |                 |               |
177            v               v                 v               v
178       +--------+       +--------+       +--------+       +--------+
179       |  SRK1  |       |  SRK2  |       |  SRK3  |       |  SRK4  |
180       +--------+       +--------+       +--------+       +--------+
181         /    \           /    \           /    \           /    \
182        v      v         v      v         v      v         v      v
183     +----+  +----+   +----+  +----+   +----+  +----+   +----+  +----+
184     |CSF1|  |IMG1|   |CSF2|  |IMG2|   |CSF3|  |IMG3|   |CSF4|  |IMG4|
185     +----+  +----+   +----+  +----+   +----+  +----+   +----+  +----+
187After running the script users can check the private keys under keys/ directory
188and their respective X.509v3 public key certificates under crts/ directory.
189Those files will be used during the signing and authentication process.
1912.1 Generating a fast authentication PKI tree
194Starting in HAB v4.1.2 users can use a single SRK key to authenticate the both
195CSF and IMG contents. This reduces the number of key pair authentications that
196must occur during the ROM/HAB boot stage, thus providing a faster boot process.
198The script hab4_pki_tree.sh is also able to generate a Public Key Infrastructure
199(PKI) tree which only contains SRK Keys, users should not set the CA flag when
200generating the SRK certificates.
202- Generating 2048-bit fast authentication PKI tree on CST v3.1.0:
204  $ ./hab4_pki_tree.sh
205  ...
206  Do you want to use an existing CA key (y/n)?: n
207  Do you want to use Elliptic Curve Cryptography (y/n)?: n
208  Enter key length in bits for PKI tree: 2048
209  Enter PKI tree duration (years): 5
210  How many Super Root Keys should be generated? 4
211  Do you want the SRK certificates to have the CA flag set? (y/n)?: n
213The diagram below illustrate the PKI tree generated:
215                             +---------+
216                             |   CA    |
217                             +---------+
218                                  |
219                                  |
220         ---------------------------------------------------
221         |               |                 |               |
222         |               |                 |               |
223         v               v                 v               v
224    +--------+       +--------+       +--------+       +--------+
225    |  SRK1  |       |  SRK2  |       |  SRK3  |       |  SRK4  |
226    +--------+       +--------+       +--------+       +--------+
2282.2 Generating a SRK Table and SRK Hash
231The next step is to generated the SRK Table and its respective SRK Table Hash
232from the SRK public key certificates created in one of the steps above.
234In the HAB architecture, the SRK Table is included in the CSF binary and the
235SRK Hash is programmed in the SoC SRK_HASH[255:0] fuses.
237On the target device during the authentication process the HAB code verify the
238SRK Table against the SoC SRK_HASH fuses, in case the verification success the
239root of trust is established and the HAB code can progress with the image
242The srktool can be used for generating the SRK Table and its respective SRK
243Table Hash.
245- Generating SRK Table and SRK Hash in Linux 64-bit machines:
247  $ ../linux64/bin/srktool -h 4 -t SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin -e \
248	SRK_1_2_3_4_fuse.bin -d sha256 -c \
249	SRK1_sha256_2048_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem,\
250	SRK2_sha256_2048_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem,\
251	SRK3_sha256_2048_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem,\
252	SRK4_sha256_2048_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem
254The SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin and SRK_1_2_3_4_fuse.bin files can be used in further
255steps as explained in HAB guides available under doc/imx/habv4/guides/
259[1] CST: i.MX High Assurance Boot Reference Code Signing Tool.
260[2] AN4581: "Secure Boot on i.MX 50, i.MX 53, i.MX 6 and i.MX 7 Series using
261 HABv4" - Rev 2.
262[3] AN12056: "Encrypted Boot on HABv4 and CAAM Enabled Devices" - Rev. 1