1*e2211743SwdenkThis file contains status information for the port of U-Boot to the 2*e2211743SwdenkMotorola mpc74xx series of CPUs. 3*e2211743Swdenk 4*e2211743SwdenkAuthor: Josh Huber <huber@mclx.com> 5*e2211743Swdenk Mission Critical Linux, Inc. 6*e2211743Swdenk 7*e2211743SwdenkCurrently the support for these CPUs is pretty minimal, but enough to 8*e2211743Swdenkget things going. (much like the support for the Galileo Eval Board) 9*e2211743Swdenk 10*e2211743SwdenkThere is a framework in place to enable the L2 cache, and to program 11*e2211743Swdenkthe BATs. Currently, there are still problems with the code which 12*e2211743Swdenksets up the L2 cache, so it's not enabled. (IMHO, it shouldn't be 13*e2211743Swdenkanyway). Additionally, there is support for enabling the MMU, which 14*e2211743Swdenkwe also don't do. The BATs are programmed just for the benefit of 15*e2211743Swdenkjumping into Linux in a sane configuration. 16*e2211743Swdenk 17*e2211743SwdenkMost of the code was based on other cpus supported by U-Boot. 18*e2211743Swdenk 19*e2211743SwdenkIf you find any errors in the CPU setup code, please send us a note. 20*e2211743Swdenk 21*e2211743SwdenkThanks, 22*e2211743SwdenkJosh 23