Name Date Size #Lines LOC


KconfigH A D14-Oct-2015141 138

MAINTAINERSH A D10-Oct-2014180 76

MakefileH A D06-May-2018308 125

READMEH A D10-Oct-2014764 2114

mx6q_4x_mt41j128.cfgH A D06-May-20183.5 KiB155128

ot1200.cH A D06-May-20188.9 KiB357283

ot1200_spl.cH A D06-May-20184.5 KiB152104


1U-Boot for the Bachmann electronic GmbH OT1200 devices
3There are two different versions of the base board, which differ
4in the way ethernet is done. The variant detection is done during
5runtime based on the address of the found phy.
7- "mr" variant
8FEC is connected directly to an ethernet switch (KSZ8895). The ethernet
9port is always up and auto-negotiation is not possible.
11- normal variant
12FEC is connected to a normal phy and auto-negotiation is possible.
15The variant name is part of the dtb file name loaded by u-boot. This
16make is possible to boot the linux kernel and make use variant specific
17devicetree (fixed-phy link).
19In order to support different display resoltuions/sizes the OT1200 devices
20are making use of EDID data stored in an i2c EEPROM.