xref: /openbmc/qemu/util/interval-tree.c (revision 71032013)
1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
3 #include "qemu/osdep.h"
4 #include "qemu/interval-tree.h"
5 #include "qemu/atomic.h"
7 /*
8  * Red Black Trees.
9  *
10  * For now, don't expose Linux Red-Black Trees separately, but retain the
11  * separate type definitions to keep the implementation sane, and allow
12  * the possibility of separating them later.
13  *
14  * Derived from include/linux/rbtree_augmented.h and its dependencies.
15  */
17 /*
18  * red-black trees properties:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rbtree
19  *
20  *  1) A node is either red or black
21  *  2) The root is black
22  *  3) All leaves (NULL) are black
23  *  4) Both children of every red node are black
24  *  5) Every simple path from root to leaves contains the same number
25  *     of black nodes.
26  *
27  *  4 and 5 give the O(log n) guarantee, since 4 implies you cannot have two
28  *  consecutive red nodes in a path and every red node is therefore followed by
29  *  a black. So if B is the number of black nodes on every simple path (as per
30  *  5), then the longest possible path due to 4 is 2B.
31  *
32  *  We shall indicate color with case, where black nodes are uppercase and red
33  *  nodes will be lowercase. Unknown color nodes shall be drawn as red within
34  *  parentheses and have some accompanying text comment.
35  *
36  * Notes on lockless lookups:
37  *
38  * All stores to the tree structure (rb_left and rb_right) must be done using
39  * WRITE_ONCE [qatomic_set for QEMU]. And we must not inadvertently cause
40  * (temporary) loops in the tree structure as seen in program order.
41  *
42  * These two requirements will allow lockless iteration of the tree -- not
43  * correct iteration mind you, tree rotations are not atomic so a lookup might
44  * miss entire subtrees.
45  *
46  * But they do guarantee that any such traversal will only see valid elements
47  * and that it will indeed complete -- does not get stuck in a loop.
48  *
49  * It also guarantees that if the lookup returns an element it is the 'correct'
50  * one. But not returning an element does _NOT_ mean it's not present.
51  *
52  * NOTE:
53  *
54  * Stores to __rb_parent_color are not important for simple lookups so those
55  * are left undone as of now. Nor did I check for loops involving parent
56  * pointers.
57  */
59 typedef enum RBColor
60 {
61     RB_RED,
62     RB_BLACK,
63 } RBColor;
65 typedef struct RBAugmentCallbacks {
66     void (*propagate)(RBNode *node, RBNode *stop);
67     void (*copy)(RBNode *old, RBNode *new);
68     void (*rotate)(RBNode *old, RBNode *new);
69 } RBAugmentCallbacks;
71 static inline RBNode *rb_parent(const RBNode *n)
72 {
73     return (RBNode *)(n->rb_parent_color & ~1);
74 }
76 static inline RBNode *rb_red_parent(const RBNode *n)
77 {
78     return (RBNode *)n->rb_parent_color;
79 }
81 static inline RBColor pc_color(uintptr_t pc)
82 {
83     return (RBColor)(pc & 1);
84 }
86 static inline bool pc_is_red(uintptr_t pc)
87 {
88     return pc_color(pc) == RB_RED;
89 }
91 static inline bool pc_is_black(uintptr_t pc)
92 {
93     return !pc_is_red(pc);
94 }
96 static inline RBColor rb_color(const RBNode *n)
97 {
98     return pc_color(n->rb_parent_color);
99 }
101 static inline bool rb_is_red(const RBNode *n)
102 {
103     return pc_is_red(n->rb_parent_color);
104 }
106 static inline bool rb_is_black(const RBNode *n)
107 {
108     return pc_is_black(n->rb_parent_color);
109 }
111 static inline void rb_set_black(RBNode *n)
112 {
113     n->rb_parent_color |= RB_BLACK;
114 }
116 static inline void rb_set_parent_color(RBNode *n, RBNode *p, RBColor color)
117 {
118     n->rb_parent_color = (uintptr_t)p | color;
119 }
121 static inline void rb_set_parent(RBNode *n, RBNode *p)
122 {
123     rb_set_parent_color(n, p, rb_color(n));
124 }
126 static inline void rb_link_node(RBNode *node, RBNode *parent, RBNode **rb_link)
127 {
128     node->rb_parent_color = (uintptr_t)parent;
129     node->rb_left = node->rb_right = NULL;
131     qatomic_set(rb_link, node);
132 }
134 static RBNode *rb_next(RBNode *node)
135 {
136     RBNode *parent;
138     /* OMIT: if empty node, return null. */
140     /*
141      * If we have a right-hand child, go down and then left as far as we can.
142      */
143     if (node->rb_right) {
144         node = node->rb_right;
145         while (node->rb_left) {
146             node = node->rb_left;
147         }
148         return node;
149     }
151     /*
152      * No right-hand children. Everything down and left is smaller than us,
153      * so any 'next' node must be in the general direction of our parent.
154      * Go up the tree; any time the ancestor is a right-hand child of its
155      * parent, keep going up. First time it's a left-hand child of its
156      * parent, said parent is our 'next' node.
157      */
158     while ((parent = rb_parent(node)) && node == parent->rb_right) {
159         node = parent;
160     }
162     return parent;
163 }
165 static inline void rb_change_child(RBNode *old, RBNode *new,
166                                    RBNode *parent, RBRoot *root)
167 {
168     if (!parent) {
169         qatomic_set(&root->rb_node, new);
170     } else if (parent->rb_left == old) {
171         qatomic_set(&parent->rb_left, new);
172     } else {
173         qatomic_set(&parent->rb_right, new);
174     }
175 }
177 static inline void rb_rotate_set_parents(RBNode *old, RBNode *new,
178                                          RBRoot *root, RBColor color)
179 {
180     RBNode *parent = rb_parent(old);
182     new->rb_parent_color = old->rb_parent_color;
183     rb_set_parent_color(old, new, color);
184     rb_change_child(old, new, parent, root);
185 }
187 static void rb_insert_augmented(RBNode *node, RBRoot *root,
188                                 const RBAugmentCallbacks *augment)
189 {
190     RBNode *parent = rb_red_parent(node), *gparent, *tmp;
192     while (true) {
193         /*
194          * Loop invariant: node is red.
195          */
196         if (unlikely(!parent)) {
197             /*
198              * The inserted node is root. Either this is the first node, or
199              * we recursed at Case 1 below and are no longer violating 4).
200              */
201             rb_set_parent_color(node, NULL, RB_BLACK);
202             break;
203         }
205         /*
206          * If there is a black parent, we are done.  Otherwise, take some
207          * corrective action as, per 4), we don't want a red root or two
208          * consecutive red nodes.
209          */
210         if (rb_is_black(parent)) {
211             break;
212         }
214         gparent = rb_red_parent(parent);
216         tmp = gparent->rb_right;
217         if (parent != tmp) {    /* parent == gparent->rb_left */
218             if (tmp && rb_is_red(tmp)) {
219                 /*
220                  * Case 1 - node's uncle is red (color flips).
221                  *
222                  *       G            g
223                  *      / \          / \
224                  *     p   u  -->   P   U
225                  *    /            /
226                  *   n            n
227                  *
228                  * However, since g's parent might be red, and 4) does not
229                  * allow this, we need to recurse at g.
230                  */
231                 rb_set_parent_color(tmp, gparent, RB_BLACK);
232                 rb_set_parent_color(parent, gparent, RB_BLACK);
233                 node = gparent;
234                 parent = rb_parent(node);
235                 rb_set_parent_color(node, parent, RB_RED);
236                 continue;
237             }
239             tmp = parent->rb_right;
240             if (node == tmp) {
241                 /*
242                  * Case 2 - node's uncle is black and node is
243                  * the parent's right child (left rotate at parent).
244                  *
245                  *      G             G
246                  *     / \           / \
247                  *    p   U  -->    n   U
248                  *     \           /
249                  *      n         p
250                  *
251                  * This still leaves us in violation of 4), the
252                  * continuation into Case 3 will fix that.
253                  */
254                 tmp = node->rb_left;
255                 qatomic_set(&parent->rb_right, tmp);
256                 qatomic_set(&node->rb_left, parent);
257                 if (tmp) {
258                     rb_set_parent_color(tmp, parent, RB_BLACK);
259                 }
260                 rb_set_parent_color(parent, node, RB_RED);
261                 augment->rotate(parent, node);
262                 parent = node;
263                 tmp = node->rb_right;
264             }
266             /*
267              * Case 3 - node's uncle is black and node is
268              * the parent's left child (right rotate at gparent).
269              *
270              *        G           P
271              *       / \         / \
272              *      p   U  -->  n   g
273              *     /                 \
274              *    n                   U
275              */
276             qatomic_set(&gparent->rb_left, tmp); /* == parent->rb_right */
277             qatomic_set(&parent->rb_right, gparent);
278             if (tmp) {
279                 rb_set_parent_color(tmp, gparent, RB_BLACK);
280             }
281             rb_rotate_set_parents(gparent, parent, root, RB_RED);
282             augment->rotate(gparent, parent);
283             break;
284         } else {
285             tmp = gparent->rb_left;
286             if (tmp && rb_is_red(tmp)) {
287                 /* Case 1 - color flips */
288                 rb_set_parent_color(tmp, gparent, RB_BLACK);
289                 rb_set_parent_color(parent, gparent, RB_BLACK);
290                 node = gparent;
291                 parent = rb_parent(node);
292                 rb_set_parent_color(node, parent, RB_RED);
293                 continue;
294             }
296             tmp = parent->rb_left;
297             if (node == tmp) {
298                 /* Case 2 - right rotate at parent */
299                 tmp = node->rb_right;
300                 qatomic_set(&parent->rb_left, tmp);
301                 qatomic_set(&node->rb_right, parent);
302                 if (tmp) {
303                     rb_set_parent_color(tmp, parent, RB_BLACK);
304                 }
305                 rb_set_parent_color(parent, node, RB_RED);
306                 augment->rotate(parent, node);
307                 parent = node;
308                 tmp = node->rb_left;
309             }
311             /* Case 3 - left rotate at gparent */
312             qatomic_set(&gparent->rb_right, tmp); /* == parent->rb_left */
313             qatomic_set(&parent->rb_left, gparent);
314             if (tmp) {
315                 rb_set_parent_color(tmp, gparent, RB_BLACK);
316             }
317             rb_rotate_set_parents(gparent, parent, root, RB_RED);
318             augment->rotate(gparent, parent);
319             break;
320         }
321     }
322 }
324 static void rb_insert_augmented_cached(RBNode *node,
325                                        RBRootLeftCached *root, bool newleft,
326                                        const RBAugmentCallbacks *augment)
327 {
328     if (newleft) {
329         root->rb_leftmost = node;
330     }
331     rb_insert_augmented(node, &root->rb_root, augment);
332 }
334 static void rb_erase_color(RBNode *parent, RBRoot *root,
335                            const RBAugmentCallbacks *augment)
336 {
337     RBNode *node = NULL, *sibling, *tmp1, *tmp2;
339     while (true) {
340         /*
341          * Loop invariants:
342          * - node is black (or NULL on first iteration)
343          * - node is not the root (parent is not NULL)
344          * - All leaf paths going through parent and node have a
345          *   black node count that is 1 lower than other leaf paths.
346          */
347         sibling = parent->rb_right;
348         if (node != sibling) {  /* node == parent->rb_left */
349             if (rb_is_red(sibling)) {
350                 /*
351                  * Case 1 - left rotate at parent
352                  *
353                  *     P               S
354                  *    / \             / \
355                  *   N   s    -->    p   Sr
356                  *      / \         / \
357                  *     Sl  Sr      N   Sl
358                  */
359                 tmp1 = sibling->rb_left;
360                 qatomic_set(&parent->rb_right, tmp1);
361                 qatomic_set(&sibling->rb_left, parent);
362                 rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, parent, RB_BLACK);
363                 rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root, RB_RED);
364                 augment->rotate(parent, sibling);
365                 sibling = tmp1;
366             }
367             tmp1 = sibling->rb_right;
368             if (!tmp1 || rb_is_black(tmp1)) {
369                 tmp2 = sibling->rb_left;
370                 if (!tmp2 || rb_is_black(tmp2)) {
371                     /*
372                      * Case 2 - sibling color flip
373                      * (p could be either color here)
374                      *
375                      *    (p)           (p)
376                      *    / \           / \
377                      *   N   S    -->  N   s
378                      *      / \           / \
379                      *     Sl  Sr        Sl  Sr
380                      *
381                      * This leaves us violating 5) which
382                      * can be fixed by flipping p to black
383                      * if it was red, or by recursing at p.
384                      * p is red when coming from Case 1.
385                      */
386                     rb_set_parent_color(sibling, parent, RB_RED);
387                     if (rb_is_red(parent)) {
388                         rb_set_black(parent);
389                     } else {
390                         node = parent;
391                         parent = rb_parent(node);
392                         if (parent) {
393                             continue;
394                         }
395                     }
396                     break;
397                 }
398                 /*
399                  * Case 3 - right rotate at sibling
400                  * (p could be either color here)
401                  *
402                  *   (p)           (p)
403                  *   / \           / \
404                  *  N   S    -->  N   sl
405                  *     / \             \
406                  *    sl  Sr            S
407                  *                       \
408                  *                        Sr
409                  *
410                  * Note: p might be red, and then bot
411                  * p and sl are red after rotation (which
412                  * breaks property 4). This is fixed in
413                  * Case 4 (in rb_rotate_set_parents()
414                  *         which set sl the color of p
415                  *         and set p RB_BLACK)
416                  *
417                  *   (p)            (sl)
418                  *   / \            /  \
419                  *  N   sl   -->   P    S
420                  *       \        /      \
421                  *        S      N        Sr
422                  *         \
423                  *          Sr
424                  */
425                 tmp1 = tmp2->rb_right;
426                 qatomic_set(&sibling->rb_left, tmp1);
427                 qatomic_set(&tmp2->rb_right, sibling);
428                 qatomic_set(&parent->rb_right, tmp2);
429                 if (tmp1) {
430                     rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, RB_BLACK);
431                 }
432                 augment->rotate(sibling, tmp2);
433                 tmp1 = sibling;
434                 sibling = tmp2;
435             }
436             /*
437              * Case 4 - left rotate at parent + color flips
438              * (p and sl could be either color here.
439              *  After rotation, p becomes black, s acquires
440              *  p's color, and sl keeps its color)
441              *
442              *      (p)             (s)
443              *      / \             / \
444              *     N   S     -->   P   Sr
445              *        / \         / \
446              *      (sl) sr      N  (sl)
447              */
448             tmp2 = sibling->rb_left;
449             qatomic_set(&parent->rb_right, tmp2);
450             qatomic_set(&sibling->rb_left, parent);
451             rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, RB_BLACK);
452             if (tmp2) {
453                 rb_set_parent(tmp2, parent);
454             }
455             rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root, RB_BLACK);
456             augment->rotate(parent, sibling);
457             break;
458         } else {
459             sibling = parent->rb_left;
460             if (rb_is_red(sibling)) {
461                 /* Case 1 - right rotate at parent */
462                 tmp1 = sibling->rb_right;
463                 qatomic_set(&parent->rb_left, tmp1);
464                 qatomic_set(&sibling->rb_right, parent);
465                 rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, parent, RB_BLACK);
466                 rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root, RB_RED);
467                 augment->rotate(parent, sibling);
468                 sibling = tmp1;
469             }
470             tmp1 = sibling->rb_left;
471             if (!tmp1 || rb_is_black(tmp1)) {
472                 tmp2 = sibling->rb_right;
473                 if (!tmp2 || rb_is_black(tmp2)) {
474                     /* Case 2 - sibling color flip */
475                     rb_set_parent_color(sibling, parent, RB_RED);
476                     if (rb_is_red(parent)) {
477                         rb_set_black(parent);
478                     } else {
479                         node = parent;
480                         parent = rb_parent(node);
481                         if (parent) {
482                             continue;
483                         }
484                     }
485                     break;
486                 }
487                 /* Case 3 - left rotate at sibling */
488                 tmp1 = tmp2->rb_left;
489                 qatomic_set(&sibling->rb_right, tmp1);
490                 qatomic_set(&tmp2->rb_left, sibling);
491                 qatomic_set(&parent->rb_left, tmp2);
492                 if (tmp1) {
493                     rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, RB_BLACK);
494                 }
495                 augment->rotate(sibling, tmp2);
496                 tmp1 = sibling;
497                 sibling = tmp2;
498             }
499             /* Case 4 - right rotate at parent + color flips */
500             tmp2 = sibling->rb_right;
501             qatomic_set(&parent->rb_left, tmp2);
502             qatomic_set(&sibling->rb_right, parent);
503             rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, RB_BLACK);
504             if (tmp2) {
505                 rb_set_parent(tmp2, parent);
506             }
507             rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root, RB_BLACK);
508             augment->rotate(parent, sibling);
509             break;
510         }
511     }
512 }
514 static void rb_erase_augmented(RBNode *node, RBRoot *root,
515                                const RBAugmentCallbacks *augment)
516 {
517     RBNode *child = node->rb_right;
518     RBNode *tmp = node->rb_left;
519     RBNode *parent, *rebalance;
520     uintptr_t pc;
522     if (!tmp) {
523         /*
524          * Case 1: node to erase has no more than 1 child (easy!)
525          *
526          * Note that if there is one child it must be red due to 5)
527          * and node must be black due to 4). We adjust colors locally
528          * so as to bypass rb_erase_color() later on.
529          */
530         pc = node->rb_parent_color;
531         parent = rb_parent(node);
532         rb_change_child(node, child, parent, root);
533         if (child) {
534             child->rb_parent_color = pc;
535             rebalance = NULL;
536         } else {
537             rebalance = pc_is_black(pc) ? parent : NULL;
538         }
539         tmp = parent;
540     } else if (!child) {
541         /* Still case 1, but this time the child is node->rb_left */
542         pc = node->rb_parent_color;
543         parent = rb_parent(node);
544         tmp->rb_parent_color = pc;
545         rb_change_child(node, tmp, parent, root);
546         rebalance = NULL;
547         tmp = parent;
548     } else {
549         RBNode *successor = child, *child2;
550         tmp = child->rb_left;
551         if (!tmp) {
552             /*
553              * Case 2: node's successor is its right child
554              *
555              *    (n)          (s)
556              *    / \          / \
557              *  (x) (s)  ->  (x) (c)
558              *        \
559              *        (c)
560              */
561             parent = successor;
562             child2 = successor->rb_right;
564             augment->copy(node, successor);
565         } else {
566             /*
567              * Case 3: node's successor is leftmost under
568              * node's right child subtree
569              *
570              *    (n)          (s)
571              *    / \          / \
572              *  (x) (y)  ->  (x) (y)
573              *      /            /
574              *    (p)          (p)
575              *    /            /
576              *  (s)          (c)
577              *    \
578              *    (c)
579              */
580             do {
581                 parent = successor;
582                 successor = tmp;
583                 tmp = tmp->rb_left;
584             } while (tmp);
585             child2 = successor->rb_right;
586             qatomic_set(&parent->rb_left, child2);
587             qatomic_set(&successor->rb_right, child);
588             rb_set_parent(child, successor);
590             augment->copy(node, successor);
591             augment->propagate(parent, successor);
592         }
594         tmp = node->rb_left;
595         qatomic_set(&successor->rb_left, tmp);
596         rb_set_parent(tmp, successor);
598         pc = node->rb_parent_color;
599         tmp = rb_parent(node);
600         rb_change_child(node, successor, tmp, root);
602         if (child2) {
603             rb_set_parent_color(child2, parent, RB_BLACK);
604             rebalance = NULL;
605         } else {
606             rebalance = rb_is_black(successor) ? parent : NULL;
607         }
608         successor->rb_parent_color = pc;
609         tmp = successor;
610     }
612     augment->propagate(tmp, NULL);
614     if (rebalance) {
615         rb_erase_color(rebalance, root, augment);
616     }
617 }
619 static void rb_erase_augmented_cached(RBNode *node, RBRootLeftCached *root,
620                                       const RBAugmentCallbacks *augment)
621 {
622     if (root->rb_leftmost == node) {
623         root->rb_leftmost = rb_next(node);
624     }
625     rb_erase_augmented(node, &root->rb_root, augment);
626 }
629 /*
630  * Interval trees.
631  *
632  * Derived from lib/interval_tree.c and its dependencies,
633  * especially include/linux/interval_tree_generic.h.
634  */
636 #define rb_to_itree(N)  container_of(N, IntervalTreeNode, rb)
638 static bool interval_tree_compute_max(IntervalTreeNode *node, bool exit)
639 {
640     IntervalTreeNode *child;
641     uint64_t max = node->last;
643     if (node->rb.rb_left) {
644         child = rb_to_itree(node->rb.rb_left);
645         if (child->subtree_last > max) {
646             max = child->subtree_last;
647         }
648     }
649     if (node->rb.rb_right) {
650         child = rb_to_itree(node->rb.rb_right);
651         if (child->subtree_last > max) {
652             max = child->subtree_last;
653         }
654     }
655     if (exit && node->subtree_last == max) {
656         return true;
657     }
658     node->subtree_last = max;
659     return false;
660 }
662 static void interval_tree_propagate(RBNode *rb, RBNode *stop)
663 {
664     while (rb != stop) {
665         IntervalTreeNode *node = rb_to_itree(rb);
666         if (interval_tree_compute_max(node, true)) {
667             break;
668         }
669         rb = rb_parent(&node->rb);
670     }
671 }
673 static void interval_tree_copy(RBNode *rb_old, RBNode *rb_new)
674 {
675     IntervalTreeNode *old = rb_to_itree(rb_old);
676     IntervalTreeNode *new = rb_to_itree(rb_new);
678     new->subtree_last = old->subtree_last;
679 }
681 static void interval_tree_rotate(RBNode *rb_old, RBNode *rb_new)
682 {
683     IntervalTreeNode *old = rb_to_itree(rb_old);
684     IntervalTreeNode *new = rb_to_itree(rb_new);
686     new->subtree_last = old->subtree_last;
687     interval_tree_compute_max(old, false);
688 }
690 static const RBAugmentCallbacks interval_tree_augment = {
691     .propagate = interval_tree_propagate,
692     .copy = interval_tree_copy,
693     .rotate = interval_tree_rotate,
694 };
696 /* Insert / remove interval nodes from the tree */
697 void interval_tree_insert(IntervalTreeNode *node, IntervalTreeRoot *root)
698 {
699     RBNode **link = &root->rb_root.rb_node, *rb_parent = NULL;
700     uint64_t start = node->start, last = node->last;
701     IntervalTreeNode *parent;
702     bool leftmost = true;
704     while (*link) {
705         rb_parent = *link;
706         parent = rb_to_itree(rb_parent);
708         if (parent->subtree_last < last) {
709             parent->subtree_last = last;
710         }
711         if (start < parent->start) {
712             link = &parent->rb.rb_left;
713         } else {
714             link = &parent->rb.rb_right;
715             leftmost = false;
716         }
717     }
719     node->subtree_last = last;
720     rb_link_node(&node->rb, rb_parent, link);
721     rb_insert_augmented_cached(&node->rb, root, leftmost,
722                                &interval_tree_augment);
723 }
725 void interval_tree_remove(IntervalTreeNode *node, IntervalTreeRoot *root)
726 {
727     rb_erase_augmented_cached(&node->rb, root, &interval_tree_augment);
728 }
730 /*
731  * Iterate over intervals intersecting [start;last]
732  *
733  * Note that a node's interval intersects [start;last] iff:
734  *   Cond1: node->start <= last
735  * and
736  *   Cond2: start <= node->last
737  */
739 static IntervalTreeNode *interval_tree_subtree_search(IntervalTreeNode *node,
740                                                       uint64_t start,
741                                                       uint64_t last)
742 {
743     while (true) {
744         /*
745          * Loop invariant: start <= node->subtree_last
746          * (Cond2 is satisfied by one of the subtree nodes)
747          */
748         if (node->rb.rb_left) {
749             IntervalTreeNode *left = rb_to_itree(node->rb.rb_left);
751             if (start <= left->subtree_last) {
752                 /*
753                  * Some nodes in left subtree satisfy Cond2.
754                  * Iterate to find the leftmost such node N.
755                  * If it also satisfies Cond1, that's the
756                  * match we are looking for. Otherwise, there
757                  * is no matching interval as nodes to the
758                  * right of N can't satisfy Cond1 either.
759                  */
760                 node = left;
761                 continue;
762             }
763         }
764         if (node->start <= last) {         /* Cond1 */
765             if (start <= node->last) {     /* Cond2 */
766                 return node; /* node is leftmost match */
767             }
768             if (node->rb.rb_right) {
769                 node = rb_to_itree(node->rb.rb_right);
770                 if (start <= node->subtree_last) {
771                     continue;
772                 }
773             }
774         }
775         return NULL; /* no match */
776     }
777 }
779 IntervalTreeNode *interval_tree_iter_first(IntervalTreeRoot *root,
780                                            uint64_t start, uint64_t last)
781 {
782     IntervalTreeNode *node, *leftmost;
784     if (!root->rb_root.rb_node) {
785         return NULL;
786     }
788     /*
789      * Fastpath range intersection/overlap between A: [a0, a1] and
790      * B: [b0, b1] is given by:
791      *
792      *         a0 <= b1 && b0 <= a1
793      *
794      *  ... where A holds the lock range and B holds the smallest
795      * 'start' and largest 'last' in the tree. For the later, we
796      * rely on the root node, which by augmented interval tree
797      * property, holds the largest value in its last-in-subtree.
798      * This allows mitigating some of the tree walk overhead for
799      * for non-intersecting ranges, maintained and consulted in O(1).
800      */
801     node = rb_to_itree(root->rb_root.rb_node);
802     if (node->subtree_last < start) {
803         return NULL;
804     }
806     leftmost = rb_to_itree(root->rb_leftmost);
807     if (leftmost->start > last) {
808         return NULL;
809     }
811     return interval_tree_subtree_search(node, start, last);
812 }
814 IntervalTreeNode *interval_tree_iter_next(IntervalTreeNode *node,
815                                           uint64_t start, uint64_t last)
816 {
817     RBNode *rb = node->rb.rb_right, *prev;
819     while (true) {
820         /*
821          * Loop invariants:
822          *   Cond1: node->start <= last
823          *   rb == node->rb.rb_right
824          *
825          * First, search right subtree if suitable
826          */
827         if (rb) {
828             IntervalTreeNode *right = rb_to_itree(rb);
830             if (start <= right->subtree_last) {
831                 return interval_tree_subtree_search(right, start, last);
832             }
833         }
835         /* Move up the tree until we come from a node's left child */
836         do {
837             rb = rb_parent(&node->rb);
838             if (!rb) {
839                 return NULL;
840             }
841             prev = &node->rb;
842             node = rb_to_itree(rb);
843             rb = node->rb.rb_right;
844         } while (prev == rb);
846         /* Check if the node intersects [start;last] */
847         if (last < node->start) {  /* !Cond1 */
848             return NULL;
849         }
850         if (start <= node->last) { /* Cond2 */
851             return node;
852         }
853     }
854 }
856 /* Occasionally useful for calling from within the debugger. */
857 #if 0
858 static void debug_interval_tree_int(IntervalTreeNode *node,
859                                     const char *dir, int level)
860 {
861     printf("%4d %*s %s [%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 "] subtree_last:%" PRIu64 "\n",
862            level, level + 1, dir, rb_is_red(&node->rb) ? "r" : "b",
863            node->start, node->last, node->subtree_last);
865     if (node->rb.rb_left) {
866         debug_interval_tree_int(rb_to_itree(node->rb.rb_left), "<", level + 1);
867     }
868     if (node->rb.rb_right) {
869         debug_interval_tree_int(rb_to_itree(node->rb.rb_right), ">", level + 1);
870     }
871 }
873 void debug_interval_tree(IntervalTreeNode *node);
874 void debug_interval_tree(IntervalTreeNode *node)
875 {
876     if (node) {
877         debug_interval_tree_int(node, "*", 0);
878     } else {
879         printf("null\n");
880     }
881 }
882 #endif