xref: /openbmc/qemu/tests/vm/basevm.py (revision a322714248b9e8dffe6a2bb379ffd5d59b394bb7)
1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# VM testing base class
5# Copyright 2017 Red Hat Inc.
7# Authors:
8#  Fam Zheng <famz@redhat.com>
10# This code is licensed under the GPL version 2 or later.  See
11# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
14import os
15import sys
16import logging
17import time
18import datetime
19sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "scripts"))
20from qemu import QEMUMachine
21import subprocess
22import hashlib
23import optparse
24import atexit
25import tempfile
26import shutil
27import multiprocessing
28import traceback
30SSH_KEY = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
31               "..", "keys", "id_rsa")).read()
32SSH_PUB_KEY = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
33                   "..", "keys", "id_rsa.pub")).read()
35class BaseVM(object):
36    GUEST_USER = "qemu"
37    GUEST_PASS = "qemupass"
38    ROOT_PASS = "qemupass"
40    # The script to run in the guest that builds QEMU
41    BUILD_SCRIPT = ""
42    # The guest name, to be overridden by subclasses
43    name = "#base"
44    def __init__(self, debug=False, vcpus=None):
45        self._guest = None
46        self._tmpdir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="vm-test-",
47                                                         suffix=".tmp",
48                                                         dir="."))
49        atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, self._tmpdir)
51        self._ssh_key_file = os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "id_rsa")
52        open(self._ssh_key_file, "w").write(SSH_KEY)
53        subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "600", self._ssh_key_file])
55        self._ssh_pub_key_file = os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "id_rsa.pub")
56        open(self._ssh_pub_key_file, "w").write(SSH_PUB_KEY)
58        self.debug = debug
59        self._stderr = sys.stderr
60        self._devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")
61        if self.debug:
62            self._stdout = sys.stdout
63        else:
64            self._stdout = self._devnull
65        self._args = [ \
66            "-nodefaults", "-m", "2G",
67            "-cpu", "host",
68            "-netdev", "user,id=vnet,hostfwd=:",
69            "-device", "virtio-net-pci,netdev=vnet",
70            "-vnc", ",to=20",
71            "-serial", "file:%s" % os.path.join(self._tmpdir, "serial.out")]
72        if vcpus:
73            self._args += ["-smp", str(vcpus)]
74        if os.access("/dev/kvm", os.R_OK | os.W_OK):
75            self._args += ["-enable-kvm"]
76        else:
77            logging.info("KVM not available, not using -enable-kvm")
78        self._data_args = []
80    def _download_with_cache(self, url, sha256sum=None):
81        def check_sha256sum(fname):
82            if not sha256sum:
83                return True
84            checksum = subprocess.check_output(["sha256sum", fname]).split()[0]
85            return sha256sum == checksum
87        cache_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/qemu-vm/download")
88        if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
89            os.makedirs(cache_dir)
90        fname = os.path.join(cache_dir, hashlib.sha1(url).hexdigest())
91        if os.path.exists(fname) and check_sha256sum(fname):
92            return fname
93        logging.debug("Downloading %s to %s...", url, fname)
94        subprocess.check_call(["wget", "-c", url, "-O", fname + ".download"],
95                              stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr)
96        os.rename(fname + ".download", fname)
97        return fname
99    def _ssh_do(self, user, cmd, check, interactive=False):
100        ssh_cmd = ["ssh", "-q",
101                   "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
102                   "-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=" + os.devnull,
103                   "-o", "ConnectTimeout=1",
104                   "-p", self.ssh_port, "-i", self._ssh_key_file]
105        if interactive:
106            ssh_cmd += ['-t']
107        assert not isinstance(cmd, str)
108        ssh_cmd += ["%s@" % user] + list(cmd)
109        logging.debug("ssh_cmd: %s", " ".join(ssh_cmd))
110        r = subprocess.call(ssh_cmd)
111        if check and r != 0:
112            raise Exception("SSH command failed: %s" % cmd)
113        return r
115    def ssh(self, *cmd):
116        return self._ssh_do(self.GUEST_USER, cmd, False)
118    def ssh_interactive(self, *cmd):
119        return self._ssh_do(self.GUEST_USER, cmd, False, True)
121    def ssh_root(self, *cmd):
122        return self._ssh_do("root", cmd, False)
124    def ssh_check(self, *cmd):
125        self._ssh_do(self.GUEST_USER, cmd, True)
127    def ssh_root_check(self, *cmd):
128        self._ssh_do("root", cmd, True)
130    def build_image(self, img):
131        raise NotImplementedError
133    def add_source_dir(self, src_dir):
134        name = "data-" + hashlib.sha1(src_dir).hexdigest()[:5]
135        tarfile = os.path.join(self._tmpdir, name + ".tar")
136        logging.debug("Creating archive %s for src_dir dir: %s", tarfile, src_dir)
137        subprocess.check_call(["./scripts/archive-source.sh", tarfile],
138                              cwd=src_dir, stdin=self._devnull,
139                              stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr)
140        self._data_args += ["-drive",
141                            "file=%s,if=none,id=%s,cache=writeback,format=raw" % \
142                                    (tarfile, name),
143                            "-device",
144                            "virtio-blk,drive=%s,serial=%s,bootindex=1" % (name, name)]
146    def boot(self, img, extra_args=[]):
147        args = self._args + [
148            "-device", "VGA",
149            "-drive", "file=%s,if=none,id=drive0,cache=writeback" % img,
150            "-device", "virtio-blk,drive=drive0,bootindex=0"]
151        args += self._data_args + extra_args
152        logging.debug("QEMU args: %s", " ".join(args))
153        qemu_bin = os.environ.get("QEMU", "qemu-system-x86_64")
154        guest = QEMUMachine(binary=qemu_bin, args=args)
155        try:
156            guest.launch()
157        except:
158            logging.error("Failed to launch QEMU, command line:")
159            logging.error(" ".join([qemu_bin] + args))
160            logging.error("Log:")
161            logging.error(guest.get_log())
162            logging.error("QEMU version >= 2.10 is required")
163            raise
164        atexit.register(self.shutdown)
165        self._guest = guest
166        usernet_info = guest.qmp("human-monitor-command",
167                                 command_line="info usernet")
168        self.ssh_port = None
169        for l in usernet_info["return"].splitlines():
170            fields = l.split()
171            if "TCP[HOST_FORWARD]" in fields and "22" in fields:
172                self.ssh_port = l.split()[3]
173        if not self.ssh_port:
174            raise Exception("Cannot find ssh port from 'info usernet':\n%s" % \
175                            usernet_info)
177    def wait_ssh(self, seconds=120):
178        starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
179        guest_up = False
180        while (datetime.datetime.now() - starttime).total_seconds() < seconds:
181            if self.ssh("exit 0") == 0:
182                guest_up = True
183                break
184            time.sleep(1)
185        if not guest_up:
186            raise Exception("Timeout while waiting for guest ssh")
188    def shutdown(self):
189        self._guest.shutdown()
191    def wait(self):
192        self._guest.wait()
194    def qmp(self, *args, **kwargs):
195        return self._guest.qmp(*args, **kwargs)
197def parse_args(vm_name):
198    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
199        description="VM test utility.  Exit codes: "
200                    "0 = success, "
201                    "1 = command line error, "
202                    "2 = environment initialization failed, "
203                    "3 = test command failed")
204    parser.add_option("--debug", "-D", action="store_true",
205                      help="enable debug output")
206    parser.add_option("--image", "-i", default="%s.img" % vm_name,
207                      help="image file name")
208    parser.add_option("--force", "-f", action="store_true",
209                      help="force build image even if image exists")
210    parser.add_option("--jobs", type=int, default=multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2,
211                      help="number of virtual CPUs")
212    parser.add_option("--build-image", "-b", action="store_true",
213                      help="build image")
214    parser.add_option("--build-qemu",
215                      help="build QEMU from source in guest")
216    parser.add_option("--interactive", "-I", action="store_true",
217                      help="Interactively run command")
218    parser.disable_interspersed_args()
219    return parser.parse_args()
221def main(vmcls):
222    try:
223        args, argv = parse_args(vmcls.name)
224        if not argv and not args.build_qemu and not args.build_image:
225            print "Nothing to do?"
226            return 1
227        logging.basicConfig(level=(logging.DEBUG if args.debug
228                                   else logging.WARN))
229        vm = vmcls(debug=args.debug, vcpus=args.jobs)
230        if args.build_image:
231            if os.path.exists(args.image) and not args.force:
232                sys.stderr.writelines(["Image file exists: %s\n" % args.image,
233                                      "Use --force option to overwrite\n"])
234                return 1
235            return vm.build_image(args.image)
236        if args.build_qemu:
237            vm.add_source_dir(args.build_qemu)
238            cmd = [vm.BUILD_SCRIPT.format(
239                   configure_opts = " ".join(argv),
240                   jobs=args.jobs)]
241        else:
242            cmd = argv
243        vm.boot(args.image + ",snapshot=on")
244        vm.wait_ssh()
245    except Exception as e:
246        if isinstance(e, SystemExit) and e.code == 0:
247            return 0
248        sys.stderr.write("Failed to prepare guest environment\n")
249        traceback.print_exc()
250        return 2
252    if args.interactive:
253        if vm.ssh_interactive(*cmd) == 0:
254            return 0
255        vm.ssh_interactive()
256        return 3
257    else:
258        if vm.ssh(*cmd) != 0:
259            return 3