xref: /openbmc/qemu/tests/tcg/s390x/ex-branch.c (revision 31afe04586efeccb80cc36ffafcd0e32a3245ffb)
1 /* Check EXECUTE with relative branch instructions as targets. */
2 #include <assert.h>
3 #include <stdbool.h>
4 #include <stdio.h>
5 #include <stdlib.h>
6 #include <string.h>
8 struct test {
9     const char *name;
10     void (*func)(long *link, long *magic);
11     long exp_link;
12 };
14 /* Branch instructions and their expected effects. */
15 #define LINK_64(test) ((long)test ## _exp_link)
16 #define LINK_NONE(test) -1L
17 #define FOR_EACH_INSN(F)                                                       \
18     F(bras,  "%[link]",     LINK_64)                                           \
19     F(brasl, "%[link]",     LINK_64)                                           \
20     F(brc,   "0x8",         LINK_NONE)                                         \
21     F(brcl,  "0x8",         LINK_NONE)                                         \
22     F(brct,  "%%r0",        LINK_NONE)                                         \
23     F(brctg, "%%r0",        LINK_NONE)                                         \
24     F(brxh,  "%%r2,%%r0",   LINK_NONE)                                         \
25     F(brxhg, "%%r2,%%r0",   LINK_NONE)                                         \
26     F(brxle, "%%r0,%%r1",   LINK_NONE)                                         \
27     F(brxlg, "%%r0,%%r1",   LINK_NONE)                                         \
28     F(crj,   "%%r0,%%r0,8", LINK_NONE)                                         \
29     F(cgrj,  "%%r0,%%r0,8", LINK_NONE)                                         \
30     F(cij,   "%%r0,0,8",    LINK_NONE)                                         \
31     F(cgij,  "%%r0,0,8",    LINK_NONE)                                         \
32     F(clrj,  "%%r0,%%r0,8", LINK_NONE)                                         \
33     F(clgrj, "%%r0,%%r0,8", LINK_NONE)                                         \
34     F(clij,  "%%r0,0,8",    LINK_NONE)                                         \
35     F(clgij, "%%r0,0,8",    LINK_NONE)
37 #define INIT_TEST                                                              \
38     "xgr %%r0,%%r0\n"  /* %r0 = 0; %cc = 0 */                                  \
39     "lghi %%r1,1\n"    /* %r1 = 1 */                                           \
40     "lghi %%r2,2\n"    /* %r2 = 2 */
42 #define CLOBBERS_TEST "cc", "0", "1", "2"
44 #define DEFINE_TEST(insn, args, exp_link)                                      \
45     extern char insn ## _exp_link[];                                           \
46     static void test_ ## insn(long *link, long *magic)                         \
47     {                                                                          \
48         asm(INIT_TEST                                                          \
49             #insn " " args ",0f\n"                                             \
50             ".globl " #insn "_exp_link\n"                                      \
51             #insn "_exp_link:\n"                                               \
52             ".org . + 90\n"                                                    \
53             "0: lgfi %[magic],0x12345678\n"                                    \
54             : [link] "+r" (*link)                                              \
55             , [magic] "+r" (*magic)                                            \
56             : : CLOBBERS_TEST);                                                \
57     }                                                                          \
58     extern char ex_ ## insn ## _exp_link[];                                    \
59     static void test_ex_ ## insn(long *link, long *magic)                      \
60     {                                                                          \
61         unsigned long target;                                                  \
62                                                                                \
63         asm(INIT_TEST                                                          \
64             "larl %[target],0f\n"                                              \
65             "ex %%r0,0(%[target])\n"                                           \
66             ".globl ex_" #insn "_exp_link\n"                                   \
67             "ex_" #insn "_exp_link:\n"                                         \
68             ".org . + 60\n"                                                    \
69             "0: " #insn " " args ",1f\n"                                       \
70             ".org . + 120\n"                                                   \
71             "1: lgfi %[magic],0x12345678\n"                                    \
72             : [target] "=r" (target)                                           \
73             , [link] "+r" (*link)                                              \
74             , [magic] "+r" (*magic)                                            \
75             : : CLOBBERS_TEST);                                                \
76     }                                                                          \
77     extern char exrl_ ## insn ## _exp_link[];                                  \
78     static void test_exrl_ ## insn(long *link, long *magic)                    \
79     {                                                                          \
80         asm(INIT_TEST                                                          \
81             "exrl %%r0,0f\n"                                                   \
82             ".globl exrl_" #insn "_exp_link\n"                                 \
83             "exrl_" #insn "_exp_link:\n"                                       \
84             ".org . + 60\n"                                                    \
85             "0: " #insn " " args ",1f\n"                                       \
86             ".org . + 120\n"                                                   \
87             "1: lgfi %[magic],0x12345678\n"                                    \
88             : [link] "+r" (*link)                                              \
89             , [magic] "+r" (*magic)                                            \
90             : : CLOBBERS_TEST);                                                \
91     }
93 /* Test functions. */
96 /* Test definitions. */
97 #define REGISTER_TEST(insn, args, _exp_link)                                   \
98     {                                                                          \
99         .name = #insn,                                                         \
100         .func = test_ ## insn,                                                 \
101         .exp_link = (_exp_link(insn)),                                         \
102     },                                                                         \
103     {                                                                          \
104         .name = "ex " #insn,                                                   \
105         .func = test_ex_ ## insn,                                              \
106         .exp_link = (_exp_link(ex_ ## insn)),                                  \
107     },                                                                         \
108     {                                                                          \
109         .name = "exrl " #insn,                                                 \
110         .func = test_exrl_ ## insn,                                            \
111         .exp_link = (_exp_link(exrl_ ## insn)),                                \
112     },
114 static const struct test tests[] = {
116 };
118 int main(int argc, char **argv)
119 {
120     const struct test *test;
121     int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;
122     bool verbose = false;
123     long link, magic;
124     size_t i;
126     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
127         if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) {
128             verbose = true;
129         }
130     }
132     for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]); i++) {
133         test = &tests[i];
134         if (verbose) {
135             fprintf(stderr, "[ RUN      ] %s\n", test->name);
136         }
137         link = -1;
138         magic = -1;
139         test->func(&link, &magic);
140 #define ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual) do {                                       \
141     if (expected != actual) {                                                  \
142         fprintf(stderr, "%s: " #expected " (0x%lx) != " #actual " (0x%lx)\n",  \
143                 test->name, expected, actual);                                 \
144         ret = EXIT_FAILURE;                                                    \
145     }                                                                          \
146 } while (0)
147         ASSERT_EQ(test->exp_link, link);
148         ASSERT_EQ(0x12345678L, magic);
149 #undef ASSERT_EQ
150     }
152     if (verbose) {
153         fprintf(stderr, ret == EXIT_SUCCESS ? "[  PASSED  ]\n" :
154                                               "[  FAILED  ]\n");
155     }
157     return ret;
158 }