1# *-*- Mode: Python -*-* 2 3# This file is a stress test of supported qapi constructs that must 4# parse and compile correctly. 5 6# Whitelists to permit QAPI rule violations 7{ 'pragma': { 8 # Commands allowed to return a non-dictionary: 9 'returns-whitelist': [ 10 'guest-get-time', 11 'guest-sync' ] } } 12 13{ 'struct': 'TestStruct', 14 'data': { 'integer': 'int', 'boolean': 'bool', 'string': 'str' } } 15 16# for testing enums 17{ 'struct': 'NestedEnumsOne', 18 'data': { 'enum1': 'EnumOne', # Intentional forward reference 19 '*enum2': 'EnumOne', 'enum3': 'EnumOne', '*enum4': 'EnumOne' } } 20 21# An empty enum, although unusual, is currently acceptable 22{ 'enum': 'MyEnum', 'data': [ ] } 23 24# Likewise for an empty struct, including an empty base 25{ 'struct': 'Empty1', 'data': { } } 26{ 'struct': 'Empty2', 'base': 'Empty1', 'data': { } } 27 28{ 'command': 'user_def_cmd0', 'data': 'Empty2', 'returns': 'Empty2' } 29 30# for testing override of default naming heuristic 31{ 'enum': 'QEnumTwo', 32 'prefix': 'QENUM_TWO', 33 'data': [ 'value1', 'value2' ] } 34 35# for testing nested structs 36{ 'struct': 'UserDefOne', 37 'base': 'UserDefZero', # intentional forward reference 38 'data': { 'string': 'str', 39 '*enum1': 'EnumOne' } } # intentional forward reference 40 41{ 'enum': 'EnumOne', 42 'data': [ 'value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4' ] } 43 44{ 'struct': 'UserDefZero', 45 'data': { 'integer': 'int' } } 46 47{ 'struct': 'UserDefTwoDictDict', 48 'data': { 'userdef': 'UserDefOne', 'string': 'str' } } 49 50{ 'struct': 'UserDefTwoDict', 51 'data': { 'string1': 'str', 52 'dict2': 'UserDefTwoDictDict', 53 '*dict3': 'UserDefTwoDictDict' } } 54 55{ 'struct': 'UserDefTwo', 56 'data': { 'string0': 'str', 57 'dict1': 'UserDefTwoDict' } } 58 59# dummy struct to force generation of array types not otherwise mentioned 60{ 'struct': 'ForceArrays', 61 'data': { 'unused1':['UserDefOne'], 'unused2':['UserDefTwo'], 62 'unused3':['TestStruct'] } } 63 64# for testing unions 65# Among other things, test that a name collision between branches does 66# not cause any problems (since only one branch can be in use at a time), 67# by intentionally using two branches that both have a C member 'a_b' 68{ 'struct': 'UserDefA', 69 'data': { 'boolean': 'bool', '*a_b': 'int' } } 70 71{ 'struct': 'UserDefB', 72 'data': { 'intb': 'int', '*a-b': 'bool' } } 73 74{ 'union': 'UserDefFlatUnion', 75 'base': 'UserDefUnionBase', # intentional forward reference 76 'discriminator': 'enum1', 77 'data': { 'value1' : 'UserDefA', 78 'value2' : 'UserDefB', 79 'value3' : 'UserDefB' 80 # 'value4' defaults to empty 81 } } 82 83{ 'struct': 'UserDefUnionBase', 84 'base': 'UserDefZero', 85 'data': { 'string': 'str', 'enum1': 'EnumOne' } } 86 87# this variant of UserDefFlatUnion defaults to a union that uses members with 88# allocated types to test corner cases in the cleanup/dealloc visitor 89{ 'union': 'UserDefFlatUnion2', 90 'base': { '*integer': 'int', 'string': 'str', 'enum1': 'QEnumTwo' }, 91 'discriminator': 'enum1', 92 'data': { 'value1' : 'UserDefC', # intentional forward reference 93 'value2' : 'UserDefB' } } 94 95{ 'struct': 'WrapAlternate', 96 'data': { 'alt': 'UserDefAlternate' } } 97{ 'alternate': 'UserDefAlternate', 98 'data': { 'udfu': 'UserDefFlatUnion', 'e': 'EnumOne', 'i': 'int', 99 'n': 'null' } } 100 101{ 'struct': 'UserDefC', 102 'data': { 'string1': 'str', 'string2': 'str' } } 103 104# for testing use of 'number' within alternates 105{ 'alternate': 'AltEnumBool', 'data': { 'e': 'EnumOne', 'b': 'bool' } } 106{ 'alternate': 'AltEnumNum', 'data': { 'e': 'EnumOne', 'n': 'number' } } 107{ 'alternate': 'AltNumEnum', 'data': { 'n': 'number', 'e': 'EnumOne' } } 108{ 'alternate': 'AltEnumInt', 'data': { 'e': 'EnumOne', 'i': 'int' } } 109 110# for testing use of 'str' within alternates 111{ 'alternate': 'AltStrObj', 'data': { 's': 'str', 'o': 'TestStruct' } } 112 113# for testing native lists 114{ 'union': 'UserDefNativeListUnion', 115 'data': { 'integer': ['int'], 116 's8': ['int8'], 117 's16': ['int16'], 118 's32': ['int32'], 119 's64': ['int64'], 120 'u8': ['uint8'], 121 'u16': ['uint16'], 122 'u32': ['uint32'], 123 'u64': ['uint64'], 124 'number': ['number'], 125 'boolean': ['bool'], 126 'string': ['str'], 127 'sizes': ['size'], 128 'any': ['any'] } } 129 130# testing commands 131{ 'command': 'user_def_cmd', 'data': {} } 132{ 'command': 'user_def_cmd1', 'data': {'ud1a': 'UserDefOne'} } 133{ 'command': 'user_def_cmd2', 134 'data': {'ud1a': 'UserDefOne', '*ud1b': 'UserDefOne'}, 135 'returns': 'UserDefTwo' } 136 137# Returning a non-dictionary requires a name from the whitelist 138{ 'command': 'guest-get-time', 'data': {'a': 'int', '*b': 'int' }, 139 'returns': 'int' } 140{ 'command': 'guest-sync', 'data': { 'arg': 'any' }, 'returns': 'any' } 141{ 'command': 'boxed-struct', 'boxed': true, 'data': 'UserDefZero' } 142{ 'command': 'boxed-union', 'data': 'UserDefNativeListUnion', 'boxed': true } 143 144# Smoke test on Out-Of-Band and allow-preconfig-test 145{ 'command': 'test-flags-command', 'allow-oob': true, 'allow-preconfig': true } 146 147# For testing integer range flattening in opts-visitor. The following schema 148# corresponds to the option format: 149# 150# -userdef i64=3-6,i64=-5--1,u64=2,u16=1,u16=7-12 151# 152# For simplicity, this example doesn't use [type=]discriminator nor optargs 153# specific to discriminator values. 154{ 'struct': 'UserDefOptions', 155 'data': { 156 '*i64' : [ 'int' ], 157 '*u64' : [ 'uint64' ], 158 '*u16' : [ 'uint16' ], 159 '*i64x': 'int' , 160 '*u64x': 'uint64' } } 161 162# testing event 163{ 'struct': 'EventStructOne', 164 'data': { 'struct1': 'UserDefOne', 'string': 'str', '*enum2': 'EnumOne' } } 165 166{ 'event': 'EVENT_A' } 167{ 'event': 'EVENT_B', 168 'data': { } } 169{ 'event': 'EVENT_C', 170 'data': { '*a': 'int', '*b': 'UserDefOne', 'c': 'str' } } 171{ 'event': 'EVENT_D', 172 'data': { 'a' : 'EventStructOne', 'b' : 'str', '*c': 'str', '*enum3': 'EnumOne' } } 173{ 'event': 'EVENT_E', 'boxed': true, 'data': 'UserDefZero' } 174{ 'event': 'EVENT_F', 'boxed': true, 'data': 'UserDefAlternate' } 175 176# test that we correctly compile downstream extensions, as well as munge 177# ticklish names 178{ 'enum': '__org.qemu_x-Enum', 'data': [ '__org.qemu_x-value' ] } 179{ 'struct': '__org.qemu_x-Base', 180 'data': { '__org.qemu_x-member1': '__org.qemu_x-Enum' } } 181{ 'struct': '__org.qemu_x-Struct', 'base': '__org.qemu_x-Base', 182 'data': { '__org.qemu_x-member2': 'str', '*wchar-t': 'int' } } 183{ 'union': '__org.qemu_x-Union1', 'data': { '__org.qemu_x-branch': 'str' } } 184{ 'struct': '__org.qemu_x-Struct2', 185 'data': { 'array': ['__org.qemu_x-Union1'] } } 186{ 'union': '__org.qemu_x-Union2', 'base': '__org.qemu_x-Base', 187 'discriminator': '__org.qemu_x-member1', 188 'data': { '__org.qemu_x-value': '__org.qemu_x-Struct2' } } 189{ 'alternate': '__org.qemu_x-Alt', 190 'data': { '__org.qemu_x-branch': 'str', 'b': '__org.qemu_x-Base' } } 191{ 'event': '__ORG.QEMU_X-EVENT', 'data': '__org.qemu_x-Struct' } 192{ 'command': '__org.qemu_x-command', 193 'data': { 'a': ['__org.qemu_x-Enum'], 'b': ['__org.qemu_x-Struct'], 194 'c': '__org.qemu_x-Union2', 'd': '__org.qemu_x-Alt' }, 195 'returns': '__org.qemu_x-Union1' } 196