xref: /openbmc/qemu/target/ppc/cpu.h (revision 5964ed56)
1 /*
2  *  PowerPC emulation cpu definitions for qemu.
3  *
4  *  Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Jocelyn Mayer
5  *
6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
20 #ifndef PPC_CPU_H
21 #define PPC_CPU_H
23 #include "qemu/int128.h"
24 #include "exec/cpu-defs.h"
25 #include "cpu-qom.h"
27 /* #define PPC_EMULATE_32BITS_HYPV */
31 #define TARGET_PAGE_BITS_64K 16
32 #define TARGET_PAGE_BITS_16M 24
34 #if defined(TARGET_PPC64)
35 #define PPC_ELF_MACHINE     EM_PPC64
36 #else
37 #define PPC_ELF_MACHINE     EM_PPC
38 #endif
40 #define PPC_BIT(bit)            (0x8000000000000000ULL >> (bit))
41 #define PPC_BIT32(bit)          (0x80000000 >> (bit))
42 #define PPC_BIT8(bit)           (0x80 >> (bit))
43 #define PPC_BITMASK(bs, be)     ((PPC_BIT(bs) - PPC_BIT(be)) | PPC_BIT(bs))
44 #define PPC_BITMASK32(bs, be)   ((PPC_BIT32(bs) - PPC_BIT32(be)) | \
45                                  PPC_BIT32(bs))
46 #define PPC_BITMASK8(bs, be)    ((PPC_BIT8(bs) - PPC_BIT8(be)) | PPC_BIT8(bs))
48 /*****************************************************************************/
49 /* Exception vectors definitions                                             */
50 enum {
51     POWERPC_EXCP_NONE    = -1,
52     /* The 64 first entries are used by the PowerPC embedded specification   */
53     POWERPC_EXCP_CRITICAL = 0,  /* Critical input                            */
54     POWERPC_EXCP_MCHECK   = 1,  /* Machine check exception                   */
55     POWERPC_EXCP_DSI      = 2,  /* Data storage exception                    */
56     POWERPC_EXCP_ISI      = 3,  /* Instruction storage exception             */
57     POWERPC_EXCP_EXTERNAL = 4,  /* External input                            */
58     POWERPC_EXCP_ALIGN    = 5,  /* Alignment exception                       */
59     POWERPC_EXCP_PROGRAM  = 6,  /* Program exception                         */
60     POWERPC_EXCP_FPU      = 7,  /* Floating-point unavailable exception      */
61     POWERPC_EXCP_SYSCALL  = 8,  /* System call exception                     */
62     POWERPC_EXCP_APU      = 9,  /* Auxiliary processor unavailable           */
63     POWERPC_EXCP_DECR     = 10, /* Decrementer exception                     */
64     POWERPC_EXCP_FIT      = 11, /* Fixed-interval timer interrupt            */
65     POWERPC_EXCP_WDT      = 12, /* Watchdog timer interrupt                  */
66     POWERPC_EXCP_DTLB     = 13, /* Data TLB miss                             */
67     POWERPC_EXCP_ITLB     = 14, /* Instruction TLB miss                      */
68     POWERPC_EXCP_DEBUG    = 15, /* Debug interrupt                           */
69     /* Vectors 16 to 31 are reserved                                         */
70     POWERPC_EXCP_SPEU     = 32, /* SPE/embedded floating-point unavailable   */
71     POWERPC_EXCP_EFPDI    = 33, /* Embedded floating-point data interrupt    */
72     POWERPC_EXCP_EFPRI    = 34, /* Embedded floating-point round interrupt   */
73     POWERPC_EXCP_EPERFM   = 35, /* Embedded performance monitor interrupt    */
74     POWERPC_EXCP_DOORI    = 36, /* Embedded doorbell interrupt               */
75     POWERPC_EXCP_DOORCI   = 37, /* Embedded doorbell critical interrupt      */
76     POWERPC_EXCP_GDOORI   = 38, /* Embedded guest doorbell interrupt         */
77     POWERPC_EXCP_GDOORCI  = 39, /* Embedded guest doorbell critical interrupt*/
78     POWERPC_EXCP_HYPPRIV  = 41, /* Embedded hypervisor priv instruction      */
79     /* Vectors 42 to 63 are reserved                                         */
80     /* Exceptions defined in the PowerPC server specification                */
81     POWERPC_EXCP_RESET    = 64, /* System reset exception                    */
82     POWERPC_EXCP_DSEG     = 65, /* Data segment exception                    */
83     POWERPC_EXCP_ISEG     = 66, /* Instruction segment exception             */
84     POWERPC_EXCP_HDECR    = 67, /* Hypervisor decrementer exception          */
85     POWERPC_EXCP_TRACE    = 68, /* Trace exception                           */
86     POWERPC_EXCP_HDSI     = 69, /* Hypervisor data storage exception         */
87     POWERPC_EXCP_HISI     = 70, /* Hypervisor instruction storage exception  */
88     POWERPC_EXCP_HDSEG    = 71, /* Hypervisor data segment exception         */
89     POWERPC_EXCP_HISEG    = 72, /* Hypervisor instruction segment exception  */
90     POWERPC_EXCP_VPU      = 73, /* Vector unavailable exception              */
91     /* 40x specific exceptions                                               */
92     POWERPC_EXCP_PIT      = 74, /* Programmable interval timer interrupt     */
93     /* 601 specific exceptions                                               */
94     POWERPC_EXCP_IO       = 75, /* IO error exception                        */
95     POWERPC_EXCP_RUNM     = 76, /* Run mode exception                        */
96     /* 602 specific exceptions                                               */
97     POWERPC_EXCP_EMUL     = 77, /* Emulation trap exception                  */
98     /* 602/603 specific exceptions                                           */
99     POWERPC_EXCP_IFTLB    = 78, /* Instruction fetch TLB miss                */
100     POWERPC_EXCP_DLTLB    = 79, /* Data load TLB miss                        */
101     POWERPC_EXCP_DSTLB    = 80, /* Data store TLB miss                       */
102     /* Exceptions available on most PowerPC                                  */
103     POWERPC_EXCP_FPA      = 81, /* Floating-point assist exception           */
104     POWERPC_EXCP_DABR     = 82, /* Data address breakpoint                   */
105     POWERPC_EXCP_IABR     = 83, /* Instruction address breakpoint            */
106     POWERPC_EXCP_SMI      = 84, /* System management interrupt               */
107     POWERPC_EXCP_PERFM    = 85, /* Embedded performance monitor interrupt    */
108     /* 7xx/74xx specific exceptions                                          */
109     POWERPC_EXCP_THERM    = 86, /* Thermal interrupt                         */
110     /* 74xx specific exceptions                                              */
111     POWERPC_EXCP_VPUA     = 87, /* Vector assist exception                   */
112     /* 970FX specific exceptions                                             */
113     POWERPC_EXCP_SOFTP    = 88, /* Soft patch exception                      */
114     POWERPC_EXCP_MAINT    = 89, /* Maintenance exception                     */
115     /* Freescale embedded cores specific exceptions                          */
116     POWERPC_EXCP_MEXTBR   = 90, /* Maskable external breakpoint              */
117     POWERPC_EXCP_NMEXTBR  = 91, /* Non maskable external breakpoint          */
118     POWERPC_EXCP_ITLBE    = 92, /* Instruction TLB error                     */
119     POWERPC_EXCP_DTLBE    = 93, /* Data TLB error                            */
120     /* VSX Unavailable (Power ISA 2.06 and later)                            */
121     POWERPC_EXCP_VSXU     = 94, /* VSX Unavailable                           */
122     POWERPC_EXCP_FU       = 95, /* Facility Unavailable                      */
123     /* Additional ISA 2.06 and later server exceptions                       */
124     POWERPC_EXCP_HV_EMU   = 96, /* HV emulation assistance                   */
125     POWERPC_EXCP_HV_MAINT = 97, /* HMI                                       */
126     POWERPC_EXCP_HV_FU    = 98, /* Hypervisor Facility unavailable           */
127     /* Server doorbell variants */
128     POWERPC_EXCP_SDOOR    = 99,
129     POWERPC_EXCP_SDOOR_HV = 100,
130     /* ISA 3.00 additions */
131     POWERPC_EXCP_HVIRT    = 101,
132     /* EOL                                                                   */
133     POWERPC_EXCP_NB       = 102,
134     /* QEMU exceptions: used internally during code translation              */
135     POWERPC_EXCP_STOP         = 0x200, /* stop translation                   */
136     POWERPC_EXCP_BRANCH       = 0x201, /* branch instruction                 */
137     /* QEMU exceptions: special cases we want to stop translation            */
138     POWERPC_EXCP_SYNC         = 0x202, /* context synchronizing instruction  */
139     POWERPC_EXCP_SYSCALL_USER = 0x203, /* System call in user mode only      */
140 };
142 /* Exceptions error codes                                                    */
143 enum {
144     /* Exception subtypes for POWERPC_EXCP_ALIGN                             */
145     POWERPC_EXCP_ALIGN_FP      = 0x01,  /* FP alignment exception            */
146     POWERPC_EXCP_ALIGN_LST     = 0x02,  /* Unaligned mult/extern load/store  */
147     POWERPC_EXCP_ALIGN_LE      = 0x03,  /* Multiple little-endian access     */
148     POWERPC_EXCP_ALIGN_PROT    = 0x04,  /* Access cross protection boundary  */
149     POWERPC_EXCP_ALIGN_BAT     = 0x05,  /* Access cross a BAT/seg boundary   */
150     POWERPC_EXCP_ALIGN_CACHE   = 0x06,  /* Impossible dcbz access            */
151     /* Exception subtypes for POWERPC_EXCP_PROGRAM                           */
152     /* FP exceptions                                                         */
153     POWERPC_EXCP_FP            = 0x10,
154     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_OX         = 0x01,  /* FP overflow                       */
155     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_UX         = 0x02,  /* FP underflow                      */
156     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_ZX         = 0x03,  /* FP divide by zero                 */
157     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_XX         = 0x04,  /* FP inexact                        */
158     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_VXSNAN     = 0x05,  /* FP invalid SNaN op                */
159     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_VXISI      = 0x06,  /* FP invalid infinite subtraction   */
160     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_VXIDI      = 0x07,  /* FP invalid infinite divide        */
161     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_VXZDZ      = 0x08,  /* FP invalid zero divide            */
162     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_VXIMZ      = 0x09,  /* FP invalid infinite * zero        */
163     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_VXVC       = 0x0A,  /* FP invalid compare                */
164     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_VXSOFT     = 0x0B,  /* FP invalid operation              */
165     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_VXSQRT     = 0x0C,  /* FP invalid square root            */
166     POWERPC_EXCP_FP_VXCVI      = 0x0D,  /* FP invalid integer conversion     */
167     /* Invalid instruction                                                   */
168     POWERPC_EXCP_INVAL         = 0x20,
169     POWERPC_EXCP_INVAL_INVAL   = 0x01,  /* Invalid instruction               */
170     POWERPC_EXCP_INVAL_LSWX    = 0x02,  /* Invalid lswx instruction          */
171     POWERPC_EXCP_INVAL_SPR     = 0x03,  /* Invalid SPR access                */
172     POWERPC_EXCP_INVAL_FP      = 0x04,  /* Unimplemented mandatory fp instr  */
173     /* Privileged instruction                                                */
174     POWERPC_EXCP_PRIV          = 0x30,
175     POWERPC_EXCP_PRIV_OPC      = 0x01,  /* Privileged operation exception    */
176     POWERPC_EXCP_PRIV_REG      = 0x02,  /* Privileged register exception     */
177     /* Trap                                                                  */
178     POWERPC_EXCP_TRAP          = 0x40,
179 };
181 #define PPC_INPUT(env) ((env)->bus_model)
183 /*****************************************************************************/
184 typedef struct opc_handler_t opc_handler_t;
186 /*****************************************************************************/
187 /* Types used to describe some PowerPC registers etc. */
188 typedef struct DisasContext DisasContext;
189 typedef struct ppc_spr_t ppc_spr_t;
190 typedef union ppc_tlb_t ppc_tlb_t;
191 typedef struct ppc_hash_pte64 ppc_hash_pte64_t;
193 /* SPR access micro-ops generations callbacks */
194 struct ppc_spr_t {
195     void (*uea_read)(DisasContext *ctx, int gpr_num, int spr_num);
196     void (*uea_write)(DisasContext *ctx, int spr_num, int gpr_num);
197 #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
198     void (*oea_read)(DisasContext *ctx, int gpr_num, int spr_num);
199     void (*oea_write)(DisasContext *ctx, int spr_num, int gpr_num);
200     void (*hea_read)(DisasContext *ctx, int gpr_num, int spr_num);
201     void (*hea_write)(DisasContext *ctx, int spr_num, int gpr_num);
202     unsigned int gdb_id;
203 #endif
204     const char *name;
205     target_ulong default_value;
206 #ifdef CONFIG_KVM
207     /*
208      * We (ab)use the fact that all the SPRs will have ids for the
209      * ONE_REG interface will have KVM_REG_PPC to use 0 as meaning,
210      * don't sync this
211      */
212     uint64_t one_reg_id;
213 #endif
214 };
216 /* VSX/Altivec registers (128 bits) */
217 typedef union _ppc_vsr_t {
218     uint8_t u8[16];
219     uint16_t u16[8];
220     uint32_t u32[4];
221     uint64_t u64[2];
222     int8_t s8[16];
223     int16_t s16[8];
224     int32_t s32[4];
225     int64_t s64[2];
226     float32 f32[4];
227     float64 f64[2];
228     float128 f128;
229 #ifdef CONFIG_INT128
230     __uint128_t u128;
231 #endif
232     Int128  s128;
233 } ppc_vsr_t;
235 typedef ppc_vsr_t ppc_avr_t;
236 typedef ppc_vsr_t ppc_fprp_t;
238 #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
239 /* Software TLB cache */
240 typedef struct ppc6xx_tlb_t ppc6xx_tlb_t;
241 struct ppc6xx_tlb_t {
242     target_ulong pte0;
243     target_ulong pte1;
244     target_ulong EPN;
245 };
247 typedef struct ppcemb_tlb_t ppcemb_tlb_t;
248 struct ppcemb_tlb_t {
249     uint64_t RPN;
250     target_ulong EPN;
251     target_ulong PID;
252     target_ulong size;
253     uint32_t prot;
254     uint32_t attr; /* Storage attributes */
255 };
257 typedef struct ppcmas_tlb_t {
258      uint32_t mas8;
259      uint32_t mas1;
260      uint64_t mas2;
261      uint64_t mas7_3;
262 } ppcmas_tlb_t;
264 union ppc_tlb_t {
265     ppc6xx_tlb_t *tlb6;
266     ppcemb_tlb_t *tlbe;
267     ppcmas_tlb_t *tlbm;
268 };
270 /* possible TLB variants */
271 #define TLB_NONE               0
272 #define TLB_6XX                1
273 #define TLB_EMB                2
274 #define TLB_MAS                3
275 #endif
277 typedef struct PPCHash64SegmentPageSizes PPCHash64SegmentPageSizes;
279 typedef struct ppc_slb_t ppc_slb_t;
280 struct ppc_slb_t {
281     uint64_t esid;
282     uint64_t vsid;
283     const PPCHash64SegmentPageSizes *sps;
284 };
286 #define MAX_SLB_ENTRIES         64
287 #define SEGMENT_SHIFT_256M      28
288 #define SEGMENT_MASK_256M       (~((1ULL << SEGMENT_SHIFT_256M) - 1))
290 #define SEGMENT_SHIFT_1T        40
291 #define SEGMENT_MASK_1T         (~((1ULL << SEGMENT_SHIFT_1T) - 1))
293 typedef struct ppc_v3_pate_t {
294     uint64_t dw0;
295     uint64_t dw1;
296 } ppc_v3_pate_t;
298 /*****************************************************************************/
299 /* Machine state register bits definition                                    */
300 #define MSR_SF   63 /* Sixty-four-bit mode                            hflags */
301 #define MSR_TAG  62 /* Tag-active mode (POWERx ?)                            */
302 #define MSR_ISF  61 /* Sixty-four-bit interrupt mode on 630                  */
303 #define MSR_SHV  60 /* hypervisor state                               hflags */
304 #define MSR_TS0  34 /* Transactional state, 2 bits (Book3s)                  */
305 #define MSR_TS1  33
306 #define MSR_TM   32 /* Transactional Memory Available (Book3s)               */
307 #define MSR_CM   31 /* Computation mode for BookE                     hflags */
308 #define MSR_ICM  30 /* Interrupt computation mode for BookE                  */
309 #define MSR_THV  29 /* hypervisor state for 32 bits PowerPC           hflags */
310 #define MSR_GS   28 /* guest state for BookE                                 */
311 #define MSR_UCLE 26 /* User-mode cache lock enable for BookE                 */
312 #define MSR_VR   25 /* altivec available                            x hflags */
313 #define MSR_SPE  25 /* SPE enable for BookE                         x hflags */
314 #define MSR_AP   23 /* Access privilege state on 602                  hflags */
315 #define MSR_VSX  23 /* Vector Scalar Extension (ISA 2.06 and later) x hflags */
316 #define MSR_SA   22 /* Supervisor access mode on 602                  hflags */
317 #define MSR_KEY  19 /* key bit on 603e                                       */
318 #define MSR_POW  18 /* Power management                                      */
319 #define MSR_TGPR 17 /* TGPR usage on 602/603                        x        */
320 #define MSR_CE   17 /* Critical interrupt enable on embedded PowerPC x       */
321 #define MSR_ILE  16 /* Interrupt little-endian mode                          */
322 #define MSR_EE   15 /* External interrupt enable                             */
323 #define MSR_PR   14 /* Problem state                                  hflags */
324 #define MSR_FP   13 /* Floating point available                       hflags */
325 #define MSR_ME   12 /* Machine check interrupt enable                        */
326 #define MSR_FE0  11 /* Floating point exception mode 0                hflags */
327 #define MSR_SE   10 /* Single-step trace enable                     x hflags */
328 #define MSR_DWE  10 /* Debug wait enable on 405                     x        */
329 #define MSR_UBLE 10 /* User BTB lock enable on e500                 x        */
330 #define MSR_BE   9  /* Branch trace enable                          x hflags */
331 #define MSR_DE   9  /* Debug interrupts enable on embedded PowerPC  x        */
332 #define MSR_FE1  8  /* Floating point exception mode 1                hflags */
333 #define MSR_AL   7  /* AL bit on POWER                                       */
334 #define MSR_EP   6  /* Exception prefix on 601                               */
335 #define MSR_IR   5  /* Instruction relocate                                  */
336 #define MSR_DR   4  /* Data relocate                                         */
337 #define MSR_IS   5  /* Instruction address space (BookE)                     */
338 #define MSR_DS   4  /* Data address space (BookE)                            */
339 #define MSR_PE   3  /* Protection enable on 403                              */
340 #define MSR_PX   2  /* Protection exclusive on 403                  x        */
341 #define MSR_PMM  2  /* Performance monitor mark on POWER            x        */
342 #define MSR_RI   1  /* Recoverable interrupt                        1        */
343 #define MSR_LE   0  /* Little-endian mode                           1 hflags */
345 /* LPCR bits */
346 #define LPCR_VPM0         PPC_BIT(0)
347 #define LPCR_VPM1         PPC_BIT(1)
348 #define LPCR_ISL          PPC_BIT(2)
349 #define LPCR_KBV          PPC_BIT(3)
350 #define LPCR_DPFD_SHIFT   (63 - 11)
351 #define LPCR_DPFD         (0x7ull << LPCR_DPFD_SHIFT)
352 #define LPCR_VRMASD_SHIFT (63 - 16)
353 #define LPCR_VRMASD       (0x1full << LPCR_VRMASD_SHIFT)
354 /* P9: Power-saving mode Exit Cause Enable (Upper Section) Mask */
355 #define LPCR_PECE_U_SHIFT (63 - 19)
356 #define LPCR_PECE_U_MASK  (0x7ull << LPCR_PECE_U_SHIFT)
357 #define LPCR_HVEE         PPC_BIT(17) /* Hypervisor Virt Exit Enable */
358 #define LPCR_RMLS_SHIFT   (63 - 37)
359 #define LPCR_RMLS         (0xfull << LPCR_RMLS_SHIFT)
360 #define LPCR_ILE          PPC_BIT(38)
361 #define LPCR_AIL_SHIFT    (63 - 40)      /* Alternate interrupt location */
362 #define LPCR_AIL          (3ull << LPCR_AIL_SHIFT)
363 #define LPCR_UPRT         PPC_BIT(41) /* Use Process Table */
364 #define LPCR_EVIRT        PPC_BIT(42) /* Enhanced Virtualisation */
365 #define LPCR_HR           PPC_BIT(43) /* Host Radix */
366 #define LPCR_ONL          PPC_BIT(45)
367 #define LPCR_LD           PPC_BIT(46) /* Large Decrementer */
368 #define LPCR_P7_PECE0     PPC_BIT(49)
369 #define LPCR_P7_PECE1     PPC_BIT(50)
370 #define LPCR_P7_PECE2     PPC_BIT(51)
371 #define LPCR_P8_PECE0     PPC_BIT(47)
372 #define LPCR_P8_PECE1     PPC_BIT(48)
373 #define LPCR_P8_PECE2     PPC_BIT(49)
374 #define LPCR_P8_PECE3     PPC_BIT(50)
375 #define LPCR_P8_PECE4     PPC_BIT(51)
376 /* P9: Power-saving mode Exit Cause Enable (Lower Section) Mask */
377 #define LPCR_PECE_L_SHIFT (63 - 51)
378 #define LPCR_PECE_L_MASK  (0x1full << LPCR_PECE_L_SHIFT)
379 #define LPCR_PDEE         PPC_BIT(47) /* Privileged Doorbell Exit EN */
380 #define LPCR_HDEE         PPC_BIT(48) /* Hyperv Doorbell Exit Enable */
381 #define LPCR_EEE          PPC_BIT(49) /* External Exit Enable        */
382 #define LPCR_DEE          PPC_BIT(50) /* Decrementer Exit Enable     */
383 #define LPCR_OEE          PPC_BIT(51) /* Other Exit Enable           */
384 #define LPCR_MER          PPC_BIT(52)
385 #define LPCR_GTSE         PPC_BIT(53) /* Guest Translation Shootdown */
386 #define LPCR_TC           PPC_BIT(54)
387 #define LPCR_HEIC         PPC_BIT(59) /* HV Extern Interrupt Control */
388 #define LPCR_LPES0        PPC_BIT(60)
389 #define LPCR_LPES1        PPC_BIT(61)
390 #define LPCR_RMI          PPC_BIT(62)
391 #define LPCR_HVICE        PPC_BIT(62) /* HV Virtualisation Int Enable */
392 #define LPCR_HDICE        PPC_BIT(63)
394 /* PSSCR bits */
395 #define PSSCR_ESL         PPC_BIT(42) /* Enable State Loss */
396 #define PSSCR_EC          PPC_BIT(43) /* Exit Criterion */
398 /* HFSCR bits */
399 #define HFSCR_MSGP     PPC_BIT(53) /* Privileged Message Send Facilities */
400 #define HFSCR_IC_MSGP  0xA
402 #define msr_sf   ((env->msr >> MSR_SF)   & 1)
403 #define msr_isf  ((env->msr >> MSR_ISF)  & 1)
404 #define msr_shv  ((env->msr >> MSR_SHV)  & 1)
405 #define msr_cm   ((env->msr >> MSR_CM)   & 1)
406 #define msr_icm  ((env->msr >> MSR_ICM)  & 1)
407 #define msr_thv  ((env->msr >> MSR_THV)  & 1)
408 #define msr_gs   ((env->msr >> MSR_GS)   & 1)
409 #define msr_ucle ((env->msr >> MSR_UCLE) & 1)
410 #define msr_vr   ((env->msr >> MSR_VR)   & 1)
411 #define msr_spe  ((env->msr >> MSR_SPE)  & 1)
412 #define msr_ap   ((env->msr >> MSR_AP)   & 1)
413 #define msr_vsx  ((env->msr >> MSR_VSX)  & 1)
414 #define msr_sa   ((env->msr >> MSR_SA)   & 1)
415 #define msr_key  ((env->msr >> MSR_KEY)  & 1)
416 #define msr_pow  ((env->msr >> MSR_POW)  & 1)
417 #define msr_tgpr ((env->msr >> MSR_TGPR) & 1)
418 #define msr_ce   ((env->msr >> MSR_CE)   & 1)
419 #define msr_ile  ((env->msr >> MSR_ILE)  & 1)
420 #define msr_ee   ((env->msr >> MSR_EE)   & 1)
421 #define msr_pr   ((env->msr >> MSR_PR)   & 1)
422 #define msr_fp   ((env->msr >> MSR_FP)   & 1)
423 #define msr_me   ((env->msr >> MSR_ME)   & 1)
424 #define msr_fe0  ((env->msr >> MSR_FE0)  & 1)
425 #define msr_se   ((env->msr >> MSR_SE)   & 1)
426 #define msr_dwe  ((env->msr >> MSR_DWE)  & 1)
427 #define msr_uble ((env->msr >> MSR_UBLE) & 1)
428 #define msr_be   ((env->msr >> MSR_BE)   & 1)
429 #define msr_de   ((env->msr >> MSR_DE)   & 1)
430 #define msr_fe1  ((env->msr >> MSR_FE1)  & 1)
431 #define msr_al   ((env->msr >> MSR_AL)   & 1)
432 #define msr_ep   ((env->msr >> MSR_EP)   & 1)
433 #define msr_ir   ((env->msr >> MSR_IR)   & 1)
434 #define msr_dr   ((env->msr >> MSR_DR)   & 1)
435 #define msr_is   ((env->msr >> MSR_IS)   & 1)
436 #define msr_ds   ((env->msr >> MSR_DS)   & 1)
437 #define msr_pe   ((env->msr >> MSR_PE)   & 1)
438 #define msr_px   ((env->msr >> MSR_PX)   & 1)
439 #define msr_pmm  ((env->msr >> MSR_PMM)  & 1)
440 #define msr_ri   ((env->msr >> MSR_RI)   & 1)
441 #define msr_le   ((env->msr >> MSR_LE)   & 1)
442 #define msr_ts   ((env->msr >> MSR_TS1)  & 3)
443 #define msr_tm   ((env->msr >> MSR_TM)   & 1)
445 #define DBCR0_ICMP (1 << 27)
446 #define DBCR0_BRT (1 << 26)
447 #define DBSR_ICMP (1 << 27)
448 #define DBSR_BRT (1 << 26)
450 /* Hypervisor bit is more specific */
451 #if defined(TARGET_PPC64)
452 #define MSR_HVB (1ULL << MSR_SHV)
453 #define msr_hv  msr_shv
454 #else
455 #if defined(PPC_EMULATE_32BITS_HYPV)
456 #define MSR_HVB (1ULL << MSR_THV)
457 #define msr_hv  msr_thv
458 #else
459 #define MSR_HVB (0ULL)
460 #define msr_hv  (0)
461 #endif
462 #endif
464 /* DSISR */
465 #define DSISR_NOPTE              0x40000000
466 /* Not permitted by access authority of encoded access authority */
467 #define DSISR_PROTFAULT          0x08000000
468 #define DSISR_ISSTORE            0x02000000
469 /* Not permitted by virtual page class key protection */
470 #define DSISR_AMR                0x00200000
471 /* Unsupported Radix Tree Configuration */
472 #define DSISR_R_BADCONFIG        0x00080000
474 /* SRR1 error code fields */
476 #define SRR1_NOPTE               DSISR_NOPTE
477 /* Not permitted due to no-execute or guard bit set */
478 #define SRR1_NOEXEC_GUARD        0x10000000
479 #define SRR1_PROTFAULT           DSISR_PROTFAULT
480 #define SRR1_IAMR                DSISR_AMR
482 /* Facility Status and Control (FSCR) bits */
483 #define FSCR_EBB        (63 - 56) /* Event-Based Branch Facility */
484 #define FSCR_TAR        (63 - 55) /* Target Address Register */
485 /* Interrupt cause mask and position in FSCR. HFSCR has the same format */
486 #define FSCR_IC_MASK    (0xFFULL)
487 #define FSCR_IC_POS     (63 - 7)
488 #define FSCR_IC_DSCR_SPR3   2
489 #define FSCR_IC_PMU         3
490 #define FSCR_IC_BHRB        4
491 #define FSCR_IC_TM          5
492 #define FSCR_IC_EBB         7
493 #define FSCR_IC_TAR         8
495 /* Exception state register bits definition                                  */
496 #define ESR_PIL   PPC_BIT(36) /* Illegal Instruction                    */
497 #define ESR_PPR   PPC_BIT(37) /* Privileged Instruction                 */
498 #define ESR_PTR   PPC_BIT(38) /* Trap                                   */
499 #define ESR_FP    PPC_BIT(39) /* Floating-Point Operation               */
500 #define ESR_ST    PPC_BIT(40) /* Store Operation                        */
501 #define ESR_AP    PPC_BIT(44) /* Auxiliary Processor Operation          */
502 #define ESR_PUO   PPC_BIT(45) /* Unimplemented Operation                */
503 #define ESR_BO    PPC_BIT(46) /* Byte Ordering                          */
504 #define ESR_PIE   PPC_BIT(47) /* Imprecise exception                    */
505 #define ESR_DATA  PPC_BIT(53) /* Data Access (Embedded page table)      */
506 #define ESR_TLBI  PPC_BIT(54) /* TLB Ineligible (Embedded page table)   */
507 #define ESR_PT    PPC_BIT(55) /* Page Table (Embedded page table)       */
508 #define ESR_SPV   PPC_BIT(56) /* SPE/VMX operation                      */
509 #define ESR_EPID  PPC_BIT(57) /* External Process ID operation          */
510 #define ESR_VLEMI PPC_BIT(58) /* VLE operation                          */
511 #define ESR_MIF   PPC_BIT(62) /* Misaligned instruction (VLE)           */
513 /* Transaction EXception And Summary Register bits                           */
514 #define TEXASR_FAILURE_PERSISTENT                (63 - 7)
515 #define TEXASR_DISALLOWED                        (63 - 8)
516 #define TEXASR_NESTING_OVERFLOW                  (63 - 9)
517 #define TEXASR_FOOTPRINT_OVERFLOW                (63 - 10)
518 #define TEXASR_SELF_INDUCED_CONFLICT             (63 - 11)
519 #define TEXASR_NON_TRANSACTIONAL_CONFLICT        (63 - 12)
520 #define TEXASR_TRANSACTION_CONFLICT              (63 - 13)
522 #define TEXASR_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC           (63 - 15)
523 #define TEXASR_INSTRUCTION_FETCH_CONFLICT        (63 - 16)
524 #define TEXASR_ABORT                             (63 - 31)
525 #define TEXASR_SUSPENDED                         (63 - 32)
526 #define TEXASR_PRIVILEGE_HV                      (63 - 34)
527 #define TEXASR_PRIVILEGE_PR                      (63 - 35)
528 #define TEXASR_FAILURE_SUMMARY                   (63 - 36)
529 #define TEXASR_TFIAR_EXACT                       (63 - 37)
530 #define TEXASR_ROT                               (63 - 38)
531 #define TEXASR_TRANSACTION_LEVEL                 (63 - 52) /* 12 bits */
533 enum {
534     POWERPC_FLAG_NONE     = 0x00000000,
535     /* Flag for MSR bit 25 signification (VRE/SPE)                           */
536     POWERPC_FLAG_SPE      = 0x00000001,
537     POWERPC_FLAG_VRE      = 0x00000002,
538     /* Flag for MSR bit 17 signification (TGPR/CE)                           */
539     POWERPC_FLAG_TGPR     = 0x00000004,
540     POWERPC_FLAG_CE       = 0x00000008,
541     /* Flag for MSR bit 10 signification (SE/DWE/UBLE)                       */
542     POWERPC_FLAG_SE       = 0x00000010,
543     POWERPC_FLAG_DWE      = 0x00000020,
544     POWERPC_FLAG_UBLE     = 0x00000040,
545     /* Flag for MSR bit 9 signification (BE/DE)                              */
546     POWERPC_FLAG_BE       = 0x00000080,
547     POWERPC_FLAG_DE       = 0x00000100,
548     /* Flag for MSR bit 2 signification (PX/PMM)                             */
549     POWERPC_FLAG_PX       = 0x00000200,
550     POWERPC_FLAG_PMM      = 0x00000400,
551     /* Flag for special features                                             */
552     /* Decrementer clock: RTC clock (POWER, 601) or bus clock                */
553     POWERPC_FLAG_RTC_CLK  = 0x00010000,
554     POWERPC_FLAG_BUS_CLK  = 0x00020000,
555     /* Has CFAR                                                              */
556     POWERPC_FLAG_CFAR     = 0x00040000,
557     /* Has VSX                                                               */
558     POWERPC_FLAG_VSX      = 0x00080000,
559     /* Has Transaction Memory (ISA 2.07)                                     */
560     POWERPC_FLAG_TM       = 0x00100000,
561 };
563 /*****************************************************************************/
564 /* Floating point status and control register                                */
565 #define FPSCR_DRN2   34 /* Decimal Floating-Point rounding control           */
566 #define FPSCR_DRN1   33 /* Decimal Floating-Point rounding control           */
567 #define FPSCR_DRN0   32 /* Decimal Floating-Point rounding control           */
568 #define FPSCR_FX     31 /* Floating-point exception summary                  */
569 #define FPSCR_FEX    30 /* Floating-point enabled exception summary          */
570 #define FPSCR_VX     29 /* Floating-point invalid operation exception summ.  */
571 #define FPSCR_OX     28 /* Floating-point overflow exception                 */
572 #define FPSCR_UX     27 /* Floating-point underflow exception                */
573 #define FPSCR_ZX     26 /* Floating-point zero divide exception              */
574 #define FPSCR_XX     25 /* Floating-point inexact exception                  */
575 #define FPSCR_VXSNAN 24 /* Floating-point invalid operation exception (sNan) */
576 #define FPSCR_VXISI  23 /* Floating-point invalid operation exception (inf)  */
577 #define FPSCR_VXIDI  22 /* Floating-point invalid operation exception (inf)  */
578 #define FPSCR_VXZDZ  21 /* Floating-point invalid operation exception (zero) */
579 #define FPSCR_VXIMZ  20 /* Floating-point invalid operation exception (inf)  */
580 #define FPSCR_VXVC   19 /* Floating-point invalid operation exception (comp) */
581 #define FPSCR_FR     18 /* Floating-point fraction rounded                   */
582 #define FPSCR_FI     17 /* Floating-point fraction inexact                   */
583 #define FPSCR_C      16 /* Floating-point result class descriptor            */
584 #define FPSCR_FL     15 /* Floating-point less than or negative              */
585 #define FPSCR_FG     14 /* Floating-point greater than or negative           */
586 #define FPSCR_FE     13 /* Floating-point equal or zero                      */
587 #define FPSCR_FU     12 /* Floating-point unordered or NaN                   */
588 #define FPSCR_FPCC   12 /* Floating-point condition code                     */
589 #define FPSCR_FPRF   12 /* Floating-point result flags                       */
590 #define FPSCR_VXSOFT 10 /* Floating-point invalid operation exception (soft) */
591 #define FPSCR_VXSQRT 9  /* Floating-point invalid operation exception (sqrt) */
592 #define FPSCR_VXCVI  8  /* Floating-point invalid operation exception (int)  */
593 #define FPSCR_VE     7  /* Floating-point invalid operation exception enable */
594 #define FPSCR_OE     6  /* Floating-point overflow exception enable          */
595 #define FPSCR_UE     5  /* Floating-point undeflow exception enable          */
596 #define FPSCR_ZE     4  /* Floating-point zero divide exception enable       */
597 #define FPSCR_XE     3  /* Floating-point inexact exception enable           */
598 #define FPSCR_NI     2  /* Floating-point non-IEEE mode                      */
599 #define FPSCR_RN1    1
600 #define FPSCR_RN0    0  /* Floating-point rounding control                   */
601 #define fpscr_drn    (((env->fpscr) & FP_DRN) >> FPSCR_DRN0)
602 #define fpscr_fex    (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_FEX)    & 0x1)
603 #define fpscr_vx     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VX)     & 0x1)
604 #define fpscr_ox     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_OX)     & 0x1)
605 #define fpscr_ux     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_UX)     & 0x1)
606 #define fpscr_zx     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_ZX)     & 0x1)
607 #define fpscr_xx     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_XX)     & 0x1)
608 #define fpscr_vxsnan (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VXSNAN) & 0x1)
609 #define fpscr_vxisi  (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VXISI)  & 0x1)
610 #define fpscr_vxidi  (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VXIDI)  & 0x1)
611 #define fpscr_vxzdz  (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VXZDZ)  & 0x1)
612 #define fpscr_vximz  (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VXIMZ)  & 0x1)
613 #define fpscr_vxvc   (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VXVC)   & 0x1)
614 #define fpscr_fpcc   (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_FPCC)   & 0xF)
615 #define fpscr_vxsoft (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VXSOFT) & 0x1)
616 #define fpscr_vxsqrt (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VXSQRT) & 0x1)
617 #define fpscr_vxcvi  (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VXCVI)  & 0x1)
618 #define fpscr_ve     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_VE)     & 0x1)
619 #define fpscr_oe     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_OE)     & 0x1)
620 #define fpscr_ue     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_UE)     & 0x1)
621 #define fpscr_ze     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_ZE)     & 0x1)
622 #define fpscr_xe     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_XE)     & 0x1)
623 #define fpscr_ni     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_NI)     & 0x1)
624 #define fpscr_rn     (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_RN0)    & 0x3)
625 /* Invalid operation exception summary */
626 #define fpscr_ix ((env->fpscr) & ((1 << FPSCR_VXSNAN) | (1 << FPSCR_VXISI)  | \
627                                   (1 << FPSCR_VXIDI)  | (1 << FPSCR_VXZDZ)  | \
628                                   (1 << FPSCR_VXIMZ)  | (1 << FPSCR_VXVC)   | \
629                                   (1 << FPSCR_VXSOFT) | (1 << FPSCR_VXSQRT) | \
630                                   (1 << FPSCR_VXCVI)))
631 /* exception summary */
632 #define fpscr_ex  (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_XX) & 0x1F)
633 /* enabled exception summary */
634 #define fpscr_eex (((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_XX) & ((env->fpscr) >> FPSCR_XE) &  \
635                    0x1F)
637 #define FP_DRN2         (1ull << FPSCR_DRN2)
638 #define FP_DRN1         (1ull << FPSCR_DRN1)
639 #define FP_DRN0         (1ull << FPSCR_DRN0)
640 #define FP_DRN          (FP_DRN2 | FP_DRN1 | FP_DRN0)
641 #define FP_FX           (1ull << FPSCR_FX)
642 #define FP_FEX          (1ull << FPSCR_FEX)
643 #define FP_VX           (1ull << FPSCR_VX)
644 #define FP_OX           (1ull << FPSCR_OX)
645 #define FP_UX           (1ull << FPSCR_UX)
646 #define FP_ZX           (1ull << FPSCR_ZX)
647 #define FP_XX           (1ull << FPSCR_XX)
648 #define FP_VXSNAN       (1ull << FPSCR_VXSNAN)
649 #define FP_VXISI        (1ull << FPSCR_VXISI)
650 #define FP_VXIDI        (1ull << FPSCR_VXIDI)
651 #define FP_VXZDZ        (1ull << FPSCR_VXZDZ)
652 #define FP_VXIMZ        (1ull << FPSCR_VXIMZ)
653 #define FP_VXVC         (1ull << FPSCR_VXVC)
654 #define FP_FR           (1ull << FPSCR_FR)
655 #define FP_FI           (1ull << FPSCR_FI)
656 #define FP_C            (1ull << FPSCR_C)
657 #define FP_FL           (1ull << FPSCR_FL)
658 #define FP_FG           (1ull << FPSCR_FG)
659 #define FP_FE           (1ull << FPSCR_FE)
660 #define FP_FU           (1ull << FPSCR_FU)
661 #define FP_FPCC         (FP_FL | FP_FG | FP_FE | FP_FU)
662 #define FP_FPRF         (FP_C | FP_FPCC)
663 #define FP_VXSOFT       (1ull << FPSCR_VXSOFT)
664 #define FP_VXSQRT       (1ull << FPSCR_VXSQRT)
665 #define FP_VXCVI        (1ull << FPSCR_VXCVI)
666 #define FP_VE           (1ull << FPSCR_VE)
667 #define FP_OE           (1ull << FPSCR_OE)
668 #define FP_UE           (1ull << FPSCR_UE)
669 #define FP_ZE           (1ull << FPSCR_ZE)
670 #define FP_XE           (1ull << FPSCR_XE)
671 #define FP_NI           (1ull << FPSCR_NI)
672 #define FP_RN1          (1ull << FPSCR_RN1)
673 #define FP_RN0          (1ull << FPSCR_RN0)
674 #define FP_RN           (FP_RN1 | FP_RN0)
676 #define FP_ENABLES      (FP_VE | FP_OE | FP_UE | FP_ZE | FP_XE)
677 #define FP_STATUS       (FP_FR | FP_FI | FP_FPRF)
679 /* the exception bits which can be cleared by mcrfs - includes FX */
680 #define FP_EX_CLEAR_BITS (FP_FX     | FP_OX     | FP_UX     | FP_ZX     | \
681                           FP_XX     | FP_VXSNAN | FP_VXISI  | FP_VXIDI  | \
682                           FP_VXZDZ  | FP_VXIMZ  | FP_VXVC   | FP_VXSOFT | \
683                           FP_VXSQRT | FP_VXCVI)
685 /*****************************************************************************/
686 /* Vector status and control register */
687 #define VSCR_NJ         16 /* Vector non-java */
688 #define VSCR_SAT        0 /* Vector saturation */
690 /*****************************************************************************/
691 /* BookE e500 MMU registers */
693 #define MAS0_NV_SHIFT      0
694 #define MAS0_NV_MASK       (0xfff << MAS0_NV_SHIFT)
696 #define MAS0_WQ_SHIFT      12
697 #define MAS0_WQ_MASK       (3 << MAS0_WQ_SHIFT)
698 /* Write TLB entry regardless of reservation */
699 #define MAS0_WQ_ALWAYS     (0 << MAS0_WQ_SHIFT)
700 /* Write TLB entry only already in use */
701 #define MAS0_WQ_COND       (1 << MAS0_WQ_SHIFT)
702 /* Clear TLB entry */
703 #define MAS0_WQ_CLR_RSRV   (2 << MAS0_WQ_SHIFT)
705 #define MAS0_HES_SHIFT     14
706 #define MAS0_HES           (1 << MAS0_HES_SHIFT)
708 #define MAS0_ESEL_SHIFT    16
709 #define MAS0_ESEL_MASK     (0xfff << MAS0_ESEL_SHIFT)
711 #define MAS0_TLBSEL_SHIFT  28
712 #define MAS0_TLBSEL_MASK   (3 << MAS0_TLBSEL_SHIFT)
713 #define MAS0_TLBSEL_TLB0   (0 << MAS0_TLBSEL_SHIFT)
714 #define MAS0_TLBSEL_TLB1   (1 << MAS0_TLBSEL_SHIFT)
715 #define MAS0_TLBSEL_TLB2   (2 << MAS0_TLBSEL_SHIFT)
716 #define MAS0_TLBSEL_TLB3   (3 << MAS0_TLBSEL_SHIFT)
718 #define MAS0_ATSEL_SHIFT   31
719 #define MAS0_ATSEL         (1 << MAS0_ATSEL_SHIFT)
720 #define MAS0_ATSEL_TLB     0
721 #define MAS0_ATSEL_LRAT    MAS0_ATSEL
723 #define MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT   7
724 #define MAS1_TSIZE_MASK    (0x1f << MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT)
726 #define MAS1_TS_SHIFT      12
727 #define MAS1_TS            (1 << MAS1_TS_SHIFT)
729 #define MAS1_IND_SHIFT     13
730 #define MAS1_IND           (1 << MAS1_IND_SHIFT)
732 #define MAS1_TID_SHIFT     16
733 #define MAS1_TID_MASK      (0x3fff << MAS1_TID_SHIFT)
735 #define MAS1_IPROT_SHIFT   30
736 #define MAS1_IPROT         (1 << MAS1_IPROT_SHIFT)
738 #define MAS1_VALID_SHIFT   31
739 #define MAS1_VALID         0x80000000
741 #define MAS2_EPN_SHIFT     12
742 #define MAS2_EPN_MASK      (~0ULL << MAS2_EPN_SHIFT)
744 #define MAS2_ACM_SHIFT     6
745 #define MAS2_ACM           (1 << MAS2_ACM_SHIFT)
747 #define MAS2_VLE_SHIFT     5
748 #define MAS2_VLE           (1 << MAS2_VLE_SHIFT)
750 #define MAS2_W_SHIFT       4
751 #define MAS2_W             (1 << MAS2_W_SHIFT)
753 #define MAS2_I_SHIFT       3
754 #define MAS2_I             (1 << MAS2_I_SHIFT)
756 #define MAS2_M_SHIFT       2
757 #define MAS2_M             (1 << MAS2_M_SHIFT)
759 #define MAS2_G_SHIFT       1
760 #define MAS2_G             (1 << MAS2_G_SHIFT)
762 #define MAS2_E_SHIFT       0
763 #define MAS2_E             (1 << MAS2_E_SHIFT)
765 #define MAS3_RPN_SHIFT     12
766 #define MAS3_RPN_MASK      (0xfffff << MAS3_RPN_SHIFT)
768 #define MAS3_U0                 0x00000200
769 #define MAS3_U1                 0x00000100
770 #define MAS3_U2                 0x00000080
771 #define MAS3_U3                 0x00000040
772 #define MAS3_UX                 0x00000020
773 #define MAS3_SX                 0x00000010
774 #define MAS3_UW                 0x00000008
775 #define MAS3_SW                 0x00000004
776 #define MAS3_UR                 0x00000002
777 #define MAS3_SR                 0x00000001
778 #define MAS3_SPSIZE_SHIFT       1
779 #define MAS3_SPSIZE_MASK        (0x3e << MAS3_SPSIZE_SHIFT)
783 #define MAS4_TIDSELD_MASK       0x00030000
784 #define MAS4_TIDSELD_PID0       0x00000000
785 #define MAS4_TIDSELD_PID1       0x00010000
786 #define MAS4_TIDSELD_PID2       0x00020000
787 #define MAS4_TIDSELD_PIDZ       0x00030000
788 #define MAS4_INDD               0x00008000      /* Default IND */
790 #define MAS4_TSIZED_MASK        MAS1_TSIZE_MASK
791 #define MAS4_ACMD               0x00000040
792 #define MAS4_VLED               0x00000020
793 #define MAS4_WD                 0x00000010
794 #define MAS4_ID                 0x00000008
795 #define MAS4_MD                 0x00000004
796 #define MAS4_GD                 0x00000002
797 #define MAS4_ED                 0x00000001
798 #define MAS4_WIMGED_MASK        0x0000001f      /* Default WIMGE */
799 #define MAS4_WIMGED_SHIFT       0
801 #define MAS5_SGS                0x80000000
802 #define MAS5_SLPID_MASK         0x00000fff
804 #define MAS6_SPID0              0x3fff0000
805 #define MAS6_SPID1              0x00007ffe
806 #define MAS6_ISIZE(x)           MAS1_TSIZE(x)
807 #define MAS6_SAS                0x00000001
808 #define MAS6_SPID               MAS6_SPID0
809 #define MAS6_SIND               0x00000002      /* Indirect page */
810 #define MAS6_SIND_SHIFT         1
811 #define MAS6_SPID_MASK          0x3fff0000
812 #define MAS6_SPID_SHIFT         16
813 #define MAS6_ISIZE_MASK         0x00000f80
814 #define MAS6_ISIZE_SHIFT        7
816 #define MAS7_RPN                0xffffffff
818 #define MAS8_TGS                0x80000000
819 #define MAS8_VF                 0x40000000
820 #define MAS8_TLBPID             0x00000fff
822 /* Bit definitions for MMUCFG */
823 #define MMUCFG_MAVN     0x00000003      /* MMU Architecture Version Number */
824 #define MMUCFG_MAVN_V1  0x00000000      /* v1.0 */
825 #define MMUCFG_MAVN_V2  0x00000001      /* v2.0 */
826 #define MMUCFG_NTLBS    0x0000000c      /* Number of TLBs */
827 #define MMUCFG_PIDSIZE  0x000007c0      /* PID Reg Size */
828 #define MMUCFG_TWC      0x00008000      /* TLB Write Conditional (v2.0) */
829 #define MMUCFG_LRAT     0x00010000      /* LRAT Supported (v2.0) */
830 #define MMUCFG_RASIZE   0x00fe0000      /* Real Addr Size */
831 #define MMUCFG_LPIDSIZE 0x0f000000      /* LPID Reg Size */
833 /* Bit definitions for MMUCSR0 */
834 #define MMUCSR0_TLB1FI  0x00000002      /* TLB1 Flash invalidate */
835 #define MMUCSR0_TLB0FI  0x00000004      /* TLB0 Flash invalidate */
836 #define MMUCSR0_TLB2FI  0x00000040      /* TLB2 Flash invalidate */
837 #define MMUCSR0_TLB3FI  0x00000020      /* TLB3 Flash invalidate */
839                          MMUCSR0_TLB2FI | MMUCSR0_TLB3FI)
840 #define MMUCSR0_TLB0PS  0x00000780      /* TLB0 Page Size */
841 #define MMUCSR0_TLB1PS  0x00007800      /* TLB1 Page Size */
842 #define MMUCSR0_TLB2PS  0x00078000      /* TLB2 Page Size */
843 #define MMUCSR0_TLB3PS  0x00780000      /* TLB3 Page Size */
845 /* TLBnCFG encoding */
846 #define TLBnCFG_N_ENTRY         0x00000fff      /* number of entries */
847 #define TLBnCFG_HES             0x00002000      /* HW select supported */
848 #define TLBnCFG_AVAIL           0x00004000      /* variable page size */
849 #define TLBnCFG_IPROT           0x00008000      /* IPROT supported */
850 #define TLBnCFG_GTWE            0x00010000      /* Guest can write */
851 #define TLBnCFG_IND             0x00020000      /* IND entries supported */
852 #define TLBnCFG_PT              0x00040000      /* Can load from page table */
853 #define TLBnCFG_MINSIZE         0x00f00000      /* Minimum Page Size (v1.0) */
854 #define TLBnCFG_MINSIZE_SHIFT   20
855 #define TLBnCFG_MAXSIZE         0x000f0000      /* Maximum Page Size (v1.0) */
856 #define TLBnCFG_MAXSIZE_SHIFT   16
857 #define TLBnCFG_ASSOC           0xff000000      /* Associativity */
858 #define TLBnCFG_ASSOC_SHIFT     24
860 /* TLBnPS encoding */
861 #define TLBnPS_4K               0x00000004
862 #define TLBnPS_8K               0x00000008
863 #define TLBnPS_16K              0x00000010
864 #define TLBnPS_32K              0x00000020
865 #define TLBnPS_64K              0x00000040
866 #define TLBnPS_128K             0x00000080
867 #define TLBnPS_256K             0x00000100
868 #define TLBnPS_512K             0x00000200
869 #define TLBnPS_1M               0x00000400
870 #define TLBnPS_2M               0x00000800
871 #define TLBnPS_4M               0x00001000
872 #define TLBnPS_8M               0x00002000
873 #define TLBnPS_16M              0x00004000
874 #define TLBnPS_32M              0x00008000
875 #define TLBnPS_64M              0x00010000
876 #define TLBnPS_128M             0x00020000
877 #define TLBnPS_256M             0x00040000
878 #define TLBnPS_512M             0x00080000
879 #define TLBnPS_1G               0x00100000
880 #define TLBnPS_2G               0x00200000
881 #define TLBnPS_4G               0x00400000
882 #define TLBnPS_8G               0x00800000
883 #define TLBnPS_16G              0x01000000
884 #define TLBnPS_32G              0x02000000
885 #define TLBnPS_64G              0x04000000
886 #define TLBnPS_128G             0x08000000
887 #define TLBnPS_256G             0x10000000
889 /* tlbilx action encoding */
890 #define TLBILX_T_ALL                    0
891 #define TLBILX_T_TID                    1
892 #define TLBILX_T_FULLMATCH              3
893 #define TLBILX_T_CLASS0                 4
894 #define TLBILX_T_CLASS1                 5
895 #define TLBILX_T_CLASS2                 6
896 #define TLBILX_T_CLASS3                 7
898 /* BookE 2.06 helper defines */
900 #define BOOKE206_FLUSH_TLB0    (1 << 0)
901 #define BOOKE206_FLUSH_TLB1    (1 << 1)
902 #define BOOKE206_FLUSH_TLB2    (1 << 2)
903 #define BOOKE206_FLUSH_TLB3    (1 << 3)
905 /* number of possible TLBs */
906 #define BOOKE206_MAX_TLBN      4
908 #define EPID_EPID_SHIFT 0x0
909 #define EPID_EPID 0xFF
910 #define EPID_ELPID_SHIFT 0x10
911 #define EPID_ELPID 0x3F0000
912 #define EPID_EGS 0x20000000
913 #define EPID_EGS_SHIFT 29
914 #define EPID_EAS 0x40000000
915 #define EPID_EAS_SHIFT 30
916 #define EPID_EPR 0x80000000
917 #define EPID_EPR_SHIFT 31
918 /* We don't support EGS and ELPID */
921 /*****************************************************************************/
922 /* Server and Embedded Processor Control */
924 #define DBELL_TYPE_SHIFT               27
925 #define DBELL_TYPE_MASK                (0x1f << DBELL_TYPE_SHIFT)
926 #define DBELL_TYPE_DBELL               (0x00 << DBELL_TYPE_SHIFT)
927 #define DBELL_TYPE_DBELL_CRIT          (0x01 << DBELL_TYPE_SHIFT)
928 #define DBELL_TYPE_G_DBELL             (0x02 << DBELL_TYPE_SHIFT)
929 #define DBELL_TYPE_G_DBELL_CRIT        (0x03 << DBELL_TYPE_SHIFT)
930 #define DBELL_TYPE_G_DBELL_MC          (0x04 << DBELL_TYPE_SHIFT)
932 #define DBELL_TYPE_DBELL_SERVER        (0x05 << DBELL_TYPE_SHIFT)
934 #define DBELL_BRDCAST                  PPC_BIT(37)
935 #define DBELL_LPIDTAG_SHIFT            14
936 #define DBELL_LPIDTAG_MASK             (0xfff << DBELL_LPIDTAG_SHIFT)
937 #define DBELL_PIRTAG_MASK              0x3fff
939 #define DBELL_PROCIDTAG_MASK           PPC_BITMASK(44, 63)
941 #define PPC_PAGE_SIZES_MAX_SZ   8
943 struct ppc_radix_page_info {
944     uint32_t count;
945     uint32_t entries[PPC_PAGE_SIZES_MAX_SZ];
946 };
948 /*****************************************************************************/
949 /* The whole PowerPC CPU context */
951 /*
952  * PowerPC needs eight modes for different hypervisor/supervisor/guest
953  * + real/paged mode combinations. The other two modes are for
954  * external PID load/store.
955  */
956 #define PPC_TLB_EPID_LOAD 8
957 #define PPC_TLB_EPID_STORE 9
959 #define PPC_CPU_OPCODES_LEN          0x40
962 struct CPUPPCState {
963     /* Most commonly used resources during translated code execution first */
964     target_ulong gpr[32];  /* general purpose registers */
965     target_ulong gprh[32]; /* storage for GPR MSB, used by the SPE extension */
966     target_ulong lr;
967     target_ulong ctr;
968     uint32_t crf[8];       /* condition register */
969 #if defined(TARGET_PPC64)
970     target_ulong cfar;
971 #endif
972     target_ulong xer;      /* XER (with SO, OV, CA split out) */
973     target_ulong so;
974     target_ulong ov;
975     target_ulong ca;
976     target_ulong ov32;
977     target_ulong ca32;
979     target_ulong reserve_addr; /* Reservation address */
980     target_ulong reserve_val;  /* Reservation value */
981     target_ulong reserve_val2;
983     /* These are used in supervisor mode only */
984     target_ulong msr;      /* machine state register */
985     target_ulong tgpr[4];  /* temporary general purpose registers, */
986                            /* used to speed-up TLB assist handlers */
988     target_ulong nip;      /* next instruction pointer */
989     uint64_t retxh;        /* high part of 128-bit helper return */
991     /* when a memory exception occurs, the access type is stored here */
992     int access_type;
994 #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
995     /* MMU context, only relevant for full system emulation */
996 #if defined(TARGET_PPC64)
997     ppc_slb_t slb[MAX_SLB_ENTRIES]; /* PowerPC 64 SLB area */
998 #endif
999     target_ulong sr[32];   /* segment registers */
1000     uint32_t nb_BATs;      /* number of BATs */
1001     target_ulong DBAT[2][8];
1002     target_ulong IBAT[2][8];
1003     /* PowerPC TLB registers (for 4xx, e500 and 60x software driven TLBs) */
1004     int32_t nb_tlb;  /* Total number of TLB */
1005     int tlb_per_way; /* Speed-up helper: used to avoid divisions at run time */
1006     int nb_ways;     /* Number of ways in the TLB set */
1007     int last_way;    /* Last used way used to allocate TLB in a LRU way */
1008     int id_tlbs;     /* If 1, MMU has separated TLBs for instructions & data */
1009     int nb_pids;     /* Number of available PID registers */
1010     int tlb_type;    /* Type of TLB we're dealing with */
1011     ppc_tlb_t tlb;   /* TLB is optional. Allocate them only if needed */
1012     target_ulong pb[4]; /* 403 dedicated access protection registers */
1013     bool tlb_dirty;  /* Set to non-zero when modifying TLB */
1014     bool kvm_sw_tlb; /* non-zero if KVM SW TLB API is active */
1015     uint32_t tlb_need_flush; /* Delayed flush needed */
1016 #define TLB_NEED_LOCAL_FLUSH   0x1
1017 #define TLB_NEED_GLOBAL_FLUSH  0x2
1018 #endif
1020     /* Other registers */
1021     target_ulong spr[1024]; /* special purpose registers */
1022     ppc_spr_t spr_cb[1024];
1023     /* Vector status and control register, minus VSCR_SAT */
1024     uint32_t vscr;
1025     /* VSX registers (including FP and AVR) */
1026     ppc_vsr_t vsr[64] QEMU_ALIGNED(16);
1027     /* Non-zero if and only if VSCR_SAT should be set */
1028     ppc_vsr_t vscr_sat QEMU_ALIGNED(16);
1029     /* SPE registers */
1030     uint64_t spe_acc;
1031     uint32_t spe_fscr;
1032     /* SPE and Altivec share status as they'll never be used simultaneously */
1033     float_status vec_status;
1034     float_status fp_status; /* Floating point execution context */
1035     target_ulong fpscr;     /* Floating point status and control register */
1037     /* Internal devices resources */
1038     ppc_tb_t *tb_env;      /* Time base and decrementer */
1039     ppc_dcr_t *dcr_env;    /* Device control registers */
1041     int dcache_line_size;
1042     int icache_line_size;
1044     /* These resources are used during exception processing */
1045     /* CPU model definition */
1046     target_ulong msr_mask;
1047     powerpc_mmu_t mmu_model;
1048     powerpc_excp_t excp_model;
1049     powerpc_input_t bus_model;
1050     int bfd_mach;
1051     uint32_t flags;
1052     uint64_t insns_flags;
1053     uint64_t insns_flags2;
1054 #if defined(TARGET_PPC64)
1055     ppc_slb_t vrma_slb;
1056     target_ulong rmls;
1057 #endif
1059     int error_code;
1060     uint32_t pending_interrupts;
1061 #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
1062     /*
1063      * This is the IRQ controller, which is implementation dependent and only
1064      * relevant when emulating a complete machine. Note that this isn't used
1065      * by recent Book3s compatible CPUs (POWER7 and newer).
1066      */
1067     uint32_t irq_input_state;
1068     void **irq_inputs;
1070     target_ulong excp_vectors[POWERPC_EXCP_NB]; /* Exception vectors */
1071     target_ulong excp_prefix;
1072     target_ulong ivor_mask;
1073     target_ulong ivpr_mask;
1074     target_ulong hreset_vector;
1075     hwaddr mpic_iack;
1076     bool mpic_proxy;  /* true if the external proxy facility mode is enabled */
1077     bool has_hv_mode; /* set when the processor has an HV mode, thus HV priv */
1078                       /* instructions and SPRs are diallowed if MSR:HV is 0 */
1079     /*
1080      * On P7/P8/P9, set when in PM state so we need to handle resume in a
1081      * special way (such as routing some resume causes to 0x100, i.e. sreset).
1082      */
1083     bool resume_as_sreset;
1084 #endif
1086     /* These resources are used only in QEMU core */
1087     target_ulong hflags;      /* hflags is MSR & HFLAGS_MASK */
1088     target_ulong hflags_nmsr; /* specific hflags, not coming from MSR */
1089     int immu_idx;     /* precomputed MMU index to speed up insn accesses */
1090     int dmmu_idx;     /* precomputed MMU index to speed up data accesses */
1092     /* Power management */
1093     int (*check_pow)(CPUPPCState *env);
1095 #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
1096     void *load_info;  /* holds boot loading state */
1097 #endif
1099     /* booke timers */
1101     /*
1102      * Specifies bit locations of the Time Base used to signal a fixed timer
1103      * exception on a transition from 0 to 1 (watchdog or fixed-interval timer)
1104      *
1105      * 0 selects the least significant bit, 63 selects the most significant bit
1106      */
1107     uint8_t fit_period[4];
1108     uint8_t wdt_period[4];
1110     /* Transactional memory state */
1111     target_ulong tm_gpr[32];
1112     ppc_avr_t tm_vsr[64];
1113     uint64_t tm_cr;
1114     uint64_t tm_lr;
1115     uint64_t tm_ctr;
1116     uint64_t tm_fpscr;
1117     uint64_t tm_amr;
1118     uint64_t tm_ppr;
1119     uint64_t tm_vrsave;
1120     uint32_t tm_vscr;
1121     uint64_t tm_dscr;
1122     uint64_t tm_tar;
1123 };
1125 #define SET_FIT_PERIOD(a_, b_, c_, d_)          \
1126 do {                                            \
1127     env->fit_period[0] = (a_);                  \
1128     env->fit_period[1] = (b_);                  \
1129     env->fit_period[2] = (c_);                  \
1130     env->fit_period[3] = (d_);                  \
1131  } while (0)
1133 #define SET_WDT_PERIOD(a_, b_, c_, d_)          \
1134 do {                                            \
1135     env->wdt_period[0] = (a_);                  \
1136     env->wdt_period[1] = (b_);                  \
1137     env->wdt_period[2] = (c_);                  \
1138     env->wdt_period[3] = (d_);                  \
1139  } while (0)
1141 typedef struct PPCVirtualHypervisor PPCVirtualHypervisor;
1142 typedef struct PPCVirtualHypervisorClass PPCVirtualHypervisorClass;
1144 /**
1145  * PowerPCCPU:
1146  * @env: #CPUPPCState
1147  * @vcpu_id: vCPU identifier given to KVM
1148  * @compat_pvr: Current logical PVR, zero if in "raw" mode
1149  *
1150  * A PowerPC CPU.
1151  */
1152 struct PowerPCCPU {
1153     /*< private >*/
1154     CPUState parent_obj;
1155     /*< public >*/
1157     CPUNegativeOffsetState neg;
1158     CPUPPCState env;
1160     int vcpu_id;
1161     uint32_t compat_pvr;
1162     PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp;
1163     void *machine_data;
1164     int32_t node_id; /* NUMA node this CPU belongs to */
1165     PPCHash64Options *hash64_opts;
1167     /* Those resources are used only during code translation */
1168     /* opcode handlers */
1169     opc_handler_t *opcodes[PPC_CPU_OPCODES_LEN];
1171     /* Fields related to migration compatibility hacks */
1172     bool pre_2_8_migration;
1173     target_ulong mig_msr_mask;
1174     uint64_t mig_insns_flags;
1175     uint64_t mig_insns_flags2;
1176     uint32_t mig_nb_BATs;
1177     bool pre_2_10_migration;
1178     bool pre_3_0_migration;
1179     int32_t mig_slb_nr;
1180 };
1183 PowerPCCPUClass *ppc_cpu_class_by_pvr(uint32_t pvr);
1184 PowerPCCPUClass *ppc_cpu_class_by_pvr_mask(uint32_t pvr);
1185 PowerPCCPUClass *ppc_cpu_get_family_class(PowerPCCPUClass *pcc);
1187 struct PPCVirtualHypervisorClass {
1188     InterfaceClass parent;
1189     void (*hypercall)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp, PowerPCCPU *cpu);
1190     hwaddr (*hpt_mask)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp);
1191     const ppc_hash_pte64_t *(*map_hptes)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp,
1192                                          hwaddr ptex, int n);
1193     void (*unmap_hptes)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp,
1194                         const ppc_hash_pte64_t *hptes,
1195                         hwaddr ptex, int n);
1196     void (*hpte_set_c)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp, hwaddr ptex, uint64_t pte1);
1197     void (*hpte_set_r)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp, hwaddr ptex, uint64_t pte1);
1198     void (*get_pate)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp, ppc_v3_pate_t *entry);
1199     target_ulong (*encode_hpt_for_kvm_pr)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp);
1200 #ifndef CONFIG_USER_ONLY
1201     void (*cpu_exec_enter)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp, PowerPCCPU *cpu);
1202     void (*cpu_exec_exit)(PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp, PowerPCCPU *cpu);
1203 #endif
1204 };
1206 #define TYPE_PPC_VIRTUAL_HYPERVISOR "ppc-virtual-hypervisor"
1207 #define PPC_VIRTUAL_HYPERVISOR(obj)                 \
1209 #define PPC_VIRTUAL_HYPERVISOR_CLASS(klass)         \
1210     OBJECT_CLASS_CHECK(PPCVirtualHypervisorClass, (klass), \
1211                        TYPE_PPC_VIRTUAL_HYPERVISOR)
1213     OBJECT_GET_CLASS(PPCVirtualHypervisorClass, (obj), \
1214                      TYPE_PPC_VIRTUAL_HYPERVISOR)
1216 void ppc_cpu_do_interrupt(CPUState *cpu);
1217 bool ppc_cpu_exec_interrupt(CPUState *cpu, int int_req);
1218 void ppc_cpu_dump_state(CPUState *cpu, FILE *f, int flags);
1219 void ppc_cpu_dump_statistics(CPUState *cpu, int flags);
1220 hwaddr ppc_cpu_get_phys_page_debug(CPUState *cpu, vaddr addr);
1221 int ppc_cpu_gdb_read_register(CPUState *cpu, uint8_t *buf, int reg);
1222 int ppc_cpu_gdb_read_register_apple(CPUState *cpu, uint8_t *buf, int reg);
1223 int ppc_cpu_gdb_write_register(CPUState *cpu, uint8_t *buf, int reg);
1224 int ppc_cpu_gdb_write_register_apple(CPUState *cpu, uint8_t *buf, int reg);
1225 #ifndef CONFIG_USER_ONLY
1226 void ppc_gdb_gen_spr_xml(PowerPCCPU *cpu);
1227 const char *ppc_gdb_get_dynamic_xml(CPUState *cs, const char *xml_name);
1228 #endif
1229 int ppc64_cpu_write_elf64_note(WriteCoreDumpFunction f, CPUState *cs,
1230                                int cpuid, void *opaque);
1231 int ppc32_cpu_write_elf32_note(WriteCoreDumpFunction f, CPUState *cs,
1232                                int cpuid, void *opaque);
1233 #ifndef CONFIG_USER_ONLY
1234 void ppc_cpu_do_system_reset(CPUState *cs);
1235 extern const VMStateDescription vmstate_ppc_cpu;
1236 #endif
1238 /*****************************************************************************/
1239 void ppc_translate_init(void);
1240 /*
1241  * you can call this signal handler from your SIGBUS and SIGSEGV
1242  * signal handlers to inform the virtual CPU of exceptions. non zero
1243  * is returned if the signal was handled by the virtual CPU.
1244  */
1245 int cpu_ppc_signal_handler(int host_signum, void *pinfo, void *puc);
1246 bool ppc_cpu_tlb_fill(CPUState *cs, vaddr address, int size,
1247                       MMUAccessType access_type, int mmu_idx,
1248                       bool probe, uintptr_t retaddr);
1250 #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
1251 void ppc_store_sdr1(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong value);
1252 void ppc_store_ptcr(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong value);
1253 #endif /* !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY) */
1254 void ppc_store_msr(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong value);
1256 void ppc_cpu_list(void);
1258 /* Time-base and decrementer management */
1259 #ifndef NO_CPU_IO_DEFS
1260 uint64_t cpu_ppc_load_tbl(CPUPPCState *env);
1261 uint32_t cpu_ppc_load_tbu(CPUPPCState *env);
1262 void cpu_ppc_store_tbu(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t value);
1263 void cpu_ppc_store_tbl(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t value);
1264 uint64_t cpu_ppc_load_atbl(CPUPPCState *env);
1265 uint32_t cpu_ppc_load_atbu(CPUPPCState *env);
1266 void cpu_ppc_store_atbl(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t value);
1267 void cpu_ppc_store_atbu(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t value);
1268 uint64_t cpu_ppc_load_vtb(CPUPPCState *env);
1269 void cpu_ppc_store_vtb(CPUPPCState *env, uint64_t value);
1270 bool ppc_decr_clear_on_delivery(CPUPPCState *env);
1271 target_ulong cpu_ppc_load_decr(CPUPPCState *env);
1272 void cpu_ppc_store_decr(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong value);
1273 target_ulong cpu_ppc_load_hdecr(CPUPPCState *env);
1274 void cpu_ppc_store_hdecr(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong value);
1275 void cpu_ppc_store_tbu40(CPUPPCState *env, uint64_t value);
1276 uint64_t cpu_ppc_load_purr(CPUPPCState *env);
1277 void cpu_ppc_store_purr(CPUPPCState *env, uint64_t value);
1278 uint32_t cpu_ppc601_load_rtcl(CPUPPCState *env);
1279 uint32_t cpu_ppc601_load_rtcu(CPUPPCState *env);
1280 #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
1281 void cpu_ppc601_store_rtcl(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t value);
1282 void cpu_ppc601_store_rtcu(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t value);
1283 target_ulong load_40x_pit(CPUPPCState *env);
1284 void store_40x_pit(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong val);
1285 void store_40x_dbcr0(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t val);
1286 void store_40x_sler(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t val);
1287 void store_booke_tcr(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong val);
1288 void store_booke_tsr(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong val);
1289 void ppc_tlb_invalidate_all(CPUPPCState *env);
1290 void ppc_tlb_invalidate_one(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong addr);
1291 void cpu_ppc_set_vhyp(PowerPCCPU *cpu, PPCVirtualHypervisor *vhyp);
1292 #endif
1293 #endif
1295 void store_fpscr(CPUPPCState *env, uint64_t arg, uint32_t mask);
1296 void helper_hfscr_facility_check(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t bit,
1297                                  const char *caller, uint32_t cause);
1299 static inline uint64_t ppc_dump_gpr(CPUPPCState *env, int gprn)
1300 {
1301     uint64_t gprv;
1303     gprv = env->gpr[gprn];
1304     if (env->flags & POWERPC_FLAG_SPE) {
1305         /*
1306          * If the CPU implements the SPE extension, we have to get the
1307          * high bits of the GPR from the gprh storage area
1308          */
1309         gprv &= 0xFFFFFFFFULL;
1310         gprv |= (uint64_t)env->gprh[gprn] << 32;
1311     }
1313     return gprv;
1314 }
1316 /* Device control registers */
1317 int ppc_dcr_read(ppc_dcr_t *dcr_env, int dcrn, uint32_t *valp);
1318 int ppc_dcr_write(ppc_dcr_t *dcr_env, int dcrn, uint32_t val);
1324 #define cpu_signal_handler cpu_ppc_signal_handler
1325 #define cpu_list ppc_cpu_list
1327 /* MMU modes definitions */
1328 #define MMU_USER_IDX 0
1329 static inline int cpu_mmu_index(CPUPPCState *env, bool ifetch)
1330 {
1331     return ifetch ? env->immu_idx : env->dmmu_idx;
1332 }
1334 /* Compatibility modes */
1335 #if defined(TARGET_PPC64)
1336 bool ppc_check_compat(PowerPCCPU *cpu, uint32_t compat_pvr,
1337                       uint32_t min_compat_pvr, uint32_t max_compat_pvr);
1338 bool ppc_type_check_compat(const char *cputype, uint32_t compat_pvr,
1339                            uint32_t min_compat_pvr, uint32_t max_compat_pvr);
1341 void ppc_set_compat(PowerPCCPU *cpu, uint32_t compat_pvr, Error **errp);
1343 #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
1344 void ppc_set_compat_all(uint32_t compat_pvr, Error **errp);
1345 #endif
1346 int ppc_compat_max_vthreads(PowerPCCPU *cpu);
1347 void ppc_compat_add_property(Object *obj, const char *name,
1348                              uint32_t *compat_pvr, const char *basedesc,
1349                              Error **errp);
1350 #endif /* defined(TARGET_PPC64) */
1352 typedef CPUPPCState CPUArchState;
1353 typedef PowerPCCPU ArchCPU;
1355 #include "exec/cpu-all.h"
1357 /*****************************************************************************/
1358 /* CRF definitions */
1359 #define CRF_LT_BIT    3
1360 #define CRF_GT_BIT    2
1361 #define CRF_EQ_BIT    1
1362 #define CRF_SO_BIT    0
1363 #define CRF_LT        (1 << CRF_LT_BIT)
1364 #define CRF_GT        (1 << CRF_GT_BIT)
1365 #define CRF_EQ        (1 << CRF_EQ_BIT)
1366 #define CRF_SO        (1 << CRF_SO_BIT)
1367 /* For SPE extensions */
1368 #define CRF_CH        (1 << CRF_LT_BIT)
1369 #define CRF_CL        (1 << CRF_GT_BIT)
1370 #define CRF_CH_OR_CL  (1 << CRF_EQ_BIT)
1371 #define CRF_CH_AND_CL (1 << CRF_SO_BIT)
1373 /* XER definitions */
1374 #define XER_SO  31
1375 #define XER_OV  30
1376 #define XER_CA  29
1377 #define XER_OV32  19
1378 #define XER_CA32  18
1379 #define XER_CMP  8
1380 #define XER_BC   0
1381 #define xer_so  (env->so)
1382 #define xer_ov  (env->ov)
1383 #define xer_ca  (env->ca)
1384 #define xer_ov32  (env->ov)
1385 #define xer_ca32  (env->ca)
1386 #define xer_cmp ((env->xer >> XER_CMP) & 0xFF)
1387 #define xer_bc  ((env->xer >> XER_BC)  & 0x7F)
1389 /* SPR definitions */
1390 #define SPR_MQ                (0x000)
1391 #define SPR_XER               (0x001)
1392 #define SPR_601_VRTCU         (0x004)
1393 #define SPR_601_VRTCL         (0x005)
1394 #define SPR_601_UDECR         (0x006)
1395 #define SPR_LR                (0x008)
1396 #define SPR_CTR               (0x009)
1397 #define SPR_UAMR              (0x00D)
1398 #define SPR_DSCR              (0x011)
1399 #define SPR_DSISR             (0x012)
1400 #define SPR_DAR               (0x013) /* DAE for PowerPC 601 */
1401 #define SPR_601_RTCU          (0x014)
1402 #define SPR_601_RTCL          (0x015)
1403 #define SPR_DECR              (0x016)
1404 #define SPR_SDR1              (0x019)
1405 #define SPR_SRR0              (0x01A)
1406 #define SPR_SRR1              (0x01B)
1407 #define SPR_CFAR              (0x01C)
1408 #define SPR_AMR               (0x01D)
1409 #define SPR_ACOP              (0x01F)
1410 #define SPR_BOOKE_PID         (0x030)
1411 #define SPR_BOOKS_PID         (0x030)
1412 #define SPR_BOOKE_DECAR       (0x036)
1413 #define SPR_BOOKE_CSRR0       (0x03A)
1414 #define SPR_BOOKE_CSRR1       (0x03B)
1415 #define SPR_BOOKE_DEAR        (0x03D)
1416 #define SPR_IAMR              (0x03D)
1417 #define SPR_BOOKE_ESR         (0x03E)
1418 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVPR        (0x03F)
1419 #define SPR_MPC_EIE           (0x050)
1420 #define SPR_MPC_EID           (0x051)
1421 #define SPR_MPC_NRI           (0x052)
1422 #define SPR_TFHAR             (0x080)
1423 #define SPR_TFIAR             (0x081)
1424 #define SPR_TEXASR            (0x082)
1425 #define SPR_TEXASRU           (0x083)
1426 #define SPR_UCTRL             (0x088)
1427 #define SPR_TIDR              (0x090)
1428 #define SPR_MPC_CMPA          (0x090)
1429 #define SPR_MPC_CMPB          (0x091)
1430 #define SPR_MPC_CMPC          (0x092)
1431 #define SPR_MPC_CMPD          (0x093)
1432 #define SPR_MPC_ECR           (0x094)
1433 #define SPR_MPC_DER           (0x095)
1434 #define SPR_MPC_COUNTA        (0x096)
1435 #define SPR_MPC_COUNTB        (0x097)
1436 #define SPR_CTRL              (0x098)
1437 #define SPR_MPC_CMPE          (0x098)
1438 #define SPR_MPC_CMPF          (0x099)
1439 #define SPR_FSCR              (0x099)
1440 #define SPR_MPC_CMPG          (0x09A)
1441 #define SPR_MPC_CMPH          (0x09B)
1442 #define SPR_MPC_LCTRL1        (0x09C)
1443 #define SPR_MPC_LCTRL2        (0x09D)
1444 #define SPR_UAMOR             (0x09D)
1445 #define SPR_MPC_ICTRL         (0x09E)
1446 #define SPR_MPC_BAR           (0x09F)
1447 #define SPR_PSPB              (0x09F)
1448 #define SPR_DPDES             (0x0B0)
1449 #define SPR_DAWR              (0x0B4)
1450 #define SPR_RPR               (0x0BA)
1451 #define SPR_CIABR             (0x0BB)
1452 #define SPR_DAWRX             (0x0BC)
1453 #define SPR_HFSCR             (0x0BE)
1454 #define SPR_VRSAVE            (0x100)
1455 #define SPR_USPRG0            (0x100)
1456 #define SPR_USPRG1            (0x101)
1457 #define SPR_USPRG2            (0x102)
1458 #define SPR_USPRG3            (0x103)
1459 #define SPR_USPRG4            (0x104)
1460 #define SPR_USPRG5            (0x105)
1461 #define SPR_USPRG6            (0x106)
1462 #define SPR_USPRG7            (0x107)
1463 #define SPR_VTBL              (0x10C)
1464 #define SPR_VTBU              (0x10D)
1465 #define SPR_SPRG0             (0x110)
1466 #define SPR_SPRG1             (0x111)
1467 #define SPR_SPRG2             (0x112)
1468 #define SPR_SPRG3             (0x113)
1469 #define SPR_SPRG4             (0x114)
1470 #define SPR_SCOMC             (0x114)
1471 #define SPR_SPRG5             (0x115)
1472 #define SPR_SCOMD             (0x115)
1473 #define SPR_SPRG6             (0x116)
1474 #define SPR_SPRG7             (0x117)
1475 #define SPR_ASR               (0x118)
1476 #define SPR_EAR               (0x11A)
1477 #define SPR_TBL               (0x11C)
1478 #define SPR_TBU               (0x11D)
1479 #define SPR_TBU40             (0x11E)
1480 #define SPR_SVR               (0x11E)
1481 #define SPR_BOOKE_PIR         (0x11E)
1482 #define SPR_PVR               (0x11F)
1483 #define SPR_HSPRG0            (0x130)
1484 #define SPR_BOOKE_DBSR        (0x130)
1485 #define SPR_HSPRG1            (0x131)
1486 #define SPR_HDSISR            (0x132)
1487 #define SPR_HDAR              (0x133)
1488 #define SPR_BOOKE_EPCR        (0x133)
1489 #define SPR_SPURR             (0x134)
1490 #define SPR_BOOKE_DBCR0       (0x134)
1491 #define SPR_IBCR              (0x135)
1492 #define SPR_PURR              (0x135)
1493 #define SPR_BOOKE_DBCR1       (0x135)
1494 #define SPR_DBCR              (0x136)
1495 #define SPR_HDEC              (0x136)
1496 #define SPR_BOOKE_DBCR2       (0x136)
1497 #define SPR_HIOR              (0x137)
1498 #define SPR_MBAR              (0x137)
1499 #define SPR_RMOR              (0x138)
1500 #define SPR_BOOKE_IAC1        (0x138)
1501 #define SPR_HRMOR             (0x139)
1502 #define SPR_BOOKE_IAC2        (0x139)
1503 #define SPR_HSRR0             (0x13A)
1504 #define SPR_BOOKE_IAC3        (0x13A)
1505 #define SPR_HSRR1             (0x13B)
1506 #define SPR_BOOKE_IAC4        (0x13B)
1507 #define SPR_BOOKE_DAC1        (0x13C)
1508 #define SPR_MMCRH             (0x13C)
1509 #define SPR_DABR2             (0x13D)
1510 #define SPR_BOOKE_DAC2        (0x13D)
1511 #define SPR_TFMR              (0x13D)
1512 #define SPR_BOOKE_DVC1        (0x13E)
1513 #define SPR_LPCR              (0x13E)
1514 #define SPR_BOOKE_DVC2        (0x13F)
1515 #define SPR_LPIDR             (0x13F)
1516 #define SPR_BOOKE_TSR         (0x150)
1517 #define SPR_HMER              (0x150)
1518 #define SPR_HMEER             (0x151)
1519 #define SPR_PCR               (0x152)
1520 #define SPR_BOOKE_LPIDR       (0x152)
1521 #define SPR_BOOKE_TCR         (0x154)
1522 #define SPR_BOOKE_TLB0PS      (0x158)
1523 #define SPR_BOOKE_TLB1PS      (0x159)
1524 #define SPR_BOOKE_TLB2PS      (0x15A)
1525 #define SPR_BOOKE_TLB3PS      (0x15B)
1526 #define SPR_AMOR              (0x15D)
1527 #define SPR_BOOKE_MAS7_MAS3   (0x174)
1528 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR0       (0x190)
1529 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR1       (0x191)
1530 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR2       (0x192)
1531 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR3       (0x193)
1532 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR4       (0x194)
1533 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR5       (0x195)
1534 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR6       (0x196)
1535 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR7       (0x197)
1536 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR8       (0x198)
1537 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR9       (0x199)
1538 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR10      (0x19A)
1539 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR11      (0x19B)
1540 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR12      (0x19C)
1541 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR13      (0x19D)
1542 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR14      (0x19E)
1543 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR15      (0x19F)
1544 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR38      (0x1B0)
1545 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR39      (0x1B1)
1546 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR40      (0x1B2)
1547 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR41      (0x1B3)
1548 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR42      (0x1B4)
1549 #define SPR_BOOKE_GIVOR2      (0x1B8)
1550 #define SPR_BOOKE_GIVOR3      (0x1B9)
1551 #define SPR_BOOKE_GIVOR4      (0x1BA)
1552 #define SPR_BOOKE_GIVOR8      (0x1BB)
1553 #define SPR_BOOKE_GIVOR13     (0x1BC)
1554 #define SPR_BOOKE_GIVOR14     (0x1BD)
1555 #define SPR_TIR               (0x1BE)
1556 #define SPR_PTCR              (0x1D0)
1557 #define SPR_BOOKE_SPEFSCR     (0x200)
1558 #define SPR_Exxx_BBEAR        (0x201)
1559 #define SPR_Exxx_BBTAR        (0x202)
1560 #define SPR_Exxx_L1CFG0       (0x203)
1561 #define SPR_Exxx_L1CFG1       (0x204)
1562 #define SPR_Exxx_NPIDR        (0x205)
1563 #define SPR_ATBL              (0x20E)
1564 #define SPR_ATBU              (0x20F)
1565 #define SPR_IBAT0U            (0x210)
1566 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR32      (0x210)
1567 #define SPR_RCPU_MI_GRA       (0x210)
1568 #define SPR_IBAT0L            (0x211)
1569 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR33      (0x211)
1570 #define SPR_IBAT1U            (0x212)
1571 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR34      (0x212)
1572 #define SPR_IBAT1L            (0x213)
1573 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR35      (0x213)
1574 #define SPR_IBAT2U            (0x214)
1575 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR36      (0x214)
1576 #define SPR_IBAT2L            (0x215)
1577 #define SPR_BOOKE_IVOR37      (0x215)
1578 #define SPR_IBAT3U            (0x216)
1579 #define SPR_IBAT3L            (0x217)
1580 #define SPR_DBAT0U            (0x218)
1581 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_GRA      (0x218)
1582 #define SPR_DBAT0L            (0x219)
1583 #define SPR_DBAT1U            (0x21A)
1584 #define SPR_DBAT1L            (0x21B)
1585 #define SPR_DBAT2U            (0x21C)
1586 #define SPR_DBAT2L            (0x21D)
1587 #define SPR_DBAT3U            (0x21E)
1588 #define SPR_DBAT3L            (0x21F)
1589 #define SPR_IBAT4U            (0x230)
1590 #define SPR_RPCU_BBCMCR       (0x230)
1591 #define SPR_MPC_IC_CST        (0x230)
1592 #define SPR_Exxx_CTXCR        (0x230)
1593 #define SPR_IBAT4L            (0x231)
1594 #define SPR_MPC_IC_ADR        (0x231)
1595 #define SPR_Exxx_DBCR3        (0x231)
1596 #define SPR_IBAT5U            (0x232)
1597 #define SPR_MPC_IC_DAT        (0x232)
1598 #define SPR_Exxx_DBCNT        (0x232)
1599 #define SPR_IBAT5L            (0x233)
1600 #define SPR_IBAT6U            (0x234)
1601 #define SPR_IBAT6L            (0x235)
1602 #define SPR_IBAT7U            (0x236)
1603 #define SPR_IBAT7L            (0x237)
1604 #define SPR_DBAT4U            (0x238)
1605 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_MCR      (0x238)
1606 #define SPR_MPC_DC_CST        (0x238)
1607 #define SPR_Exxx_ALTCTXCR     (0x238)
1608 #define SPR_DBAT4L            (0x239)
1609 #define SPR_MPC_DC_ADR        (0x239)
1610 #define SPR_DBAT5U            (0x23A)
1611 #define SPR_BOOKE_MCSRR0      (0x23A)
1612 #define SPR_MPC_DC_DAT        (0x23A)
1613 #define SPR_DBAT5L            (0x23B)
1614 #define SPR_BOOKE_MCSRR1      (0x23B)
1615 #define SPR_DBAT6U            (0x23C)
1616 #define SPR_BOOKE_MCSR        (0x23C)
1617 #define SPR_DBAT6L            (0x23D)
1618 #define SPR_Exxx_MCAR         (0x23D)
1619 #define SPR_DBAT7U            (0x23E)
1620 #define SPR_BOOKE_DSRR0       (0x23E)
1621 #define SPR_DBAT7L            (0x23F)
1622 #define SPR_BOOKE_DSRR1       (0x23F)
1623 #define SPR_BOOKE_SPRG8       (0x25C)
1624 #define SPR_BOOKE_SPRG9       (0x25D)
1625 #define SPR_BOOKE_MAS0        (0x270)
1626 #define SPR_BOOKE_MAS1        (0x271)
1627 #define SPR_BOOKE_MAS2        (0x272)
1628 #define SPR_BOOKE_MAS3        (0x273)
1629 #define SPR_BOOKE_MAS4        (0x274)
1630 #define SPR_BOOKE_MAS5        (0x275)
1631 #define SPR_BOOKE_MAS6        (0x276)
1632 #define SPR_BOOKE_PID1        (0x279)
1633 #define SPR_BOOKE_PID2        (0x27A)
1634 #define SPR_MPC_DPDR          (0x280)
1635 #define SPR_MPC_IMMR          (0x288)
1636 #define SPR_BOOKE_TLB0CFG     (0x2B0)
1637 #define SPR_BOOKE_TLB1CFG     (0x2B1)
1638 #define SPR_BOOKE_TLB2CFG     (0x2B2)
1639 #define SPR_BOOKE_TLB3CFG     (0x2B3)
1640 #define SPR_BOOKE_EPR         (0x2BE)
1641 #define SPR_PERF0             (0x300)
1642 #define SPR_RCPU_MI_RBA0      (0x300)
1643 #define SPR_MPC_MI_CTR        (0x300)
1644 #define SPR_POWER_USIER       (0x300)
1645 #define SPR_PERF1             (0x301)
1646 #define SPR_RCPU_MI_RBA1      (0x301)
1647 #define SPR_POWER_UMMCR2      (0x301)
1648 #define SPR_PERF2             (0x302)
1649 #define SPR_RCPU_MI_RBA2      (0x302)
1650 #define SPR_MPC_MI_AP         (0x302)
1651 #define SPR_POWER_UMMCRA      (0x302)
1652 #define SPR_PERF3             (0x303)
1653 #define SPR_RCPU_MI_RBA3      (0x303)
1654 #define SPR_MPC_MI_EPN        (0x303)
1655 #define SPR_POWER_UPMC1       (0x303)
1656 #define SPR_PERF4             (0x304)
1657 #define SPR_POWER_UPMC2       (0x304)
1658 #define SPR_PERF5             (0x305)
1659 #define SPR_MPC_MI_TWC        (0x305)
1660 #define SPR_POWER_UPMC3       (0x305)
1661 #define SPR_PERF6             (0x306)
1662 #define SPR_MPC_MI_RPN        (0x306)
1663 #define SPR_POWER_UPMC4       (0x306)
1664 #define SPR_PERF7             (0x307)
1665 #define SPR_POWER_UPMC5       (0x307)
1666 #define SPR_PERF8             (0x308)
1667 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_RBA0     (0x308)
1668 #define SPR_MPC_MD_CTR        (0x308)
1669 #define SPR_POWER_UPMC6       (0x308)
1670 #define SPR_PERF9             (0x309)
1671 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_RBA1     (0x309)
1672 #define SPR_MPC_MD_CASID      (0x309)
1673 #define SPR_970_UPMC7         (0X309)
1674 #define SPR_PERFA             (0x30A)
1675 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_RBA2     (0x30A)
1676 #define SPR_MPC_MD_AP         (0x30A)
1677 #define SPR_970_UPMC8         (0X30A)
1678 #define SPR_PERFB             (0x30B)
1679 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_RBA3     (0x30B)
1680 #define SPR_MPC_MD_EPN        (0x30B)
1681 #define SPR_POWER_UMMCR0      (0X30B)
1682 #define SPR_PERFC             (0x30C)
1683 #define SPR_MPC_MD_TWB        (0x30C)
1684 #define SPR_POWER_USIAR       (0X30C)
1685 #define SPR_PERFD             (0x30D)
1686 #define SPR_MPC_MD_TWC        (0x30D)
1687 #define SPR_POWER_USDAR       (0X30D)
1688 #define SPR_PERFE             (0x30E)
1689 #define SPR_MPC_MD_RPN        (0x30E)
1690 #define SPR_POWER_UMMCR1      (0X30E)
1691 #define SPR_PERFF             (0x30F)
1692 #define SPR_MPC_MD_TW         (0x30F)
1693 #define SPR_UPERF0            (0x310)
1694 #define SPR_POWER_SIER        (0x310)
1695 #define SPR_UPERF1            (0x311)
1696 #define SPR_POWER_MMCR2       (0x311)
1697 #define SPR_UPERF2            (0x312)
1698 #define SPR_POWER_MMCRA       (0X312)
1699 #define SPR_UPERF3            (0x313)
1700 #define SPR_POWER_PMC1        (0X313)
1701 #define SPR_UPERF4            (0x314)
1702 #define SPR_POWER_PMC2        (0X314)
1703 #define SPR_UPERF5            (0x315)
1704 #define SPR_POWER_PMC3        (0X315)
1705 #define SPR_UPERF6            (0x316)
1706 #define SPR_POWER_PMC4        (0X316)
1707 #define SPR_UPERF7            (0x317)
1708 #define SPR_POWER_PMC5        (0X317)
1709 #define SPR_UPERF8            (0x318)
1710 #define SPR_POWER_PMC6        (0X318)
1711 #define SPR_UPERF9            (0x319)
1712 #define SPR_970_PMC7          (0X319)
1713 #define SPR_UPERFA            (0x31A)
1714 #define SPR_970_PMC8          (0X31A)
1715 #define SPR_UPERFB            (0x31B)
1716 #define SPR_POWER_MMCR0       (0X31B)
1717 #define SPR_UPERFC            (0x31C)
1718 #define SPR_POWER_SIAR        (0X31C)
1719 #define SPR_UPERFD            (0x31D)
1720 #define SPR_POWER_SDAR        (0X31D)
1721 #define SPR_UPERFE            (0x31E)
1722 #define SPR_POWER_MMCR1       (0X31E)
1723 #define SPR_UPERFF            (0x31F)
1724 #define SPR_RCPU_MI_RA0       (0x320)
1725 #define SPR_MPC_MI_DBCAM      (0x320)
1726 #define SPR_BESCRS            (0x320)
1727 #define SPR_RCPU_MI_RA1       (0x321)
1728 #define SPR_MPC_MI_DBRAM0     (0x321)
1729 #define SPR_BESCRSU           (0x321)
1730 #define SPR_RCPU_MI_RA2       (0x322)
1731 #define SPR_MPC_MI_DBRAM1     (0x322)
1732 #define SPR_BESCRR            (0x322)
1733 #define SPR_RCPU_MI_RA3       (0x323)
1734 #define SPR_BESCRRU           (0x323)
1735 #define SPR_EBBHR             (0x324)
1736 #define SPR_EBBRR             (0x325)
1737 #define SPR_BESCR             (0x326)
1738 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_RA0      (0x328)
1739 #define SPR_MPC_MD_DBCAM      (0x328)
1740 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_RA1      (0x329)
1741 #define SPR_MPC_MD_DBRAM0     (0x329)
1742 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_RA2      (0x32A)
1743 #define SPR_MPC_MD_DBRAM1     (0x32A)
1744 #define SPR_RCPU_L2U_RA3      (0x32B)
1745 #define SPR_TAR               (0x32F)
1746 #define SPR_ASDR              (0x330)
1747 #define SPR_IC                (0x350)
1748 #define SPR_VTB               (0x351)
1749 #define SPR_MMCRC             (0x353)
1750 #define SPR_PSSCR             (0x357)
1751 #define SPR_440_INV0          (0x370)
1752 #define SPR_440_INV1          (0x371)
1753 #define SPR_440_INV2          (0x372)
1754 #define SPR_440_INV3          (0x373)
1755 #define SPR_440_ITV0          (0x374)
1756 #define SPR_440_ITV1          (0x375)
1757 #define SPR_440_ITV2          (0x376)
1758 #define SPR_440_ITV3          (0x377)
1759 #define SPR_440_CCR1          (0x378)
1760 #define SPR_TACR              (0x378)
1761 #define SPR_TCSCR             (0x379)
1762 #define SPR_CSIGR             (0x37a)
1763 #define SPR_DCRIPR            (0x37B)
1764 #define SPR_POWER_SPMC1       (0x37C)
1765 #define SPR_POWER_SPMC2       (0x37D)
1766 #define SPR_POWER_MMCRS       (0x37E)
1767 #define SPR_WORT              (0x37F)
1768 #define SPR_PPR               (0x380)
1769 #define SPR_750_GQR0          (0x390)
1770 #define SPR_440_DNV0          (0x390)
1771 #define SPR_750_GQR1          (0x391)
1772 #define SPR_440_DNV1          (0x391)
1773 #define SPR_750_GQR2          (0x392)
1774 #define SPR_440_DNV2          (0x392)
1775 #define SPR_750_GQR3          (0x393)
1776 #define SPR_440_DNV3          (0x393)
1777 #define SPR_750_GQR4          (0x394)
1778 #define SPR_440_DTV0          (0x394)
1779 #define SPR_750_GQR5          (0x395)
1780 #define SPR_440_DTV1          (0x395)
1781 #define SPR_750_GQR6          (0x396)
1782 #define SPR_440_DTV2          (0x396)
1783 #define SPR_750_GQR7          (0x397)
1784 #define SPR_440_DTV3          (0x397)
1785 #define SPR_750_THRM4         (0x398)
1786 #define SPR_750CL_HID2        (0x398)
1787 #define SPR_440_DVLIM         (0x398)
1788 #define SPR_750_WPAR          (0x399)
1789 #define SPR_440_IVLIM         (0x399)
1790 #define SPR_TSCR              (0x399)
1791 #define SPR_750_DMAU          (0x39A)
1792 #define SPR_750_DMAL          (0x39B)
1793 #define SPR_440_RSTCFG        (0x39B)
1794 #define SPR_BOOKE_DCDBTRL     (0x39C)
1795 #define SPR_BOOKE_DCDBTRH     (0x39D)
1796 #define SPR_BOOKE_ICDBTRL     (0x39E)
1797 #define SPR_BOOKE_ICDBTRH     (0x39F)
1798 #define SPR_74XX_UMMCR2       (0x3A0)
1799 #define SPR_7XX_UPMC5         (0x3A1)
1800 #define SPR_7XX_UPMC6         (0x3A2)
1801 #define SPR_UBAMR             (0x3A7)
1802 #define SPR_7XX_UMMCR0        (0x3A8)
1803 #define SPR_7XX_UPMC1         (0x3A9)
1804 #define SPR_7XX_UPMC2         (0x3AA)
1805 #define SPR_7XX_USIAR         (0x3AB)
1806 #define SPR_7XX_UMMCR1        (0x3AC)
1807 #define SPR_7XX_UPMC3         (0x3AD)
1808 #define SPR_7XX_UPMC4         (0x3AE)
1809 #define SPR_USDA              (0x3AF)
1810 #define SPR_40x_ZPR           (0x3B0)
1811 #define SPR_BOOKE_MAS7        (0x3B0)
1812 #define SPR_74XX_MMCR2        (0x3B0)
1813 #define SPR_7XX_PMC5          (0x3B1)
1814 #define SPR_40x_PID           (0x3B1)
1815 #define SPR_7XX_PMC6          (0x3B2)
1816 #define SPR_440_MMUCR         (0x3B2)
1817 #define SPR_4xx_CCR0          (0x3B3)
1818 #define SPR_BOOKE_EPLC        (0x3B3)
1819 #define SPR_405_IAC3          (0x3B4)
1820 #define SPR_BOOKE_EPSC        (0x3B4)
1821 #define SPR_405_IAC4          (0x3B5)
1822 #define SPR_405_DVC1          (0x3B6)
1823 #define SPR_405_DVC2          (0x3B7)
1824 #define SPR_BAMR              (0x3B7)
1825 #define SPR_7XX_MMCR0         (0x3B8)
1826 #define SPR_7XX_PMC1          (0x3B9)
1827 #define SPR_40x_SGR           (0x3B9)
1828 #define SPR_7XX_PMC2          (0x3BA)
1829 #define SPR_40x_DCWR          (0x3BA)
1830 #define SPR_7XX_SIAR          (0x3BB)
1831 #define SPR_405_SLER          (0x3BB)
1832 #define SPR_7XX_MMCR1         (0x3BC)
1833 #define SPR_405_SU0R          (0x3BC)
1834 #define SPR_401_SKR           (0x3BC)
1835 #define SPR_7XX_PMC3          (0x3BD)
1836 #define SPR_405_DBCR1         (0x3BD)
1837 #define SPR_7XX_PMC4          (0x3BE)
1838 #define SPR_SDA               (0x3BF)
1839 #define SPR_403_VTBL          (0x3CC)
1840 #define SPR_403_VTBU          (0x3CD)
1841 #define SPR_DMISS             (0x3D0)
1842 #define SPR_DCMP              (0x3D1)
1843 #define SPR_HASH1             (0x3D2)
1844 #define SPR_HASH2             (0x3D3)
1845 #define SPR_BOOKE_ICDBDR      (0x3D3)
1846 #define SPR_TLBMISS           (0x3D4)
1847 #define SPR_IMISS             (0x3D4)
1848 #define SPR_40x_ESR           (0x3D4)
1849 #define SPR_PTEHI             (0x3D5)
1850 #define SPR_ICMP              (0x3D5)
1851 #define SPR_40x_DEAR          (0x3D5)
1852 #define SPR_PTELO             (0x3D6)
1853 #define SPR_RPA               (0x3D6)
1854 #define SPR_40x_EVPR          (0x3D6)
1855 #define SPR_L3PM              (0x3D7)
1856 #define SPR_403_CDBCR         (0x3D7)
1857 #define SPR_L3ITCR0           (0x3D8)
1858 #define SPR_TCR               (0x3D8)
1859 #define SPR_40x_TSR           (0x3D8)
1860 #define SPR_IBR               (0x3DA)
1861 #define SPR_40x_TCR           (0x3DA)
1862 #define SPR_ESASRR            (0x3DB)
1863 #define SPR_40x_PIT           (0x3DB)
1864 #define SPR_403_TBL           (0x3DC)
1865 #define SPR_403_TBU           (0x3DD)
1866 #define SPR_SEBR              (0x3DE)
1867 #define SPR_40x_SRR2          (0x3DE)
1868 #define SPR_SER               (0x3DF)
1869 #define SPR_40x_SRR3          (0x3DF)
1870 #define SPR_L3OHCR            (0x3E8)
1871 #define SPR_L3ITCR1           (0x3E9)
1872 #define SPR_L3ITCR2           (0x3EA)
1873 #define SPR_L3ITCR3           (0x3EB)
1874 #define SPR_HID0              (0x3F0)
1875 #define SPR_40x_DBSR          (0x3F0)
1876 #define SPR_HID1              (0x3F1)
1877 #define SPR_IABR              (0x3F2)
1878 #define SPR_40x_DBCR0         (0x3F2)
1879 #define SPR_601_HID2          (0x3F2)
1880 #define SPR_Exxx_L1CSR0       (0x3F2)
1881 #define SPR_ICTRL             (0x3F3)
1882 #define SPR_HID2              (0x3F3)
1883 #define SPR_750CL_HID4        (0x3F3)
1884 #define SPR_Exxx_L1CSR1       (0x3F3)
1885 #define SPR_440_DBDR          (0x3F3)
1886 #define SPR_LDSTDB            (0x3F4)
1887 #define SPR_750_TDCL          (0x3F4)
1888 #define SPR_40x_IAC1          (0x3F4)
1889 #define SPR_MMUCSR0           (0x3F4)
1890 #define SPR_970_HID4          (0x3F4)
1891 #define SPR_DABR              (0x3F5)
1892 #define DABR_MASK (~(target_ulong)0x7)
1893 #define SPR_Exxx_BUCSR        (0x3F5)
1894 #define SPR_40x_IAC2          (0x3F5)
1895 #define SPR_601_HID5          (0x3F5)
1896 #define SPR_40x_DAC1          (0x3F6)
1897 #define SPR_MSSCR0            (0x3F6)
1898 #define SPR_970_HID5          (0x3F6)
1899 #define SPR_MSSSR0            (0x3F7)
1900 #define SPR_MSSCR1            (0x3F7)
1901 #define SPR_DABRX             (0x3F7)
1902 #define SPR_40x_DAC2          (0x3F7)
1903 #define SPR_MMUCFG            (0x3F7)
1904 #define SPR_LDSTCR            (0x3F8)
1905 #define SPR_L2PMCR            (0x3F8)
1906 #define SPR_750FX_HID2        (0x3F8)
1907 #define SPR_Exxx_L1FINV0      (0x3F8)
1908 #define SPR_L2CR              (0x3F9)
1909 #define SPR_L3CR              (0x3FA)
1910 #define SPR_750_TDCH          (0x3FA)
1911 #define SPR_IABR2             (0x3FA)
1912 #define SPR_40x_DCCR          (0x3FA)
1913 #define SPR_ICTC              (0x3FB)
1914 #define SPR_40x_ICCR          (0x3FB)
1915 #define SPR_THRM1             (0x3FC)
1916 #define SPR_403_PBL1          (0x3FC)
1917 #define SPR_SP                (0x3FD)
1918 #define SPR_THRM2             (0x3FD)
1919 #define SPR_403_PBU1          (0x3FD)
1920 #define SPR_604_HID13         (0x3FD)
1921 #define SPR_LT                (0x3FE)
1922 #define SPR_THRM3             (0x3FE)
1923 #define SPR_RCPU_FPECR        (0x3FE)
1924 #define SPR_403_PBL2          (0x3FE)
1925 #define SPR_PIR               (0x3FF)
1926 #define SPR_403_PBU2          (0x3FF)
1927 #define SPR_601_HID15         (0x3FF)
1928 #define SPR_604_HID15         (0x3FF)
1929 #define SPR_E500_SVR          (0x3FF)
1931 /* Disable MAS Interrupt Updates for Hypervisor */
1932 #define EPCR_DMIUH            (1 << 22)
1933 /* Disable Guest TLB Management Instructions */
1934 #define EPCR_DGTMI            (1 << 23)
1935 /* Guest Interrupt Computation Mode */
1936 #define EPCR_GICM             (1 << 24)
1937 /* Interrupt Computation Mode */
1938 #define EPCR_ICM              (1 << 25)
1939 /* Disable Embedded Hypervisor Debug */
1940 #define EPCR_DUVD             (1 << 26)
1941 /* Instruction Storage Interrupt Directed to Guest State */
1942 #define EPCR_ISIGS            (1 << 27)
1943 /* Data Storage Interrupt Directed to Guest State */
1944 #define EPCR_DSIGS            (1 << 28)
1945 /* Instruction TLB Error Interrupt Directed to Guest State */
1946 #define EPCR_ITLBGS           (1 << 29)
1947 /* Data TLB Error Interrupt Directed to Guest State */
1948 #define EPCR_DTLBGS           (1 << 30)
1949 /* External Input Interrupt Directed to Guest State */
1950 #define EPCR_EXTGS            (1 << 31)
1952 #define   L1CSR0_CPE    0x00010000  /* Data Cache Parity Enable */
1953 #define   L1CSR0_CUL    0x00000400  /* (D-)Cache Unable to Lock */
1954 #define   L1CSR0_DCLFR  0x00000100  /* D-Cache Lock Flash Reset */
1955 #define   L1CSR0_DCFI   0x00000002  /* Data Cache Flash Invalidate */
1956 #define   L1CSR0_DCE    0x00000001  /* Data Cache Enable */
1958 #define   L1CSR1_CPE    0x00010000  /* Instruction Cache Parity Enable */
1959 #define   L1CSR1_ICUL   0x00000400  /* I-Cache Unable to Lock */
1960 #define   L1CSR1_ICLFR  0x00000100  /* I-Cache Lock Flash Reset */
1961 #define   L1CSR1_ICFI   0x00000002  /* Instruction Cache Flash Invalidate */
1962 #define   L1CSR1_ICE    0x00000001  /* Instruction Cache Enable */
1964 /* HID0 bits */
1965 #define HID0_DEEPNAP        (1 << 24)           /* pre-2.06 */
1966 #define HID0_DOZE           (1 << 23)           /* pre-2.06 */
1967 #define HID0_NAP            (1 << 22)           /* pre-2.06 */
1968 #define HID0_HILE           PPC_BIT(19) /* POWER8 */
1969 #define HID0_POWER9_HILE    PPC_BIT(4)
1971 /*****************************************************************************/
1972 /* PowerPC Instructions types definitions                                    */
1973 enum {
1974     PPC_NONE           = 0x0000000000000000ULL,
1975     /* PowerPC base instructions set                                         */
1976     PPC_INSNS_BASE     = 0x0000000000000001ULL,
1977     /*   integer operations instructions                                     */
1979     /*   flow control instructions                                           */
1980 #define PPC_FLOW    PPC_INSNS_BASE
1981     /*   virtual memory instructions                                         */
1982 #define PPC_MEM     PPC_INSNS_BASE
1983     /*   ld/st with reservation instructions                                 */
1984 #define PPC_RES     PPC_INSNS_BASE
1985     /*   spr/msr access instructions                                         */
1986 #define PPC_MISC    PPC_INSNS_BASE
1987     /* Deprecated instruction sets                                           */
1988     /*   Original POWER instruction set                                      */
1989     PPC_POWER          = 0x0000000000000002ULL,
1990     /*   POWER2 instruction set extension                                    */
1991     PPC_POWER2         = 0x0000000000000004ULL,
1992     /*   Power RTC support                                                   */
1993     PPC_POWER_RTC      = 0x0000000000000008ULL,
1994     /*   Power-to-PowerPC bridge (601)                                       */
1995     PPC_POWER_BR       = 0x0000000000000010ULL,
1996     /* 64 bits PowerPC instruction set                                       */
1997     PPC_64B            = 0x0000000000000020ULL,
1998     /*   New 64 bits extensions (PowerPC 2.0x)                               */
1999     PPC_64BX           = 0x0000000000000040ULL,
2000     /*   64 bits hypervisor extensions                                       */
2001     PPC_64H            = 0x0000000000000080ULL,
2002     /*   New wait instruction (PowerPC 2.0x)                                 */
2003     PPC_WAIT           = 0x0000000000000100ULL,
2004     /*   Time base mftb instruction                                          */
2005     PPC_MFTB           = 0x0000000000000200ULL,
2007     /* Fixed-point unit extensions                                           */
2008     /*   PowerPC 602 specific                                                */
2009     PPC_602_SPEC       = 0x0000000000000400ULL,
2010     /*   isel instruction                                                    */
2011     PPC_ISEL           = 0x0000000000000800ULL,
2012     /*   popcntb instruction                                                 */
2013     PPC_POPCNTB        = 0x0000000000001000ULL,
2014     /*   string load / store                                                 */
2015     PPC_STRING         = 0x0000000000002000ULL,
2016     /*   real mode cache inhibited load / store                              */
2017     PPC_CILDST         = 0x0000000000004000ULL,
2019     /* Floating-point unit extensions                                        */
2020     /*   Optional floating point instructions                                */
2021     PPC_FLOAT          = 0x0000000000010000ULL,
2022     /* New floating-point extensions (PowerPC 2.0x)                          */
2023     PPC_FLOAT_EXT      = 0x0000000000020000ULL,
2024     PPC_FLOAT_FSQRT    = 0x0000000000040000ULL,
2025     PPC_FLOAT_FRES     = 0x0000000000080000ULL,
2026     PPC_FLOAT_FRSQRTE  = 0x0000000000100000ULL,
2027     PPC_FLOAT_FRSQRTES = 0x0000000000200000ULL,
2028     PPC_FLOAT_FSEL     = 0x0000000000400000ULL,
2029     PPC_FLOAT_STFIWX   = 0x0000000000800000ULL,
2031     /* Vector/SIMD extensions                                                */
2032     /*   Altivec support                                                     */
2033     PPC_ALTIVEC        = 0x0000000001000000ULL,
2034     /*   PowerPC 2.03 SPE extension                                          */
2035     PPC_SPE            = 0x0000000002000000ULL,
2036     /*   PowerPC 2.03 SPE single-precision floating-point extension          */
2037     PPC_SPE_SINGLE     = 0x0000000004000000ULL,
2038     /*   PowerPC 2.03 SPE double-precision floating-point extension          */
2039     PPC_SPE_DOUBLE     = 0x0000000008000000ULL,
2041     /* Optional memory control instructions                                  */
2042     PPC_MEM_TLBIA      = 0x0000000010000000ULL,
2043     PPC_MEM_TLBIE      = 0x0000000020000000ULL,
2044     PPC_MEM_TLBSYNC    = 0x0000000040000000ULL,
2045     /*   sync instruction                                                    */
2046     PPC_MEM_SYNC       = 0x0000000080000000ULL,
2047     /*   eieio instruction                                                   */
2048     PPC_MEM_EIEIO      = 0x0000000100000000ULL,
2050     /* Cache control instructions                                            */
2051     PPC_CACHE          = 0x0000000200000000ULL,
2052     /*   icbi instruction                                                    */
2053     PPC_CACHE_ICBI     = 0x0000000400000000ULL,
2054     /*   dcbz instruction                                                    */
2055     PPC_CACHE_DCBZ     = 0x0000000800000000ULL,
2056     /*   dcba instruction                                                    */
2057     PPC_CACHE_DCBA     = 0x0000002000000000ULL,
2058     /*   Freescale cache locking instructions                                */
2059     PPC_CACHE_LOCK     = 0x0000004000000000ULL,
2061     /* MMU related extensions                                                */
2062     /*   external control instructions                                       */
2063     PPC_EXTERN         = 0x0000010000000000ULL,
2064     /*   segment register access instructions                                */
2065     PPC_SEGMENT        = 0x0000020000000000ULL,
2066     /*   PowerPC 6xx TLB management instructions                             */
2067     PPC_6xx_TLB        = 0x0000040000000000ULL,
2068     /* PowerPC 74xx TLB management instructions                              */
2069     PPC_74xx_TLB       = 0x0000080000000000ULL,
2070     /*   PowerPC 40x TLB management instructions                             */
2071     PPC_40x_TLB        = 0x0000100000000000ULL,
2072     /*   segment register access instructions for PowerPC 64 "bridge"        */
2073     PPC_SEGMENT_64B    = 0x0000200000000000ULL,
2074     /*   SLB management                                                      */
2075     PPC_SLBI           = 0x0000400000000000ULL,
2077     /* Embedded PowerPC dedicated instructions                               */
2078     PPC_WRTEE          = 0x0001000000000000ULL,
2079     /* PowerPC 40x exception model                                           */
2080     PPC_40x_EXCP       = 0x0002000000000000ULL,
2081     /* PowerPC 405 Mac instructions                                          */
2082     PPC_405_MAC        = 0x0004000000000000ULL,
2083     /* PowerPC 440 specific instructions                                     */
2084     PPC_440_SPEC       = 0x0008000000000000ULL,
2085     /* BookE (embedded) PowerPC specification                                */
2086     PPC_BOOKE          = 0x0010000000000000ULL,
2087     /* mfapidi instruction                                                   */
2088     PPC_MFAPIDI        = 0x0020000000000000ULL,
2089     /* tlbiva instruction                                                    */
2090     PPC_TLBIVA         = 0x0040000000000000ULL,
2091     /* tlbivax instruction                                                   */
2092     PPC_TLBIVAX        = 0x0080000000000000ULL,
2093     /* PowerPC 4xx dedicated instructions                                    */
2094     PPC_4xx_COMMON     = 0x0100000000000000ULL,
2095     /* PowerPC 40x ibct instructions                                         */
2096     PPC_40x_ICBT       = 0x0200000000000000ULL,
2097     /* rfmci is not implemented in all BookE PowerPC                         */
2098     PPC_RFMCI          = 0x0400000000000000ULL,
2099     /* rfdi instruction                                                      */
2100     PPC_RFDI           = 0x0800000000000000ULL,
2101     /* DCR accesses                                                          */
2102     PPC_DCR            = 0x1000000000000000ULL,
2103     /* DCR extended accesse                                                  */
2104     PPC_DCRX           = 0x2000000000000000ULL,
2105     /* user-mode DCR access, implemented in PowerPC 460                      */
2106     PPC_DCRUX          = 0x4000000000000000ULL,
2107     /* popcntw and popcntd instructions                                      */
2108     PPC_POPCNTWD       = 0x8000000000000000ULL,
2111                         | PPC_POWER_RTC | PPC_POWER_BR | PPC_64B \
2112                         | PPC_64BX | PPC_64H | PPC_WAIT | PPC_MFTB \
2113                         | PPC_602_SPEC | PPC_ISEL | PPC_POPCNTB \
2114                         | PPC_STRING | PPC_FLOAT | PPC_FLOAT_EXT \
2115                         | PPC_FLOAT_FSQRT | PPC_FLOAT_FRES \
2116                         | PPC_FLOAT_FRSQRTE | PPC_FLOAT_FRSQRTES \
2117                         | PPC_FLOAT_FSEL | PPC_FLOAT_STFIWX \
2118                         | PPC_ALTIVEC | PPC_SPE | PPC_SPE_SINGLE \
2119                         | PPC_SPE_DOUBLE | PPC_MEM_TLBIA \
2120                         | PPC_MEM_TLBIE | PPC_MEM_TLBSYNC \
2121                         | PPC_MEM_SYNC | PPC_MEM_EIEIO \
2122                         | PPC_CACHE | PPC_CACHE_ICBI \
2123                         | PPC_CACHE_DCBZ \
2124                         | PPC_CACHE_DCBA | PPC_CACHE_LOCK \
2125                         | PPC_EXTERN | PPC_SEGMENT | PPC_6xx_TLB \
2126                         | PPC_74xx_TLB | PPC_40x_TLB | PPC_SEGMENT_64B \
2127                         | PPC_SLBI | PPC_WRTEE | PPC_40x_EXCP \
2128                         | PPC_405_MAC | PPC_440_SPEC | PPC_BOOKE \
2129                         | PPC_MFAPIDI | PPC_TLBIVA | PPC_TLBIVAX \
2130                         | PPC_4xx_COMMON | PPC_40x_ICBT | PPC_RFMCI \
2131                         | PPC_RFDI | PPC_DCR | PPC_DCRX | PPC_DCRUX \
2132                         | PPC_POPCNTWD | PPC_CILDST)
2134     /* extended type values */
2136     /* BookE 2.06 PowerPC specification                                      */
2137     PPC2_BOOKE206      = 0x0000000000000001ULL,
2138     /* VSX (extensions to Altivec / VMX)                                     */
2139     PPC2_VSX           = 0x0000000000000002ULL,
2140     /* Decimal Floating Point (DFP)                                          */
2141     PPC2_DFP           = 0x0000000000000004ULL,
2142     /* Embedded.Processor Control                                            */
2143     PPC2_PRCNTL        = 0x0000000000000008ULL,
2144     /* Byte-reversed, indexed, double-word load and store                    */
2145     PPC2_DBRX          = 0x0000000000000010ULL,
2146     /* Book I 2.05 PowerPC specification                                     */
2147     PPC2_ISA205        = 0x0000000000000020ULL,
2148     /* VSX additions in ISA 2.07                                             */
2149     PPC2_VSX207        = 0x0000000000000040ULL,
2150     /* ISA 2.06B bpermd                                                      */
2151     PPC2_PERM_ISA206   = 0x0000000000000080ULL,
2152     /* ISA 2.06B divide extended variants                                    */
2153     PPC2_DIVE_ISA206   = 0x0000000000000100ULL,
2154     /* ISA 2.06B larx/stcx. instructions                                     */
2155     PPC2_ATOMIC_ISA206 = 0x0000000000000200ULL,
2156     /* ISA 2.06B floating point integer conversion                           */
2157     PPC2_FP_CVT_ISA206 = 0x0000000000000400ULL,
2158     /* ISA 2.06B floating point test instructions                            */
2159     PPC2_FP_TST_ISA206 = 0x0000000000000800ULL,
2160     /* ISA 2.07 bctar instruction                                            */
2161     PPC2_BCTAR_ISA207  = 0x0000000000001000ULL,
2162     /* ISA 2.07 load/store quadword                                          */
2163     PPC2_LSQ_ISA207    = 0x0000000000002000ULL,
2164     /* ISA 2.07 Altivec                                                      */
2165     PPC2_ALTIVEC_207   = 0x0000000000004000ULL,
2166     /* PowerISA 2.07 Book3s specification                                    */
2167     PPC2_ISA207S       = 0x0000000000008000ULL,
2168     /* Double precision floating point conversion for signed integer 64      */
2169     PPC2_FP_CVT_S64    = 0x0000000000010000ULL,
2170     /* Transactional Memory (ISA 2.07, Book II)                              */
2171     PPC2_TM            = 0x0000000000020000ULL,
2172     /* Server PM instructgions (ISA 2.06, Book III)                          */
2173     PPC2_PM_ISA206     = 0x0000000000040000ULL,
2174     /* POWER ISA 3.0                                                         */
2175     PPC2_ISA300        = 0x0000000000080000ULL,
2177 #define PPC_TCG_INSNS2 (PPC2_BOOKE206 | PPC2_VSX | PPC2_PRCNTL | PPC2_DBRX | \
2178                         PPC2_ISA205 | PPC2_VSX207 | PPC2_PERM_ISA206 | \
2179                         PPC2_DIVE_ISA206 | PPC2_ATOMIC_ISA206 | \
2180                         PPC2_FP_CVT_ISA206 | PPC2_FP_TST_ISA206 | \
2181                         PPC2_BCTAR_ISA207 | PPC2_LSQ_ISA207 | \
2182                         PPC2_ALTIVEC_207 | PPC2_ISA207S | PPC2_DFP | \
2183                         PPC2_FP_CVT_S64 | PPC2_TM | PPC2_PM_ISA206 | \
2184                         PPC2_ISA300)
2185 };
2187 /*****************************************************************************/
2188 /*
2189  * Memory access type :
2190  * may be needed for precise access rights control and precise exceptions.
2191  */
2192 enum {
2193     /* 1 bit to define user level / supervisor access */
2194     ACCESS_USER  = 0x00,
2195     ACCESS_SUPER = 0x01,
2196     /* Type of instruction that generated the access */
2197     ACCESS_CODE  = 0x10, /* Code fetch access                */
2198     ACCESS_INT   = 0x20, /* Integer load/store access        */
2199     ACCESS_FLOAT = 0x30, /* floating point load/store access */
2200     ACCESS_RES   = 0x40, /* load/store with reservation      */
2201     ACCESS_EXT   = 0x50, /* external access                  */
2202     ACCESS_CACHE = 0x60, /* Cache manipulation               */
2203 };
2205 /*
2206  * Hardware interrupt sources:
2207  *   all those exception can be raised simulteaneously
2208  */
2209 /* Input pins definitions */
2210 enum {
2211     /* 6xx bus input pins */
2212     PPC6xx_INPUT_HRESET     = 0,
2213     PPC6xx_INPUT_SRESET     = 1,
2214     PPC6xx_INPUT_CKSTP_IN   = 2,
2215     PPC6xx_INPUT_MCP        = 3,
2216     PPC6xx_INPUT_SMI        = 4,
2217     PPC6xx_INPUT_INT        = 5,
2218     PPC6xx_INPUT_TBEN       = 6,
2219     PPC6xx_INPUT_WAKEUP     = 7,
2220     PPC6xx_INPUT_NB,
2221 };
2223 enum {
2224     /* Embedded PowerPC input pins */
2225     PPCBookE_INPUT_HRESET     = 0,
2226     PPCBookE_INPUT_SRESET     = 1,
2227     PPCBookE_INPUT_CKSTP_IN   = 2,
2228     PPCBookE_INPUT_MCP        = 3,
2229     PPCBookE_INPUT_SMI        = 4,
2230     PPCBookE_INPUT_INT        = 5,
2231     PPCBookE_INPUT_CINT       = 6,
2232     PPCBookE_INPUT_NB,
2233 };
2235 enum {
2236     /* PowerPC E500 input pins */
2237     PPCE500_INPUT_RESET_CORE = 0,
2238     PPCE500_INPUT_MCK        = 1,
2239     PPCE500_INPUT_CINT       = 3,
2240     PPCE500_INPUT_INT        = 4,
2241     PPCE500_INPUT_DEBUG      = 6,
2242     PPCE500_INPUT_NB,
2243 };
2245 enum {
2246     /* PowerPC 40x input pins */
2247     PPC40x_INPUT_RESET_CORE = 0,
2248     PPC40x_INPUT_RESET_CHIP = 1,
2249     PPC40x_INPUT_RESET_SYS  = 2,
2250     PPC40x_INPUT_CINT       = 3,
2251     PPC40x_INPUT_INT        = 4,
2252     PPC40x_INPUT_HALT       = 5,
2253     PPC40x_INPUT_DEBUG      = 6,
2254     PPC40x_INPUT_NB,
2255 };
2257 enum {
2258     /* RCPU input pins */
2260     PPCRCPU_INPUT_HRESET    = 1,
2261     PPCRCPU_INPUT_SRESET    = 2,
2262     PPCRCPU_INPUT_IRQ0      = 3,
2263     PPCRCPU_INPUT_IRQ1      = 4,
2264     PPCRCPU_INPUT_IRQ2      = 5,
2265     PPCRCPU_INPUT_IRQ3      = 6,
2266     PPCRCPU_INPUT_IRQ4      = 7,
2267     PPCRCPU_INPUT_IRQ5      = 8,
2268     PPCRCPU_INPUT_IRQ6      = 9,
2269     PPCRCPU_INPUT_IRQ7      = 10,
2271 };
2273 #if defined(TARGET_PPC64)
2274 enum {
2275     /* PowerPC 970 input pins */
2276     PPC970_INPUT_HRESET     = 0,
2277     PPC970_INPUT_SRESET     = 1,
2278     PPC970_INPUT_CKSTP      = 2,
2279     PPC970_INPUT_TBEN       = 3,
2280     PPC970_INPUT_MCP        = 4,
2281     PPC970_INPUT_INT        = 5,
2282     PPC970_INPUT_THINT      = 6,
2283     PPC970_INPUT_NB,
2284 };
2286 enum {
2287     /* POWER7 input pins */
2288     POWER7_INPUT_INT        = 0,
2289     /*
2290      * POWER7 probably has other inputs, but we don't care about them
2291      * for any existing machine.  We can wire these up when we need
2292      * them
2293      */
2294     POWER7_INPUT_NB,
2295 };
2297 enum {
2298     /* POWER9 input pins */
2299     POWER9_INPUT_INT        = 0,
2300     POWER9_INPUT_HINT       = 1,
2301     POWER9_INPUT_NB,
2302 };
2303 #endif
2305 /* Hardware exceptions definitions */
2306 enum {
2307     /* External hardware exception sources */
2308     PPC_INTERRUPT_RESET     = 0,  /* Reset exception                      */
2309     PPC_INTERRUPT_WAKEUP,         /* Wakeup exception                     */
2310     PPC_INTERRUPT_MCK,            /* Machine check exception              */
2311     PPC_INTERRUPT_EXT,            /* External interrupt                   */
2312     PPC_INTERRUPT_SMI,            /* System management interrupt          */
2313     PPC_INTERRUPT_CEXT,           /* Critical external interrupt          */
2314     PPC_INTERRUPT_DEBUG,          /* External debug exception             */
2315     PPC_INTERRUPT_THERM,          /* Thermal exception                    */
2316     /* Internal hardware exception sources */
2317     PPC_INTERRUPT_DECR,           /* Decrementer exception                */
2318     PPC_INTERRUPT_HDECR,          /* Hypervisor decrementer exception     */
2319     PPC_INTERRUPT_PIT,            /* Programmable inteval timer interrupt */
2320     PPC_INTERRUPT_FIT,            /* Fixed interval timer interrupt       */
2321     PPC_INTERRUPT_WDT,            /* Watchdog timer interrupt             */
2322     PPC_INTERRUPT_CDOORBELL,      /* Critical doorbell interrupt          */
2323     PPC_INTERRUPT_DOORBELL,       /* Doorbell interrupt                   */
2324     PPC_INTERRUPT_PERFM,          /* Performance monitor interrupt        */
2325     PPC_INTERRUPT_HMI,            /* Hypervisor Maintainance interrupt    */
2326     PPC_INTERRUPT_HDOORBELL,      /* Hypervisor Doorbell interrupt        */
2327     PPC_INTERRUPT_HVIRT,          /* Hypervisor virtualization interrupt  */
2328 };
2330 /* Processor Compatibility mask (PCR) */
2331 enum {
2332     PCR_COMPAT_2_05     = PPC_BIT(62),
2333     PCR_COMPAT_2_06     = PPC_BIT(61),
2334     PCR_COMPAT_2_07     = PPC_BIT(60),
2335     PCR_COMPAT_3_00     = PPC_BIT(59),
2336     PCR_COMPAT_3_10     = PPC_BIT(58),
2337     PCR_VEC_DIS         = PPC_BIT(0), /* Vec. disable (bit NA since POWER8) */
2338     PCR_VSX_DIS         = PPC_BIT(1), /* VSX disable (bit NA since POWER8) */
2339     PCR_TM_DIS          = PPC_BIT(2), /* Trans. memory disable (POWER8) */
2340 };
2342 /* HMER/HMEER */
2343 enum {
2345     HMER_PROC_RECV_DONE         = PPC_BIT(2),
2347     HMER_TFAC_ERROR             = PPC_BIT(4),
2348     HMER_TFMR_PARITY_ERROR      = PPC_BIT(5),
2349     HMER_XSCOM_FAIL             = PPC_BIT(8),
2350     HMER_XSCOM_DONE             = PPC_BIT(9),
2351     HMER_PROC_RECV_AGAIN        = PPC_BIT(11),
2352     HMER_WARN_RISE              = PPC_BIT(14),
2353     HMER_WARN_FALL              = PPC_BIT(15),
2354     HMER_SCOM_FIR_HMI           = PPC_BIT(16),
2355     HMER_TRIG_FIR_HMI           = PPC_BIT(17),
2356     HMER_HYP_RESOURCE_ERR       = PPC_BIT(20),
2357     HMER_XSCOM_STATUS_MASK      = PPC_BITMASK(21, 23),
2358 };
2360 /* Alternate Interrupt Location (AIL) */
2361 enum {
2362     AIL_NONE                = 0,
2363     AIL_RESERVED            = 1,
2364     AIL_0001_8000           = 2,
2365     AIL_C000_0000_0000_4000 = 3,
2366 };
2368 /*****************************************************************************/
2370 #define is_isa300(ctx) (!!(ctx->insns_flags2 & PPC2_ISA300))
2371 target_ulong cpu_read_xer(CPUPPCState *env);
2372 void cpu_write_xer(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong xer);
2374 /*
2375  * All 64-bit server processors compliant with arch 2.x, ie. 970 and newer,
2376  * have PPC_SEGMENT_64B.
2377  */
2378 #define is_book3s_arch2x(ctx) (!!((ctx)->insns_flags & PPC_SEGMENT_64B))
2380 static inline void cpu_get_tb_cpu_state(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong *pc,
2381                                         target_ulong *cs_base, uint32_t *flags)
2382 {
2383     *pc = env->nip;
2384     *cs_base = 0;
2385     *flags = env->hflags;
2386 }
2388 void QEMU_NORETURN raise_exception(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t exception);
2389 void QEMU_NORETURN raise_exception_ra(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t exception,
2390                                       uintptr_t raddr);
2391 void QEMU_NORETURN raise_exception_err(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t exception,
2392                                        uint32_t error_code);
2393 void QEMU_NORETURN raise_exception_err_ra(CPUPPCState *env, uint32_t exception,
2394                                           uint32_t error_code, uintptr_t raddr);
2396 #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
2397 static inline int booke206_tlbm_id(CPUPPCState *env, ppcmas_tlb_t *tlbm)
2398 {
2399     uintptr_t tlbml = (uintptr_t)tlbm;
2400     uintptr_t tlbl = (uintptr_t)env->tlb.tlbm;
2402     return (tlbml - tlbl) / sizeof(env->tlb.tlbm[0]);
2403 }
2405 static inline int booke206_tlb_size(CPUPPCState *env, int tlbn)
2406 {
2407     uint32_t tlbncfg = env->spr[SPR_BOOKE_TLB0CFG + tlbn];
2408     int r = tlbncfg & TLBnCFG_N_ENTRY;
2409     return r;
2410 }
2412 static inline int booke206_tlb_ways(CPUPPCState *env, int tlbn)
2413 {
2414     uint32_t tlbncfg = env->spr[SPR_BOOKE_TLB0CFG + tlbn];
2415     int r = tlbncfg >> TLBnCFG_ASSOC_SHIFT;
2416     return r;
2417 }
2419 static inline int booke206_tlbm_to_tlbn(CPUPPCState *env, ppcmas_tlb_t *tlbm)
2420 {
2421     int id = booke206_tlbm_id(env, tlbm);
2422     int end = 0;
2423     int i;
2425     for (i = 0; i < BOOKE206_MAX_TLBN; i++) {
2426         end += booke206_tlb_size(env, i);
2427         if (id < end) {
2428             return i;
2429         }
2430     }
2432     cpu_abort(env_cpu(env), "Unknown TLBe: %d\n", id);
2433     return 0;
2434 }
2436 static inline int booke206_tlbm_to_way(CPUPPCState *env, ppcmas_tlb_t *tlb)
2437 {
2438     int tlbn = booke206_tlbm_to_tlbn(env, tlb);
2439     int tlbid = booke206_tlbm_id(env, tlb);
2440     return tlbid & (booke206_tlb_ways(env, tlbn) - 1);
2441 }
2443 static inline ppcmas_tlb_t *booke206_get_tlbm(CPUPPCState *env, const int tlbn,
2444                                               target_ulong ea, int way)
2445 {
2446     int r;
2447     uint32_t ways = booke206_tlb_ways(env, tlbn);
2448     int ways_bits = ctz32(ways);
2449     int tlb_bits = ctz32(booke206_tlb_size(env, tlbn));
2450     int i;
2452     way &= ways - 1;
2453     ea >>= MAS2_EPN_SHIFT;
2454     ea &= (1 << (tlb_bits - ways_bits)) - 1;
2455     r = (ea << ways_bits) | way;
2457     if (r >= booke206_tlb_size(env, tlbn)) {
2458         return NULL;
2459     }
2461     /* bump up to tlbn index */
2462     for (i = 0; i < tlbn; i++) {
2463         r += booke206_tlb_size(env, i);
2464     }
2466     return &env->tlb.tlbm[r];
2467 }
2469 /* returns bitmap of supported page sizes for a given TLB */
2470 static inline uint32_t booke206_tlbnps(CPUPPCState *env, const int tlbn)
2471 {
2472     uint32_t ret = 0;
2474     if ((env->spr[SPR_MMUCFG] & MMUCFG_MAVN) == MMUCFG_MAVN_V2) {
2475         /* MAV2 */
2476         ret = env->spr[SPR_BOOKE_TLB0PS + tlbn];
2477     } else {
2478         uint32_t tlbncfg = env->spr[SPR_BOOKE_TLB0CFG + tlbn];
2479         uint32_t min = (tlbncfg & TLBnCFG_MINSIZE) >> TLBnCFG_MINSIZE_SHIFT;
2480         uint32_t max = (tlbncfg & TLBnCFG_MAXSIZE) >> TLBnCFG_MAXSIZE_SHIFT;
2481         int i;
2482         for (i = min; i <= max; i++) {
2483             ret |= (1 << (i << 1));
2484         }
2485     }
2487     return ret;
2488 }
2490 static inline void booke206_fixed_size_tlbn(CPUPPCState *env, const int tlbn,
2491                                             ppcmas_tlb_t *tlb)
2492 {
2493     uint8_t i;
2494     int32_t tsize = -1;
2496     for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
2497         if ((env->spr[SPR_BOOKE_TLB0PS + tlbn]) & (1ULL << i)) {
2498             if (tsize == -1) {
2499                 tsize = i;
2500             } else {
2501                 return;
2502             }
2503         }
2504     }
2506     /* TLBnPS unimplemented? Odd.. */
2507     assert(tsize != -1);
2508     tlb->mas1 &= ~MAS1_TSIZE_MASK;
2509     tlb->mas1 |= ((uint32_t)tsize) << MAS1_TSIZE_SHIFT;
2510 }
2512 #endif
2514 static inline bool msr_is_64bit(CPUPPCState *env, target_ulong msr)
2515 {
2516     if (env->mmu_model == POWERPC_MMU_BOOKE206) {
2517         return msr & (1ULL << MSR_CM);
2518     }
2520     return msr & (1ULL << MSR_SF);
2521 }
2523 /**
2524  * Check whether register rx is in the range between start and
2525  * start + nregs (as needed by the LSWX and LSWI instructions)
2526  */
2527 static inline bool lsw_reg_in_range(int start, int nregs, int rx)
2528 {
2529     return (start + nregs <= 32 && rx >= start && rx < start + nregs) ||
2530            (start + nregs > 32 && (rx >= start || rx < start + nregs - 32));
2531 }
2533 /* Accessors for FP, VMX and VSX registers */
2534 #if defined(HOST_WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
2535 #define VsrB(i) u8[i]
2536 #define VsrSB(i) s8[i]
2537 #define VsrH(i) u16[i]
2538 #define VsrSH(i) s16[i]
2539 #define VsrW(i) u32[i]
2540 #define VsrSW(i) s32[i]
2541 #define VsrD(i) u64[i]
2542 #define VsrSD(i) s64[i]
2543 #else
2544 #define VsrB(i) u8[15 - (i)]
2545 #define VsrSB(i) s8[15 - (i)]
2546 #define VsrH(i) u16[7 - (i)]
2547 #define VsrSH(i) s16[7 - (i)]
2548 #define VsrW(i) u32[3 - (i)]
2549 #define VsrSW(i) s32[3 - (i)]
2550 #define VsrD(i) u64[1 - (i)]
2551 #define VsrSD(i) s64[1 - (i)]
2552 #endif
2554 static inline int vsr64_offset(int i, bool high)
2555 {
2556     return offsetof(CPUPPCState, vsr[i].VsrD(high ? 0 : 1));
2557 }
2559 static inline int vsr_full_offset(int i)
2560 {
2561     return offsetof(CPUPPCState, vsr[i].u64[0]);
2562 }
2564 static inline int fpr_offset(int i)
2565 {
2566     return vsr64_offset(i, true);
2567 }
2569 static inline uint64_t *cpu_fpr_ptr(CPUPPCState *env, int i)
2570 {
2571     return (uint64_t *)((uintptr_t)env + fpr_offset(i));
2572 }
2574 static inline uint64_t *cpu_vsrl_ptr(CPUPPCState *env, int i)
2575 {
2576     return (uint64_t *)((uintptr_t)env + vsr64_offset(i, false));
2577 }
2579 static inline long avr64_offset(int i, bool high)
2580 {
2581     return vsr64_offset(i + 32, high);
2582 }
2584 static inline int avr_full_offset(int i)
2585 {
2586     return vsr_full_offset(i + 32);
2587 }
2589 static inline ppc_avr_t *cpu_avr_ptr(CPUPPCState *env, int i)
2590 {
2591     return (ppc_avr_t *)((uintptr_t)env + avr_full_offset(i));
2592 }
2594 void dump_mmu(CPUPPCState *env);
2596 void ppc_maybe_bswap_register(CPUPPCState *env, uint8_t *mem_buf, int len);
2597 #endif /* PPC_CPU_H */