1 // Copyright 2024, Linaro Limited 2 // Author(s): Manos Pitsidianakis <manos.pitsidianakis@linaro.org> 3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later 4 5 use std::sync::OnceLock; 6 7 use crate::bindings::Property; 8 9 #[macro_export] 10 macro_rules! device_class_init { 11 ($func:ident, props => $props:ident, realize_fn => $realize_fn:expr, legacy_reset_fn => $legacy_reset_fn:expr, vmsd => $vmsd:ident$(,)*) => { 12 pub unsafe extern "C" fn $func( 13 klass: *mut $crate::bindings::ObjectClass, 14 _: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, 15 ) { 16 let mut dc = 17 ::core::ptr::NonNull::new(klass.cast::<$crate::bindings::DeviceClass>()).unwrap(); 18 unsafe { 19 dc.as_mut().realize = $realize_fn; 20 dc.as_mut().vmsd = &$vmsd; 21 $crate::bindings::device_class_set_legacy_reset(dc.as_mut(), $legacy_reset_fn); 22 $crate::bindings::device_class_set_props(dc.as_mut(), $props.as_mut_ptr()); 23 } 24 } 25 }; 26 } 27 28 #[macro_export] 29 macro_rules! define_property { 30 ($name:expr, $state:ty, $field:expr, $prop:expr, $type:expr, default = $defval:expr$(,)*) => { 31 $crate::bindings::Property { 32 // use associated function syntax for type checking 33 name: ::core::ffi::CStr::as_ptr($name), 34 info: $prop, 35 offset: ::core::mem::offset_of!($state, $field) 36 .try_into() 37 .expect("Could not fit offset value to type"), 38 set_default: true, 39 defval: $crate::bindings::Property__bindgen_ty_1 { u: $defval as u64 }, 40 ..unsafe { ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<$crate::bindings::Property>::zeroed().assume_init() } 41 } 42 }; 43 ($name:expr, $state:ty, $field:expr, $prop:expr, $type:expr$(,)*) => { 44 $crate::bindings::Property { 45 // use associated function syntax for type checking 46 name: ::core::ffi::CStr::as_ptr($name), 47 info: $prop, 48 offset: ::core::mem::offset_of!($state, $field) 49 .try_into() 50 .expect("Could not fit offset value to type"), 51 set_default: false, 52 ..unsafe { ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<$crate::bindings::Property>::zeroed().assume_init() } 53 } 54 }; 55 } 56 57 #[repr(C)] 58 pub struct Properties<const N: usize>(pub OnceLock<[Property; N]>, pub fn() -> [Property; N]); 59 60 impl<const N: usize> Properties<N> { 61 pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut Property { 62 _ = self.0.get_or_init(self.1); 63 self.0.get_mut().unwrap().as_mut_ptr() 64 } 65 } 66 67 #[macro_export] 68 macro_rules! declare_properties { 69 ($ident:ident, $($prop:expr),*$(,)*) => { 70 71 const fn _calc_prop_len() -> usize { 72 let mut len = 1; 73 $({ 74 _ = stringify!($prop); 75 len += 1; 76 })* 77 len 78 } 79 const PROP_LEN: usize = _calc_prop_len(); 80 81 fn _make_properties() -> [$crate::bindings::Property; PROP_LEN] { 82 [ 83 $($prop),*, 84 unsafe { ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<$crate::bindings::Property>::zeroed().assume_init() }, 85 ] 86 } 87 88 pub static mut $ident: $crate::device_class::Properties<PROP_LEN> = $crate::device_class::Properties(::std::sync::OnceLock::new(), _make_properties); 89 }; 90 } 91 92 #[macro_export] 93 macro_rules! vm_state_description { 94 ($(#[$outer:meta])* 95 $name:ident, 96 $(name: $vname:expr,)* 97 $(unmigratable: $um_val:expr,)* 98 ) => { 99 #[used] 100 $(#[$outer])* 101 pub static $name: $crate::bindings::VMStateDescription = $crate::bindings::VMStateDescription { 102 $(name: { 103 #[used] 104 static VMSTATE_NAME: &::core::ffi::CStr = $vname; 105 $vname.as_ptr() 106 },)* 107 unmigratable: true, 108 ..unsafe { ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<$crate::bindings::VMStateDescription>::zeroed().assume_init() } 109 }; 110 } 111 } 112