xref: /openbmc/qemu/qemu-keymap.c (revision 9f2d175d)
1 /*
2  * QEMU keymap utility
3  *
4  * Copyright Red Hat, Inc. 2017
5  *
6  * Authors:
7  *     Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@redhat.com>
8  *
9  * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
10  * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
11  */
12 #include "qemu/osdep.h"
13 #include "qemu-common.h"
14 #include "qemu/notify.h"
15 #include "ui/input.h"
17 #include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h>
19 struct xkb_rule_names names = {
20     .rules   = NULL,
21     .model   = "pc105",
22     .layout  = "us",
23     .variant = NULL,
24     .options = NULL,
25 };
27 static xkb_mod_mask_t shift;
28 static xkb_mod_mask_t ctrl;
29 static xkb_mod_mask_t altgr;
30 static xkb_mod_mask_t numlock;
32 static FILE *outfile;
34 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
36 static uint32_t qcode_to_number(uint32_t qcode)
37 {
38     KeyValue keyvalue;
39     uint32_t number;
41     keyvalue.type = KEY_VALUE_KIND_QCODE;
42     keyvalue.u.qcode.data = qcode;
43     number = qemu_input_key_value_to_number(&keyvalue);
44     assert(number != 0);
45     return number;
46 }
48 static void print_sym(xkb_keysym_t sym, uint32_t qcode, const char *mod)
49 {
50     char name[64];
52     if (sym == XKB_KEY_NoSymbol) {
53         return;
54     }
55     xkb_keysym_get_name(sym, name, sizeof(name));
57     /* TODO: make ui/keymap.c parser accept QKeyCode names */
58     fprintf(outfile, "%s 0x%02x%s\n", name, qcode_to_number(qcode), mod);
59 }
61 static void walk_map(struct xkb_keymap *map, xkb_keycode_t code, void *data)
62 {
63     struct xkb_state *state = data;
64     xkb_keysym_t kbase, knumlock, kshift, kaltgr, kaltgrshift;
65     uint32_t evdev, qcode;
66     char name[64];
68     fprintf(outfile, "\n");
70     /*
71      * map xkb keycode -> QKeyCode
72      *
73      * xkb keycode is linux evdev shifted by 8
74      */
75     evdev = code - 8;
76     qcode = qemu_input_linux_to_qcode(evdev);
77     if (qcode == Q_KEY_CODE_UNMAPPED) {
78         xkb_state_update_mask(state,  0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0);
79         kbase = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(state, code);
80         xkb_keysym_get_name(kbase, name, sizeof(name));
81         fprintf(outfile, "# evdev %d (0x%x): no evdev -> QKeyCode mapping"
82                 " (xkb keysym %s)\n", evdev, evdev, name);
83         return;
84     }
85     fprintf(outfile, "# evdev %d (0x%x), QKeyCode \"%s\", number 0x%x\n",
86             evdev, evdev,
87             QKeyCode_lookup.array[qcode],
88             qcode_to_number(qcode));
90     /*
91      * check which modifier states generate which keysyms
92      */
93     xkb_state_update_mask(state,  0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0);
94     kbase = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(state, code);
95     print_sym(kbase, qcode, "");
97     xkb_state_update_mask(state,  0, 0, numlock,  0, 0, 0);
98     knumlock = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(state, code);
99     if (kbase != knumlock) {
100         print_sym(knumlock, qcode, " numlock");
101     }
103     xkb_state_update_mask(state,  shift, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0);
104     kshift = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(state, code);
105     if (kbase != kshift && knumlock != kshift) {
106         print_sym(kshift, qcode, " shift");
107     }
109     xkb_state_update_mask(state,  altgr, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0);
110     kaltgr = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(state, code);
111     if (kbase != kaltgr) {
112         print_sym(kaltgr, qcode, " altgr");
113     }
115     xkb_state_update_mask(state,  altgr | shift, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0);
116     kaltgrshift = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(state, code);
117     if (kshift != kaltgrshift && kaltgr != kaltgrshift) {
118         print_sym(kaltgrshift, qcode, " shift altgr");
119     }
120     return;
121 }
123 static void usage(FILE *out)
124 {
125     fprintf(out,
126             "\n"
127             "This tool generates qemu reverse keymaps from xkb keymaps,\n"
128             "which can be used with the qemu \"-k\" command line switch.\n"
129             "\n"
130             "usage: qemu-keymap <options>\n"
131             "options:\n"
132             "    -h             print this text\n"
133             "    -f <file>      set output file          (default: stdout)\n"
134             "    -m <model>     set kbd model            (default: %s)\n"
135             "    -l <layout>    set kbd layout           (default: %s)\n"
136             "    -v <variant>   set kbd variant          (default: %s)\n"
137             "    -o <options>   set kbd options          (default: %s)\n"
138             "\n",
139             names.model, names.layout,
140             names.variant ?: "-",
141             names.options ?: "-");
142 }
144 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
145 {
146     struct xkb_context *ctx;
147     struct xkb_keymap *map;
148     struct xkb_state *state;
149     xkb_mod_index_t mod, mods;
150     int rc;
152     for (;;) {
153         rc = getopt(argc, argv, "hm:l:v:o:f:");
154         if (rc == -1) {
155             break;
156         }
157         switch (rc) {
158         case 'm':
159             names.model = optarg;
160             break;
161         case 'l':
162             names.layout = optarg;
163             break;
164         case 'v':
165             names.variant = optarg;
166             break;
167         case 'o':
168             names.options = optarg;
169             break;
170         case 'f':
171             outfile = fopen(optarg, "w");
172             if (outfile == NULL) {
173                 fprintf(stderr, "open %s: %s\n", optarg, strerror(errno));
174                 exit(1);
175             }
176             break;
177         case 'h':
178             usage(stdout);
179             exit(0);
180         default:
181             usage(stderr);
182             exit(1);
183         }
184     }
186     if (outfile == NULL) {
187         outfile = stdout;
188     }
190     fprintf(outfile,
191             "#\n"
192             "# generated by qemu-keymap\n"
193             "#    model   : %s\n"
194             "#    layout  : %s\n"
195             "#    variant : %s\n"
196             "#    options : %s\n"
197             "\n",
198             names.model, names.layout,
199             names.variant ?: "-",
200             names.options ?: "-");
202     ctx = xkb_context_new(XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS);
203     map = xkb_keymap_new_from_names(ctx, &names, XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS);
204     if (!map) {
205         /* libxkbcommon prints error */
206         exit(1);
207     }
209     fprintf(outfile, "# name: \"%s\"\n\n",
210             xkb_keymap_layout_get_name(map, 0));
211     fprintf(outfile, "# modifiers\n");
212     mods = xkb_keymap_num_mods(map);
213     for (mod = 0; mod < mods; mod++) {
214         fprintf(outfile, "#    %2d: %s\n",
215                 mod, xkb_keymap_mod_get_name(map, mod));
216     }
218     mod = xkb_keymap_mod_get_index(map, "Shift");
219     shift = (1 << mod);
220     mod = xkb_keymap_mod_get_index(map, "Control");
221     ctrl = (1 << mod);
222     mod = xkb_keymap_mod_get_index(map, "AltGr");
223     altgr = (1 << mod);
224     mod = xkb_keymap_mod_get_index(map, "NumLock");
225     numlock = (1 << mod);
227     state = xkb_state_new(map);
228     xkb_keymap_key_for_each(map, walk_map, state);
230     /* add quirks */
231     fprintf(outfile,
232             "\n"
233             "#\n"
234             "# quirks section start\n"
235             "#\n"
236             "# Sometimes multiple keysyms map to the same keycodes.\n"
237             "# The keycode -> keysym lookup finds only one of the\n"
238             "# keysyms.  So append them here.\n"
239             "#\n"
240             "\n");
241     print_sym(XKB_KEY_Print,            Q_KEY_CODE_SYSRQ,      "");
242     print_sym(XKB_KEY_Sys_Req,          Q_KEY_CODE_SYSRQ,      "");
243     print_sym(XKB_KEY_Execute,          Q_KEY_CODE_SYSRQ,      "");
245     print_sym(XKB_KEY_KP_Decimal,       Q_KEY_CODE_KP_DECIMAL, " numlock");
246     print_sym(XKB_KEY_KP_Separator,     Q_KEY_CODE_KP_DECIMAL, " numlock");
248     print_sym(XKB_KEY_Alt_R,            Q_KEY_CODE_ALT_R,      "");
249     print_sym(XKB_KEY_ISO_Level3_Shift, Q_KEY_CODE_ALT_R,      "");
250     print_sym(XKB_KEY_Mode_switch,      Q_KEY_CODE_ALT_R,      "");
252     fprintf(outfile,
253             "\n"
254             "# quirks section end\n");
256     exit(0);
257 }