xref: /openbmc/qemu/pc-bios/s390-ccw/cio.h (revision b957a1b0)
1 /*
2  * Channel IO definitions
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2013 Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
5  *
6  * Inspired by various s390 headers in Linux 3.9.
7  *
8  * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or (at
9  * your option) any later version. See the COPYING file in the top-level
10  * directory.
11  */
13 #ifndef CIO_H
14 #define CIO_H
16 /*
17  * path management control word
18  */
19 struct pmcw {
20     __u32 intparm;        /* interruption parameter */
21     __u32 qf      : 1;    /* qdio facility */
22     __u32 w       : 1;
23     __u32 isc     : 3;    /* interruption sublass */
24     __u32 res5    : 3;    /* reserved zeros */
25     __u32 ena     : 1;    /* enabled */
26     __u32 lm      : 2;    /* limit mode */
27     __u32 mme     : 2;    /* measurement-mode enable */
28     __u32 mp      : 1;    /* multipath mode */
29     __u32 tf      : 1;    /* timing facility */
30     __u32 dnv     : 1;    /* device number valid */
31     __u32 dev     : 16;   /* device number */
32     __u8  lpm;            /* logical path mask */
33     __u8  pnom;           /* path not operational mask */
34     __u8  lpum;           /* last path used mask */
35     __u8  pim;            /* path installed mask */
36     __u16 mbi;            /* measurement-block index */
37     __u8  pom;            /* path operational mask */
38     __u8  pam;            /* path available mask */
39     __u8  chpid[8];       /* CHPID 0-7 (if available) */
40     __u32 unused1 : 8;    /* reserved zeros */
41     __u32 st      : 3;    /* subchannel type */
42     __u32 unused2 : 18;   /* reserved zeros */
43     __u32 mbfc    : 1;    /* measurement block format control */
44     __u32 xmwme   : 1;    /* extended measurement word mode enable */
45     __u32 csense  : 1;    /* concurrent sense; can be enabled ...*/
46                 /*  ... per MSCH, however, if facility */
47                 /*  ... is not installed, this results */
48                 /*  ... in an operand exception.       */
49 } __attribute__ ((packed));
51 /* Target SCHIB configuration. */
52 struct schib_config {
53     __u64 mba;
54     __u32 intparm;
55     __u16 mbi;
56     __u32 isc:3;
57     __u32 ena:1;
58     __u32 mme:2;
59     __u32 mp:1;
60     __u32 csense:1;
61     __u32 mbfc:1;
62 } __attribute__ ((packed));
64 struct scsw {
65     __u16 flags;
66     __u16 ctrl;
67     __u32 cpa;
68     __u8 dstat;
69     __u8 cstat;
70     __u16 count;
71 } __attribute__ ((packed));
73 #define SCSW_FCTL_CLEAR_FUNC 0x1000
74 #define SCSW_FCTL_HALT_FUNC 0x2000
75 #define SCSW_FCTL_START_FUNC 0x4000
77 /*
78  * subchannel information block
79  */
80 struct schib {
81     struct pmcw pmcw;     /* path management control word */
82     struct scsw scsw;     /* subchannel status word */
83     __u64 mba;            /* measurement block address */
84     __u8 mda[4];          /* model dependent area */
85 } __attribute__ ((packed,aligned(4)));
87 struct subchannel_id {
88         __u32 cssid  : 8;
89         __u32        : 4;
90         __u32 m      : 1;
91         __u32 ssid   : 2;
92         __u32 one    : 1;
93         __u32 sch_no : 16;
94 } __attribute__ ((packed, aligned(4)));
96 /*
97  * TPI info structure
98  */
99 struct tpi_info {
100     struct subchannel_id schid;
101     __u32 intparm;         /* interruption parameter */
102     __u32 adapter_IO : 1;
103     __u32 reserved2  : 1;
104     __u32 isc        : 3;
105     __u32 reserved3  : 12;
106     __u32 int_type   : 3;
107     __u32 reserved4  : 12;
108 } __attribute__ ((packed));
110 /* channel command word (type 1) */
111 struct ccw1 {
112     __u8 cmd_code;
113     __u8 flags;
114     __u16 count;
115     __u32 cda;
116 } __attribute__ ((packed));
118 #define CCW_FLAG_DC              0x80
119 #define CCW_FLAG_CC              0x40
120 #define CCW_FLAG_SLI             0x20
121 #define CCW_FLAG_SKIP            0x10
122 #define CCW_FLAG_PCI             0x08
123 #define CCW_FLAG_IDA             0x04
124 #define CCW_FLAG_SUSPEND         0x02
126 #define CCW_CMD_NOOP             0x03
127 #define CCW_CMD_BASIC_SENSE      0x04
128 #define CCW_CMD_TIC              0x08
129 #define CCW_CMD_SENSE_ID         0xe4
131 #define CCW_CMD_SET_VQ           0x13
132 #define CCW_CMD_VDEV_RESET       0x33
133 #define CCW_CMD_READ_FEAT        0x12
134 #define CCW_CMD_WRITE_FEAT       0x11
135 #define CCW_CMD_READ_CONF        0x22
136 #define CCW_CMD_WRITE_CONF       0x21
137 #define CCW_CMD_WRITE_STATUS     0x31
138 #define CCW_CMD_SET_IND          0x43
139 #define CCW_CMD_SET_CONF_IND     0x53
140 #define CCW_CMD_READ_VQ_CONF     0x32
142 /*
143  * Command-mode operation request block
144  */
145 struct cmd_orb {
146     __u32 intparm;    /* interruption parameter */
147     __u32 key:4;      /* flags, like key, suspend control, etc. */
148     __u32 spnd:1;     /* suspend control */
149     __u32 res1:1;     /* reserved */
150     __u32 mod:1;      /* modification control */
151     __u32 sync:1;     /* synchronize control */
152     __u32 fmt:1;      /* format control */
153     __u32 pfch:1;     /* prefetch control */
154     __u32 isic:1;     /* initial-status-interruption control */
155     __u32 alcc:1;     /* address-limit-checking control */
156     __u32 ssic:1;     /* suppress-suspended-interr. control */
157     __u32 res2:1;     /* reserved */
158     __u32 c64:1;      /* IDAW/QDIO 64 bit control  */
159     __u32 i2k:1;      /* IDAW 2/4kB block size control */
160     __u32 lpm:8;      /* logical path mask */
161     __u32 ils:1;      /* incorrect length */
162     __u32 zero:6;     /* reserved zeros */
163     __u32 orbx:1;     /* ORB extension control */
164     __u32 cpa;    /* channel program address */
165 }  __attribute__ ((packed, aligned(4)));
167 struct ciw {
168     __u8 type;
169     __u8 command;
170     __u16 count;
171 };
173 /*
174  * sense-id response buffer layout
175  */
176 struct senseid {
177     /* common part */
178     __u8  reserved;   /* always 0x'FF' */
179     __u16 cu_type;    /* control unit type */
180     __u8  cu_model;   /* control unit model */
181     __u16 dev_type;   /* device type */
182     __u8  dev_model;  /* device model */
183     __u8  unused;     /* padding byte */
184     /* extended part */
185     struct ciw ciw[62];
186 }  __attribute__ ((packed, aligned(4)));
188 /* interruption response block */
189 struct irb {
190     struct scsw scsw;
191     __u32 esw[5];
192     __u32 ecw[8];
193     __u32 emw[8];
194 }  __attribute__ ((packed, aligned(4)));
196 /*
197  * Some S390 specific IO instructions as inline
198  */
200 static inline int stsch_err(struct subchannel_id schid, struct schib *addr)
201 {
202     register struct subchannel_id reg1 asm ("1") = schid;
203     int ccode = -EIO;
205     asm volatile(
206         "    stsch    0(%3)\n"
207         "0:  ipm    %0\n"
208         "    srl    %0,28\n"
209         "1:\n"
210         : "+d" (ccode), "=m" (*addr)
211         : "d" (reg1), "a" (addr)
212         : "cc");
213     return ccode;
214 }
216 static inline int msch(struct subchannel_id schid, struct schib *addr)
217 {
218     register struct subchannel_id reg1 asm ("1") = schid;
219     int ccode;
221     asm volatile(
222         "    msch    0(%2)\n"
223         "    ipm    %0\n"
224         "    srl    %0,28"
225         : "=d" (ccode)
226         : "d" (reg1), "a" (addr), "m" (*addr)
227         : "cc");
228     return ccode;
229 }
231 static inline int msch_err(struct subchannel_id schid, struct schib *addr)
232 {
233     register struct subchannel_id reg1 asm ("1") = schid;
234     int ccode = -EIO;
236     asm volatile(
237         "    msch    0(%2)\n"
238         "0:  ipm    %0\n"
239         "    srl    %0,28\n"
240         "1:\n"
241         : "+d" (ccode)
242         : "d" (reg1), "a" (addr), "m" (*addr)
243         : "cc");
244     return ccode;
245 }
247 static inline int tsch(struct subchannel_id schid, struct irb *addr)
248 {
249     register struct subchannel_id reg1 asm ("1") = schid;
250     int ccode;
252     asm volatile(
253         "    tsch    0(%3)\n"
254         "    ipm    %0\n"
255         "    srl    %0,28"
256         : "=d" (ccode), "=m" (*addr)
257         : "d" (reg1), "a" (addr)
258         : "cc");
259     return ccode;
260 }
262 static inline int ssch(struct subchannel_id schid, struct cmd_orb *addr)
263 {
264     register struct subchannel_id reg1 asm("1") = schid;
265     int ccode = -EIO;
267     asm volatile(
268         "    ssch    0(%2)\n"
269         "0:  ipm    %0\n"
270         "    srl    %0,28\n"
271         "1:\n"
272         : "+d" (ccode)
273         : "d" (reg1), "a" (addr), "m" (*addr)
274         : "cc", "memory");
275     return ccode;
276 }
278 static inline int csch(struct subchannel_id schid)
279 {
280     register struct subchannel_id reg1 asm("1") = schid;
281     int ccode;
283     asm volatile(
284         "    csch\n"
285         "    ipm    %0\n"
286         "    srl    %0,28"
287         : "=d" (ccode)
288         : "d" (reg1)
289         : "cc");
290     return ccode;
291 }
293 static inline int tpi(struct tpi_info *addr)
294 {
295     int ccode;
297     asm volatile(
298         "    tpi    0(%2)\n"
299         "    ipm    %0\n"
300         "    srl    %0,28"
301         : "=d" (ccode), "=m" (*addr)
302         : "a" (addr)
303         : "cc");
304     return ccode;
305 }
307 static inline int chsc(void *chsc_area)
308 {
309     typedef struct { char _[4096]; } addr_type;
310     int cc;
312     asm volatile(
313         "    .insn    rre,0xb25f0000,%2,0\n"
314         "    ipm    %0\n"
315         "    srl    %0,28\n"
316         : "=d" (cc), "=m" (*(addr_type *) chsc_area)
317         : "d" (chsc_area), "m" (*(addr_type *) chsc_area)
318         : "cc");
319     return cc;
320 }
322 #endif /* CIO_H */