xref: /openbmc/qemu/hw/usb/trace-events (revision b1b9ab1c04d560f86d8da3dfca4d8b21de75fee6)
1# See docs/devel/tracing.txt for syntax documentation.
3# core.c
4usb_packet_state_change(int bus, const char *port, int ep, void *p, const char *o, const char *n) "bus %d, port %s, ep %d, packet %p, state %s -> %s"
5usb_packet_state_fault(int bus, const char *port, int ep, void *p, const char *o, const char *n) "bus %d, port %s, ep %d, packet %p, state %s, expected %s"
7# bus.c
8usb_port_claim(int bus, const char *port) "bus %d, port %s"
9usb_port_attach(int bus, const char *port, const char *devspeed, const char *portspeed) "bus %d, port %s, devspeed %s, portspeed %s"
10usb_port_detach(int bus, const char *port) "bus %d, port %s"
11usb_port_release(int bus, const char *port) "bus %d, port %s"
13# hcd-ohci-pci.c
14usb_ohci_exit(const char *s) "%s"
16# hcd-ohci.c
17usb_ohci_iso_td_read_failed(uint32_t addr) "ISO_TD read error at 0x%x"
18usb_ohci_iso_td_head(uint32_t head, uint32_t tail, uint32_t flags, uint32_t bp, uint32_t next, uint32_t be, uint32_t framenum, uint32_t startframe, uint32_t framecount, int rel_frame_num) "ISO_TD ED head 0x%.8x tailp 0x%.8x\n0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x\nframe_number 0x%.8x starting_frame 0x%.8x\nframe_count  0x%.8x relative %d"
19usb_ohci_iso_td_head_offset(uint32_t o0, uint32_t o1, uint32_t o2, uint32_t o3, uint32_t o4, uint32_t o5, uint32_t o6, uint32_t o7) "0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x"
20usb_ohci_iso_td_relative_frame_number_neg(int rel) "ISO_TD R=%d < 0"
21usb_ohci_iso_td_relative_frame_number_big(int rel, int count) "ISO_TD R=%d > FC=%d"
22usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_direction(int dir) "Bad direction %d"
23usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_bp_be(uint32_t bp, uint32_t be) "ISO_TD bp 0x%.8x be 0x%.8x"
24usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_cc_not_accessed(uint32_t start, uint32_t next) "ISO_TD cc != not accessed 0x%.8x 0x%.8x"
25usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_cc_overrun(uint32_t start, uint32_t next) "ISO_TD start_offset=0x%.8x > next_offset=0x%.8x"
26usb_ohci_iso_td_so(uint32_t so, uint32_t eo, uint32_t s, uint32_t e, const char *str, ssize_t len, int ret) "0x%.8x eo 0x%.8x\nsa 0x%.8x ea 0x%.8x\ndir %s len %zu ret %d"
27usb_ohci_iso_td_data_overrun(int ret, ssize_t len) "DataOverrun %d > %zu"
28usb_ohci_iso_td_data_underrun(int ret) "DataUnderrun %d"
29usb_ohci_iso_td_nak(int ret) "got NAK/STALL %d"
30usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_response(int ret) "Bad device response %d"
31usb_ohci_port_attach(int index) "port #%d"
32usb_ohci_port_detach(int index) "port #%d"
33usb_ohci_port_wakeup(int index) "port #%d"
34usb_ohci_port_suspend(int index) "port #%d"
35usb_ohci_port_reset(int index) "port #%d"
36usb_ohci_remote_wakeup(const char *s) "%s: SUSPEND->RESUME"
37usb_ohci_reset(const char *s) "%s"
38usb_ohci_start(const char *s) "%s: USB Operational"
39usb_ohci_resume(const char *s) "%s: USB Resume"
40usb_ohci_stop(const char *s) "%s: USB Suspended"
41usb_ohci_set_ctl(const char *s, uint32_t new_state) "%s: new state 0x%x"
42usb_ohci_td_underrun(void) ""
43usb_ohci_td_dev_error(void) ""
44usb_ohci_td_nak(void) ""
45usb_ohci_td_stall(void) ""
46usb_ohci_td_babble(void) ""
47usb_ohci_td_bad_device_response(int rc) "%d"
48usb_ohci_td_read_error(uint32_t addr) "TD read error at 0x%x"
49usb_ohci_td_bad_direction(int dir) "Bad direction %d"
50usb_ohci_td_skip_async(void) ""
51usb_ohci_td_pkt_hdr(uint32_t addr, int64_t pktlen, int64_t len, const char *s, int flag_r, uint32_t cbp, uint32_t be) " TD @ 0x%.8x %" PRId64 " of %" PRId64 " bytes %s r=%d cbp=0x%.8x be=0x%.8x"
52usb_ohci_td_pkt_short(const char *dir, const char *buf) "%s data: %s"
53usb_ohci_td_pkt_full(const char *dir, const char *buf) "%s data: %s"
54usb_ohci_td_too_many_pending(void) ""
55usb_ohci_td_packet_status(int status) "status=%d"
56usb_ohci_ed_read_error(uint32_t addr) "ED read error at 0x%x"
57usb_ohci_ed_pkt(uint32_t cur, int h, int c, uint32_t head, uint32_t tail, uint32_t next) "ED @ 0x%.8x h=%u c=%u\n  head=0x%.8x tailp=0x%.8x next=0x%.8x"
58usb_ohci_ed_pkt_flags(uint32_t fa, uint32_t en, uint32_t d, int s, int k, int f, uint32_t mps) "fa=%u en=%u d=%u s=%u k=%u f=%u mps=%u"
59usb_ohci_hcca_read_error(uint32_t addr) "HCCA read error at 0x%x"
60usb_ohci_mem_read_unaligned(uint32_t addr) "at 0x%x"
61usb_ohci_mem_read_bad_offset(uint32_t addr) "0x%x"
62usb_ohci_mem_write_unaligned(uint32_t addr) "at 0x%x"
63usb_ohci_mem_write_bad_offset(uint32_t addr) "0x%x"
64usb_ohci_process_lists(uint32_t head, uint32_t cur) "head 0x%x, cur 0x%x"
65usb_ohci_set_frame_interval(const char *name, uint16_t fi_x, uint16_t fi_u) "%s: FrameInterval = 0x%x (%u)"
66usb_ohci_hub_power_up(void) "powered up all ports"
67usb_ohci_hub_power_down(void) "powered down all ports"
68usb_ohci_init_time(int64_t frametime, int64_t bittime) "usb_bit_time=%" PRId64 " usb_frame_time=%" PRId64
69usb_ohci_die(void) ""
70usb_ohci_async_complete(void) ""
72# hcd-ehci.c
73usb_ehci_reset(void) "=== RESET ==="
74usb_ehci_unrealize(void) "=== UNREALIZE ==="
75usb_ehci_opreg_read(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t val) "rd mmio 0x%04x [%s] = 0x%x"
76usb_ehci_opreg_write(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t val) "wr mmio 0x%04x [%s] = 0x%x"
77usb_ehci_opreg_change(uint32_t addr, const char *str, uint32_t new, uint32_t old) "ch mmio 0x%04x [%s] = 0x%x (old: 0x%x)"
78usb_ehci_portsc_read(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t val) "rd mmio 0x%04x [port %d] = 0x%x"
79usb_ehci_portsc_write(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t val) "wr mmio 0x%04x [port %d] = 0x%x"
80usb_ehci_portsc_change(uint32_t addr, uint32_t port, uint32_t new, uint32_t old) "ch mmio 0x%04x [port %d] = 0x%x (old: 0x%x)"
81usb_ehci_usbsts(const char *sts, int state) "usbsts %s %d"
82usb_ehci_state(const char *schedule, const char *state) "%s schedule %s"
83usb_ehci_qh_ptrs(void *q, uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t c_qtd, uint32_t n_qtd, uint32_t a_qtd) "q %p - QH @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x qtds 0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x"
84usb_ehci_qh_fields(uint32_t addr, int rl, int mplen, int eps, int ep, int devaddr) "QH @ 0x%08x - rl %d, mplen %d, eps %d, ep %d, dev %d"
85usb_ehci_qh_bits(uint32_t addr, int c, int h, int dtc, int i) "QH @ 0x%08x - c %d, h %d, dtc %d, i %d"
86usb_ehci_qtd_ptrs(void *q, uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t altnext) "q %p - QTD @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x altnext 0x%08x"
87usb_ehci_qtd_fields(uint32_t addr, int tbytes, int cpage, int cerr, int pid) "QTD @ 0x%08x - tbytes %d, cpage %d, cerr %d, pid %d"
88usb_ehci_qtd_bits(uint32_t addr, int ioc, int active, int halt, int babble, int xacterr) "QTD @ 0x%08x - ioc %d, active %d, halt %d, babble %d, xacterr %d"
89usb_ehci_itd(uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t mplen, uint32_t mult, uint32_t ep, uint32_t devaddr) "ITD @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x - mplen %d, mult %d, ep %d, dev %d"
90usb_ehci_sitd(uint32_t addr, uint32_t nxt, uint32_t active) "ITD @ 0x%08x: next 0x%08x - active %d"
91usb_ehci_port_attach(uint32_t port, const char *owner, const char *device) "attach port #%d, owner %s, device %s"
92usb_ehci_port_detach(uint32_t port, const char *owner) "detach port #%d, owner %s"
93usb_ehci_port_reset(uint32_t port, int enable) "reset port #%d - %d"
94usb_ehci_port_suspend(uint32_t port) "port #%d"
95usb_ehci_port_wakeup(uint32_t port) "port #%d"
96usb_ehci_port_resume(uint32_t port) "port #%d"
97usb_ehci_queue_action(void *q, const char *action) "q %p: %s"
98usb_ehci_packet_action(void *q, void *p, const char *action) "q %p p %p: %s"
99usb_ehci_irq(uint32_t level, uint32_t frindex, uint32_t sts, uint32_t mask) "level %d, frindex 0x%04x, sts 0x%x, mask 0x%x"
100usb_ehci_guest_bug(const char *reason) "%s"
101usb_ehci_doorbell_ring(void) ""
102usb_ehci_doorbell_ack(void) ""
103usb_ehci_dma_error(void) ""
105# hcd-uhci.c
106usb_uhci_reset(void) "=== RESET ==="
107usb_uhci_exit(void) "=== EXIT ==="
108usb_uhci_schedule_start(void) ""
109usb_uhci_schedule_stop(void) ""
110usb_uhci_frame_start(uint32_t num) "nr %d"
111usb_uhci_frame_stop_bandwidth(void) ""
112usb_uhci_frame_loop_stop_idle(void) ""
113usb_uhci_frame_loop_continue(void) ""
114usb_uhci_mmio_readw(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) "addr 0x%04x, ret 0x%04x"
115usb_uhci_mmio_writew(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val) "addr 0x%04x, val 0x%04x"
116usb_uhci_queue_add(uint32_t token) "token 0x%x"
117usb_uhci_queue_del(uint32_t token, const char *reason) "token 0x%x: %s"
118usb_uhci_packet_add(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
119usb_uhci_packet_link_async(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
120usb_uhci_packet_unlink_async(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
121usb_uhci_packet_cancel(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr, int done) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x, done %d"
122usb_uhci_packet_complete_success(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
123usb_uhci_packet_complete_shortxfer(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
124usb_uhci_packet_complete_stall(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
125usb_uhci_packet_complete_babble(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
126usb_uhci_packet_complete_error(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
127usb_uhci_packet_del(uint32_t token, uint32_t addr) "token 0x%x, td 0x%x"
128usb_uhci_qh_load(uint32_t qh) "qh 0x%x"
129usb_uhci_td_load(uint32_t qh, uint32_t td, uint32_t ctrl, uint32_t token) "qh 0x%x, td 0x%x, ctrl 0x%x, token 0x%x"
130usb_uhci_td_queue(uint32_t td, uint32_t ctrl, uint32_t token) "td 0x%x, ctrl 0x%x, token 0x%x"
131usb_uhci_td_nextqh(uint32_t qh, uint32_t td) "qh 0x%x, td 0x%x"
132usb_uhci_td_async(uint32_t qh, uint32_t td) "qh 0x%x, td 0x%x"
133usb_uhci_td_complete(uint32_t qh, uint32_t td) "qh 0x%x, td 0x%x"
135# hcd-xhci.c
136usb_xhci_reset(void) "=== RESET ==="
137usb_xhci_exit(void) "=== EXIT ==="
138usb_xhci_run(void) ""
139usb_xhci_stop(void) ""
140usb_xhci_cap_read(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
141usb_xhci_oper_read(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
142usb_xhci_port_read(uint32_t port, uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "port %d, off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
143usb_xhci_runtime_read(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
144usb_xhci_doorbell_read(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, ret 0x%08x"
145usb_xhci_oper_write(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, val 0x%08x"
146usb_xhci_port_write(uint32_t port, uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "port %d, off 0x%04x, val 0x%08x"
147usb_xhci_runtime_write(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, val 0x%08x"
148usb_xhci_doorbell_write(uint32_t off, uint32_t val) "off 0x%04x, val 0x%08x"
149usb_xhci_irq_intx(uint32_t level) "level %d"
150usb_xhci_irq_msi(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
151usb_xhci_irq_msix(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
152usb_xhci_irq_msix_use(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
153usb_xhci_irq_msix_unuse(uint32_t nr) "nr %d"
154usb_xhci_queue_event(uint32_t vector, uint32_t idx, const char *trb, const char *evt, uint64_t param, uint32_t status, uint32_t control) "v %d, idx %d, %s, %s, p 0x%016" PRIx64 ", s 0x%08x, c 0x%08x"
155usb_xhci_fetch_trb(uint64_t addr, const char *name, uint64_t param, uint32_t status, uint32_t control) "addr 0x%016" PRIx64 ", %s, p 0x%016" PRIx64 ", s 0x%08x, c 0x%08x"
156usb_xhci_port_reset(uint32_t port, bool warm) "port %d, warm %d"
157usb_xhci_port_link(uint32_t port, uint32_t pls) "port %d, pls %d"
158usb_xhci_port_notify(uint32_t port, uint32_t pls) "port %d, bits 0x%x"
159usb_xhci_slot_enable(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
160usb_xhci_slot_disable(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
161usb_xhci_slot_address(uint32_t slotid, const char *port) "slotid %d, port %s"
162usb_xhci_slot_configure(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
163usb_xhci_slot_evaluate(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
164usb_xhci_slot_reset(uint32_t slotid) "slotid %d"
165usb_xhci_ep_enable(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
166usb_xhci_ep_disable(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
167usb_xhci_ep_set_dequeue(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, uint32_t streamid, uint64_t param) "slotid %d, epid %d, streamid %d, ptr 0x%016" PRIx64
168usb_xhci_ep_kick(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, uint32_t streamid) "slotid %d, epid %d, streamid %d"
169usb_xhci_ep_stop(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
170usb_xhci_ep_reset(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid) "slotid %d, epid %d"
171usb_xhci_ep_state(uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, const char *os, const char *ns) "slotid %d, epid %d, %s -> %s"
172usb_xhci_xfer_start(void *xfer, uint32_t slotid, uint32_t epid, uint32_t streamid) "%p: slotid %d, epid %d, streamid %d"
173usb_xhci_xfer_async(void *xfer) "%p"
174usb_xhci_xfer_nak(void *xfer) "%p"
175usb_xhci_xfer_retry(void *xfer) "%p"
176usb_xhci_xfer_success(void *xfer, uint32_t bytes) "%p: len %d"
177usb_xhci_xfer_error(void *xfer, uint32_t ret) "%p: ret %d"
178usb_xhci_unimplemented(const char *item, int nr) "%s (0x%x)"
179usb_xhci_enforced_limit(const char *item) "%s"
181# hcd-dwc2.c
182usb_dwc2_update_irq(uint32_t level) "level=%d"
183usb_dwc2_raise_global_irq(uint32_t intr) "0x%08x"
184usb_dwc2_lower_global_irq(uint32_t intr) "0x%08x"
185usb_dwc2_raise_host_irq(uint32_t intr) "0x%04x"
186usb_dwc2_lower_host_irq(uint32_t intr) "0x%04x"
187usb_dwc2_sof(int64_t next) "next SOF %" PRId64
188usb_dwc2_bus_start(void) "start SOFs"
189usb_dwc2_bus_stop(void) "stop SOFs"
190usb_dwc2_find_device(uint8_t addr) "%d"
191usb_dwc2_port_disabled(uint32_t pnum) "port %d disabled"
192usb_dwc2_device_found(uint32_t pnum) "device found on port %d"
193usb_dwc2_device_not_found(void) "device not found"
194usb_dwc2_handle_packet(uint32_t chan, void *dev, void *pkt, uint32_t ep, const char *type, const char *dir, uint32_t mps, uint32_t len, uint32_t pcnt) "ch %d dev %p pkt %p ep %d type %s dir %s mps %d len %d pcnt %d"
195usb_dwc2_memory_read(uint32_t addr, uint32_t len) "addr %d len %d"
196usb_dwc2_packet_status(const char *status, uint32_t len) "status %s len %d"
197usb_dwc2_packet_error(const char *status) "ERROR %s"
198usb_dwc2_async_packet(void *pkt, uint32_t chan, void *dev, uint32_t ep, const char *dir, uint32_t len) "pkt %p ch %d dev %p ep %d %s len %d"
199usb_dwc2_memory_write(uint32_t addr, uint32_t len) "addr %d len %d"
200usb_dwc2_packet_done(const char *status, uint32_t actual, uint32_t len, uint32_t pcnt) "status %s actual %d len %d pcnt %d"
201usb_dwc2_packet_next(const char *status, uint32_t len, uint32_t pcnt) "status %s len %d pcnt %d"
202usb_dwc2_attach(void *port) "port %p"
203usb_dwc2_attach_speed(const char *speed) "%s-speed device attached"
204usb_dwc2_detach(void *port) "port %p"
205usb_dwc2_child_detach(void *port, void *child) "port %p child %p"
206usb_dwc2_wakeup(void *port) "port %p"
207usb_dwc2_async_packet_complete(void *port, void *pkt, uint32_t chan, void *dev, uint32_t ep, const char *dir, uint32_t len) "port %p packet %p ch %d dev %p ep %d %s len %d"
208usb_dwc2_work_bh(void) ""
209usb_dwc2_work_bh_service(uint32_t first, uint32_t current, void *dev, uint32_t ep) "first %d servicing %d dev %p ep %d"
210usb_dwc2_work_bh_next(uint32_t chan) "next %d"
211usb_dwc2_enable_chan(uint32_t chan, void *dev, void *pkt, uint32_t ep) "ch %d dev %p pkt %p ep %d"
212usb_dwc2_glbreg_read(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint32_t val) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08x"
213usb_dwc2_glbreg_write(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) "0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
214usb_dwc2_fszreg_read(uint64_t addr, uint32_t val) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " HPTXFSIZ  val 0x%08x"
215usb_dwc2_fszreg_write(uint64_t addr, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) "0x%04" PRIx64 " HPTXFSIZ  val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
216usb_dwc2_hreg0_read(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint32_t val) "  0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08x"
217usb_dwc2_hreg0_write(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
218usb_dwc2_hreg1_read(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t chan, uint32_t val) "  0x%04" PRIx64 " %s%" PRId64 " val 0x%08x"
219usb_dwc2_hreg1_write(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t chan, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s%" PRId64 " val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
220usb_dwc2_pcgreg_read(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint32_t val) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08x"
221usb_dwc2_pcgreg_write(uint64_t addr, const char *reg, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) "0x%04" PRIx64 " %s val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
222usb_dwc2_hreg2_read(uint64_t addr, uint64_t fifo, uint32_t val) "  0x%04" PRIx64 " FIFO%" PRId64 "     val 0x%08x"
223usb_dwc2_hreg2_write(uint64_t addr, uint64_t fifo, uint64_t val, uint32_t old, uint64_t result) " 0x%04" PRIx64 " FIFO%" PRId64 "     val 0x%08" PRIx64 " old 0x%08x result 0x%08" PRIx64
224usb_dwc2_hreg0_action(const char *s) "%s"
225usb_dwc2_wakeup_endpoint(void *ep, uint32_t stream) "endp %p stream %d"
226usb_dwc2_work_timer(void) ""
227usb_dwc2_reset_enter(void) "=== RESET enter ==="
228usb_dwc2_reset_hold(void) "=== RESET hold ==="
229usb_dwc2_reset_exit(void) "=== RESET exit ==="
231# desc.c
232usb_desc_device(int addr, int len, int ret) "dev %d query device, len %d, ret %d"
233usb_desc_device_qualifier(int addr, int len, int ret) "dev %d query device qualifier, len %d, ret %d"
234usb_desc_config(int addr, int index, int len, int ret) "dev %d query config %d, len %d, ret %d"
235usb_desc_other_speed_config(int addr, int index, int len, int ret) "dev %d query config %d, len %d, ret %d"
236usb_desc_string(int addr, int index, int len, int ret) "dev %d query string %d, len %d, ret %d"
237usb_desc_bos(int addr, int len, int ret) "dev %d bos, len %d, ret %d"
238usb_desc_msos(int addr, int index, int len, int ret) "dev %d msos, index 0x%x, len %d, ret %d"
239usb_set_addr(int addr) "dev %d"
240usb_set_config(int addr, int config, int ret) "dev %d, config %d, ret %d"
241usb_set_interface(int addr, int iface, int alt, int ret) "dev %d, interface %d, altsetting %d, ret %d"
242usb_clear_device_feature(int addr, int feature, int ret) "dev %d, feature %d, ret %d"
243usb_set_device_feature(int addr, int feature, int ret) "dev %d, feature %d, ret %d"
245# dev-hub.c
246usb_hub_reset(int addr) "dev %d"
247usb_hub_control(int addr, int request, int value, int index, int length) "dev %d, req 0x%x, value %d, index %d, langth %d"
248usb_hub_get_port_status(int addr, int nr, int status, int changed) "dev %d, port %d, status 0x%x, changed 0x%x"
249usb_hub_set_port_feature(int addr, int nr, const char *f) "dev %d, port %d, feature %s"
250usb_hub_clear_port_feature(int addr, int nr, const char *f) "dev %d, port %d, feature %s"
251usb_hub_attach(int addr, int nr) "dev %d, port %d"
252usb_hub_detach(int addr, int nr) "dev %d, port %d"
253usb_hub_status_report(int addr, int status) "dev %d, status 0x%x"
255# dev-uas.c
256usb_uas_reset(int addr) "dev %d"
257usb_uas_command(int addr, uint16_t tag, int lun, uint32_t lun64_1, uint32_t lun64_2) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, lun %d, lun64 0x%08x-0x%08x"
258usb_uas_response(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint8_t code) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, code 0x%x"
259usb_uas_sense(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint8_t status) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, status 0x%x"
260usb_uas_read_ready(int addr, uint16_t tag) "dev %d, tag 0x%x"
261usb_uas_write_ready(int addr, uint16_t tag) "dev %d, tag 0x%x"
262usb_uas_xfer_data(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint32_t copy, uint32_t uoff, uint32_t usize, uint32_t soff, uint32_t ssize) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, copy %d, usb-pkt %d/%d, scsi-buf %d/%d"
263usb_uas_scsi_data(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint32_t bytes) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, bytes %d"
264usb_uas_scsi_complete(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint32_t status, uint32_t resid) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, status 0x%x, residue %d"
265usb_uas_tmf_abort_task(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint16_t task_tag) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, task-tag 0x%x"
266usb_uas_tmf_logical_unit_reset(int addr, uint16_t tag, int lun) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, lun %d"
267usb_uas_tmf_unsupported(int addr, uint16_t tag, uint32_t function) "dev %d, tag 0x%x, function 0x%x"
269# dev-mtp.c
270usb_mtp_reset(int addr) "dev %d"
271usb_mtp_command(int dev, uint16_t code, uint32_t trans, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2, uint32_t arg3, uint32_t arg4) "dev %d, code 0x%x, trans 0x%x, args 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x"
272usb_mtp_success(int dev, uint32_t trans, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1) "dev %d, trans 0x%x, args 0x%x, 0x%x"
273usb_mtp_error(int dev, uint16_t code, uint32_t trans, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1) "dev %d, code 0x%x, trans 0x%x, args 0x%x, 0x%x"
274usb_mtp_data_in(int dev, uint32_t trans, uint32_t len) "dev %d, trans 0x%x, len %d"
275usb_mtp_xfer(int dev, uint32_t ep, uint32_t dlen, uint32_t plen) "dev %d, ep %d, %d/%d"
276usb_mtp_nak(int dev, uint32_t ep) "dev %d, ep %d"
277usb_mtp_stall(int dev, const char *reason) "dev %d, reason: %s"
278usb_mtp_op_get_device_info(int dev) "dev %d"
279usb_mtp_op_open_session(int dev) "dev %d"
280usb_mtp_op_close_session(int dev) "dev %d"
281usb_mtp_op_get_storage_ids(int dev) "dev %d"
282usb_mtp_op_get_storage_info(int dev) "dev %d"
283usb_mtp_op_get_num_objects(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
284usb_mtp_op_get_object_handles(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
285usb_mtp_op_get_object_info(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
286usb_mtp_op_get_object(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
287usb_mtp_op_get_partial_object(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s, off %d, len %d"
288usb_mtp_op_unknown(int dev, uint32_t code) "dev %d, command code 0x%x"
289usb_mtp_object_alloc(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
290usb_mtp_object_free(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
291usb_mtp_add_child(int dev, uint32_t handle, const char *path) "dev %d, handle 0x%x, path %s"
292usb_mtp_file_monitor_event(int dev, const char *path, const char *s) "dev %d, path %s event %s"
294# host-libusb.c
295usb_host_open_started(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
296usb_host_open_hostfd(int hostfd) "hostfd %d"
297usb_host_open_success(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
298usb_host_open_failure(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
299usb_host_close(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
300usb_host_attach_kernel(int bus, int addr, int interface) "dev %d:%d, if %d"
301usb_host_detach_kernel(int bus, int addr, int interface) "dev %d:%d, if %d"
302usb_host_set_address(int bus, int addr, int config) "dev %d:%d, address %d"
303usb_host_set_config(int bus, int addr, int config) "dev %d:%d, config %d"
304usb_host_set_interface(int bus, int addr, int interface, int alt) "dev %d:%d, interface %d, alt %d"
305usb_host_claim_interface(int bus, int addr, int config, int interface) "dev %d:%d, config %d, if %d"
306usb_host_release_interface(int bus, int addr, int interface) "dev %d:%d, if %d"
307usb_host_req_control(int bus, int addr, void *p, int req, int value, int index) "dev %d:%d, packet %p, req 0x%x, value %d, index %d"
308usb_host_req_data(int bus, int addr, void *p, int in, int ep, int size) "dev %d:%d, packet %p, in %d, ep %d, size %d"
309usb_host_req_complete(int bus, int addr, void *p, int status, int length) "dev %d:%d, packet %p, status %d, length %d"
310usb_host_req_emulated(int bus, int addr, void *p, int status) "dev %d:%d, packet %p, status %d"
311usb_host_req_canceled(int bus, int addr, void *p) "dev %d:%d, packet %p"
312usb_host_iso_start(int bus, int addr, int ep) "dev %d:%d, ep %d"
313usb_host_iso_stop(int bus, int addr, int ep) "dev %d:%d, ep %d"
314usb_host_iso_out_of_bufs(int bus, int addr, int ep) "dev %d:%d, ep %d"
315usb_host_reset(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
318usb_host_parse_config(int bus, int addr, int value, int active) "dev %d:%d, value %d, active %d"
319usb_host_parse_interface(int bus, int addr, int num, int alt, int active) "dev %d:%d, num %d, alt %d, active %d"
320usb_host_parse_endpoint(int bus, int addr, int ep, const char *dir, const char *type, int active) "dev %d:%d, ep %d, %s, %s, active %d"
321usb_host_parse_error(int bus, int addr, const char *errmsg) "dev %d:%d, msg %s"
322usb_host_remote_wakeup_removed(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%d"
324# dev-serial.c
325usb_serial_reset(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%u reset"
326usb_serial_handle_control(int bus, int addr, int request, int value) "dev %d:%u got control 0x%x, value 0x%x"
327usb_serial_unsupported_parity(int bus, int addr, int value) "dev %d:%u unsupported parity %d"
328usb_serial_unsupported_stopbits(int bus, int addr, int value) "dev %d:%u unsupported stop bits %d"
329usb_serial_unsupported_control(int bus, int addr, int request, int value) "dev %d:%u got unsupported/bogus control 0x%x, value 0x%x"
330usb_serial_unsupported_data_bits(int bus, int addr, int value) "dev %d:%u unsupported data bits %d, falling back to 8"
331usb_serial_bad_token(int bus, int addr) "dev %d:%u bad token"
332usb_serial_set_baud(int bus, int addr, int baud) "dev %d:%u baud rate %d"
333usb_serial_set_data(int bus, int addr, int parity, int data, int stop) "dev %d:%u parity %c, data bits %d, stop bits %d"
334usb_serial_set_flow_control(int bus, int addr, int index) "dev %d:%u flow control %d"
335usb_serial_set_xonxoff(int bus, int addr, uint8_t xon, uint8_t xoff) "dev %d:%u xon 0x%x xoff 0x%x"