1 2Removed features 3================ 4 5What follows is a record of recently removed, formerly deprecated 6features that serves as a record for users who have encountered 7trouble after a recent upgrade. 8 9System emulator command line arguments 10-------------------------------------- 11 12``-hdachs`` (removed in 2.12) 13''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 14 15The geometry defined by ``-hdachs c,h,s,t`` should now be specified via 16``-device ide-hd,drive=dr,cyls=c,heads=h,secs=s,bios-chs-trans=t`` 17(together with ``-drive if=none,id=dr,...``). 18 19``-net channel`` (removed in 2.12) 20'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 21 22This option has been replaced by ``-net user,guestfwd=...``. 23 24``-net dump`` (removed in 2.12) 25''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 26 27``-net dump[,vlan=n][,file=filename][,len=maxlen]`` has been replaced by 28``-object filter-dump,id=id,netdev=dev[,file=filename][,maxlen=maxlen]``. 29Note that the new syntax works with netdev IDs instead of the old "vlan" hubs. 30 31``-no-kvm-pit`` (removed in 2.12) 32''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 33 34This was just a dummy option that has been ignored, since the in-kernel PIT 35cannot be disabled separately from the irqchip anymore. A similar effect 36(which also disables the KVM IOAPIC) can be obtained with 37``-M kernel_irqchip=split``. 38 39``-tdf`` (removed in 2.12) 40'''''''''''''''''''''''''' 41 42There is no replacement, the ``-tdf`` option has just been ignored since the 43behaviour that could be changed by this option in qemu-kvm is now the default 44when using the KVM PIT. It still can be requested explicitly using 45``-global kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=delay``. 46 47``-drive secs=s``, ``-drive heads=h`` & ``-drive cyls=c`` (removed in 3.0) 48'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 49 50The drive geometry should now be specified via 51``-device ...,drive=dr,cyls=c,heads=h,secs=s`` (together with 52``-drive if=none,id=dr,...``). 53 54``-drive serial=``, ``-drive trans=`` & ``-drive addr=`` (removed in 3.0) 55''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 56 57Use ``-device ...,drive=dr,serial=r,bios-chs-trans=t,addr=a`` instead 58(together with ``-drive if=none,id=dr,...``). 59 60``-net ...,vlan=x`` (removed in 3.0) 61'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 62 63The term "vlan" was very confusing for most users in this context (it's about 64specifying a hub ID, not about IEEE 802.1Q or something similar), so this 65has been removed. To connect one NIC frontend with a network backend, either 66use ``-nic ...`` (e.g. for on-board NICs) or use ``-netdev ...,id=n`` together 67with ``-device ...,netdev=n`` (for full control over pluggable NICs). To 68connect multiple NICs or network backends via a hub device (which is what 69vlan did), use ``-nic hubport,hubid=x,...`` or 70``-netdev hubport,id=n,hubid=x,...`` (with ``-device ...,netdev=n``) instead. 71 72``-no-kvm-irqchip`` (removed in 3.0) 73'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 74 75Use ``-machine kernel_irqchip=off`` instead. 76 77``-no-kvm-pit-reinjection`` (removed in 3.0) 78'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 79 80Use ``-global kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard`` instead. 81 82``-balloon`` (removed in 3.1) 83''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 84 85The ``-balloon virtio`` option has been replaced by ``-device virtio-balloon``. 86The ``-balloon none`` option was a no-op and has no replacement. 87 88``-bootp`` (removed in 3.1) 89''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 90 91The ``-bootp /some/file`` argument is replaced by either 92``-netdev user,id=x,bootp=/some/file`` (for pluggable NICs, accompanied with 93``-device ...,netdev=x``), or ``-nic user,bootp=/some/file`` (for on-board NICs). 94The new syntax allows different settings to be provided per NIC. 95 96``-redir`` (removed in 3.1) 97''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 98 99The ``-redir [tcp|udp]:hostport:[guestaddr]:guestport`` option is replaced 100by either ``-netdev 101user,id=x,hostfwd=[tcp|udp]:[hostaddr]:hostport-[guestaddr]:guestport`` 102(for pluggable NICs, accompanied with ``-device ...,netdev=x``) or by the option 103``-nic user,hostfwd=[tcp|udp]:[hostaddr]:hostport-[guestaddr]:guestport`` 104(for on-board NICs). The new syntax allows different settings to be provided 105per NIC. 106 107``-smb`` (removed in 3.1) 108''''''''''''''''''''''''' 109 110The ``-smb /some/dir`` argument is replaced by either 111``-netdev user,id=x,smb=/some/dir`` (for pluggable NICs, accompanied with 112``-device ...,netdev=x``), or ``-nic user,smb=/some/dir`` (for on-board NICs). 113The new syntax allows different settings to be provided per NIC. 114 115``-tftp`` (removed in 3.1) 116'''''''''''''''''''''''''' 117 118The ``-tftp /some/dir`` argument is replaced by either 119``-netdev user,id=x,tftp=/some/dir`` (for pluggable NICs, accompanied with 120``-device ...,netdev=x``), or ``-nic user,tftp=/some/dir`` (for embedded NICs). 121The new syntax allows different settings to be provided per NIC. 122 123``-localtime`` (removed in 3.1) 124''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 125 126Replaced by ``-rtc base=localtime``. 127 128``-nodefconfig`` (removed in 3.1) 129''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 130 131Use ``-no-user-config`` instead. 132 133``-rtc-td-hack`` (removed in 3.1) 134''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 135 136Use ``-rtc driftfix=slew`` instead. 137 138``-startdate`` (removed in 3.1) 139''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 140 141Replaced by ``-rtc base=date``. 142 143``-vnc ...,tls=...``, ``-vnc ...,x509=...`` & ``-vnc ...,x509verify=...`` (removed in 3.1) 144'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 145 146The "tls-creds" option should be used instead to point to a "tls-creds-x509" 147object created using "-object". 148 149``-mem-path`` fallback to RAM (removed in 5.0) 150'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 151 152If guest RAM allocation from file pointed by ``mem-path`` failed, 153QEMU was falling back to allocating from RAM, which might have resulted 154in unpredictable behavior since the backing file specified by the user 155as ignored. Currently, users are responsible for making sure the backing storage 156specified with ``-mem-path`` can actually provide the guest RAM configured with 157``-m`` and QEMU fails to start up if RAM allocation is unsuccessful. 158 159``-net ...,name=...`` (removed in 5.1) 160'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 161 162The ``name`` parameter of the ``-net`` option was a synonym 163for the ``id`` parameter, which should now be used instead. 164 165``-numa node,mem=...`` (removed in 5.1) 166''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 167 168The parameter ``mem`` of ``-numa node`` was used to assign a part of guest RAM 169to a NUMA node. But when using it, it's impossible to manage a specified RAM 170chunk on the host side (like bind it to a host node, setting bind policy, ...), 171so the guest ends up with the fake NUMA configuration with suboptiomal 172performance. 173However since 2014 there is an alternative way to assign RAM to a NUMA node 174using parameter ``memdev``, which does the same as ``mem`` and adds 175means to actually manage node RAM on the host side. Use parameter ``memdev`` 176with *memory-backend-ram* backend as replacement for parameter ``mem`` 177to achieve the same fake NUMA effect or a properly configured 178*memory-backend-file* backend to actually benefit from NUMA configuration. 179New machine versions (since 5.1) will not accept the option but it will still 180work with old machine types. User can check the QAPI schema to see if the legacy 181option is supported by looking at MachineInfo::numa-mem-supported property. 182 183``-numa`` node (without memory specified) (removed in 5.2) 184'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 185 186Splitting RAM by default between NUMA nodes had the same issues as ``mem`` 187parameter with the difference that the role of the user plays QEMU using 188implicit generic or board specific splitting rule. 189Use ``memdev`` with *memory-backend-ram* backend or ``mem`` (if 190it's supported by used machine type) to define mapping explicitly instead. 191Users of existing VMs, wishing to preserve the same RAM distribution, should 192configure it explicitly using ``-numa node,memdev`` options. Current RAM 193distribution can be retrieved using HMP command ``info numa`` and if separate 194memory devices (pc|nv-dimm) are present use ``info memory-device`` and subtract 195device memory from output of ``info numa``. 196 197``-smp`` (invalid topologies) (removed in 5.2) 198'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 199 200CPU topology properties should describe whole machine topology including 201possible CPUs. 202 203However, historically it was possible to start QEMU with an incorrect topology 204where *n* <= *sockets* * *cores* * *threads* < *maxcpus*, 205which could lead to an incorrect topology enumeration by the guest. 206Support for invalid topologies is removed, the user must ensure 207topologies described with -smp include all possible cpus, i.e. 208*sockets* * *cores* * *threads* = *maxcpus*. 209 210``-machine enforce-config-section=on|off`` (removed in 5.2) 211''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 212 213The ``enforce-config-section`` property was replaced by the 214``-global migration.send-configuration={on|off}`` option. 215 216``-no-kvm`` (removed in 5.2) 217'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 218 219The ``-no-kvm`` argument was a synonym for setting ``-machine accel=tcg``. 220 221``-realtime`` (removed in 6.0) 222'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 223 224The ``-realtime mlock=on|off`` argument has been replaced by the 225``-overcommit mem-lock=on|off`` argument. 226 227``-show-cursor`` option (removed in 6.0) 228'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 229 230Use ``-display sdl,show-cursor=on``, ``-display gtk,show-cursor=on`` 231or ``-display default,show-cursor=on`` instead. 232 233``-tb-size`` option (removed in 6.0) 234'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 235 236QEMU 5.0 introduced an alternative syntax to specify the size of the translation 237block cache, ``-accel tcg,tb-size=``. 238 239``-usbdevice audio`` (removed in 6.0) 240''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 241 242This option lacked the possibility to specify an audio backend device. 243Use ``-device usb-audio`` now instead (and specify a corresponding USB 244host controller or ``-usb`` if necessary). 245 246``-vnc acl`` (removed in 6.0) 247''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 248 249The ``acl`` option to the ``-vnc`` argument has been replaced 250by the ``tls-authz`` and ``sasl-authz`` options. 251 252``-mon ...,control=readline,pretty=on|off`` (removed in 6.0) 253'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 254 255The ``pretty=on|off`` switch has no effect for HMP monitors and 256its use is rejected. 257 258``-drive file=json:{...{'driver':'file'}}`` (removed in 6.0) 259'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 260 261The 'file' driver for drives is no longer appropriate for character or host 262devices and will only accept regular files (S_IFREG). The correct driver 263for these file types is 'host_cdrom' or 'host_device' as appropriate. 264 265Floppy controllers' drive properties (removed in 6.0) 266''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 267 268Use ``-device floppy,...`` instead. When configuring onboard floppy 269controllers 270:: 271 272 -global isa-fdc.driveA=... 273 -global sysbus-fdc.driveA=... 274 -global SUNW,fdtwo.drive=... 275 276become 277:: 278 279 -device floppy,unit=0,drive=... 280 281and 282:: 283 284 -global isa-fdc.driveB=... 285 -global sysbus-fdc.driveB=... 286 287become 288:: 289 290 -device floppy,unit=1,drive=... 291 292When plugging in a floppy controller 293:: 294 295 -device isa-fdc,...,driveA=... 296 297becomes 298:: 299 300 -device isa-fdc,... 301 -device floppy,unit=0,drive=... 302 303and 304:: 305 306 -device isa-fdc,...,driveB=... 307 308becomes 309:: 310 311 -device isa-fdc,... 312 -device floppy,unit=1,drive=... 313 314``-drive`` with bogus interface type (removed in 6.0) 315''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 316 317Drives with interface types other than ``if=none`` are for onboard 318devices. Drives the board doesn't pick up can no longer be used with 319-device. Use ``if=none`` instead. 320 321``-usbdevice ccid`` (removed in 6.0) 322''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 323 324This option was undocumented and not used in the field. 325Use ``-device usb-ccid`` instead. 326 327RISC-V firmware not booted by default (removed in 5.1) 328'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 329 330QEMU 5.1 changes the default behaviour from ``-bios none`` to ``-bios default`` 331for the RISC-V ``virt`` machine and ``sifive_u`` machine. 332 333``-no-quit`` (removed in 7.0) 334''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 335 336The ``-no-quit`` was a synonym for ``-display ...,window-close=off`` which 337should be used instead. 338 339``--enable-fips`` (removed in 7.1) 340'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 341 342This option restricted usage of certain cryptographic algorithms when 343the host is operating in FIPS mode. 344 345If FIPS compliance is required, QEMU should be built with the ``libgcrypt`` 346or ``gnutls`` library enabled as a cryptography provider. 347 348Neither the ``nettle`` library, or the built-in cryptography provider are 349supported on FIPS enabled hosts. 350 351``-writeconfig`` (removed in 7.1) 352''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 353 354The ``-writeconfig`` option was not able to serialize the entire contents 355of the QEMU command line. It is thus considered a failed experiment 356and removed without a replacement. 357 358``loaded`` property of ``secret`` and ``secret_keyring`` objects (removed in 7.1) 359''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 360 361The ``loaded=on`` option in the command line or QMP ``object-add`` either had 362no effect (if ``loaded`` was the last option) or caused options to be 363effectively ignored as if they were not given. The property is therefore 364useless and should simply be removed. 365 366``opened`` property of ``rng-*`` objects (removed in 7.1) 367''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 368 369The ``opened=on`` option in the command line or QMP ``object-add`` either had 370no effect (if ``opened`` was the last option) or caused errors. The property 371is therefore useless and should simply be removed. 372 373``-display sdl,window_close=...`` (removed in 7.1) 374'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 375 376Use ``-display sdl,window-close=...`` instead (i.e. with a minus instead of 377an underscore between "window" and "close"). 378 379``-alt-grab`` and ``-display sdl,alt_grab=on`` (removed in 7.1) 380''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 381 382Use ``-display sdl,grab-mod=lshift-lctrl-lalt`` instead. 383 384``-ctrl-grab`` and ``-display sdl,ctrl_grab=on`` (removed in 7.1) 385''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 386 387Use ``-display sdl,grab-mod=rctrl`` instead. 388 389``-sdl`` (removed in 7.1) 390''''''''''''''''''''''''' 391 392Use ``-display sdl`` instead. 393 394``-curses`` (removed in 7.1) 395'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 396 397Use ``-display curses`` instead. 398 399Creating sound card devices using ``-soundhw`` (removed in 7.1) 400''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 401 402Sound card devices should be created using ``-device`` or ``-audio``. 403The exception is ``pcspk`` which can be activated using ``-machine 404pcspk-audiodev=<name>``. 405 406``-watchdog`` (since 7.2) 407''''''''''''''''''''''''' 408 409Use ``-device`` instead. 410 411Hexadecimal sizes with scaling multipliers (since 8.0) 412'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 413 414Input parameters that take a size value should only use a size suffix 415(such as 'k' or 'M') when the base is written in decimal, and not when 416the value is hexadecimal. That is, '0x20M' should be written either as 417'32M' or as '0x2000000'. 418 419``-chardev`` backend aliases ``tty`` and ``parport`` (removed in 8.0) 420''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 421 422``tty`` and ``parport`` used to be aliases for ``serial`` and ``parallel`` 423respectively. The actual backend names should be used instead. 424 425``-drive if=none`` for the sifive_u OTP device (removed in 8.0) 426''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 427 428Use ``-drive if=pflash`` to configure the OTP device of the sifive_u 429RISC-V machine instead. 430 431``-spice password=string`` (removed in 8.0) 432''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 433 434This option was insecure because the SPICE password remained visible in 435the process listing. This was replaced by the new ``password-secret`` 436option which lets the password be securely provided on the command 437line using a ``secret`` object instance. 438 439``QEMU_AUDIO_`` environment variables and ``-audio-help`` (removed in 8.2) 440'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 441 442The ``-audiodev`` and ``-audio`` command line options are now the only 443way to specify audio backend settings. 444 445Using ``-audiodev`` to define the default audio backend (removed in 8.2) 446'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 447 448If no audiodev property is specified, previous versions would use the 449first ``-audiodev`` command line option as a fallback. Starting with 450version 8.2, audio backends created with ``-audiodev`` will only be 451used by clients (sound cards, machines with embedded sound hardware, VNC) 452that refer to it in an ``audiodev=`` property. 453 454In order to configure a default audio backend, use the ``-audio`` 455command line option without specifying a ``model``; while previous 456versions of QEMU required a model, starting with version 8.2 457QEMU does not require a model and will not create any sound card 458in this case. 459 460Note that the default audio backend must be configured on the command 461line if the ``-nodefaults`` options is used. 462 463``-no-hpet`` (removed in 9.0) 464''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 465 466The HPET setting has been turned into a machine property. 467Use ``-machine hpet=off`` instead. 468 469``-no-acpi`` (removed in 9.0) 470''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 471 472The ``-no-acpi`` setting has been turned into a machine property. 473Use ``-machine acpi=off`` instead. 474 475``-async-teardown`` (removed in 9.0) 476'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 477 478Use ``-run-with async-teardown=on`` instead. 479 480``-chroot`` (removed in 9.0) 481'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 482 483Use ``-run-with chroot=dir`` instead. 484 485``-singlestep`` (removed in 9.0) 486'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 487 488The ``-singlestep`` option has been turned into an accelerator property, 489and given a name that better reflects what it actually does. 490Use ``-accel tcg,one-insn-per-tb=on`` instead. 491 492``-smp`` ("parameter=0" SMP configurations) (removed in 9.0) 493'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 494 495Specified CPU topology parameters must be greater than zero. 496 497In the SMP configuration, users should either provide a CPU topology 498parameter with a reasonable value (greater than zero) or just omit it 499and QEMU will compute the missing value. 500 501However, historically it was implicitly allowed for users to provide 502a parameter with zero value, which is meaningless and could also possibly 503cause unexpected results in the -smp parsing. So support for this kind of 504configurations (e.g. -smp 8,sockets=0) is removed since 9.0, users have 505to ensure that all the topology members described with -smp are greater 506than zero. 507 508``-global migration.decompress-error-check`` (removed in 9.1) 509''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 510 511Removed along with the ``compression`` migration capability. 512 513``-device virtio-blk,scsi=on|off`` (since 9.1) 514'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 515 516The virtio-blk SCSI passthrough feature is a legacy VIRTIO feature. VIRTIO 1.0 517and later do not support it because the virtio-scsi device was introduced for 518full SCSI support. Use virtio-scsi instead when SCSI passthrough is required. 519 520``-fsdev proxy`` and ``-virtfs proxy`` (since 9.2) 521^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 522 523The 9p ``proxy`` filesystem backend driver was originally developed to 524enhance security by dispatching low level filesystem operations from 9p 525server (QEMU process) over to a separate process (the virtfs-proxy-helper 526binary). However the proxy backend was much slower than the local backend, 527didn't see any development in years, and showed to be less secure, 528especially due to the fact that its helper daemon must be run as root. 529 530Use ``local``, possibly mapping permissions et al by using its 'mapped' 531security model option, or switch to ``virtiofs``. The virtiofs daemon 532``virtiofsd`` uses vhost to eliminate the high latency costs of the 9p 533``proxy`` backend. 534 535User-mode emulator command line arguments 536----------------------------------------- 537 538``-singlestep`` (removed in 9.0) 539'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 540 541The ``-singlestep`` option has been given a name that better reflects 542what it actually does. For both linux-user and bsd-user, use the 543``-one-insn-per-tb`` option instead. 544 545 546QEMU Machine Protocol (QMP) commands 547------------------------------------ 548 549``block-dirty-bitmap-add`` "autoload" parameter (removed in 4.2) 550'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 551 552The "autoload" parameter has been ignored since 2.12.0. All bitmaps 553are automatically loaded from qcow2 images. 554 555``cpu-add`` (removed in 5.2) 556'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 557 558Use ``device_add`` for hotplugging vCPUs instead of ``cpu-add``. See 559documentation of ``query-hotpluggable-cpus`` for additional details. 560 561``change`` (removed in 6.0) 562''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 563 564Use ``blockdev-change-medium`` or ``change-vnc-password`` or 565``display-update`` instead. 566 567``query-events`` (removed in 6.0) 568''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 569 570The ``query-events`` command has been superseded by the more powerful 571and accurate ``query-qmp-schema`` command. 572 573``migrate_set_cache_size`` and ``query-migrate-cache-size`` (removed in 6.0) 574'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 575 576Use ``migrate_set_parameter`` and ``info migrate_parameters`` instead. 577 578``migrate_set_downtime`` and ``migrate_set_speed`` (removed in 6.0) 579''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 580 581Use ``migrate_set_parameter`` instead. 582 583``query-cpus`` (removed in 6.0) 584''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 585 586The ``query-cpus`` command is replaced by the ``query-cpus-fast`` command. 587 588``query-cpus-fast`` ``arch`` output member (removed in 6.0) 589''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 590 591The ``arch`` output member of the ``query-cpus-fast`` command is 592replaced by the ``target`` output member. 593 594chardev client socket with ``wait`` option (removed in 6.0) 595''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 596 597Character devices creating sockets in client mode should not specify 598the 'wait' field, which is only applicable to sockets in server mode 599 600``query-named-block-nodes`` result ``encryption_key_missing`` (removed in 6.0) 601'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 602 603Removed with no replacement. 604 605``query-block`` result ``inserted.encryption_key_missing`` (removed in 6.0) 606''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 607 608Removed with no replacement. 609 610``query-named-block-nodes`` and ``query-block`` result dirty-bitmaps[i].status (removed in 6.0) 611''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 612 613The ``status`` field of the ``BlockDirtyInfo`` structure, returned by 614these commands is removed. Two new boolean fields, ``recording`` and 615``busy`` effectively replace it. 616 617``query-block`` result field ``dirty-bitmaps`` (removed in 6.0) 618''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 619 620The ``dirty-bitmaps`` field of the ``BlockInfo`` structure, returned by 621the query-block command is itself now removed. The ``dirty-bitmaps`` 622field of the ``BlockDeviceInfo`` struct should be used instead, which is the 623type of the ``inserted`` field in query-block replies, as well as the 624type of array items in query-named-block-nodes. 625 626``object-add`` option ``props`` (removed in 6.0) 627'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 628 629Specify the properties for the object as top-level arguments instead. 630 631``query-sgx`` return value member ``section-size`` (removed in 8.0) 632''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 633 634Member ``section-size`` in the return value of ``query-sgx`` 635was superseded by ``sections``. 636 637 638``query-sgx-capabilities`` return value member ``section-size`` (removed in 8.0) 639'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 640 641Member ``section-size`` in the return value of ``query-sgx-capabilities`` 642was superseded by ``sections``. 643 644``query-migrate`` return value member ``skipped`` (removed in 9.1) 645'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 646 647Member ``skipped`` of the ``MigrationStats`` struct hasn't been used 648for more than 10 years. Removed with no replacement. 649 650``migrate`` command option ``inc`` (removed in 9.1) 651''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 652 653Use blockdev-mirror with NBD instead. See "QMP invocation for live 654storage migration with ``blockdev-mirror`` + NBD" in 655docs/interop/live-block-operations.rst for a detailed explanation. 656 657``migrate`` command option ``blk`` (removed in 9.1) 658''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 659 660Use blockdev-mirror with NBD instead. See "QMP invocation for live 661storage migration with ``blockdev-mirror`` + NBD" in 662docs/interop/live-block-operations.rst for a detailed explanation. 663 664``migrate-set-capabilities`` ``block`` option (removed in 9.1) 665'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 666 667Block migration has been removed. For a replacement, see "QMP 668invocation for live storage migration with ``blockdev-mirror`` + NBD" 669in docs/interop/live-block-operations.rst. 670 671``migrate-set-parameter`` ``compress-level`` option (removed in 9.1) 672'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 673 674Use ``multifd-zlib-level`` or ``multifd-zstd-level`` instead. 675 676``migrate-set-parameter`` ``compress-threads`` option (removed in 9.1) 677'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 678 679Use ``multifd-channels`` instead. 680 681``migrate-set-parameter`` ``compress-wait-thread`` option (removed in 9.1) 682'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 683 684Removed with no replacement. 685 686``migrate-set-parameter`` ``decompress-threads`` option (removed in 9.1) 687'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 688 689Use ``multifd-channels`` instead. 690 691``migrate-set-capability`` ``compress`` option (removed in 9.1) 692''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 693 694Use ``multifd-compression`` instead. 695 696QEMU Machine Protocol (QMP) events 697---------------------------------- 698 699``MEM_UNPLUG_ERROR`` (removed in 9.1) 700''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 701 702MEM_UNPLUG_ERROR has been replaced by the more generic ``DEVICE_UNPLUG_GUEST_ERROR`` event. 703 704``vcpu`` trace events (removed in 9.1) 705'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 706 707The ability to instrument QEMU helper functions with vCPU-aware trace 708points was removed in 7.0. 709 710 711Human Monitor Protocol (HMP) commands 712------------------------------------- 713 714``usb_add`` and ``usb_remove`` (removed in 2.12) 715'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 716 717Replaced by ``device_add`` and ``device_del`` (use ``device_add help`` for a 718list of available devices). 719 720``host_net_add`` and ``host_net_remove`` (removed in 2.12) 721'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 722 723Replaced by ``netdev_add`` and ``netdev_del``. 724 725The ``hub_id`` parameter of ``hostfwd_add`` / ``hostfwd_remove`` (removed in 5.0) 726''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 727 728The ``[hub_id name]`` parameter tuple of the 'hostfwd_add' and 729'hostfwd_remove' HMP commands has been replaced by ``netdev_id``. 730 731``cpu-add`` (removed in 5.2) 732'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 733 734Use ``device_add`` for hotplugging vCPUs instead of ``cpu-add``. See 735documentation of ``query-hotpluggable-cpus`` for additional details. 736 737``change vnc TARGET`` (removed in 6.0) 738'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 739 740No replacement. The ``change vnc password`` and ``change DEVICE MEDIUM`` 741commands are not affected. 742 743``acl_show``, ``acl_reset``, ``acl_policy``, ``acl_add``, ``acl_remove`` (removed in 6.0) 744''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 745 746The ``acl_show``, ``acl_reset``, ``acl_policy``, ``acl_add``, and 747``acl_remove`` commands were removed with no replacement. Authorization 748for VNC should be performed using the pluggable QAuthZ objects. 749 750``migrate-set-cache-size`` and ``info migrate-cache-size`` (removed in 6.0) 751''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 752 753Use ``migrate-set-parameters`` and ``info migrate-parameters`` instead. 754 755``migrate_set_downtime`` and ``migrate_set_speed`` (removed in 6.0) 756''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 757 758Use ``migrate-set-parameters`` instead. 759 760``info cpustats`` (removed in 6.1) 761'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 762 763This command didn't produce any output already. Removed with no replacement. 764 765``singlestep`` (removed in 9.0) 766''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 767 768The ``singlestep`` command has been replaced by the ``one-insn-per-tb`` 769command, which has the same behaviour but a less misleading name. 770 771``migrate`` command ``-i`` option (removed in 9.1) 772'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 773 774Use blockdev-mirror with NBD instead. See "QMP invocation for live 775storage migration with ``blockdev-mirror`` + NBD" in 776docs/interop/live-block-operations.rst for a detailed explanation. 777 778``migrate`` command ``-b`` option (removed in 9.1) 779'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 780 781Use blockdev-mirror with NBD instead. See "QMP invocation for live 782storage migration with ``blockdev-mirror`` + NBD" in 783docs/interop/live-block-operations.rst for a detailed explanation. 784 785``migrate_set_capability`` ``block`` option (removed in 9.1) 786'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 787 788Block migration has been removed. For a replacement, see "QMP 789invocation for live storage migration with ``blockdev-mirror`` + NBD" 790in docs/interop/live-block-operations.rst. 791 792``migrate_set_parameter`` ``compress-level`` option (removed in 9.1) 793'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 794 795Use ``multifd-zlib-level`` or ``multifd-zstd-level`` instead. 796 797``migrate_set_parameter`` ``compress-threads`` option (removed in 9.1) 798'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 799 800Use ``multifd-channels`` instead. 801 802``migrate_set_parameter`` ``compress-wait-thread`` option (removed in 9.1) 803'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 804 805Removed with no replacement. 806 807``migrate_set_parameter`` ``decompress-threads`` option (removed in 9.1) 808'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 809 810Use ``multifd-channels`` instead. 811 812``migrate_set_capability`` ``compress`` option (removed in 9.1) 813''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 814 815Use ``multifd-compression`` instead. 816 817Host Architectures 818------------------ 819 820System emulation on 32-bit Windows hosts (removed in 9.0) 821''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 822 823Windows 11 has no support for 32-bit host installs, and Windows 10 did 824not support new 32-bit installs, only upgrades. 32-bit Windows support 825has now been dropped by the MSYS2 project. QEMU also is deprecating 826and dropping support for 32-bit x86 host deployments in 827general. 32-bit Windows is therefore no longer a supported host for 828QEMU. Since all recent x86 hardware from the past >10 years is 829capable of the 64-bit x86 extensions, a corresponding 64-bit OS should 830be used instead. 831 832Guest Emulator ISAs 833------------------- 834 835RISC-V ISA privilege specification version 1.09.1 (removed in 5.1) 836'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 837 838The RISC-V ISA privilege specification version 1.09.1 has been removed. 839QEMU supports both the newer version 1.10.0 and the ratified version 1.11.0, these 840should be used instead of the 1.09.1 version. 841 842System emulator CPUS 843-------------------- 844 845KVM guest support on 32-bit Arm hosts (removed in 5.2) 846'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 847 848The Linux kernel has dropped support for allowing 32-bit Arm systems 849to host KVM guests as of the 5.7 kernel, and was thus removed from QEMU 850as well. Running 32-bit guests on a 64-bit Arm host remains supported. 851 852RISC-V ISA Specific CPUs (removed in 5.1) 853''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 854 855The RISC-V cpus with the ISA version in the CPU name have been removed. The 856four CPUs are: ``rv32gcsu-v1.9.1``, ``rv32gcsu-v1.10.0``, ``rv64gcsu-v1.9.1`` and 857``rv64gcsu-v1.10.0``. Instead the version can be specified via the CPU ``priv_spec`` 858option when using the ``rv32`` or ``rv64`` CPUs. 859 860RISC-V no MMU CPUs (removed in 5.1) 861''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 862 863The RISC-V no MMU cpus have been removed. The two CPUs: ``rv32imacu-nommu`` and 864``rv64imacu-nommu`` can no longer be used. Instead the MMU status can be specified 865via the CPU ``mmu`` option when using the ``rv32`` or ``rv64`` CPUs. 866 867RISC-V 'any' CPU type ``-cpu any`` (removed in 9.2) 868''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 869 870The 'any' CPU type was introduced back in 2018 and was around since the 871initial RISC-V QEMU port. Its usage was always been unclear: users don't know 872what to expect from a CPU called 'any', and in fact the CPU does not do anything 873special that isn't already done by the default CPUs rv32/rv64. 874 875``compat`` property of server class POWER CPUs (removed in 6.0) 876''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 877 878The ``max-cpu-compat`` property of the ``pseries`` machine type should be used 879instead. 880 881``moxie`` CPU (removed in 6.1) 882'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 883 884Nobody was using this CPU emulation in QEMU, and there were no test images 885available to make sure that the code is still working, so it has been removed 886without replacement. 887 888``lm32`` CPUs (removed in 6.1) 889'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 890 891The only public user of this architecture was the milkymist project, 892which has been dead for years; there was never an upstream Linux 893port. Removed without replacement. 894 895``unicore32`` CPUs (removed in 6.1) 896''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 897 898Support for this CPU was removed from the upstream Linux kernel, and 899there is no available upstream toolchain to build binaries for it. 900Removed without replacement. 901 902x86 ``Icelake-Client`` CPU (removed in 7.1) 903''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 904 905There isn't ever Icelake Client CPU, it is some wrong and imaginary one. 906Use ``Icelake-Server`` instead. 907 908Nios II CPU (removed in 9.1) 909'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 910 911QEMU Nios II architecture was orphan; Intel has EOL'ed the Nios II 912processor IP (see `Intel discontinuance notification`_). 913 914CRIS CPU architecture (removed in 9.2) 915'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 916 917The CRIS architecture was pulled from Linux in 4.17 and the compiler 918was no longer packaged in any distro making it harder to run the 919``check-tcg`` tests. 920 921System accelerators 922------------------- 923 924Userspace local APIC with KVM (x86, removed in 8.0) 925''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 926 927``-M kernel-irqchip=off`` cannot be used on KVM if the CPU model includes 928a local APIC. The ``split`` setting is supported, as is using ``-M 929kernel-irqchip=off`` when the CPU does not have a local APIC. 930 931HAXM (``-accel hax``) (removed in 8.2) 932'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 933 934The HAXM project has been retired (see https://github.com/intel/haxm#status). 935Use "whpx" (on Windows) or "hvf" (on macOS) instead. 936 937MIPS "Trap-and-Emulate" KVM support (removed in 8.0) 938'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 939 940The MIPS "Trap-and-Emulate" KVM host and guest support was removed 941from Linux in 2021, and is not supported anymore by QEMU either. 942 943System emulator machines 944------------------------ 945 946``s390-virtio`` (removed in 2.6) 947'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 948 949Use the ``s390-ccw-virtio`` machine instead. 950 951The m68k ``dummy`` machine (removed in 2.9) 952''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 953 954Use the ``none`` machine with the ``loader`` device instead. 955 956``xlnx-ep108`` (removed in 3.0) 957''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 958 959The EP108 was an early access development board that is no longer used. 960Use the ``xlnx-zcu102`` machine instead. 961 962``spike_v1.9.1`` and ``spike_v1.10`` (removed in 5.1) 963''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 964 965The version specific Spike machines have been removed in favour of the 966generic ``spike`` machine. If you need to specify an older version of the RISC-V 967spec you can use the ``-cpu rv64gcsu,priv_spec=v1.10.0`` command line argument. 968 969mips ``r4k`` platform (removed in 5.2) 970'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 971 972This machine type was very old and unmaintained. Users should use the ``malta`` 973machine type instead. 974 975mips ``fulong2e`` machine alias (removed in 6.0) 976'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 977 978This machine has been renamed ``fuloong2e``. 979 980``pc-0.10`` up to ``pc-i440fx-2.3`` (removed in 4.0 up to 9.0) 981'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 982 983These machine types were very old and likely could not be used for live 984migration from old QEMU versions anymore. Use a newer machine type instead. 985 986Raspberry Pi ``raspi2`` and ``raspi3`` machines (removed in 6.2) 987'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 988 989The Raspberry Pi machines come in various models (A, A+, B, B+). To be able 990to distinguish which model QEMU is implementing, the ``raspi2`` and ``raspi3`` 991machines have been renamed ``raspi2b`` and ``raspi3b``. 992 993Aspeed ``swift-bmc`` machine (removed in 7.0) 994''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 995 996This machine was removed because it was unused. Alternative AST2500 based 997OpenPOWER machines are ``witherspoon-bmc`` and ``romulus-bmc``. 998 999ppc ``taihu`` machine (removed in 7.2) 1000''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1001 1002This machine was removed because it was partially emulated and 405 1003machines are very similar. Use the ``ref405ep`` machine instead. 1004 1005Nios II ``10m50-ghrd`` and ``nios2-generic-nommu`` machines (removed in 9.1) 1006'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1007 1008The Nios II architecture was orphan. 1009 1010``shix`` (removed in 9.2) 1011''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1012 1013The machine was unmaintained. 1014 1015linux-user mode CPUs 1016-------------------- 1017 1018``tilegx`` CPUs (removed in 6.0) 1019'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1020 1021The ``tilegx`` guest CPU support has been removed without replacement. It was 1022only implemented in linux-user mode, but support for this CPU was removed from 1023the upstream Linux kernel in 2018, and it has also been dropped from glibc, so 1024there is no new Linux development taking place with this architecture. For 1025running the old binaries, you can use older versions of QEMU. 1026 1027``ppc64abi32`` CPUs (removed in 7.0) 1028'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1029 1030The ``ppc64abi32`` architecture has a number of issues which regularly 1031tripped up the CI testing and was suspected to be quite broken. For that 1032reason the maintainers strongly suspected no one actually used it. 1033 1034``nios2`` CPU (removed in 9.1) 1035'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1036 1037QEMU Nios II architecture was orphan; Intel has EOL'ed the Nios II 1038processor IP (see `Intel discontinuance notification`_). 1039 1040TCG introspection features 1041-------------------------- 1042 1043TCG trace-events (since 6.2) 1044'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1045 1046The ability to add new TCG trace points had bit rotted and as the 1047feature can be replicated with TCG plugins it was removed. If 1048any user is currently using this feature and needs help with 1049converting to using TCG plugins they should contact the qemu-devel 1050mailing list. 1051 1052 1053System emulator devices 1054----------------------- 1055 1056``spapr-pci-vfio-host-bridge`` (removed in 2.12) 1057''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1058 1059The ``spapr-pci-vfio-host-bridge`` device type has been replaced by the 1060``spapr-pci-host-bridge`` device type. 1061 1062``ivshmem`` (removed in 4.0) 1063'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1064 1065Replaced by either the ``ivshmem-plain`` or ``ivshmem-doorbell``. 1066 1067``ide-drive`` (removed in 6.0) 1068'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1069 1070The 'ide-drive' device has been removed. Users should use 'ide-hd' or 1071'ide-cd' as appropriate to get an IDE hard disk or CD-ROM as needed. 1072 1073``scsi-disk`` (removed in 6.0) 1074'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1075 1076The 'scsi-disk' device has been removed. Users should use 'scsi-hd' or 1077'scsi-cd' as appropriate to get a SCSI hard disk or CD-ROM as needed. 1078 1079``sga`` (removed in 8.0) 1080'''''''''''''''''''''''' 1081 1082The ``sga`` device loaded an option ROM for x86 targets which enabled 1083SeaBIOS to send messages to the serial console. SeaBIOS 1.11.0 onwards 1084contains native support for this feature and thus use of the option 1085ROM approach was obsolete. The native SeaBIOS support can be activated 1086by using ``-machine graphics=off``. 1087 1088``pvrdma`` and the RDMA subsystem (removed in 9.1) 1089'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1090 1091The 'pvrdma' device and the whole RDMA subsystem have been removed. 1092 1093Related binaries 1094---------------- 1095 1096``qemu-nbd --partition`` (removed in 5.0) 1097''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1098 1099The ``qemu-nbd --partition $digit`` code (also spelled ``-P``) 1100could only handle MBR partitions, and never correctly handled logical 1101partitions beyond partition 5. Exporting a partition can still be 1102done by utilizing the ``--image-opts`` option with a raw blockdev 1103using the ``offset`` and ``size`` parameters layered on top of 1104any other existing blockdev. For example, if partition 1 is 100MiB 1105long starting at 1MiB, the old command:: 1106 1107 qemu-nbd -t -P 1 -f qcow2 file.qcow2 1108 1109can be rewritten as:: 1110 1111 qemu-nbd -t --image-opts driver=raw,offset=1M,size=100M,file.driver=qcow2,file.file.driver=file,file.file.filename=file.qcow2 1112 1113``qemu-img convert -n -o`` (removed in 5.1) 1114''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1115 1116All options specified in ``-o`` are image creation options, so 1117they are now rejected when used with ``-n`` to skip image creation. 1118 1119 1120``qemu-img create -b bad file $size`` (removed in 5.1) 1121'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1122 1123When creating an image with a backing file that could not be opened, 1124``qemu-img create`` used to issue a warning about the failure but 1125proceed with the image creation if an explicit size was provided. 1126However, as the ``-u`` option exists for this purpose, it is safer to 1127enforce that any failure to open the backing image (including if the 1128backing file is missing or an incorrect format was specified) is an 1129error when ``-u`` is not used. 1130 1131``qemu-img amend`` to adjust backing file (removed in 6.1) 1132'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1133 1134The use of ``qemu-img amend`` to modify the name or format of a qcow2 1135backing image was never fully documented or tested, and interferes 1136with other amend operations that need access to the original backing 1137image (such as deciding whether a v3 zero cluster may be left 1138unallocated when converting to a v2 image). Any changes to the 1139backing chain should be performed with ``qemu-img rebase -u`` either 1140before or after the remaining changes being performed by amend, as 1141appropriate. 1142 1143``qemu-img`` backing file without format (removed in 6.1) 1144''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1145 1146The use of ``qemu-img create``, ``qemu-img rebase``, or ``qemu-img 1147convert`` to create or modify an image that depends on a backing file 1148now requires that an explicit backing format be provided. This is 1149for safety: if QEMU probes a different format than what you thought, 1150the data presented to the guest will be corrupt; similarly, presenting 1151a raw image to a guest allows a potential security exploit if a future 1152probe sees a non-raw image based on guest writes. 1153 1154To avoid creating unsafe backing chains, you must pass ``-o 1155backing_fmt=`` (or the shorthand ``-F`` during create) to specify the 1156intended backing format. You may use ``qemu-img rebase -u`` to 1157retroactively add a backing format to an existing image. However, be 1158aware that there are already potential security risks to blindly using 1159``qemu-img info`` to probe the format of an untrusted backing image, 1160when deciding what format to add into an existing image. 1161 1162Block devices 1163------------- 1164 1165VXHS backend (removed in 5.1) 1166''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1167 1168The VXHS code did not compile since v2.12.0. It was removed in 5.1. 1169 1170``sheepdog`` driver (removed in 6.0) 1171'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1172 1173The corresponding upstream server project is no longer maintained. 1174Users are recommended to switch to an alternative distributed block 1175device driver such as RBD. 1176 1177Tools 1178----- 1179 1180virtiofsd (removed in 8.0) 1181'''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1182 1183There is a newer Rust implementation of ``virtiofsd`` at 1184``https://gitlab.com/virtio-fs/virtiofsd``; this has been 1185stable for some time and is now widely used. 1186The command line and feature set is very close to the removed 1187C implementation. 1188 1189QEMU guest agent 1190---------------- 1191 1192``--blacklist`` command line option (removed in 9.1) 1193'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1194 1195``--blacklist`` has been replaced by ``--block-rpcs`` (which is a better 1196wording for what this option does). The short form ``-b`` still stays 1197the same and thus is the preferred way for scripts that should run with 1198both, older and future versions of QEMU. 1199 1200``blacklist`` config file option (removed in 9.1) 1201''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1202 1203The ``blacklist`` config file option has been renamed to ``block-rpcs`` 1204(to be in sync with the renaming of the corresponding command line 1205option). 1206 1207.. _Intel discontinuance notification: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/content-details/781327/intel-is-discontinuing-ip-ordering-codes-listed-in-pdn2312-for-nios-ii-ip.html 1208