xref: /openbmc/pldm/tools/fw-update/pldm_fwup_pkg_creator.py (revision 06052cc5fa6d449fa6358ee554ea4eccd00525cf)
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3"""Script to create PLDM FW update package"""
5import argparse
6import binascii
7from datetime import datetime
8import json
9import os
10import struct
11import sys
13import math
14from bitarray import bitarray
15from bitarray.util import ba2int
17string_types = dict([
18    ("Unknown", 0),
19    ("ASCII", 1),
20    ("UTF8", 2),
21    ("UTF16", 3),
22    ("UTF16LE", 4),
23    ("UTF16BE", 5)])
25descriptor_type_name_length = {
26    0x0000: ["PCI Vendor ID", 2],
27    0x0001: ["IANA Enterprise ID", 4],
28    0x0002: ["UUID", 16],
29    0x0003: ["PnP Vendor ID", 3],
30    0x0004: ["ACPI Vendor ID", 4]}
33def check_string_length(string):
34    """Check if the length of the string is not greater than 255."""
35    if len(string) > 255:
36        sys.exit("ERROR: Max permitted string length is 255")
39def write_pkg_release_date_time(pldm_fw_up_pkg, release_date_time):
40    '''
41    Write the timestamp into the package header. The timestamp is formatted as
42    series of 13 bytes defined in DSP0240 specification.
44        Parameters:
45            pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package
46            release_date_time: Package Release Date Time
47    '''
48    time = release_date_time.time()
49    date = release_date_time.date()
50    us_bytes = time.microsecond.to_bytes(3, byteorder='little')
51    pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(
52        struct.pack(
53            '<hBBBBBBBBHB',
54            0,
55            us_bytes[0],
56            us_bytes[1],
57            us_bytes[2],
58            time.second,
59            time.minute,
60            time.hour,
61            date.day,
62            date.month,
63            date.year,
64            0))
67def write_package_version_string(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata):
68    '''
69    Write PackageVersionStringType, PackageVersionStringLength and
70    PackageVersionString to the package header.
72        Parameters:
73            pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package
74            metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package
75    '''
76    # Hardcoded string type to ASCII
77    string_type = string_types["ASCII"]
78    package_version_string = \
79        metadata["PackageHeaderInformation"]["PackageVersionString"]
80    check_string_length(package_version_string)
81    format_string = '<BB' + str(len(package_version_string)) + 's'
82    pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(
83        struct.pack(
84            format_string,
85            string_type,
86            len(package_version_string),
87            package_version_string.encode('ascii')))
90def write_component_bitmap_bit_length(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata):
91    '''
92    ComponentBitmapBitLength in the package header indicates the number of bits
93    that will be used represent the bitmap in the ApplicableComponents field
94    for a matching device. The value shall be a multiple of 8 and be large
95    enough to contain a bit for each component in the package. The number of
96    components in the JSON file is used to populate the bitmap length.
98        Parameters:
99            pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package
100            metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package
102        Returns:
103            ComponentBitmapBitLength: number of bits that will be used
104            represent the bitmap in the ApplicableComponents field for a
105            matching device
106    '''
107    # The script supports upto 32 components now
108    max_components = 32
109    bitmap_multiple = 8
111    num_components = len(metadata["ComponentImageInformationArea"])
112    if num_components > max_components:
113        sys.exit("ERROR: only upto 32 components supported now")
114    component_bitmap_bit_length = bitmap_multiple * \
115        math.ceil(num_components/bitmap_multiple)
116    pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack('<H', int(component_bitmap_bit_length)))
117    return component_bitmap_bit_length
120def write_pkg_header_info(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata):
121    '''
122    ComponentBitmapBitLength in the package header indicates the number of bits
123    that will be used represent the bitmap in the ApplicableComponents field
124    for a matching device. The value shall be a multiple of 8 and be large
125    enough to contain a bit for each component in the package. The number of
126    components in the JSON file is used to populate the bitmap length.
128        Parameters:
129            pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package
130            metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package
132        Returns:
133            ComponentBitmapBitLength: number of bits that will be used
134            represent the bitmap in the ApplicableComponents field for a
135            matching device
136    '''
137    uuid = metadata["PackageHeaderInformation"]["PackageHeaderIdentifier"]
138    package_header_identifier = bytearray.fromhex(uuid)
139    pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(package_header_identifier)
141    package_header_format_revision = \
142        metadata["PackageHeaderInformation"]["PackageHeaderFormatVersion"]
143    # Size will be computed and updated subsequently
144    package_header_size = 0
145    pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(
146        struct.pack(
147            '<BH',
148            package_header_format_revision,
149            package_header_size))
151    try:
152        release_date_time = datetime.strptime(
153            metadata["PackageHeaderInformation"]["PackageReleaseDateTime"],
154            "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
155        write_pkg_release_date_time(pldm_fw_up_pkg, release_date_time)
156    except KeyError:
157        write_pkg_release_date_time(pldm_fw_up_pkg, datetime.now())
159    component_bitmap_bit_length = write_component_bitmap_bit_length(
160        pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata)
161    write_package_version_string(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata)
162    return component_bitmap_bit_length
165def get_applicable_components(device, components, component_bitmap_bit_length):
166    '''
167    This function figures out the components applicable for the device and sets
168    the ApplicableComponents bitfield accordingly.
170        Parameters:
171            device: device information
172            components: list of components in the package
173            component_bitmap_bit_length: length of the ComponentBitmapBitLength
175        Returns:
176            The ApplicableComponents bitfield
177    '''
178    applicable_components_list = device["ApplicableComponents"]
179    applicable_components = bitarray(component_bitmap_bit_length,
180                                     endian='little')
181    applicable_components.setall(0)
182    for component in components:
183        if component["ComponentIdentifier"] in applicable_components_list:
184            applicable_components[components.index(component)] = 1
185    return applicable_components
188def write_fw_device_identification_area(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata,
189                                        component_bitmap_bit_length):
190    '''
191    Write firmware device ID records into the PLDM package header
193    This function writes the DeviceIDRecordCount and the
194    FirmwareDeviceIDRecords into the firmware update package by processing the
195    metadata JSON. Currently there is no support for optional
196    FirmwareDevicePackageData and for Additional descriptors.
198        Parameters:
199            pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package
200            metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package
201            component_bitmap_bit_length: length of the ComponentBitmapBitLength
202    '''
203    # The spec limits the number of firmware device ID records to 255
204    max_device_id_record_count = 255
205    devices = metadata["FirmwareDeviceIdentificationArea"]
206    device_id_record_count = len(devices)
207    if device_id_record_count > max_device_id_record_count:
208        sys.exit(
209            "ERROR: there can be only upto 255 entries in the \
210                FirmwareDeviceIdentificationArea section")
212    # DeviceIDRecordCount
213    pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack('<B', device_id_record_count))
215    for device in devices:
216        # RecordLength size
217        record_length = 2
219        # Only initial descriptor type supported now
220        descriptor_count = 1
221        record_length += 1
223        # DeviceUpdateOptionFlags
224        device_update_option_flags = bitarray(32, endian='little')
225        device_update_option_flags.setall(0)
226        # Continue component updates after failure
227        supported_device_update_option_flags = [0]
228        for option in device["DeviceUpdateOptionFlags"]:
229            if option not in supported_device_update_option_flags:
230                sys.exit("ERROR: unsupported DeviceUpdateOptionFlag entry")
231            device_update_option_flags[option] = 1
232        record_length += 4
234        # ComponentImageSetVersionStringType supports only ASCII for now
235        component_image_set_version_string_type = string_types["ASCII"]
236        record_length += 1
238        # ComponentImageSetVersionStringLength
239        component_image_set_version_string = \
240            device["ComponentImageSetVersionString"]
241        check_string_length(component_image_set_version_string)
242        record_length += len(component_image_set_version_string)
243        record_length += 1
245        # Optional FirmwareDevicePackageData not supported now,
246        # FirmwareDevicePackageDataLength is set to 0x0000
247        fw_device_pkg_data_length = 0
248        record_length += 2
250        # ApplicableComponents
251        components = metadata["ComponentImageInformationArea"]
252        applicable_components = \
253            get_applicable_components(device,
254                                      components,
255                                      component_bitmap_bit_length)
256        applicable_components_bitfield_length = \
257            round(len(applicable_components)/8)
258        record_length += applicable_components_bitfield_length
260        initial_descriptor = device["InitialDescriptor"]
261        initial_descriptor_type = initial_descriptor["InitialDescriptorType"]
262        initial_descriptor_data = initial_descriptor["InitialDescriptorData"]
264        # InitialDescriptorType
265        if descriptor_type_name_length.get(initial_descriptor_type) is None:
266            sys.exit("ERROR: Initial descriptor type not supported")
267        record_length += 2
269        # InitialDescriptorLength
270        initial_descriptor_length = \
271            len(bytearray.fromhex(initial_descriptor_data))
272        if initial_descriptor_length != \
273                descriptor_type_name_length.get(initial_descriptor_type)[1]:
274            err_string = "ERROR: Initial descriptor type - " + \
275                descriptor_type_name_length.get(initial_descriptor_type)[0] + \
276                " length is incorrect"
277            sys.exit(err_string)
278        record_length += 2
280        # InitialDescriptorData, the byte order in the JSON is retained.
281        record_length += initial_descriptor_length
283        format_string = '<HBIBBH' + \
284            str(applicable_components_bitfield_length) + 's' + \
285            str(len(component_image_set_version_string)) + 'sHH'
286        pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(
287            struct.pack(
288                format_string,
289                record_length,
290                descriptor_count,
291                ba2int(device_update_option_flags),
292                component_image_set_version_string_type,
293                len(component_image_set_version_string),
294                fw_device_pkg_data_length,
295                applicable_components.tobytes(),
296                component_image_set_version_string.encode('ascii'),
297                initial_descriptor_type,
298                initial_descriptor_length))
299        pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(bytearray.fromhex(initial_descriptor_data))
302def write_component_image_info_area(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata, image_files):
303    '''
304    Write component image information area into the PLDM package header
306    This function writes the ComponentImageCount and the
307    ComponentImageInformation into the firmware update package by processing
308    the metadata JSON. Currently there is no support for
309    ComponentComparisonStamp field and the component option use component
310    comparison stamp.
312    Parameters:
313        pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package
314        metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package
315        image_files: component images
316    '''
317    components = metadata["ComponentImageInformationArea"]
318    # ComponentImageCount
319    pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack('<H', len(components)))
320    component_location_offsets = []
321    # ComponentLocationOffset position in individual component image
322    # information
323    component_location_offset_pos = 12
325    for component in components:
326        # Record the location of the ComponentLocationOffset to be updated
327        # after appending images to the firmware update package
328        component_location_offsets.append(pldm_fw_up_pkg.tell() +
329                                          component_location_offset_pos)
331        # ComponentClassification
332        component_classification = component["ComponentClassification"]
333        if component_classification < 0 or component_classification > 0xFFFF:
334            sys.exit(
335                "ERROR: ComponentClassification should be [0x0000 - 0xFFFF]")
337        # ComponentIdentifier
338        component_identifier = component["ComponentIdentifier"]
339        if component_identifier < 0 or component_identifier > 0xFFFF:
340            sys.exit(
341                "ERROR: ComponentIdentifier should be [0x0000 - 0xFFFF]")
343        # ComponentComparisonStamp not supported
344        component_comparison_stamp = 0xFFFFFFFF
346        # ComponentOptions
347        component_options = bitarray(16, endian='little')
348        component_options.setall(0)
349        supported_component_options = [0]
350        for option in component["ComponentOptions"]:
351            if option not in supported_component_options:
352                sys.exit(
353                    "ERROR: unsupported ComponentOption in\
354                    ComponentImageInformationArea section")
355            component_options[option] = 1
357        # RequestedComponentActivationMethod
358        requested_component_activation_method = bitarray(16, endian='little')
359        requested_component_activation_method.setall(0)
360        supported_requested_component_activation_method = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
361        for option in component["RequestedComponentActivationMethod"]:
362            if option not in supported_requested_component_activation_method:
363                sys.exit(
364                    "ERROR: unsupported RequestedComponent\
365                        ActivationMethod entry")
366            requested_component_activation_method[option] = 1
368        # ComponentLocationOffset
369        component_location_offset = 0
370        # ComponentSize
371        component_size = 0
372        # ComponentVersionStringType
373        component_version_string_type = string_types["ASCII"]
374        # ComponentVersionStringlength
375        # ComponentVersionString
376        component_version_string = component["ComponentVersionString"]
377        check_string_length(component_version_string)
379        format_string = '<HHIHHIIBB' + str(len(component_version_string)) + 's'
380        pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(
381            struct.pack(
382                format_string,
383                component_classification,
384                component_identifier,
385                component_comparison_stamp,
386                ba2int(component_options),
387                ba2int(requested_component_activation_method),
388                component_location_offset,
389                component_size,
390                component_version_string_type,
391                len(component_version_string),
392                component_version_string.encode('ascii')))
394    index = 0
395    pkg_header_checksum_size = 4
396    start_offset = pldm_fw_up_pkg.tell() + pkg_header_checksum_size
397    # Update ComponentLocationOffset and ComponentSize for all the components
398    for offset in component_location_offsets:
399        file_size = os.stat(image_files[index]).st_size
400        pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(offset)
401        pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(
402            struct.pack(
403                '<II', start_offset, file_size))
404        start_offset += file_size
405        index += 1
406    pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
409def write_pkg_header_checksum(pldm_fw_up_pkg):
410    '''
411    Write PackageHeaderChecksum into the PLDM package header.
413        Parameters:
414            pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package
415    '''
416    pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(0)
417    package_header_checksum = binascii.crc32(pldm_fw_up_pkg.read())
418    pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
419    pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack('<I', package_header_checksum))
422def update_pkg_header_size(pldm_fw_up_pkg):
423    '''
424    Update PackageHeader in the PLDM package header. The package header size
425    which is the count of all bytes in the PLDM package header structure is
426    calculated once the package header contents is complete.
428        Parameters:
429            pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package
430    '''
431    pkg_header_checksum_size = 4
432    file_size = pldm_fw_up_pkg.tell() + pkg_header_checksum_size
433    pkg_header_size_offset = 17
434    # Seek past PackageHeaderIdentifier and PackageHeaderFormatRevision
435    pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(pkg_header_size_offset)
436    pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack('<H', file_size))
437    pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
440def append_component_images(pldm_fw_up_pkg, image_files):
441    '''
442    Append the component images to the firmware update package.
444        Parameters:
445            pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package
446            image_files: component images
447    '''
448    for image in image_files:
449        with open(image, 'rb') as file:
450            for line in file:
451                pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(line)
454def main():
455    """Create PLDM FW update (DSP0267) package based on a JSON metadata file"""
456    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
457    parser.add_argument("pldmfwuppkgname",
458                        help="Name of the PLDM FW update package")
459    parser.add_argument("metadatafile", help="Path of metadata JSON file")
460    parser.add_argument(
461        "images", nargs='+',
462        help="One or more firmware image paths, in the same order as\
463            ComponentImageInformationArea entries")
465    args = parser.parse_args()
466    image_files = args.images
467    with open(args.metadatafile) as file:
468        try:
469            metadata = json.load(file)
470        except ValueError:
471            sys.exit("ERROR: Invalid metadata JSON file")
473    # Validate the number of component images
474    if len(image_files) != len(metadata["ComponentImageInformationArea"]):
475        sys.exit("ERROR: number of images passed != number of entries \
476            in ComponentImageInformationArea")
478    try:
479        with open(args.pldmfwuppkgname, 'w+b') as pldm_fw_up_pkg:
480            component_bitmap_bit_length = write_pkg_header_info(pldm_fw_up_pkg,
481                                                                metadata)
482            write_fw_device_identification_area(pldm_fw_up_pkg,
483                                                metadata,
484                                                component_bitmap_bit_length)
485            write_component_image_info_area(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata,
486                                            image_files)
487            update_pkg_header_size(pldm_fw_up_pkg)
488            write_pkg_header_checksum(pldm_fw_up_pkg)
489            append_component_images(pldm_fw_up_pkg, image_files)
490            pldm_fw_up_pkg.close()
491    except BaseException:
492        pldm_fw_up_pkg.close()
493        os.remove(args.pldmfwuppkgname)
494        raise
497if __name__ == "__main__":
498    main()