1project('pldm', ['c', 'cpp'], 2 version: '0.1', meson_version: '>=0.49.0', 3 default_options: [ 4 'warning_level=3', 5 'default_library=shared', 6 'werror=true', 7 'cpp_std=c++17' 8 ]) 9 10# Wno-psabi reduces the number of "Note:" messages when cross-compiling some STL 11# stuff for ARM. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48149323/strange-gcc-warning-when-compiling-qt-project 12# Basically, gcc 6 and gcc 7 are not ABI compatible, but since the whole OpenBMC 13# project uses the same compiler, we can safely ignmore these info notes. 14add_project_arguments('-Wno-psabi', language: 'cpp') 15 16conf_data = configuration_data() 17conf_data.set_quoted('BIOS_JSONS_DIR', '/usr/share/pldm/bios') 18conf_data.set_quoted('BIOS_TABLES_DIR', '/var/lib/pldm/bios') 19conf_data.set_quoted('PDR_JSONS_DIR', '/usr/share/pldm/pdr') 20if get_option('oem-ibm').enabled() 21 conf_data.set_quoted('FILE_TABLE_JSON', '/usr/share/pldm/fileTable.json') 22 conf_data.set_quoted('PEL_TEMP_DIR', '/tmp/pel') 23 add_global_arguments('-DOEM_IBM', language : 'c') 24 add_global_arguments('-DOEM_IBM', language : 'cpp') 25endif 26configure_file(output: 'config.h', 27 configuration: conf_data 28) 29 30subdir('libpldm') 31subdir('libpldmresponder') 32subdir('tool') 33 34deps = [ 35 libpldm, 36 libpldmresponder, 37 dependency('sdbusplus'), 38 dependency('sdeventplus') 39] 40 41executable( 42 'pldmd', 43 'pldmd.cpp', 44 implicit_include_directories: false, 45 dependencies: deps, 46 install: true, 47 install_dir: get_option('bindir')) 48 49if get_option('tests').enabled() 50 subdir('test') 51endif 52 53if get_option('utilities').enabled() 54 subdir('utilities') 55endif 56