xref: /openbmc/pldm/libpldmresponder/fru.cpp (revision c44715dc)
1 #include "fru.hpp"
3 #include "libpldm/entity.h"
4 #include "libpldm/utils.h"
6 #include "common/utils.hpp"
8 #include <config.h>
9 #include <systemd/sd-journal.h>
11 #include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <set>
16 namespace pldm
17 {
18 namespace responder
19 {
20 void FruImpl::buildFRUTable()
21 {
22     if (isBuilt)
23     {
24         return;
25     }
27     fru_parser::DBusLookupInfo dbusInfo;
28     // Read the all the inventory D-Bus objects
29     auto& bus = pldm::utils::DBusHandler::getBus();
30     dbus::ObjectValueTree objects;
32     try
33     {
34         dbusInfo = parser.inventoryLookup();
35         auto method = bus.new_method_call(
36             std::get<0>(dbusInfo).c_str(), std::get<1>(dbusInfo).c_str(),
37             "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager", "GetManagedObjects");
38         auto reply = bus.call(method);
39         reply.read(objects);
40     }
41     catch (const std::exception& e)
42     {
43         std::cerr << "Look up of inventory objects failed and PLDM FRU table "
44                      "creation failed\n";
45         return;
46     }
48     auto itemIntfsLookup = std::get<2>(dbusInfo);
50     for (const auto& object : objects)
51     {
52         const auto& interfaces = object.second;
53         bool isPresent = pldm::utils::checkForFruPresence(object.first.str);
54         // Do not create fru record if fru is not present.
55         // Pick up the next available fru.
56         if (!isPresent)
57         {
58             continue;
59         }
60         for (const auto& interface : interfaces)
61         {
62             if (itemIntfsLookup.find(interface.first) != itemIntfsLookup.end())
63             {
64                 // An exception will be thrown by getRecordInfo, if the item
65                 // D-Bus interface name specified in FRU_Master.json does
66                 // not have corresponding config jsons
67                 try
68                 {
69                     pldm_entity entity{};
70                     entity.entity_type = parser.getEntityType(interface.first);
71                     pldm_entity_node* parent = nullptr;
72                     auto parentObj = pldm::utils::findParent(object.first.str);
73                     // To add a FRU to the entity association tree, we need to
74                     // determine if the FRU has a parent (D-Bus object). For eg
75                     // /system/backplane's parent is /system. /system has no
76                     // parent. Some D-Bus pathnames might just be namespaces
77                     // (not D-Bus objects), so we need to iterate upwards until
78                     // a parent is found, or we reach the root ("/").
79                     // Parents are always added first before children in the
80                     // entity association tree. We're relying on the fact that
81                     // the std::map containing object paths from the
82                     // GetManagedObjects call will have a sorted pathname list.
83                     do
84                     {
85                         auto iter = objToEntityNode.find(parentObj);
86                         if (iter != objToEntityNode.end())
87                         {
88                             parent = iter->second;
89                             break;
90                         }
91                         parentObj = pldm::utils::findParent(parentObj);
92                     } while (parentObj != "/");
94                     auto node = pldm_entity_association_tree_add(
95                         entityTree, &entity, 0xFFFF, parent,
96                         PLDM_ENTITY_ASSOCIAION_PHYSICAL);
97                     objToEntityNode[object.first.str] = node;
99                     auto recordInfos = parser.getRecordInfo(interface.first);
100                     populateRecords(interfaces, recordInfos, entity);
102                     associatedEntityMap.emplace(object.first, entity);
103                     break;
104                 }
105                 catch (const std::exception& e)
106                 {
107                     std::cout << "Config JSONs missing for the item "
108                                  "interface type, interface = "
109                               << interface.first << "\n";
110                     break;
111                 }
112             }
113         }
114     }
116     pldm_entity_association_pdr_add(entityTree, pdrRepo, false,
117                                     TERMINUS_HANDLE);
118     // save a copy of bmc's entity association tree
119     pldm_entity_association_tree_copy_root(entityTree, bmcEntityTree);
121     if (table.size())
122     {
123         padBytes = pldm::utils::getNumPadBytes(table.size());
124         table.resize(table.size() + padBytes, 0);
126         // Calculate the checksum
127         checksum = crc32(table.data(), table.size());
128     }
129     isBuilt = true;
130 }
131 std::string FruImpl::populatefwVersion()
132 {
133     static constexpr auto fwFunctionalObjPath =
134         "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/functional";
135     auto& bus = pldm::utils::DBusHandler::getBus();
136     std::string currentBmcVersion;
137     try
138     {
139         auto method =
140             bus.new_method_call(pldm::utils::mapperService, fwFunctionalObjPath,
141                                 pldm::utils::dbusProperties, "Get");
142         method.append("xyz.openbmc_project.Association", "endpoints");
143         std::variant<std::vector<std::string>> paths;
144         auto reply = bus.call(method);
145         reply.read(paths);
146         auto fwRunningVersion = std::get<std::vector<std::string>>(paths)[0];
147         constexpr auto versionIntf = "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version";
148         auto version = pldm::utils::DBusHandler().getDbusPropertyVariant(
149             fwRunningVersion.c_str(), "Version", versionIntf);
150         currentBmcVersion = std::get<std::string>(version);
151     }
152     catch (const std::exception& e)
153     {
154         std::cerr << "failed to make a d-bus call "
155                      "Asociation, ERROR= "
156                   << e.what() << "\n";
157         return {};
158     }
159     return currentBmcVersion;
160 }
161 void FruImpl::populateRecords(
162     const pldm::responder::dbus::InterfaceMap& interfaces,
163     const fru_parser::FruRecordInfos& recordInfos, const pldm_entity& entity)
164 {
165     // recordSetIdentifier for the FRU will be set when the first record gets
166     // added for the FRU
167     uint16_t recordSetIdentifier = 0;
168     auto numRecsCount = numRecs;
169     static uint32_t bmc_record_handle = 0;
171     for (auto const& [recType, encType, fieldInfos] : recordInfos)
172     {
173         std::vector<uint8_t> tlvs;
174         uint8_t numFRUFields = 0;
175         for (auto const& [intf, prop, propType, fieldTypeNum] : fieldInfos)
176         {
177             try
178             {
179                 pldm::responder::dbus::Value propValue;
181                 // Assuming that 0 container Id is assigned to the System (as
182                 // that should be the top most container as per dbus hierarchy)
183                 if (entity.entity_container_id == 0 && prop == "Version")
184                 {
185                     propValue = populatefwVersion();
186                 }
187                 else
188                 {
189                     propValue = interfaces.at(intf).at(prop);
190                 }
191                 if (propType == "bytearray")
192                 {
193                     auto byteArray = std::get<std::vector<uint8_t>>(propValue);
194                     if (!byteArray.size())
195                     {
196                         continue;
197                     }
199                     numFRUFields++;
200                     tlvs.emplace_back(fieldTypeNum);
201                     tlvs.emplace_back(byteArray.size());
202                     std::move(std::begin(byteArray), std::end(byteArray),
203                               std::back_inserter(tlvs));
204                 }
205                 else if (propType == "string")
206                 {
207                     auto str = std::get<std::string>(propValue);
208                     if (!str.size())
209                     {
210                         continue;
211                     }
213                     numFRUFields++;
214                     tlvs.emplace_back(fieldTypeNum);
215                     tlvs.emplace_back(str.size());
216                     std::move(std::begin(str), std::end(str),
217                               std::back_inserter(tlvs));
218                 }
219             }
220             catch (const std::out_of_range& e)
221             {
222                 continue;
223             }
224         }
226         if (tlvs.size())
227         {
228             if (numRecs == numRecsCount)
229             {
230                 recordSetIdentifier = nextRSI();
231                 bmc_record_handle = nextRecordHandle();
232                 pldm_pdr_add_fru_record_set(
233                     pdrRepo, TERMINUS_HANDLE, recordSetIdentifier,
234                     entity.entity_type, entity.entity_instance_num,
235                     entity.entity_container_id, bmc_record_handle);
236             }
237             auto curSize = table.size();
238             table.resize(curSize + recHeaderSize + tlvs.size());
239             encode_fru_record(table.data(), table.size(), &curSize,
240                               recordSetIdentifier, recType, numFRUFields,
241                               encType, tlvs.data(), tlvs.size());
242             numRecs++;
243         }
244     }
245 }
247 void FruImpl::getFRUTable(Response& response)
248 {
249     auto hdrSize = response.size();
251     response.resize(hdrSize + table.size() + sizeof(checksum), 0);
252     std::copy(table.begin(), table.end(), response.begin() + hdrSize);
254     // Copy the checksum to response data
255     auto iter = response.begin() + hdrSize + table.size();
256     std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&checksum), sizeof(checksum),
257                 iter);
258 }
260 int FruImpl::getFRURecordByOption(std::vector<uint8_t>& fruData,
261                                   uint16_t /* fruTableHandle */,
262                                   uint16_t recordSetIdentifer,
263                                   uint8_t recordType, uint8_t fieldType)
264 {
265     using sum = uint32_t;
267     // FRU table is built lazily, build if not done.
268     buildFRUTable();
270     /* 7 is sizeof(checksum,4) + padBytesMax(3)
271      * We can not know size of the record table got by options in advance, but
272      * it must be less than the source table. So it's safe to use sizeof the
273      * source table + 7 as the buffer length
274      */
275     size_t recordTableSize = table.size() - padBytes + 7;
276     fruData.resize(recordTableSize, 0);
278     get_fru_record_by_option(table.data(), table.size() - padBytes,
279                              fruData.data(), &recordTableSize,
280                              recordSetIdentifer, recordType, fieldType);
282     if (recordTableSize == 0)
283     {
285     }
287     auto pads = pldm::utils::getNumPadBytes(recordTableSize);
288     crc32(fruData.data(), recordTableSize + pads);
290     auto iter = fruData.begin() + recordTableSize + pads;
291     std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&checksum), sizeof(checksum),
292                 iter);
293     fruData.resize(recordTableSize + pads + sizeof(sum));
295     return PLDM_SUCCESS;
296 }
298 namespace fru
299 {
300 Response Handler::getFRURecordTableMetadata(const pldm_msg* request,
301                                             size_t /*payloadLength*/)
302 {
303     // FRU table is built lazily, build if not done.
304     buildFRUTable();
306     constexpr uint8_t major = 0x01;
307     constexpr uint8_t minor = 0x00;
308     constexpr uint32_t maxSize = 0xFFFFFFFF;
310     Response response(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) +
311                           PLDM_GET_FRU_RECORD_TABLE_METADATA_RESP_BYTES,
312                       0);
313     auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data());
315     auto rc = encode_get_fru_record_table_metadata_resp(
316         request->hdr.instance_id, PLDM_SUCCESS, major, minor, maxSize,
317         impl.size(), impl.numRSI(), impl.numRecords(), impl.checkSum(),
318         responsePtr);
319     if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS)
320     {
321         return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc);
322     }
324     return response;
325 }
327 Response Handler::getFRURecordTable(const pldm_msg* request,
328                                     size_t payloadLength)
329 {
330     // FRU table is built lazily, build if not done.
331     buildFRUTable();
333     if (payloadLength != PLDM_GET_FRU_RECORD_TABLE_REQ_BYTES)
334     {
335         return ccOnlyResponse(request, PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH);
336     }
338     Response response(
339         sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_FRU_RECORD_TABLE_MIN_RESP_BYTES, 0);
340     auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data());
342     auto rc =
343         encode_get_fru_record_table_resp(request->hdr.instance_id, PLDM_SUCCESS,
344                                          0, PLDM_START_AND_END, responsePtr);
345     if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS)
346     {
347         return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc);
348     }
350     impl.getFRUTable(response);
352     return response;
353 }
355 Response Handler::getFRURecordByOption(const pldm_msg* request,
356                                        size_t payloadLength)
357 {
358     if (payloadLength != sizeof(pldm_get_fru_record_by_option_req))
359     {
360         return ccOnlyResponse(request, PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH);
361     }
363     uint32_t retDataTransferHandle{};
364     uint16_t retFruTableHandle{};
365     uint16_t retRecordSetIdentifier{};
366     uint8_t retRecordType{};
367     uint8_t retFieldType{};
368     uint8_t retTransferOpFlag{};
370     auto rc = decode_get_fru_record_by_option_req(
371         request, payloadLength, &retDataTransferHandle, &retFruTableHandle,
372         &retRecordSetIdentifier, &retRecordType, &retFieldType,
373         &retTransferOpFlag);
375     if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS)
376     {
377         return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc);
378     }
380     std::vector<uint8_t> fruData;
381     rc = impl.getFRURecordByOption(fruData, retFruTableHandle,
382                                    retRecordSetIdentifier, retRecordType,
383                                    retFieldType);
384     if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS)
385     {
386         return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc);
387     }
389     auto respPayloadLength =
390         PLDM_GET_FRU_RECORD_BY_OPTION_MIN_RESP_BYTES + fruData.size();
391     Response response(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + respPayloadLength, 0);
392     auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data());
394     rc = encode_get_fru_record_by_option_resp(
395         request->hdr.instance_id, PLDM_SUCCESS, 0, PLDM_START_AND_END,
396         fruData.data(), fruData.size(), responsePtr, respPayloadLength);
398     if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS)
399     {
400         return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc);
401     }
403     return response;
404 }
406 } // namespace fru
408 } // namespace responder
410 } // namespace pldm