xref: /openbmc/pldm/libpldmresponder/bios_config.hpp (revision 03b01ca8f0c83f9433d2a3ee33336db3a084784a)
1 #pragma once
3 #include "bios_table.h"
5 #include "bios_attribute.hpp"
6 #include "bios_table.hpp"
7 #include "pldmd/dbus_impl_requester.hpp"
8 #include "requester/handler.hpp"
10 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
12 #include <functional>
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <memory>
15 #include <optional>
16 #include <set>
17 #include <string>
18 #include <vector>
20 namespace pldm
21 {
22 namespace responder
23 {
24 namespace bios
25 {
27 enum class BoundType
28 {
29     LowerBound,
30     UpperBound,
31     ScalarIncrement,
32     MinStringLength,
33     MaxStringLength,
34     OneOf
35 };
37 using AttributeName = std::string;
38 using AttributeType = std::string;
39 using ReadonlyStatus = bool;
40 using DisplayName = std::string;
41 using Description = std::string;
42 using MenuPath = std::string;
43 using CurrentValue = std::variant<int64_t, std::string>;
44 using DefaultValue = std::variant<int64_t, std::string>;
45 using OptionString = std::string;
46 using OptionValue = std::variant<int64_t, std::string>;
47 using Option = std::vector<std::tuple<OptionString, OptionValue>>;
48 using BIOSTableObj =
49     std::tuple<AttributeType, ReadonlyStatus, DisplayName, Description,
50                MenuPath, CurrentValue, DefaultValue, Option>;
51 using BaseBIOSTable = std::map<AttributeName, BIOSTableObj>;
53 using PendingObj = std::tuple<AttributeType, CurrentValue>;
54 using PendingAttributes = std::map<AttributeName, PendingObj>;
56 /** @class BIOSConfig
57  *  @brief Manager BIOS Attributes
58  */
59 class BIOSConfig
60 {
61   public:
62     BIOSConfig() = delete;
63     BIOSConfig(const BIOSConfig&) = delete;
64     BIOSConfig(BIOSConfig&&) = delete;
65     BIOSConfig& operator=(const BIOSConfig&) = delete;
66     BIOSConfig& operator=(BIOSConfig&&) = delete;
67     ~BIOSConfig() = default;
69     /** @brief Construct BIOSConfig
70      *  @param[in] jsonDir - The directory where json file exists
71      *  @param[in] tableDir - The directory where the persistent table is placed
72      *  @param[in] dbusHandler - Dbus Handler
73      *  @param[in] fd - socket descriptor to communicate to host
74      *  @param[in] eid - MCTP EID of host firmware
75      *  @param[in] requester - pointer to Requester object
76      *  @param[in] handler - PLDM request handler
77      */
78     explicit BIOSConfig(
79         const char* jsonDir, const char* tableDir,
80         DBusHandler* const dbusHandler, int fd, uint8_t eid,
81         dbus_api::Requester* requester,
82         pldm::requester::Handler<pldm::requester::Request>* handler);
84     /** @brief Set attribute value on dbus and attribute value table
85      *  @param[in] entry - attribute value entry
86      *  @param[in] size - size of the attribute value entry
87      *  @param[in] updateDBus          - update Attr value D-Bus property
88      *                                   if this is set to true
89      *  @param[in] updateBaseBIOSTable - update BaseBIOSTable D-Bus property
90      *                                   if this is set to true
91      *  @return pldm_completion_codes
92      */
93     int setAttrValue(const void* entry, size_t size, bool updateDBus = true,
94                      bool updateBaseBIOSTable = true);
96     /** @brief Remove the persistent tables */
97     void removeTables();
99     /** @brief Build bios tables(string,attribute,attribute value table)*/
100     void buildTables();
102     /** @brief Get BIOS table of specified type
103      *  @param[in] tableType - The table type
104      *  @return The bios table, std::nullopt if the table is unaviliable
105      */
106     std::optional<Table> getBIOSTable(pldm_bios_table_types tableType);
108     /** @brief set BIOS table
109      *  @param[in] tableType - Indicates what table is being transferred
110      *             {BIOSStringTable=0x0, BIOSAttributeTable=0x1,
111      *              BIOSAttributeValueTable=0x2}
112      *  @param[in] table - table data
113      *  @param[in] updateBaseBIOSTable - update BaseBIOSTable D-Bus property
114      *                                   if this is set to true
115      *  @return pldm_completion_codes
116      */
117     int setBIOSTable(uint8_t tableType, const Table& table,
118                      bool updateBaseBIOSTable = true);
120   private:
121     /** @enum Index into the fields in the BaseBIOSTable
122      */
123     enum class Index : uint8_t
124     {
125         attributeType = 0,
126         readOnly,
127         displayName,
128         description,
129         menuPath,
130         currentValue,
131         defaultValue,
132         options,
133     };
135     const fs::path jsonDir;
136     const fs::path tableDir;
137     DBusHandler* const dbusHandler;
138     BaseBIOSTable baseBIOSTableMaps;
140     /** @brief socket descriptor to communicate to host */
141     int fd;
143     /** @brief MCTP EID of host firmware */
144     uint8_t eid;
146     /** @brief pointer to Requester object, primarily used to access API to
147      *  obtain PLDM instance id.
148      */
149     dbus_api::Requester* requester;
151     /** @brief PLDM request handler */
152     pldm::requester::Handler<pldm::requester::Request>* handler;
154     // vector persists all attributes
155     using BIOSAttributes = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BIOSAttribute>>;
156     BIOSAttributes biosAttributes;
158     using propName = std::string;
159     using DbusChObjProperties = std::map<propName, PropertyValue>;
161     // vector to catch the D-Bus property change signals for BIOS attributes
162     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match::match>> biosAttrMatch;
164     /** @brief Method to update a BIOS attribute when the corresponding Dbus
165      *  property is changed
166      *  @param[in] chProperties - list of properties which have changed
167      *  @param[in] biosAttrIndex - Index of BIOSAttribute pointer in
168      * biosAttributes
169      *  @return - none
170      */
171     void processBiosAttrChangeNotification(
172         const DbusChObjProperties& chProperties, uint32_t biosAttrIndex);
174     /** @brief Construct an attribute and persist it
175      *  @tparam T - attribute type
176      *  @param[in] entry - json entry
177      */
178     template <typename T>
179     void constructAttribute(const Json& entry)
180     {
181         try
182         {
183             biosAttributes.push_back(std::make_unique<T>(entry, dbusHandler));
184             auto biosAttrIndex = biosAttributes.size() - 1;
185             auto dBusMap = biosAttributes[biosAttrIndex]->getDBusMap();
187             if (dBusMap.has_value())
188             {
189                 using namespace sdbusplus::bus::match::rules;
190                 biosAttrMatch.push_back(
191                     std::make_unique<sdbusplus::bus::match::match>(
192                         pldm::utils::DBusHandler::getBus(),
193                         propertiesChanged(dBusMap->objectPath,
194                                           dBusMap->interface),
195                         [this,
196                          biosAttrIndex](sdbusplus::message::message& msg) {
197                             DbusChObjProperties props;
198                             std::string iface;
199                             msg.read(iface, props);
200                             processBiosAttrChangeNotification(props,
201                                                               biosAttrIndex);
202                         }));
203             }
204         }
205         catch (const std::exception& e)
206         {
207             std::cerr << "Constructs Attribute Error, " << e.what()
208                       << std::endl;
209         }
210     }
212     /** Construct attributes and persist them */
213     void constructAttributes();
215     using ParseHandler = std::function<void(const Json& entry)>;
217     /** @brief Helper function to parse json
218      *  @param[in] filePath - Path of json file
219      *  @param[in] handler - Handler to process each entry in the json
220      */
221     void load(const fs::path& filePath, ParseHandler handler);
223     /** @brief Build String Table and persist it
224      *  @return The built string table, std::nullopt if it fails.
225      */
226     std::optional<Table> buildAndStoreStringTable();
228     /** @brief Build attribute table and attribute value table and persist them
229      *         Read the BaseBIOSTable from the bios-settings-manager and update
230      *         attribute table and attribute value table.
231      *
232      *  @param[in] stringTable - The string Table
233      */
234     void buildAndStoreAttrTables(const Table& stringTable);
236     /** @brief Persist the table
237      *  @param[in] path - Path to persist the table
238      *  @param[in] table - The table
239      */
240     void storeTable(const fs::path& path, const Table& table);
242     /** @brief Load bios table to ram
243      *  @param[in] path - Path of the table
244      *  @return The table, std::nullopt if loading fails
245      */
246     std::optional<Table> loadTable(const fs::path& path);
248     /** @brief Check the attribute value to update
249      *  @param[in] attrValueEntry - The attribute value entry to update
250      *  @param[in] attrEntry - The attribute table entry
251      *  @param[in] stringTable - The string  table
252      *  @return pldm_completion_codes
253      */
254     int checkAttrValueToUpdate(
255         const pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry* attrValueEntry,
256         const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* attrEntry, Table& stringTable);
258     /** @brief Check the attribute table
259      *  @param[in] table - The table
260      *  @return pldm_completion_codes
261      */
262     int checkAttributeTable(const Table& table);
264     /** @brief Check the attribute value table
265      *  @param[in] table - The table
266      *  @return pldm_completion_codes
267      */
268     int checkAttributeValueTable(const Table& table);
270     /** @brief Update the BaseBIOSTable property of the D-Bus interface
271      */
272     void updateBaseBIOSTableProperty();
274     /** @brief Listen the PendingAttributes property of the D-Bus interface and
275      *         update BaseBIOSTable
276      */
277     void listenPendingAttributes();
279     /** @brief Find attribute handle from bios attribute table
280      *  @param[in] attrName - attribute name
281      *  @return attribute handle
282      */
283     uint16_t findAttrHandle(const std::string& attrName);
285     /** @brief Listen the PendingAttributes property of the D-Bus interface
286      * and update BaseBIOSTable
287      *  @param[in] msg - Data associated with subscribed signal
288      */
289     void constructPendingAttribute(const PendingAttributes& pendingAttributes);
290 };
292 } // namespace bios
293 } // namespace responder
294 } // namespace pldm