1 #pragma once
3 #include "libpldm/base.h"
4 #include "libpldm/platform.h"
6 #include "dbus_impl_requester.hpp"
7 #include "libpldmresponder/pdr_utils.hpp"
8 #include "types.hpp"
9 #include "utils.hpp"
11 #include <sdeventplus/event.hpp>
12 #include <sdeventplus/source/event.hpp>
14 #include <map>
15 #include <memory>
16 #include <vector>
18 using namespace pldm::dbus_api;
20 namespace pldm
21 {
23 using EntityType = uint16_t;
24 // vector which would hold the PDR record handle data returned by
25 // pldmPDRRepositoryChgEvent event data
26 using ChangeEntry = uint32_t;
27 using PDRRecordHandles = std::vector<ChangeEntry>;
29 /** @struct SensorEntry
30  *
31  *  SensorEntry is a unique key which maps a sensorEventType request in the
32  *  PlatformEventMessage command to a host sensor PDR. This struct is a key
33  *  in a std::map, so implemented operator==and operator<.
34  */
35 struct SensorEntry
36 {
37     pdr::TerminusID terminusID;
38     pdr::SensorID sensorID;
40     bool operator==(const SensorEntry& e) const
41     {
42         return ((terminusID == e.terminusID) && (sensorID == e.sensorID));
43     }
45     bool operator<(const SensorEntry& e) const
46     {
47         return ((terminusID < e.terminusID) ||
48                 ((terminusID == e.terminusID) && (sensorID < e.sensorID)));
49     }
50 };
52 using HostStateSensorMap = std::map<SensorEntry, pdr::SensorInfo>;
54 /** @class HostPDRHandler
55  *  @brief This class can fetch and process PDRs from host firmware
56  *  @details Provides an API to fetch PDRs from the host firmware. Upon
57  *  receiving the PDRs, they are stored into the BMC's primary PDR repo.
58  *  Adjustments are made to entity association PDRs received from the host,
59  *  because they need to be assimilated into the BMC's entity association
60  *  tree. A PLDM event containing the record handles of the updated entity
61  *  association PDRs is sent to the host.
62  */
63 class HostPDRHandler
64 {
65   public:
66     HostPDRHandler() = delete;
67     HostPDRHandler(const HostPDRHandler&) = delete;
68     HostPDRHandler(HostPDRHandler&&) = delete;
69     HostPDRHandler& operator=(const HostPDRHandler&) = delete;
70     HostPDRHandler& operator=(HostPDRHandler&&) = delete;
71     ~HostPDRHandler() = default;
73     /** @brief Constructor
74      *  @param[in] mctp_fd - fd of MCTP communications socket
75      *  @param[in] mctp_eid - MCTP EID of host firmware
76      *  @param[in] event - reference of main event loop of pldmd
77      *  @param[in] repo - pointer to BMC's primary PDR repo
78      *  @param[in] tree - pointer to BMC's entity association tree
79      *  @param[in] requester - reference to Requester object
80      */
81     explicit HostPDRHandler(int mctp_fd, uint8_t mctp_eid,
82                             sdeventplus::Event& event, pldm_pdr* repo,
83                             pldm_entity_association_tree* entityTree,
84                             Requester& requester);
86     /** @brief fetch PDRs from host firmware. See @class.
87      *  @param[in] recordHandles - list of record handles pointing to host's
88      *             PDRs that need to be fetched.
89      */
91     void fetchPDR(std::vector<uint32_t>&& recordHandles);
93     /** @brief Send a PLDM event to host firmware containing a list of record
94      *  handles of PDRs that the host firmware has to fetch.
95      *  @param[in] pdrTypes - list of PDR types that need to be looked up in the
96      *                        BMC repo
97      *  @param[in] eventDataFormat - format for PDRRepositoryChgEvent in DSP0248
98      */
99     void sendPDRRepositoryChgEvent(std::vector<uint8_t>&& pdrTypes,
100                                    uint8_t eventDataFormat);
102     /** @brief Lookup host sensor info corresponding to requested SensorEntry
103      *
104      *  @param[in] entry - TerminusID and SensorID
105      *
106      *  @return SensorInfo corresponding to the input paramter SensorEntry
107      *          throw std::out_of_range exception if not found
108      */
109     const pdr::SensorInfo& lookupSensorInfo(const SensorEntry& entry) const
110     {
111         return sensorMap.at(entry);
112     }
114   private:
115     /** @brief fetchPDR schedules work on the event loop, this method does the
116      *  actual work. This is so that the PDR exchg with the host is async.
117      *  @param[in] source - sdeventplus event source
118      */
119     void _fetchPDR(sdeventplus::source::EventBase& source);
121     /** @brief Merge host firmware's entity association PDRs into BMC's
122      *  @details A merge operation involves adding a pldm_entity under the
123      *  appropriate parent, and updating container ids.
124      *  @param[in] pdr - entity association pdr
125      */
126     void mergeEntityAssociations(const std::vector<uint8_t>& pdr);
128     /** @brief Find parent of input entity type, from the entity association
129      *  tree
130      *  @param[in] type - PLDM entity type
131      *  @param[out] parent - PLDM entity information of parent
132      *  @return bool - true if parent found, false otherwise
133      */
134     bool getParent(EntityType type, pldm_entity& parent);
136     /** @brief fd of MCTP communications socket */
137     int mctp_fd;
138     /** @brief MCTP EID of host firmware */
139     uint8_t mctp_eid;
140     /** @brief reference of main event loop of pldmd, primarily used to schedule
141      *  work.
142      */
143     sdeventplus::Event& event;
144     /** @brief pointer to BMC's primary PDR repo, host PDRs are added here */
145     pldm_pdr* repo;
146     /** @brief Pointer to BMC's entity association tree */
147     pldm_entity_association_tree* entityTree;
148     /** @brief reference to Requester object, primarily used to access API to
149      *  obtain PLDM instance id.
150      */
151     Requester& requester;
152     /** @brief sdeventplus event source */
153     std::unique_ptr<sdeventplus::source::Defer> pdrFetchEvent;
154     /** @brief list of PDR record handles pointing to host's PDRs */
155     PDRRecordHandles pdrRecordHandles;
156     /** @brief maps an entity type to parent pldm_entity from the BMC's entity
157      *  association tree
158      */
159     std::map<EntityType, pldm_entity> parents;
160     /** @brief D-Bus property changed signal match */
161     std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match::match> hostOffMatch;
163     /** @brief sensorMap is a lookup data structure that is build from the
164      *         hostPDR that speeds up the lookup of <TerminusID, SensorID> in
165      *         PlatformEventMessage command request.
166      */
167     HostStateSensorMap sensorMap;
168 };
170 } // namespace pldm