xref: /openbmc/pldm/common/utils.hpp (revision 6c7fed4c)
1 #pragma once
3 #include "types.hpp"
5 #include <libpldm/base.h>
6 #include <libpldm/bios.h>
7 #include <libpldm/entity.h>
8 #include <libpldm/pdr.h>
9 #include <libpldm/platform.h>
10 #include <libpldm/utils.h>
11 #include <stdint.h>
12 #include <systemd/sd-bus.h>
13 #include <unistd.h>
15 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
16 #include <sdbusplus/server.hpp>
17 #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Manager/client.hpp>
18 #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Logging/Entry/server.hpp>
19 #include <xyz/openbmc_project/ObjectMapper/client.hpp>
21 #include <deque>
22 #include <exception>
23 #include <filesystem>
24 #include <iostream>
25 #include <map>
26 #include <string>
27 #include <variant>
28 #include <vector>
30 constexpr uint64_t dbusTimeout =
31     std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(
32         std::chrono::seconds(DBUS_TIMEOUT))
33         .count();
35 namespace pldm
36 {
37 namespace utils
38 {
39 namespace fs = std::filesystem;
40 using Json = nlohmann::json;
41 constexpr bool Tx = true;
42 constexpr bool Rx = false;
43 using ObjectMapper = sdbusplus::client::xyz::openbmc_project::ObjectMapper<>;
44 using inventoryManager =
45     sdbusplus::client::xyz::openbmc_project::inventory::Manager<>;
47 constexpr auto dbusProperties = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties";
48 constexpr auto mapperService = ObjectMapper::default_service;
49 constexpr auto inventoryPath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory";
50 /** @struct CustomFD
51  *
52  *  RAII wrapper for file descriptor.
53  */
54 struct CustomFD
55 {
56     CustomFD(const CustomFD&) = delete;
57     CustomFD& operator=(const CustomFD&) = delete;
58     CustomFD(CustomFD&&) = delete;
59     CustomFD& operator=(CustomFD&&) = delete;
61     CustomFD(int fd) : fd(fd) {}
63     ~CustomFD()
64     {
65         if (fd >= 0)
66         {
67             close(fd);
68         }
69     }
71     int operator()() const
72     {
73         return fd;
74     }
76   private:
77     int fd = -1;
78 };
80 /** @brief Calculate the pad for PLDM data
81  *
82  *  @param[in] data - Length of the data
83  *  @return - uint8_t - number of pad bytes
84  */
85 uint8_t getNumPadBytes(uint32_t data);
87 /** @brief Convert uint64 to date
88  *
89  *  @param[in] data - time date of uint64
90  *  @param[out] year - year number in dec
91  *  @param[out] month - month number in dec
92  *  @param[out] day - day of the month in dec
93  *  @param[out] hour - number of hours in dec
94  *  @param[out] min - number of minutes in dec
95  *  @param[out] sec - number of seconds in dec
96  *  @return true if decode success, false if decode failed
97  */
98 bool uintToDate(uint64_t data, uint16_t* year, uint8_t* month, uint8_t* day,
99                 uint8_t* hour, uint8_t* min, uint8_t* sec);
101 /** @brief Convert effecter data to structure of set_effecter_state_field
102  *
103  *  @param[in] effecterData - the date of effecter
104  *  @param[in] effecterCount - the number of individual sets of effecter
105  *                              information
106  *  @return[out] parse success and get a valid set_effecter_state_field
107  *               structure, return nullopt means parse failed
108  */
109 std::optional<std::vector<set_effecter_state_field>>
110     parseEffecterData(const std::vector<uint8_t>& effecterData,
111                       uint8_t effecterCount);
113 /**
114  *  @brief creates an error log
115  *  @param[in] errorMsg - the error message
116  */
117 void reportError(const char* errorMsg);
119 /** @brief Convert any Decimal number to BCD
120  *
121  *  @tparam[in] decimal - Decimal number
122  *  @return Corresponding BCD number
123  */
124 template <typename T>
125 T decimalToBcd(T decimal)
126 {
127     T bcd = 0;
128     T rem = 0;
129     auto cnt = 0;
131     while (decimal)
132     {
133         rem = decimal % 10;
134         bcd = bcd + (rem << cnt);
135         decimal = decimal / 10;
136         cnt += 4;
137     }
139     return bcd;
140 }
142 struct DBusMapping
143 {
144     std::string objectPath;   //!< D-Bus object path
145     std::string interface;    //!< D-Bus interface
146     std::string propertyName; //!< D-Bus property name
147     std::string propertyType; //!< D-Bus property type
148 };
150 using PropertyValue =
151     std::variant<bool, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t,
152                  uint64_t, double, std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>,
153                  std::vector<std::string>>;
154 using DbusProp = std::string;
155 using DbusChangedProps = std::map<DbusProp, PropertyValue>;
156 using DBusInterfaceAdded = std::vector<
157     std::pair<pldm::dbus::Interface,
158               std::vector<std::pair<pldm::dbus::Property,
159                                     std::variant<pldm::dbus::Property>>>>>;
161 using ObjectPath = std::string;
162 using EntityName = std::string;
163 using Entities = std::vector<pldm_entity_node*>;
164 using EntityAssociations = std::vector<Entities>;
165 using ObjectPathMaps = std::map<fs::path, pldm_entity_node*>;
166 using EntityMaps = std::map<pldm::pdr::EntityType, EntityName>;
168 using ServiceName = std::string;
169 using Interfaces = std::vector<std::string>;
170 using MapperServiceMap = std::vector<std::pair<ServiceName, Interfaces>>;
171 using GetSubTreeResponse = std::vector<std::pair<ObjectPath, MapperServiceMap>>;
172 using GetSubTreePathsResponse = std::vector<std::string>;
173 using PropertyMap = std::map<std::string, PropertyValue>;
174 using InterfaceMap = std::map<std::string, PropertyMap>;
175 using ObjectValueTree = std::map<sdbusplus::message::object_path, InterfaceMap>;
177 /**
178  * @brief The interface for DBusHandler
179  */
180 class DBusHandlerInterface
181 {
182   public:
183     virtual ~DBusHandlerInterface() = default;
185     virtual std::string getService(const char* path,
186                                    const char* interface) const = 0;
187     virtual GetSubTreeResponse
188         getSubtree(const std::string& path, int depth,
189                    const std::vector<std::string>& ifaceList) const = 0;
191     virtual GetSubTreePathsResponse
192         getSubTreePaths(const std::string& objectPath, int depth,
193                         const std::vector<std::string>& ifaceList) const = 0;
195     virtual void setDbusProperty(const DBusMapping& dBusMap,
196                                  const PropertyValue& value) const = 0;
198     virtual PropertyValue
199         getDbusPropertyVariant(const char* objPath, const char* dbusProp,
200                                const char* dbusInterface) const = 0;
202     virtual PropertyMap
203         getDbusPropertiesVariant(const char* serviceName, const char* objPath,
204                                  const char* dbusInterface) const = 0;
205 };
207 /**
208  *  @class DBusHandler
209  *
210  *  Wrapper class to handle the D-Bus calls
211  *
212  *  This class contains the APIs to handle the D-Bus calls
213  *  to cater the request from pldm requester.
214  *  A class is created to mock the apis in the test cases
215  */
216 class DBusHandler : public DBusHandlerInterface
217 {
218   public:
219     /** @brief Get the bus connection. */
220     static auto& getBus()
221     {
222         static auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
223         return bus;
224     }
226     /**
227      *  @brief Get the DBUS Service name for the input dbus path
228      *
229      *  @param[in] path - DBUS object path
230      *  @param[in] interface - DBUS Interface
231      *
232      *  @return std::string - the dbus service name
233      *
234      *  @throw sdbusplus::exception_t when it fails
235      */
236     std::string getService(const char* path,
237                            const char* interface) const override;
239     /**
240      *  @brief Get the Subtree response from the mapper
241      *
242      *  @param[in] path - DBUS object path
243      *  @param[in] depth - Search depth
244      *  @param[in] ifaceList - list of the interface that are being
245      *                         queried from the mapper
246      *
247      *  @return GetSubTreeResponse - the mapper subtree response
248      *
249      *  @throw sdbusplus::exception_t when it fails
250      */
251     GetSubTreeResponse
252         getSubtree(const std::string& path, int depth,
253                    const std::vector<std::string>& ifaceList) const override;
255     /** @brief Get Subtree path response from the mapper
256      *
257      *  @param[in] path - DBUS object path
258      *  @param[in] depth - Search depth
259      *  @param[in] ifaceList - list of the interface that are being
260      *                         queried from the mapper
261      *
262      *  @return std::vector<std::string> vector of subtree paths
263      */
264     GetSubTreePathsResponse getSubTreePaths(
265         const std::string& objectPath, int depth,
266         const std::vector<std::string>& ifaceList) const override;
268     /** @brief Get property(type: variant) from the requested dbus
269      *
270      *  @param[in] objPath - The Dbus object path
271      *  @param[in] dbusProp - The property name to get
272      *  @param[in] dbusInterface - The Dbus interface
273      *
274      *  @return The value of the property(type: variant)
275      *
276      *  @throw sdbusplus::exception_t when it fails
277      */
278     PropertyValue
279         getDbusPropertyVariant(const char* objPath, const char* dbusProp,
280                                const char* dbusInterface) const override;
282     /** @brief Get All properties(type: variant) from the requested dbus
283      *
284      *  @param[in] serviceName - The Dbus service name
285      *  @param[in] objPath - The Dbus object path
286      *  @param[in] dbusInterface - The Dbus interface
287      *
288      *  @return The values of the properties(type: variant)
289      *
290      *  @throw sdbusplus::exception_t when it fails
291      */
292     PropertyMap
293         getDbusPropertiesVariant(const char* serviceName, const char* objPath,
294                                  const char* dbusInterface) const override;
296     /** @brief The template function to get property from the requested dbus
297      *         path
298      *
299      *  @tparam Property - Excepted type of the property on dbus
300      *
301      *  @param[in] objPath - The Dbus object path
302      *  @param[in] dbusProp - The property name to get
303      *  @param[in] dbusInterface - The Dbus interface
304      *
305      *  @return The value of the property
306      *
307      *  @throw sdbusplus::exception_t when dbus request fails
308      *         std::bad_variant_access when \p Property and property on dbus do
309      *         not match
310      */
311     template <typename Property>
312     auto getDbusProperty(const char* objPath, const char* dbusProp,
313                          const char* dbusInterface)
314     {
315         auto VariantValue = getDbusPropertyVariant(objPath, dbusProp,
316                                                    dbusInterface);
317         return std::get<Property>(VariantValue);
318     }
320     /** @brief Set Dbus property
321      *
322      *  @param[in] dBusMap - Object path, property name, interface and property
323      *                       type for the D-Bus object
324      *  @param[in] value - The value to be set
325      *
326      *  @throw sdbusplus::exception_t when it fails
327      */
328     void setDbusProperty(const DBusMapping& dBusMap,
329                          const PropertyValue& value) const override;
331     /** @brief This function retrieves the properties of an object managed
332      *         by the specified D-Bus service located at the given object path.
333      *
334      *  @param[in] service - The D-Bus service providing the managed object
335      *  @param[in] value - The object path of the managed object
336      *
337      *  @return A hierarchical structure representing the properties of the
338      *          managed object.
339      *  @throw sdbusplus::exception_t when it fails
340      */
341     static ObjectValueTree getManagedObj(const char* service, const char* path);
343     /** @brief Retrieve the inventory objects managed by a specified class.
344      *         The retrieved inventory objects are cached statically
345      *         and returned upon subsequent calls to this function.
346      *
347      *  @tparam ClassType - The class type that manages the inventory objects.
348      *
349      *  @return A reference to the cached inventory objects.
350      */
351     template <typename ClassType>
352     static auto& getInventoryObjects()
353     {
354         static ObjectValueTree object = ClassType::getManagedObj(
355             inventoryManager::interface, inventoryPath);
356         return object;
357     }
358 };
360 /** @brief Fetch parent D-Bus object based on pathname
361  *
362  *  @param[in] dbusObj - child D-Bus object
363  *
364  *  @return std::string - the parent D-Bus object path
365  */
366 inline std::string findParent(const std::string& dbusObj)
367 {
368     fs::path p(dbusObj);
369     return p.parent_path().string();
370 }
372 /** @brief Read (static) MCTP EID of host firmware from a file
373  *
374  *  @return uint8_t - MCTP EID
375  */
376 uint8_t readHostEID();
378 /** @brief Validate the MCTP EID of MCTP endpoint
379  *         In `Table 2 - Special endpoint IDs` of DSP0236. EID 0 is NULL_EID.
380  *         EID from 1 to 7 is reserved EID. EID 0xFF is broadcast EID.
381  *         Those are invalid EID of one MCTP Endpoint.
382  *
383  * @param[in] eid - MCTP EID
384  *
385  * @return true if the MCTP EID is valid otherwise return false.
386  */
387 bool isValidEID(eid mctpEid);
389 /** @brief Convert a value in the JSON to a D-Bus property value
390  *
391  *  @param[in] type - type of the D-Bus property
392  *  @param[in] value - value in the JSON file
393  *
394  *  @return PropertyValue - the D-Bus property value
395  */
396 PropertyValue jsonEntryToDbusVal(std::string_view type,
397                                  const nlohmann::json& value);
399 /** @brief Find State Effecter PDR
400  *  @param[in] tid - PLDM terminus ID.
401  *  @param[in] entityID - entity that can be associated with PLDM State set.
402  *  @param[in] stateSetId - value that identifies PLDM State set.
403  *  @param[in] repo - pointer to BMC's primary PDR repo.
404  *  @return array[array[uint8_t]] - StateEffecterPDRs
405  */
406 std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> findStateEffecterPDR(uint8_t tid,
407                                                        uint16_t entityID,
408                                                        uint16_t stateSetId,
409                                                        const pldm_pdr* repo);
410 /** @brief Find State Sensor PDR
411  *  @param[in] tid - PLDM terminus ID.
412  *  @param[in] entityID - entity that can be associated with PLDM State set.
413  *  @param[in] stateSetId - value that identifies PLDM State set.
414  *  @param[in] repo - pointer to BMC's primary PDR repo.
415  *  @return array[array[uint8_t]] - StateSensorPDRs
416  */
417 std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> findStateSensorPDR(uint8_t tid,
418                                                      uint16_t entityID,
419                                                      uint16_t stateSetId,
420                                                      const pldm_pdr* repo);
422 /** @brief Find sensor id from a state sensor PDR
423  *
424  *  @param[in] pdrRepo - PDR repository
425  *  @param[in] tid - terminus id
426  *  @param[in] entityType - entity type
427  *  @param[in] entityInstance - entity instance number
428  *  @param[in] containerId - container id
429  *  @param[in] stateSetId - state set id
430  *
431  *  @return uint16_t - the sensor id
432  */
433 uint16_t findStateSensorId(const pldm_pdr* pdrRepo, uint8_t tid,
434                            uint16_t entityType, uint16_t entityInstance,
435                            uint16_t containerId, uint16_t stateSetId);
437 /** @brief Find effecter id from a state effecter pdr
438  *  @param[in] pdrRepo - PDR repository
439  *  @param[in] entityType - entity type
440  *  @param[in] entityInstance - entity instance number
441  *  @param[in] containerId - container id
442  *  @param[in] stateSetId - state set id
443  *  @param[in] localOrRemote - true for checking local repo and false for remote
444  *                             repo
445  *
446  *  @return uint16_t - the effecter id
447  */
448 uint16_t findStateEffecterId(const pldm_pdr* pdrRepo, uint16_t entityType,
449                              uint16_t entityInstance, uint16_t containerId,
450                              uint16_t stateSetId, bool localOrRemote);
452 /** @brief Emit the sensor event signal
453  *
454  *	@param[in] tid - the terminus id
455  *  @param[in] sensorId - sensorID value of the sensor
456  *  @param[in] sensorOffset - Identifies which state sensor within a
457  * composite state sensor the event is being returned for
458  *  @param[in] eventState - The event state value from the state change that
459  * triggered the event message
460  *  @param[in] previousEventState - The event state value for the state from
461  * which the present event state was entered.
462  *  @return PLDM completion code
463  */
464 int emitStateSensorEventSignal(uint8_t tid, uint16_t sensorId,
465                                uint8_t sensorOffset, uint8_t eventState,
466                                uint8_t previousEventState);
468 /** @brief Print the buffer
469  *
470  *  @param[in]  isTx - True if the buffer is an outgoing PLDM message, false if
471                        the buffer is an incoming PLDM message
472  *  @param[in]  buffer - Buffer to print
473  *
474  *  @return - None
475  */
476 void printBuffer(bool isTx, const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer);
478 /** @brief Convert the buffer to std::string
479  *
480  *  If there are characters that are not printable characters, it is replaced
481  *  with space(0x20).
482  *
483  *  @param[in] var - pointer to data and length of the data
484  *
485  *  @return std::string equivalent of variable field
486  */
487 std::string toString(const struct variable_field& var);
489 /** @brief Split strings according to special identifiers
490  *
491  *  We can split the string according to the custom identifier(';', ',', '&' or
492  *  others) and store it to vector.
493  *
494  *  @param[in] srcStr       - The string to be split
495  *  @param[in] delim        - The custom identifier
496  *  @param[in] trimStr      - The first and last string to be trimmed
497  *
498  *  @return std::vector<std::string> Vectors are used to store strings
499  */
500 std::vector<std::string> split(std::string_view srcStr, std::string_view delim,
501                                std::string_view trimStr = "");
502 /** @brief Get the current system time in readable format
503  *
504  *  @return - std::string equivalent of the system time
505  */
506 std::string getCurrentSystemTime();
508 /** @brief checks if the FRU is actually present.
509  *  @param[in] objPath - FRU object path.
510  *
511  *  @return bool to indicate presence or absence of FRU.
512  */
513 bool checkForFruPresence(const std::string& objPath);
515 /** @brief Method to check if the logical bit is set
516  *
517  *  @param[containerId] - container id of the entity
518  *
519  *  @return true or false based on the logic bit set
520  */
521 bool checkIfLogicalBitSet(const uint16_t& containerId);
523 /** @brief setting the present property
524  *
525  *  @param[in] objPath - the object path of the fru
526  *  @param[in] present - status to set either true/false
527  */
528 void setFruPresence(const std::string& fruObjPath, bool present);
529 } // namespace utils
530 } // namespace pldm