xref: /openbmc/phosphor-webui/app/server-health/controllers/log-controller.html (revision 51946552fc8c6ac9b677ccf07949e837e9caaf52)
1<div id="event-log">
2    <div class="row column">
3        <h1>Event Log</h1>
4    </div>
5    <section class="row column">
6        <div class="page-header">
7            <h2 class="inline h4">All events generated by the system</h2>
8            <div class="event-log__timezone inline float-right">
9                <button class="dropdown__button" ng-click="timezone = timezone == true ? false : true;" toggle-flag="timezone"
10                        >User timezone: <span ng-show="tmz== 'EDT'">EDT (UTC-4)</span><span ng-show="tmz=='UTC'">UTC - 0</span>
11                </button>
12                <ul class="dropdown__list inline" ng-show="timezone">
13                    <li>
14                        <button ng-click="tmz = 'EDT'; timezone=false;">User timezone: EDT (UTC-4)</button>
15                    </li>
16                    <li>
17                        <button ng-click="tmz = 'UTC'; timezone=false;">UTC Timezone : UTC - 0</button>
18                    </li>
19                </ul>
20            </div>
21        </div>
22    </section>
23    <!-- Filters -->
24    <section class="row column">
25        <!-- search -->
26        <log-search-control></log-search-control>
27        <!-- filters -->
28        <log-filter></log-filter>
29    </section> <!-- end filter -->
30    <section id="event-log__events" class="row column">
31        <div id="event__actions-bar" class="row header__actions-bar ">
32            <div class="column small-1 large-1 event-log__col-check">
33                <label class="control-check">
34                    <input type="checkbox" name="events__check-all" ng-model="all" ng-checked="(logs|filter:{selected: true}).length == logs.length"/>
35                    <div class="control__indicator"></div>
36                </label>
37            </div>
38            <div class="column small-11 large-11 end col-logged-events">
39                <!-- top bar confirmation - ADD ACTIVE CLASS TO DISPLAY-->
40                <div class="inline__confirm event__confirm" ng-class="{active: confirm}">
41                    <div class="inline__confirm-message">
42                        <p class="h3"><i></i>Are you sure you want to <strong class="ng-binding">delete {{selectedEvents.length}} logs</strong>?
43                        </p>
44                    </div>
45                    <div class="inline__confirm-buttons">
46                        <button class="btn-primary" ng-click="accept()">Yes</button>
47                        <button class="btn-primary" ng-click="confirm = false">No</button>
48                    </div>
49                </div>
50                <p class="inline"><span class="event__select-count">{{filteredLogs.length}}</span> Events are logged</p>
51                <!-- when logs are selected, this text changes to show how many logs are checked -->
52                <div class="event__actions">
53                    <button class="inline btn-delete" ng-show="selectedEvents.length || all" ng-click="confirm= ! confirm">
54                        <img class="event__icon" src="assets/images/icon-trashcan-white.svg" alt="">Delete
55                    </button>
56                    <button class="inline btn-resolve" ng-show="selectedEvents.length || all">
57                        <img class="event__icon" src="assets/images/icon-checklist-white.svg" alt="">Mark as resolved
58                    </button>
59                    <a ng-href="data:text/json;charset=utf-8,{{export_data}}" class="inline btn-export"  download="{{export_name}}" ng-show="selectedEvents.length || all">Export</a>
60                </div>
61            </div>
62        </div>
63        <log-event
64        dir-paginate="event in (filteredLogs = (logs|filter:filterBySeverity|filter:filterByStatus|filter:filterByDate|filter:filterBySearchTerms))| itemsPerPage: itemsPerPage"
65        event="event"
66        tmz="tmz">
67        </log-event>
68    </section>
69    <dir-pagination-controls template-url="common/directives/dirPagination.tpl.html"></dir-pagination-controls>
70</div> <!-- end event log -->