1<div id="led-switch">
2    <div class="row column">
3        <h1>Server LED</h1>
4        <div class="page-header">
5            <h2>LED light control</h2>
6        </div>
7    </div>
9    <div class="row column" ng-class="{disabled: dataService.server_unreachable || dataService.loading}">
10        <div class="btm-border-grey">
11            <div class="toggle inline">
12                <input id="toggle__switch-round"
13                       class="toggle-switch toggle-switch__round-flat"
14                       type="checkbox"
15                       tabindex="0"
16                       ng-click="toggleLED()"
17                       ng-checked="dataService.LED_state == 'on'"
18                       ng-disabled="dataService.server_unreachable"
19                       >
20                <label for="toggle__switch-round" tabindex="0">Server indicator is <span class="led-switch__status">{{dataService.LED_state}}</span></label>
21            </div>
22            <div class="led-switch__label inline">
23                <p>Server LED light is <span class="led-switch__status">{{dataService.LED_state}}</span></p>
24                <p>Turn the LED light on or off. If the server has an LCD, use this control to display text (on) or not to display text (off) on the LCD.</p>
25            </div>
26        </div>
27    </div>