1window.angular && (function(angular) {
2  'use strict';
4  /**
5   * statusIcon Component
6   *
7   * To use:
8   * The <status-icon> component expects a 'status' attribute
9   * with a status value (on, off, warn, error)
10   *
11   */
13  /**
14   * statusIcon Component template
15   */
16  const template = `<icon ng-if="$ctrl.status === 'on'"
17                          file="icon-on.svg"
18                          aria-hidden="true"
19                          class="status-icon">
20                    </icon>
21                    <icon ng-if="$ctrl.status === 'off'"
22                          file="icon-off.svg"
23                          aria-hidden="true"
24                          class="status-icon">
25                    </icon>
26                    <icon ng-if="$ctrl.status === 'warn'"
27                          file="icon-warning.svg"
28                          aria-hidden="true"
29                          class="status-icon">
30                    </icon>
31                    <icon ng-if="$ctrl.status === 'error'"
32                          file="icon-critical.svg"
33                          aria-hidden="true"
34                          class="status-icon">
35                    </icon>
36                    <icon ng-if="$ctrl.status === 'loading'"
37                          file="icon-loader.svg"
38                          aria-hidden="true"
39                          class="icon__loader icon__loader-sm">
40                    </icon>
41                    `
43  /**
44   * Register statusIcon component
45   */
46  angular.module('app.common.components')
47      .component('statusIcon', {template, bindings: {status: '@'}})