19b846121SLei YU# phosphor-psu-code-mgmt
29b846121SLei YU
39b846121SLei YUphosphor-psu-code-mgmt is a service to provide management for PSU code,
49b846121SLei YUincluding:
59b846121SLei YU
6*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- PSU code version
7*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- PSU code update
89b846121SLei YU
99b846121SLei YU## Building
109b846121SLei YU
119b846121SLei YU```
129b846121SLei YUmeson build/ && ninja -C build
139b846121SLei YU```
149b846121SLei YU
159b846121SLei YU## Unit test
169b846121SLei YU
17*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- Run it in OpenBMC CI, refer to [local-ci-build.md][1]
18*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- Run it in [OE SDK][2], run below commands in a x86-64 SDK env:
199b846121SLei YU  ```
209b846121SLei YU  meson -Doe-sdk=enabled -Dtests=enabled build/
219b846121SLei YU  ninja -C build/ test  # Meson skips running the case due to it thinks it's cross compiling
229b846121SLei YU  # Manually run the tests
239b846121SLei YU  for t in `find build/test/ -maxdepth 1 -name "test_*"`; do ./$t || break ; done
249b846121SLei YU  ```
259b846121SLei YU
268ccc653eSLei YU## Vendor-specific tools
278ccc653eSLei YU
28*b8f30754SPatrick WilliamsThis repo contains generic code to handle the PSU versions and updates. It
29*b8f30754SPatrick Williamsdepends on vendor-specific tools to provide the below functions on the real PSU
30*b8f30754SPatrick Williamshardware:
31*b8f30754SPatrick Williams
32*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- Get PSU firmware version
33*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- Compare the firmware version
34*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- Update the PSU firmware
358ccc653eSLei YU
368ccc653eSLei YUIt provides configure options for vendor-specific tools for the above functions:
37*b8f30754SPatrick Williams
38*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- `PSU_VERSION_UTIL`: It shall be defined as a command-line tool that accepts
39*b8f30754SPatrick Williams  the PSU inventory path as input, and outputs the PSU version string to stdout.
40*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- `PSU_VERSION_COMPARE_UTIL`: It shall be defined as a command-line tool that
41*b8f30754SPatrick Williams  accepts one or more PSU version strings, and outputs the latest version string
42*b8f30754SPatrick Williams  to stdout.
43*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- `PSU_UPDATE_SERVICE`: It shall be defined as a systemd service that accepts
44*b8f30754SPatrick Williams  two arguments:
45*b8f30754SPatrick Williams  - The PSU inventory DBus object;
46*b8f30754SPatrick Williams  - The path of the PSU image(s).
478ccc653eSLei YU
488ccc653eSLei YUFor example:
49*b8f30754SPatrick Williams
508ccc653eSLei YU```
518ccc653eSLei YUmeson -Dtests=disabled \
528ccc653eSLei YU    '-DPSU_VERSION_UTIL=/usr/bin/psutils --raw --get-version' \
538ccc653eSLei YU    '-DPSU_VERSION_COMPARE_UTIL=/usr/bin/psutils --raw --compare' \
548ccc653eSLei YU    '-DPSU_UPDATE_SERVICE=psu-update@.service' \
558ccc653eSLei YU    build
568ccc653eSLei YU```
578ccc653eSLei YU
588ccc653eSLei YUThe above configures the vendor-specific tools to use `psutils` from
598ccc653eSLei YU[phosphor-power][3] to get and compare the PSU versions, and use
60*b8f30754SPatrick Williams`psu-update@.service` to perform the PSU firmware update, where internally it
61*b8f30754SPatrick Williamsinvokes `psutils` as well.
62c6db1142SLei YU
63c6db1142SLei YU## Usage
64c6db1142SLei YU
65c6db1142SLei YU### PSU version
66c6db1142SLei YU
67c6db1142SLei YUWhen the service starts, it queries the inventory to get all the PSU inventory
68*b8f30754SPatrick Williamspaths, invokes the vendor-specific tool to get the versions, and creates version
69*b8f30754SPatrick Williamsobjects under `/xyz/openbmc_project/software` that are associated with the PSU
70*b8f30754SPatrick Williamsinventory path. If multiple PSUs are using the same version, multiple PSU
71*b8f30754SPatrick Williamsinventory paths are associated.
72c6db1142SLei YU
73c6db1142SLei YUE.g.
74*b8f30754SPatrick Williams
75*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- Example of system with two PSUs that have different versions:
76c6db1142SLei YU  ```
77c6db1142SLei YU   "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/02572429": {
78c6db1142SLei YU     "Activation": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.Activations.Active",
79c6db1142SLei YU     "Associations": [
80c6db1142SLei YU       [
81c6db1142SLei YU         "inventory",
82c6db1142SLei YU         "activation",
83c6db1142SLei YU         "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1"
84c6db1142SLei YU       ]
85c6db1142SLei YU     ],
86c6db1142SLei YU     "ExtendedVersion": "",
87c6db1142SLei YU     "Path": "",
88c6db1142SLei YU     "Purpose": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.PSU",
89c6db1142SLei YU     "RequestedActivation": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.RequestedActivations.None",
90c6db1142SLei YU     "Version": "01120114"
91c6db1142SLei YU   },
92c6db1142SLei YU   "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/7094f612": {
93c6db1142SLei YU     "Activation": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.Activations.Active",
94c6db1142SLei YU     "Associations": [
95c6db1142SLei YU       [
96c6db1142SLei YU         "inventory",
97c6db1142SLei YU         "activation",
98c6db1142SLei YU         "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0"
99c6db1142SLei YU       ]
100c6db1142SLei YU     ],
101c6db1142SLei YU     "ExtendedVersion": "",
102c6db1142SLei YU     "Path": "",
103c6db1142SLei YU     "Purpose": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.PSU",
104c6db1142SLei YU     "RequestedActivation": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.RequestedActivations.None",
105c6db1142SLei YU     "Version": "00000110"
106c6db1142SLei YU   },
107c6db1142SLei YU  ```
108*b8f30754SPatrick Williams- Example of system with two PSUs that have the same version:
109c6db1142SLei YU  ```
110c6db1142SLei YU   "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/9463c2ad": {
111c6db1142SLei YU     "Activation": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.Activations.Active",
112c6db1142SLei YU     "Associations": [
113c6db1142SLei YU       [
114c6db1142SLei YU         "inventory",
115c6db1142SLei YU         "activation",
116c6db1142SLei YU         "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0"
117c6db1142SLei YU       ],
118c6db1142SLei YU       [
119c6db1142SLei YU         "inventory",
120c6db1142SLei YU         "activation",
121c6db1142SLei YU         "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1"
122c6db1142SLei YU       ]
123c6db1142SLei YU     ],
124c6db1142SLei YU     "ExtendedVersion": "",
125c6db1142SLei YU     "Path": "",
126c6db1142SLei YU     "Purpose": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.PSU",
127c6db1142SLei YU     "RequestedActivation": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.RequestedActivations.None",
128c6db1142SLei YU     "Version": "01100110"
129c6db1142SLei YU   },
130c6db1142SLei YU  ```
131c6db1142SLei YU
132c6db1142SLei YU### PSU update
133c6db1142SLei YU
134c6db1142SLei YU1. Generate a tarball of PSU firmware image by [generate-psu-tar tool][4].
135c6db1142SLei YU   ```
136d48ae5fbSChicago Duan   ./generate-psu-tar --image <psu-image> --version <version> --model <model> --manufacture \
137d48ae5fbSChicago Duan   <manufacture> --machineName <machineName> --outfile <psu.tar> --sign
138c6db1142SLei YU   ```
139c6db1142SLei YU2. To update the PSU firmware, follow the same steps as described in
140c6db1142SLei YU   [code-update.md][5]:
141*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   - Upload a PSU image tarball and get the version ID;
142*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   - Set the RequestedActivation state of the uploaded image's version ID.
143*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   - Check the state and wait for the activation to be completed.
144*b8f30754SPatrick Williams3. After a successful update, the PSU image and the manifest is stored in BMC's
145*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   persistent storage defined by `IMG_DIR_PERSIST`. When a PSU is replaced, the
146*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   PSU's firmware version will be checked and updated if it's older than the one
147*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   stored in BMC.
148*b8f30754SPatrick Williams4. It is possible to put a PSU image and MANIFEST in the built-bin OpenBMC image
149*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   in BMC's read-only filesystem defined by `IMG_DIR_BUILTIN`. When the service
150*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   starts, it will compare the versions of the built-in image, the stored image
151*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   (after PSU update), and the existing PSUs, if there is any PSU that has an
152*b8f30754SPatrick Williams   older firmware, it will be updated to the newest one.
153c6db1142SLei YU
1541799f381SGunnar Mills[1]: https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/testing/local-ci-build.md
155*b8f30754SPatrick Williams[2]:
156*b8f30754SPatrick Williams  https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/cheatsheet.md#building-the-openbmc-sdk
1578ccc653eSLei YU[3]: https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-power/tree/master/tools/power-utils
158*b8f30754SPatrick Williams[4]:
159*b8f30754SPatrick Williams  https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-psu-code-mgmt/blob/master/tools/generate-psu-tar
160*b8f30754SPatrick Williams[5]:
161*b8f30754SPatrick Williams  https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/architecture/code-update/code-update.md