19b846121SLei YU# phosphor-psu-code-mgmt
29b846121SLei YU
39b846121SLei YUphosphor-psu-code-mgmt is a service to provide management for PSU code,
49b846121SLei YUincluding:
59b846121SLei YU
69b846121SLei YU* PSU code version
79b846121SLei YU* PSU code update
89b846121SLei YU
99b846121SLei YU
109b846121SLei YU## Building
119b846121SLei YU
129b846121SLei YU```
139b846121SLei YUmeson build/ && ninja -C build
149b846121SLei YU```
159b846121SLei YU
169b846121SLei YU## Unit test
179b846121SLei YU
189b846121SLei YU* Run it in OpenBMC CI, refer to [local-ci-build.md][1]
199b846121SLei YU* Run it in [OE SDK][2], run below commands in a x86-64 SDK env:
209b846121SLei YU   ```
219b846121SLei YU   meson -Doe-sdk=enabled -Dtests=enabled build/
229b846121SLei YU   ninja -C build/ test  # Meson skips running the case due to it thinks it's cross compiling
239b846121SLei YU   # Manually run the tests
249b846121SLei YU   for t in `find build/test/ -maxdepth 1 -name "test_*"`; do ./$t || break ; done
259b846121SLei YU   ```
269b846121SLei YU
27*1799f381SGunnar Mills[1]: https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/testing/local-ci-build.md
289b846121SLei YU[2]: https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/cheatsheet.md#building-the-openbmc-sdk