1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3import argparse
4import json
5import jsonschema
6import os
7import sys
10Validates the phosphor-regulators configuration file. Checks it against a JSON
11schema as well as doing some extra checks that can't be encoded in the schema.
14def handle_validation_error():
15    sys.exit("Validation failed.")
17def get_values(json_element, key, result = None):
18    r"""
19    Finds all occurrences of a key within the specified JSON element and its
20    children. Returns the associated values.
21    To search the entire configuration file, pass the root JSON element
22    json_element: JSON element within the config file.
23    key: key name.
24    result: list of values found with the specified key.
25    """
27    if result is None:
28        result = []
29    if type(json_element) is dict:
30        for json_key in json_element:
31            if json_key == key:
32                result.append(json_element[json_key])
33            elif type(json_element[json_key]) in (list, dict):
34                get_values(json_element[json_key], key, result)
35    elif type(json_element) is list:
36        for item in json_element:
37            if type(item) in (list, dict):
38                get_values(item, key, result)
39    return result
41def get_rule_ids(config_json):
42    r"""
43    Get all rule IDs in the configuration file.
44    config_json: Configuration file JSON
45    """
46    rule_ids = []
47    for rule in config_json.get('rules', {}):
48        rule_ids.append(rule['id'])
49    return rule_ids
51def get_device_ids(config_json):
52    r"""
53    Get all device IDs in the configuration file.
54    config_json: Configuration file JSON
55    """
56    device_ids = []
57    for chassis in config_json.get('chassis', {}):
58        for device in chassis.get('devices', {}):
59            device_ids.append(device['id'])
60    return device_ids
62def check_number_of_elements_in_masks(config_json):
63    r"""
64    Check if the number of bit masks in the 'masks' property matches the number
65    of byte values in the 'values' property.
66    config_json: Configuration file JSON
67    """
69    i2c_write_bytes = get_values(config_json, 'i2c_write_bytes')
70    i2c_compare_bytes = get_values(config_json, 'i2c_compare_bytes')
72    for object in i2c_write_bytes:
73        if 'masks' in object:
74            if len(object.get('masks', [])) != len(object.get('values', [])):
75                sys.stderr.write("Error: Invalid i2c_write_bytes action.\n"+\
76                "The masks array must have the same size as the values array. "+\
77                "masks: "+str(object.get('masks', []))+\
78                ", values: "+str(object.get('values', []))+'.\n')
79                handle_validation_error()
81    for object in i2c_compare_bytes:
82        if 'masks' in object:
83            if len(object.get('masks', [])) != len(object.get('values', [])):
84                sys.stderr.write("Error: Invalid i2c_compare_bytes action.\n"+\
85                "The masks array must have the same size as the values array. "+\
86                "masks: "+str(object.get('masks', []))+\
87                ", values: "+str(object.get('values', []))+'.\n')
88                handle_validation_error()
90def check_rule_id_exists(config_json):
91    r"""
92    Check if a rule_id property specifies a rule ID that does not exist.
93    config_json: Configuration file JSON
94    """
96    rule_ids = get_values(config_json, 'rule_id')
97    valid_rule_ids = get_rule_ids(config_json)
98    for rule_id in rule_ids:
99        if rule_id not in valid_rule_ids:
100            sys.stderr.write("Error: Rule ID does not exist.\n"+\
101            "Found rule_id value that specifies invalid rule ID "+\
102            rule_id+'\n')
103            handle_validation_error()
105def check_device_id_exists(config_json):
106    r"""
107    Check if a device_id property specifies a device ID that does not exist.
108    config_json: Configuration file JSON
109    """
111    device_ids = get_values(config_json, 'device_id')
112    valid_device_ids = get_device_ids(config_json)
113    for device_id in device_ids:
114        if device_id not in valid_device_ids:
115            sys.stderr.write("Error: Device ID does not exist.\n"+\
116            "Found device_id value that specifies invalid device ID "+\
117            device_id+'\n')
118            handle_validation_error()
120def check_set_device_value_exists(config_json):
121    r"""
122    Check if a set_device action specifies a device ID that does not exist.
123    config_json: Configuration file JSON
124    """
126    device_ids = get_values(config_json, 'set_device')
127    valid_device_ids = get_device_ids(config_json)
128    for device_id in device_ids:
129        if device_id not in valid_device_ids:
130            sys.stderr.write("Error: Device ID does not exist.\n"+\
131            "Found set_device action that specifies invalid device ID "+\
132            device_id+'\n')
133            handle_validation_error()
135def check_run_rule_value_exists(config_json):
136    r"""
137    Check if any run_rule actions specify a rule ID that does not exist.
138    config_json: Configuration file JSON
139    """
141    rule_ids = get_values(config_json, 'run_rule')
142    valid_rule_ids = get_rule_ids(config_json)
143    for rule_id in rule_ids:
144        if rule_id not in valid_rule_ids:
145            sys.stderr.write("Error: Rule ID does not exist.\n"+\
146            "Found run_rule action that specifies invalid rule ID "+\
147            rule_id+'\n')
148            handle_validation_error()
150def check_infinite_loops_in_rule(config_json, rule_json, call_stack=[]):
151    r"""
152    Check if a 'run_rule' action in the specified rule causes an
153    infinite loop.
154    config_json: Configuration file JSON.
155    rule_json: A rule in the JSON config file.
156    call_stack: Current call stack of rules.
157    """
159    call_stack.append(rule_json['id'])
160    for action in rule_json.get('actions', {}):
161        if 'run_rule' in action:
162            run_rule_id = action['run_rule']
163            if run_rule_id in call_stack:
164                call_stack.append(run_rule_id)
165                sys.stderr.write(\
166               "Infinite loop caused by run_rule actions.\n"+\
167                str(call_stack)+'\n')
168                handle_validation_error()
169            else:
170                for rule in config_json.get('rules', {}):
171                    if rule['id'] == run_rule_id:
172                        check_infinite_loops_in_rule(\
173                        config_json, rule, call_stack)
174    call_stack.pop()
176def check_infinite_loops(config_json):
177    r"""
178    Check if rule in config file is called recursively, causing an
179    infinite loop.
180    config_json: Configuration file JSON
181    """
183    for rule in config_json.get('rules', {}):
184        check_infinite_loops_in_rule(config_json, rule)
186def check_duplicate_object_id(config_json):
187    r"""
188    Check that there aren't any JSON objects with the same 'id' property value.
189    config_json: Configuration file JSON
190    """
192    json_ids = get_values(config_json, 'id')
193    unique_ids = set()
194    for id in json_ids:
195        if id in unique_ids:
196           sys.stderr.write("Error: Duplicate ID.\n"+\
197           "Found multiple objects with the ID "+id+'\n')
198           handle_validation_error()
199        else:
200            unique_ids.add(id)
202def check_duplicate_rule_id(config_json):
203    r"""
204    Check that there aren't any "rule" elements with the same 'id' field.
205    config_json: Configuration file JSON
206    """
207    rule_ids = []
208    for rule in config_json.get('rules', {}):
209        rule_id = rule['id']
210        if rule_id in rule_ids:
211            sys.stderr.write("Error: Duplicate rule ID.\n"+\
212            "Found multiple rules with the ID "+rule_id+'\n')
213            handle_validation_error()
214        else:
215            rule_ids.append(rule_id)
217def check_duplicate_chassis_number(config_json):
218    r"""
219    Check that there aren't any "chassis" elements with the same 'number' field.
220    config_json: Configuration file JSON
221    """
222    numbers = []
223    for chassis in config_json.get('chassis', {}):
224        number = chassis['number']
225        if number in numbers:
226            sys.stderr.write("Error: Duplicate chassis number.\n"+\
227            "Found multiple chassis with the number "+str(number)+'\n')
228            handle_validation_error()
229        else:
230            numbers.append(number)
232def check_duplicate_device_id(config_json):
233    r"""
234    Check that there aren't any "devices" with the same 'id' field.
235    config_json: Configuration file JSON
236    """
237    device_ids = []
238    for chassis in config_json.get('chassis', {}):
239        for device in chassis.get('devices', {}):
240            device_id = device['id']
241            if device_id in device_ids:
242                sys.stderr.write("Error: Duplicate device ID.\n"+\
243                "Found multiple devices with the ID "+device_id+'\n')
244                handle_validation_error()
245            else:
246                device_ids.append(device_id)
248def check_duplicate_rail_id(config_json):
249    r"""
250    Check that there aren't any "rails" with the same 'id' field.
251    config_json: Configuration file JSON
252    """
253    rail_ids = []
254    for chassis in config_json.get('chassis', {}):
255        for device in chassis.get('devices', {}):
256            for rail in device.get('rails', {}):
257                rail_id = rail['id']
258                if rail_id in rail_ids:
259                    sys.stderr.write("Error: Duplicate rail ID.\n"+\
260                    "Found multiple rails with the ID "+rail_id+'\n')
261                    handle_validation_error()
262                else:
263                    rail_ids.append(rail_id)
265def check_for_duplicates(config_json):
266    r"""
267    Check for duplicate ID.
268    """
269    check_duplicate_rule_id(config_json)
271    check_duplicate_chassis_number(config_json)
273    check_duplicate_device_id(config_json)
275    check_duplicate_rail_id(config_json)
277    check_duplicate_object_id(config_json)
279def validate_schema(config, schema):
280    r"""
281    Validates the specified config file using the specified
282    schema file.
284    config:   Path of the file containing the config JSON
285    schema:   Path of the file containing the schema JSON
286    """
288    with open(config) as config_handle:
289        config_json = json.load(config_handle)
291        with open(schema) as schema_handle:
292            schema_json = json.load(schema_handle)
294            try:
295                jsonschema.validate(config_json, schema_json)
296            except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
297                print(e)
298                handle_validation_error()
300    return config_json
302def validate_JSON_format(file):
303    with open(file) as json_data:
304        try:
305            return json.load(json_data)
306        except ValueError as err:
307            return False
308        return True
310if __name__ == '__main__':
312    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
313        description='phosphor-regulators configuration file validator')
315    parser.add_argument('-s', '--schema-file', dest='schema_file',
316                        help='The phosphor-regulators schema file')
318    parser.add_argument('-c', '--configuration-file', dest='configuration_file',
319                        help='The phosphor-regulators configuration file')
321    args = parser.parse_args()
323    if not args.schema_file:
324        parser.print_help()
325        sys.exit("Error: Schema file is required.")
326    if not os.path.exists(args.schema_file):
327        parser.print_help()
328        sys.exit("Error: Schema file does not exist.")
329    if not os.access(args.schema_file, os.R_OK):
330        parser.print_help()
331        sys.exit("Error: Schema file is not readable.")
332    if not validate_JSON_format(args.schema_file):
333        parser.print_help()
334        sys.exit("Error: Schema file is not in the JSON format.")
335    if not args.configuration_file:
336        parser.print_help()
337        sys.exit("Error: Configuration file is required.")
338    if not os.path.exists(args.configuration_file):
339        parser.print_help()
340        sys.exit("Error: Configuration file does not exist.")
341    if not os.access(args.configuration_file, os.R_OK):
342        parser.print_help()
343        sys.exit("Error: Configuration file is not readable.")
344    if not validate_JSON_format(args.configuration_file):
345        parser.print_help()
346        sys.exit("Error: Configuration file is not in the JSON format.")
348    config_json = validate_schema(args.configuration_file, args.schema_file)
350    check_for_duplicates(config_json)
352    check_infinite_loops(config_json)
354    check_run_rule_value_exists(config_json)
356    check_set_device_value_exists(config_json)
358    check_rule_id_exists(config_json)
360    check_device_id_exists(config_json)
362    check_number_of_elements_in_masks(config_json)