1 #include "config.h"
3 #include "power_supply.hpp"
5 #include "types.hpp"
6 #include "util.hpp"
8 #include <fmt/format.h>
10 #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/Device/error.hpp>
12 #include <chrono>  // sleep_for()
13 #include <cstdint> // uint8_t...
14 #include <thread>  // sleep_for()
16 namespace phosphor::power::psu
17 {
19 using namespace phosphor::logging;
20 using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Device::Error;
22 PowerSupply::PowerSupply(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const std::string& invpath,
23                          std::uint8_t i2cbus, std::uint16_t i2caddr) :
24     bus(bus),
25     inventoryPath(invpath)
26 {
27     if (inventoryPath.empty())
28     {
29         throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid empty inventoryPath"};
30     }
32     // Setup the functions to call when the D-Bus inventory path for the
33     // Present property changes.
34     presentMatch = std::make_unique<sdbusplus::bus::match_t>(
35         bus,
36         sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::propertiesChanged(inventoryPath,
37                                                         INVENTORY_IFACE),
38         [this](auto& msg) { this->inventoryChanged(msg); });
40     presentAddedMatch = std::make_unique<sdbusplus::bus::match_t>(
41         bus,
42         sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::interfacesAdded() +
43             sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::argNpath(0, inventoryPath),
44         [this](auto& msg) { this->inventoryAdded(msg); });
46     std::ostringstream ss;
47     ss << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << i2caddr;
48     std::string addrStr = ss.str();
49     pmbusIntf = phosphor::pmbus::createPMBus(i2cbus, addrStr);
51     // Get the current state of the Present property.
52     updatePresence();
53 }
55 void PowerSupply::updatePresence()
56 {
57     try
58     {
59         present = getPresence(bus, inventoryPath);
60     }
61     catch (const sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError& e)
62     {
63         // Relying on property change or interface added to retry.
64         // Log an informational trace to the journal.
65         log<level::INFO>(
66             fmt::format("D-Bus property {} access failure exception",
67                         inventoryPath)
68                 .c_str());
69     }
70 }
72 void PowerSupply::analyze()
73 {
74     using namespace phosphor::pmbus;
76     if ((present) && (readFail < LOG_LIMIT))
77     {
78         try
79         {
80             statusWord = pmbusIntf->read(STATUS_WORD, Type::Debug);
81             // Read worked, reset the fail count.
82             readFail = 0;
84             if (statusWord)
85             {
86                 statusMFR = pmbusIntf->read(STATUS_MFR, Type::Debug);
87                 if (statusWord & status_word::INPUT_FAULT_WARN)
88                 {
89                     if (!inputFault)
90                     {
91                         log<level::INFO>(fmt::format("INPUT fault: "
92                                                      "status word = {:#04x}, "
93                                                      "MFR fault = {:#02x}",
94                                                      statusWord, statusMFR)
95                                              .c_str());
96                     }
98                     faultFound = true;
99                     inputFault = true;
100                 }
102                 if (statusWord & status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT)
103                 {
104                     if (!mfrFault)
105                     {
106                         log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("MFR fault: "
107                                                     "status word = {:#04x} "
108                                                     "MFR fault =  {:#02x}",
109                                                     statusWord, statusMFR)
110                                             .c_str());
111                     }
112                     faultFound = true;
113                     mfrFault = true;
114                 }
116                 if (statusWord & status_word::VIN_UV_FAULT)
117                 {
118                     if (!vinUVFault)
119                     {
120                         log<level::INFO>(fmt::format("VIN_UV fault: "
121                                                      "status word = {:#04x}, "
122                                                      "MFR fault = {:#02x}",
123                                                      statusWord, statusMFR)
124                                              .c_str());
125                     }
127                     faultFound = true;
128                     vinUVFault = true;
129                 }
130             }
131             else
132             {
133                 faultFound = false;
134                 inputFault = false;
135                 mfrFault = false;
136                 vinUVFault = false;
137             }
138         }
139         catch (ReadFailure& e)
140         {
141             readFail++;
142             phosphor::logging::commit<ReadFailure>();
143         }
144     }
145 }
147 void PowerSupply::onOffConfig(uint8_t data)
148 {
149     using namespace phosphor::pmbus;
151     if (present)
152     {
153         log<level::INFO>("ON_OFF_CONFIG write", entry("DATA=0x%02X", data));
154         try
155         {
156             std::vector<uint8_t> configData{data};
157             pmbusIntf->writeBinary(ON_OFF_CONFIG, configData,
158                                    Type::HwmonDeviceDebug);
159         }
160         catch (...)
161         {
162             // The underlying code in writeBinary will log a message to the
163             // journal if the write fails. If the ON_OFF_CONFIG is not setup as
164             // desired, later fault detection and analysis code should catch any
165             // of the fall out. We should not need to terminate the application
166             // if this write fails.
167         }
168     }
169 }
171 void PowerSupply::clearFaults()
172 {
173     faultLogged = false;
174     // The PMBus device driver does not allow for writing CLEAR_FAULTS
175     // directly. However, the pmbus hwmon device driver code will send a
176     // CLEAR_FAULTS after reading from any of the hwmon "files" in sysfs, so
177     // reading in1_input should result in clearing the fault bits in
179     // I do not care what the return value is.
180     if (present)
181     {
182         faultFound = false;
183         inputFault = false;
184         mfrFault = false;
185         statusMFR = 0;
186         vinUVFault = false;
187         readFail = 0;
189         try
190         {
191             static_cast<void>(
192                 pmbusIntf->read("in1_input", phosphor::pmbus::Type::Hwmon));
193         }
194         catch (ReadFailure& e)
195         {
196             // Since I do not care what the return value is, I really do not
197             // care much if it gets a ReadFailure either. However, this should
198             // not prevent the application from continuing to run, so catching
199             // the read failure.
200         }
201     }
202 }
204 void PowerSupply::inventoryChanged(sdbusplus::message::message& msg)
205 {
206     std::string msgSensor;
207     std::map<std::string, std::variant<uint32_t, bool>> msgData;
208     msg.read(msgSensor, msgData);
210     // Check if it was the Present property that changed.
211     auto valPropMap = msgData.find(PRESENT_PROP);
212     if (valPropMap != msgData.end())
213     {
214         if (std::get<bool>(valPropMap->second))
215         {
216             present = true;
217             // TODO: Immediately trying to read or write the "files" causes read
218             // or write failures.
219             using namespace std::chrono_literals;
220             std::this_thread::sleep_for(20ms);
221             pmbusIntf->findHwmonDir();
222             onOffConfig(phosphor::pmbus::ON_OFF_CONFIG_CONTROL_PIN_ONLY);
223             clearFaults();
224             updateInventory();
225         }
226         else
227         {
228             present = false;
230             // Clear out the now outdated inventory properties
231             updateInventory();
232         }
233     }
234 }
236 void PowerSupply::inventoryAdded(sdbusplus::message::message& msg)
237 {
238     sdbusplus::message::object_path path;
239     msg.read(path);
240     // Make sure the signal is for the PSU inventory path
241     if (path == inventoryPath)
242     {
243         std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::variant<bool>>>
244             interfaces;
245         // Get map of interfaces and their properties
246         msg.read(interfaces);
248         auto properties = interfaces.find(INVENTORY_IFACE);
249         if (properties != interfaces.end())
250         {
251             auto property = properties->second.find(PRESENT_PROP);
252             if (property != properties->second.end())
253             {
254                 present = std::get<bool>(property->second);
256                 log<level::INFO>(fmt::format("Power Supply {} Present {}",
257                                              inventoryPath, present)
258                                      .c_str());
260                 updateInventory();
261             }
262         }
263     }
264 }
266 void PowerSupply::updateInventory()
267 {
268     using namespace phosphor::pmbus;
270 #if IBM_VPD
271     std::string ccin;
272     std::string pn;
273     std::string fn;
274     std::string header;
275     std::string sn;
276     using PropertyMap =
277         std::map<std::string,
278                  std::variant<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>, bool>>;
279     PropertyMap assetProps;
280     PropertyMap operProps;
281     PropertyMap versionProps;
282     PropertyMap ipzvpdDINFProps;
283     PropertyMap ipzvpdVINIProps;
284     using InterfaceMap = std::map<std::string, PropertyMap>;
285     InterfaceMap interfaces;
286     using ObjectMap = std::map<sdbusplus::message::object_path, InterfaceMap>;
287     ObjectMap object;
288 #endif
290     if (present)
291     {
292         // TODO: non-IBM inventory updates?
294 #if IBM_VPD
295         try
296         {
297             ccin = pmbusIntf->readString(CCIN, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug);
298             assetProps.emplace(MODEL_PROP, ccin);
299             modelName = ccin;
300         }
301         catch (ReadFailure& e)
302         {
303             // Ignore the read failure, let pmbus code indicate failure, path...
304             // TODO - ibm918
305             // https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/designs/vpd-collection.md
306             // The BMC must log errors if any of the VPD cannot be properly
307             // parsed or fails ECC checks.
308         }
310         try
311         {
312             pn = pmbusIntf->readString(PART_NUMBER, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug);
313             assetProps.emplace(PN_PROP, pn);
314         }
315         catch (ReadFailure& e)
316         {
317             // Ignore the read failure, let pmbus code indicate failure, path...
318         }
320         try
321         {
322             fn = pmbusIntf->readString(FRU_NUMBER, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug);
323         }
324         catch (ReadFailure& e)
325         {
326             // Ignore the read failure, let pmbus code indicate failure, path...
327         }
329         try
330         {
331             header =
332                 pmbusIntf->readString(SERIAL_HEADER, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug);
333             sn = pmbusIntf->readString(SERIAL_NUMBER, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug);
334             assetProps.emplace(SN_PROP, sn);
335         }
336         catch (ReadFailure& e)
337         {
338             // Ignore the read failure, let pmbus code indicate failure, path...
339         }
341         try
342         {
343             fwVersion =
344                 pmbusIntf->readString(FW_VERSION, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug);
345             versionProps.emplace(VERSION_PROP, fwVersion);
346         }
347         catch (ReadFailure& e)
348         {
349             // Ignore the read failure, let pmbus code indicate failure, path...
350         }
352         ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace("CC",
353                                 std::vector<uint8_t>(ccin.begin(), ccin.end()));
354         ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace("PN",
355                                 std::vector<uint8_t>(pn.begin(), pn.end()));
356         ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace("FN",
357                                 std::vector<uint8_t>(fn.begin(), fn.end()));
358         std::string header_sn = header + sn + '\0';
359         ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace(
360             "SN", std::vector<uint8_t>(header_sn.begin(), header_sn.end()));
361         std::string description = "IBM PS";
362         ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace(
363             "DR", std::vector<uint8_t>(description.begin(), description.end()));
365         // Update the Resource Identifier (RI) keyword
366         // 2 byte FRC: 0x0003
367         // 2 byte RID: 0x1000, 0x1001...
368         std::uint8_t num = std::stoul(
369             inventoryPath.substr(inventoryPath.size() - 1, 1), nullptr, 0);
370         std::vector<uint8_t> ri{0x00, 0x03, 0x10, num};
371         ipzvpdDINFProps.emplace("RI", ri);
373         // Fill in the FRU Label (FL) keyword.
374         std::string fl = "E";
375         fl.push_back(inventoryPath.back());
376         fl.resize(FL_KW_SIZE, ' ');
377         ipzvpdDINFProps.emplace("FL",
378                                 std::vector<uint8_t>(fl.begin(), fl.end()));
380         interfaces.emplace(ASSET_IFACE, std::move(assetProps));
381         interfaces.emplace(VERSION_IFACE, std::move(versionProps));
382         interfaces.emplace(DINF_IFACE, std::move(ipzvpdDINFProps));
383         interfaces.emplace(VINI_IFACE, std::move(ipzvpdVINIProps));
385         // Update the Functional
386         operProps.emplace(FUNCTIONAL_PROP, present);
387         interfaces.emplace(OPERATIONAL_STATE_IFACE, std::move(operProps));
389         auto path = inventoryPath.substr(strlen(INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH));
390         object.emplace(path, std::move(interfaces));
392         try
393         {
394             auto service =
395                 util::getService(INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH, INVENTORY_MGR_IFACE, bus);
397             if (service.empty())
398             {
399                 log<level::ERR>("Unable to get inventory manager service");
400                 return;
401             }
403             auto method =
404                 bus.new_method_call(service.c_str(), INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH,
405                                     INVENTORY_MGR_IFACE, "Notify");
407             method.append(std::move(object));
409             auto reply = bus.call(method);
410         }
411         catch (std::exception& e)
412         {
413             log<level::ERR>(
414                 std::string(e.what() + std::string(" PATH=") + inventoryPath)
415                     .c_str());
416         }
417 #endif
418     }
419 }
421 } // namespace phosphor::power::psu