1a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler #pragma once
2a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler 
3a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler #include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
4a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler #include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
5a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler #include <memory>
6a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler #include <sdbusplus/asio/object_server.hpp>
7a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler #include <string>
8*271b7dd0SAndrew Geissler #include <tuple>
9a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler #include <vector>
10a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler 
11a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler //  Associations and some metadata are stored in associationInterfaces.
12a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler //  The fields are:
13a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler //   * ifacePos - holds the D-Bus interface object
14a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler //   * endpointsPos - holds the endpoints array that shadows the property
15a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler static constexpr auto ifacePos = 0;
16a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler static constexpr auto endpointsPos = 1;
17a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler using Endpoints = std::vector<std::string>;
18a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler 
19*271b7dd0SAndrew Geissler // map[interface path: tuple[dbus_interface,vector[endpoint paths]]]
20a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler using AssociationInterfaces = boost::container::flat_map<
21a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler     std::string,
22a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler     std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface>, Endpoints>>;
23a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler 
24a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // The associationOwners map contains information about creators of
25a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // associations, so that when a org.openbmc.Association interface is
26a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // removed or its 'associations' property is changed, the mapper owned
27a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // association objects can be correctly handled.  It is a map of the
28a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // object path of the org.openbmc.Association owner to a map of the
29a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // service the path is owned by, to a map of the association objects to
30a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // their endpoint paths:
31a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // map[ownerPath : map[service : map[assocPath : [endpoint paths]]]
32a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // For example:
33a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler // [/logging/entry/1 :
34a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler //   [xyz.openbmc_project.Logging :
35a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler //     [/logging/entry/1/callout : [/system/cpu0],
36a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler //      /system/cpu0/fault : [/logging/entry/1]]]]
37a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler 
38a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler using AssociationPaths =
39a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler     boost::container::flat_map<std::string,
40a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler                                boost::container::flat_set<std::string>>;
41a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler 
42a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler using AssociationOwnersType = boost::container::flat_map<
43a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler     std::string, boost::container::flat_map<std::string, AssociationPaths>>;
44a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler 
45a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler /** @brief Remove input association
46a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  *
47a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  * @param[in] sourcePath          - Path of the object that contains the
48a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  *                                  org.openbmc.Associations
49a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  * @param[in] owner               - The Dbus service having its associations
50a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  *                                  removed
51a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  * @param[in,out] server          - sdbus system object
52a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  * @param[in,out] assocOwners     - Owners of associations
53a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  * @param[in,out] assocInterfaces - Associations endpoints
54a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  *
55a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  * @return Void, server, assocOwners, and assocInterfaces updated if needed
56a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler  */
57a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler void removeAssociation(const std::string& sourcePath, const std::string& owner,
58a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler                        sdbusplus::asio::object_server& server,
59a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler                        AssociationOwnersType& assocOwners,
60a80a3af0SAndrew Geissler                        AssociationInterfaces& assocInterfaces);