1description: >
3    - name: IP
4      description: >
5          Create ipaddress object.
6      parameters:
7        - name: ProtocolType
8          type: enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol]
9          description: >
10              protocol type can be IPv4 or IPv6 etc.
11        - name: Address
12          type: string
13          description: >
14              IP Address.
15        - name: PrefixLength
16          type: byte
17          description: >
18              Prefix Length.
19        - name: Gateway
20          type: string
21          description: >
22              Gateway Address.
23      returns:
24        - name: Path
25          type: object_path
26          description: >
27            The path for the created ipaddress object.
28      errors:
29        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument