1 #include "main.hpp" 2 3 #include "comm_module.hpp" 4 #include "command/guid.hpp" 5 #include "command_table.hpp" 6 #include "message.hpp" 7 #include "message_handler.hpp" 8 #include "socket_channel.hpp" 9 #include "sol_module.hpp" 10 11 #include <assert.h> 12 #include <dirent.h> 13 #include <dlfcn.h> 14 #include <ipmid/api.h> 15 #include <systemd/sd-daemon.h> 16 #include <systemd/sd-event.h> 17 #include <unistd.h> 18 19 #include <CLI/CLI.hpp> 20 #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp> 21 #include <sdbusplus/asio/connection.hpp> 22 #include <tuple> 23 #include <user_channel/channel_layer.hpp> 24 25 using namespace phosphor::logging; 26 27 // Tuple of Global Singletons 28 static auto io = std::make_shared<boost::asio::io_context>(); 29 session::Manager manager; 30 command::Table table; 31 eventloop::EventLoop loop(io); 32 sol::Manager solManager(io); 33 34 std::tuple<session::Manager&, command::Table&, eventloop::EventLoop&, 35 sol::Manager&> 36 singletonPool(manager, table, loop, solManager); 37 38 sd_bus* bus = nullptr; 39 40 std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection> sdbusp; 41 42 /* 43 * @brief Required by apphandler IPMI Provider Library 44 */ 45 sd_bus* ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection() 46 { 47 return bus; 48 } 49 50 /* 51 * @brief mechanism to get at sdbusplus object 52 */ 53 std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection> getSdBus() 54 { 55 return sdbusp; 56 } 57 58 static EInterfaceIndex currentInterfaceIndex = interfaceUnknown; 59 static void setInterfaceIndex(const std::string& channel) 60 { 61 try 62 { 63 currentInterfaceIndex = 64 static_cast<EInterfaceIndex>(ipmi::getChannelByName(channel)); 65 } 66 catch (const std::exception& e) 67 { 68 log<level::ERR>("Requested channel name is not a valid channel name", 69 entry("ERROR=%s", e.what()), 70 entry("CHANNEL=%s", channel.c_str())); 71 } 72 } 73 EInterfaceIndex getInterfaceIndex(void) 74 { 75 return currentInterfaceIndex; 76 } 77 78 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 79 { 80 CLI::App app("KCS RMCP+ bridge"); 81 std::string channel; 82 app.add_option("-c,--channel", channel, "channel name. e.g., eth0"); 83 uint16_t port = ipmi::rmcpp::defaultPort; 84 app.add_option("-p,--port", port, "port number"); 85 bool verbose = false; 86 app.add_option("-v,--verbose", verbose, "print more verbose output"); 87 CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv); 88 89 // Connect to system bus 90 auto rc = sd_bus_default_system(&bus); 91 if (rc < 0) 92 { 93 log<level::ERR>("Failed to connect to system bus", 94 entry("ERROR=%s", strerror(-rc))); 95 return rc; 96 } 97 sdbusp = std::make_shared<sdbusplus::asio::connection>(*io, bus); 98 99 ipmi::ipmiChannelInit(); 100 if (channel.size()) 101 { 102 setInterfaceIndex(channel); 103 } 104 105 std::get<session::Manager&>(singletonPool).managerInit(channel); 106 // Register callback to update cache for a GUID change and cache the GUID 107 command::registerGUIDChangeCallback(); 108 cache::guid = command::getSystemGUID(); 109 110 // Register the phosphor-net-ipmid session setup commands 111 command::sessionSetupCommands(); 112 113 // Register the phosphor-net-ipmid SOL commands 114 sol::command::registerCommands(); 115 116 auto& loop = std::get<eventloop::EventLoop&>(singletonPool); 117 if (loop.setupSocket(sdbusp, channel)) 118 { 119 return EXIT_FAILURE; 120 } 121 122 // Start Event Loop 123 return loop.startEventLoop(); 124 } 125