1 #pragma once
3 #include "section.hpp"
4 #include "stream.hpp"
6 namespace openpower
7 {
8 namespace pels
9 {
11 /**
12  * @class UserData
13  *
14  * This represents the User Data section in a PEL.  It is free form data
15  * that the creator knows the contents of.  The component ID, version,
16  * and sub-type fields in the section header are used to identify the
17  * format.
18  *
19  * The Section base class handles the section header structure that every
20  * PEL section has at offset zero.
21  */
22 class UserData : public Section
23 {
24   public:
25     UserData() = delete;
26     ~UserData() = default;
27     UserData(const UserData&) = default;
28     UserData& operator=(const UserData&) = default;
29     UserData(UserData&&) = default;
30     UserData& operator=(UserData&&) = default;
32     /**
33      * @brief Constructor
34      *
35      * Fills in this class's data fields from the stream.
36      *
37      * @param[in] pel - the PEL data stream
38      */
39     explicit UserData(Stream& pel);
41     /**
42      * @brief Constructor
43      *
44      * Create a valid UserData object with the passed in data.
45      *
46      * The component ID, subtype, and version are used to identify
47      * the data to know which parser to call.
48      *
49      * @param[in] componentID - Component ID of the creator
50      * @param[in] subType - The type of user data
51      * @param[in] version - The version of the data
52      */
53     UserData(uint16_t componentID, uint8_t subType, uint8_t version,
54              const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
56     /**
57      * @brief Flatten the section into the stream
58      *
59      * @param[in] stream - The stream to write to
60      */
61     void flatten(Stream& stream) const override;
63     /**
64      * @brief Returns the size of this section when flattened into a PEL
65      *
66      * @return size_t - the size of the section
67      */
68     size_t flattenedSize()
69     {
70         return Section::flattenedSize() + _data.size();
71     }
73     /**
74      * @brief Returns the raw section data
75      *
76      * @return std::vector<uint8_t>&
77      */
78     const std::vector<uint8_t>& data() const
79     {
80         return _data;
81     }
83     /**
84      * @brief Get the section contents in JSON
85      *
86      * @return The JSON as a string if a parser was found,
87      *         otherwise std::nullopt.
88      */
89     std::optional<std::string> getJSON() const override;
91   private:
92     /**
93      * @brief Fills in the object from the stream data
94      *
95      * @param[in] stream - The stream to read from
96      */
97     void unflatten(Stream& stream);
99     /**
100      * @brief Validates the section contents
101      *
102      * Updates _valid (in Section) with the results.
103      */
104     void validate() override;
106     /**
107      * @brief The section data
108      */
109     std::vector<uint8_t> _data;
110 };
112 } // namespace pels
113 } // namespace openpower