1 #pragma once
2 #include "bcd_time.hpp"
3 #include "pel.hpp"
5 #include <algorithm>
6 #include <bitset>
7 #include <filesystem>
8 #include <map>
10 namespace openpower
11 {
12 namespace pels
13 {
15 /**
16  * @class Repository
17  *
18  * The class handles saving and retrieving PELs on the BMC.
19  */
20 class Repository
21 {
22   public:
23     /**
24      * @brief Structure of commonly used PEL attributes.
25      */
26     struct PELAttributes
27     {
28         std::filesystem::path path;
29         std::bitset<16> actionFlags;
30         TransmissionState hostState;
31         TransmissionState hmcState;
33         PELAttributes() = delete;
35         PELAttributes(const std::filesystem::path& p, uint16_t flags,
36                       TransmissionState hostState, TransmissionState hmcState) :
37             path(p),
38             actionFlags(flags), hostState(hostState), hmcState(hmcState)
39         {
40         }
41     };
43     /**
44      * @brief A structure that holds both the PEL and corresponding
45      *        OpenBMC IDs.
46      * Used for correlating the IDs with their data files for quick
47      * lookup.  To find a PEL based on just one of the IDs, just use
48      * the constructor that takes that ID.
49      */
50     struct LogID
51     {
52         struct Pel
53         {
54             uint32_t id;
55             explicit Pel(uint32_t i) : id(i)
56             {
57             }
58         };
59         struct Obmc
60         {
61             uint32_t id;
62             explicit Obmc(uint32_t i) : id(i)
63             {
64             }
65         };
67         Pel pelID;
69         Obmc obmcID;
71         LogID(Pel pel, Obmc obmc) : pelID(pel), obmcID(obmc)
72         {
73         }
75         explicit LogID(Pel id) : pelID(id), obmcID(0)
76         {
77         }
79         explicit LogID(Obmc id) : pelID(0), obmcID(id)
80         {
81         }
83         LogID() = delete;
85         /**
86          * @brief A == operator that will match on either ID
87          *        being equal if the other is zero, so that
88          *        one can look up a PEL with just one of the IDs.
89          */
90         bool operator==(const LogID& id) const
91         {
92             if (id.pelID.id != 0)
93             {
94                 return id.pelID.id == pelID.id;
95             }
96             if (id.obmcID.id != 0)
97             {
98                 return id.obmcID.id == obmcID.id;
99             }
100             return false;
101         }
103         bool operator<(const LogID& id) const
104         {
105             return pelID.id < id.pelID.id;
106         }
107     };
109     Repository() = delete;
110     ~Repository() = default;
111     Repository(const Repository&) = default;
112     Repository& operator=(const Repository&) = default;
113     Repository(Repository&&) = default;
114     Repository& operator=(Repository&&) = default;
116     /**
117      * @brief Constructor
118      *
119      * @param[in] basePath - the base filesystem path for the repository
120      */
121     Repository(const std::filesystem::path& basePath);
123     /**
124      * @brief Adds a PEL to the repository
125      *
126      * Throws File.Error.Open or File.Error.Write exceptions on failure
127      *
128      * @param[in] pel - the PEL to add
129      */
130     void add(std::unique_ptr<PEL>& pel);
132     /**
133      * @brief Removes a PEL from the repository
134      *
135      * @param[in] id - the ID (either the pel ID, OBMC ID, or both) to remove
136      */
137     void remove(const LogID& id);
139     /**
140      * @brief Generates the filename to use for the PEL ID and BCDTime.
141      *
142      * @param[in] pelID - the PEL ID
143      * @param[in] time - the BCD time
144      *
145      * @return string - A filename string of <BCD_time>_<pelID>
146      */
147     static std::string getPELFilename(uint32_t pelID, const BCDTime& time);
149     /**
150      * @brief Returns true if the PEL with the specified ID is in the repo.
151      *
152      * @param[in] id - the ID (either the pel ID, OBMC ID, or both)
153      * @return bool - true if that PEL is present
154      */
155     inline bool hasPEL(const LogID& id)
156     {
157         return findPEL(id) != _pelAttributes.end();
158     }
160     /**
161      * @brief Returns the PEL data based on its ID.
162      *
163      * If the data can't be found for that ID, then the optional object
164      * will be empty.
165      *
166      * @param[in] id - the LogID to get the PEL for, which can be either a
167      *                 PEL ID or OpenBMC log ID.
168      * @return std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> - the PEL data
169      */
170     std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> getPELData(const LogID& id);
172     /**
173      * @brief Get a file descriptor to the PEL data
174      *
175      * @param[in] id - The ID to get the FD for
176      *
177      * @return std::optional<sdbusplus::message::unix_fd> -
178      *         The FD, or an empty optional object.
179      */
180     std::optional<sdbusplus::message::unix_fd> getPELFD(const LogID& id);
182     using ForEachFunc = std::function<bool(const PEL&)>;
184     /**
185      * @brief Run a user defined function on every PEL in the repository.
186      *
187      * ForEachFunc takes a const PEL reference, and should return
188      * true to stop iterating and return out of for_each.
189      *
190      * For example, to save up to 100 IDs in the repo into a vector:
191      *
192      *     std::vector<uint32_t> ids;
193      *     ForEachFunc f = [&ids](const PEL& pel) {
194      *         ids.push_back(pel.id());
195      *         return ids.size() == 100 ? true : false;
196      *     };
197      *
198      * @param[in] func - The function to run.
199      */
200     void for_each(ForEachFunc func) const;
202     using AddCallback = std::function<void(const PEL&)>;
204     /**
205      * @brief Subscribe to PELs being added to the repository.
206      *
207      * Every time a PEL is added to the repository, the provided
208      * function will be called with the new PEL as the argument.
209      *
210      * The function must be of type void(const PEL&).
211      *
212      * @param[in] name - The subscription name
213      * @param[in] func - The callback function
214      */
215     void subscribeToAdds(const std::string& name, AddCallback func)
216     {
217         if (_addSubscriptions.find(name) == _addSubscriptions.end())
218         {
219             _addSubscriptions.emplace(name, func);
220         }
221     }
223     /**
224      * @brief Unsubscribe from new PELs.
225      *
226      * @param[in] name - The subscription name
227      */
228     void unsubscribeFromAdds(const std::string& name)
229     {
230         _addSubscriptions.erase(name);
231     }
233     using DeleteCallback = std::function<void(uint32_t)>;
235     /**
236      * @brief Subscribe to PELs being deleted from the repository.
237      *
238      * Every time a PEL is deleted from the repository, the provided
239      * function will be called with the PEL ID as the argument.
240      *
241      * The function must be of type void(const uint32_t).
242      *
243      * @param[in] name - The subscription name
244      * @param[in] func - The callback function
245      */
246     void subscribeToDeletes(const std::string& name, DeleteCallback func)
247     {
248         if (_deleteSubscriptions.find(name) == _deleteSubscriptions.end())
249         {
250             _deleteSubscriptions.emplace(name, func);
251         }
252     }
254     /**
255      * @brief Unsubscribe from deleted PELs.
256      *
257      * @param[in] name - The subscription name
258      */
259     void unsubscribeFromDeletes(const std::string& name)
260     {
261         _deleteSubscriptions.erase(name);
262     }
264     /**
265      * @brief Get the PEL attributes for a PEL
266      *
267      * @param[in] id - The ID to find the attributes for
268      *
269      * @return The attributes or an empty optional if not found
270      */
271     std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<const PELAttributes>>
272         getPELAttributes(const LogID& id) const;
274     /**
275      * @brief Sets the host transmission state on a PEL file
276      *
277      * Writes the host transmission state field in the User Header
278      * section in the PEL data specified by the ID.
279      *
280      * @param[in] pelID - The PEL ID
281      * @param[in] state - The state to write
282      */
283     void setPELHostTransState(uint32_t pelID, TransmissionState state);
285     /**
286      * @brief Sets the HMC transmission state on a PEL file
287      *
288      * Writes the HMC transmission state field in the User Header
289      * section in the PEL data specified by the ID.
290      *
291      * @param[in] pelID - The PEL ID
292      * @param[in] state - The state to write
293      */
294     void setPELHMCTransState(uint32_t pelID, TransmissionState state);
296   private:
297     using PELUpdateFunc = std::function<void(PEL&)>;
299     /**
300      * @brief Lets a function modify a PEL and saves the results
301      *
302      * Runs updateFunc (a void(PEL&) function) on the PEL data
303      * on the file specified, and writes the results back to the file.
304      *
305      * @param[in] path - The file path to use
306      * @param[in] updateFunc - The function to run to update the PEL.
307      */
308     void updatePEL(const std::filesystem::path& path, PELUpdateFunc updateFunc);
310     /**
311      * @brief Finds an entry in the _pelAttributes map.
312      *
313      * @param[in] id - the ID (either the pel ID, OBMC ID, or both)
314      *
315      * @return an iterator to the entry
316      */
317     std::map<LogID, PELAttributes>::const_iterator
318         findPEL(const LogID& id) const
319     {
320         return std::find_if(_pelAttributes.begin(), _pelAttributes.end(),
321                             [&id](const auto& a) { return a.first == id; });
322     }
324     /**
325      * @brief Call any subscribed functions for new PELs
326      *
327      * @param[in] pel - The new PEL
328      */
329     void processAddCallbacks(const PEL& pel) const;
331     /**
332      * @brief Call any subscribed functions for deleted PELs
333      *
334      * @param[in] id - The ID of the deleted PEL
335      */
336     void processDeleteCallbacks(uint32_t id) const;
338     /**
339      * @brief Restores the _pelAttributes map on startup based on the existing
340      *        PEL data files.
341      */
342     void restore();
344     /**
345      * @brief Stores a PEL object in the filesystem.
346      *
347      * @param[in] pel - The PEL to write
348      * @param[in] path - The file to write to
349      *
350      * Throws exceptions on failures.
351      */
352     void write(const PEL& pel, const std::filesystem::path& path);
354     /**
355      * @brief The filesystem path to the PEL logs.
356      */
357     const std::filesystem::path _logPath;
359     /**
360      * @brief A map of the PEL/OBMC IDs to PEL attributes.
361      */
362     std::map<LogID, PELAttributes> _pelAttributes;
364     /**
365      * @brief Subcriptions for new PELs.
366      */
367     std::map<std::string, AddCallback> _addSubscriptions;
369     /**
370      * @brief Subscriptions for deleted PELs.
371      */
372     std::map<std::string, DeleteCallback> _deleteSubscriptions;
373 };
375 } // namespace pels
376 } // namespace openpower