1{ 2 "PELs": 3 [ 4 { 5 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.Timeout", 6 "Subsystem": "bmc_firmware", 7 8 "SRC": 9 { 10 "ReasonCode": "0x1001", 11 "Words6To9": 12 { 13 "6": 14 { 15 "Description": "Timeout in ms", 16 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "TIMEOUT_IN_MSEC" 17 } 18 } 19 }, 20 21 "Documentation": 22 { 23 "Description": "This is a generic timeout error", 24 "Message": "An operation timed out", 25 "Notes": [ 26 "The journal should contain more information" 27 ] 28 } 29 }, 30 31 { 32 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure", 33 "Subsystem": "bmc_firmware", 34 35 "SRC": 36 { 37 "ReasonCode": "0x1002", 38 "Words6To9": 39 { 40 } 41 }, 42 43 "Documentation": 44 { 45 "Description": "BMC code had a generic internal failure", 46 "Message": "An application had an internal failure", 47 "Notes": [ 48 "The journal should contain more information" 49 ] 50 } 51 }, 52 53 { 54 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument", 55 "Subsystem": "user_error", 56 57 "SRC": 58 { 59 "ReasonCode": "0x1003", 60 "Words6To9": 61 { 62 } 63 }, 64 65 "Documentation": 66 { 67 "Description": "BMC code was given an invalid argument", 68 "Message": "Code was given an invalid argument", 69 "Notes": [ 70 "The journal should contain more information" 71 ] 72 } 73 }, 74 { 75 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InsufficientPermission", 76 "Subsystem": "user_error", 77 78 "SRC": 79 { 80 "ReasonCode": "0x1004", 81 "Words6To9": 82 { 83 } 84 }, 85 86 "Documentation": 87 { 88 "Description": "An operation failed due to insufficient permission", 89 "Message": "An operation failed due to unsufficient permission", 90 "Notes": [ 91 "The journal should contain more information" 92 ] 93 } 94 }, 95 96 { 97 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.NotAllowed", 98 "Subsystem": "user_error", 99 100 "SRC": 101 { 102 "ReasonCode": "0x1005", 103 "Words6To9": 104 { 105 } 106 }, 107 108 "Documentation": 109 { 110 "Description": "An operation failed because it isn't allowed", 111 "Message": "An operation failed because it isn't allowed", 112 "Notes": [ 113 "The journal should contain more information" 114 ] 115 } 116 }, 117 118 { 119 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.NoCACertificate", 120 "Subsystem": "user_error", 121 122 "SRC": 123 { 124 "ReasonCode": "0x1006", 125 "Words6To9": 126 { 127 } 128 }, 129 130 "Documentation": 131 { 132 "Description": "The server's CA certificate has not been provided", 133 "Message": "The server's CA certificate has not been provided" 134 } 135 }, 136 137 { 138 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.Error.ReadFailure", 139 "Subsystem": "cec_chip_iface", 140 141 "SRC": 142 { 143 "ReasonCode": "0x1007", 144 "Words6To9": 145 { 146 "6": 147 { 148 "Description": "errno of the failure", 149 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "CALLOUT_ERRNO" 150 } 151 } 152 }, 153 154 "Documentation": 155 { 156 "Description": "Sensor device read failure", 157 "Message": "There was a failure when reading a sensor device", 158 "Notes": [ 159 "The severity is set by the creator.", 160 "The action flags are set automatically by the code.", 161 "Callouts added based on CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH." 162 ] 163 } 164 }, 165 166 { 167 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.ReadFailure", 168 "Subsystem": "cec_chip_iface", 169 170 "SRC": 171 { 172 "ReasonCode": "0x1008", 173 "Words6To9": 174 { 175 "6": 176 { 177 "Description": "errno of the failure", 178 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "CALLOUT_ERRNO" 179 } 180 } 181 }, 182 183 "Documentation": 184 { 185 "Description": "Device read failure", 186 "Message": "There was a failure when reading a hardware device", 187 "Notes": [ 188 "The severity is set by the creator.", 189 "The action flags are set automatically by the code.", 190 "Callouts added based on CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH." 191 ] 192 } 193 }, 194 195 { 196 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.Error.WriteFailure", 197 "Subsystem": "cec_chip_iface", 198 199 "SRC": 200 { 201 "ReasonCode": "0x1009", 202 "Words6To9": 203 { 204 "6": 205 { 206 "Description": "errno of the failure", 207 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "CALLOUT_ERRNO" 208 } 209 } 210 }, 211 212 "Documentation": 213 { 214 "Description": "Device write failure", 215 "Message": "There was a failure when writing to a hardware device", 216 "Notes": [ 217 "The severity is set by the creator.", 218 "The action flags are set automatically by the code.", 219 "Callouts added based on CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH" 220 ] 221 } 222 }, 223 224 { 225 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.WriteFailure", 226 "Subsystem": "cec_chip_iface", 227 228 "SRC": 229 { 230 "ReasonCode": "0x100A", 231 "Words6To9": 232 { 233 "6": 234 { 235 "Description": "errno of the failure", 236 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "CALLOUT_ERRNO" 237 } 238 } 239 }, 240 241 "Documentation": 242 { 243 "Description": "Device write failure", 244 "Message": "There was a failure when writing to a hardware device", 245 "Notes": [ 246 "The severity is set by the creator.", 247 "The action flags are set automatically by the code.", 248 "Callouts added based on CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH" 249 ] 250 } 251 }, 252 253 { 254 "Name": "org.open_power.Logging.Error.SentBadPELToHost", 255 "Subsystem": "bmc_firmware", 256 "Severity": "non_error", 257 258 "SRC": 259 { 260 "ReasonCode": "0x2001", 261 "Words6To9": 262 { 263 "6": 264 { 265 "Description": "The bad PEL ID", 266 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "BAD_ID" 267 } 268 } 269 }, 270 271 "Documentation": 272 { 273 "Description": "The BMC sent the host a malformed PEL", 274 "Message": "The BMC sent the host a malformed PEL", 275 "Notes": [ 276 "The host firmware rejected that PEL." 277 ] 278 } 279 }, 280 281 { 282 "Name": "org.open_power.Logging.Error.BadHostPEL", 283 "Subsystem": "platform_firmware", 284 "Severity": "unrecoverable", 285 286 "SRC": 287 { 288 "ReasonCode": "0x2002", 289 "Words6To9": 290 { 291 "6": 292 { 293 "Description": "The PLID of the invalid PEL", 294 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "PLID" 295 }, 296 "7": 297 { 298 "Description": "The corresponding OpenBMC event log ID", 299 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "OBMC_LOG_ID" 300 }, 301 "8": 302 { 303 "Description": "The size of the invalid PEL", 304 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "PEL_SIZE" 305 } 306 } 307 }, 308 309 "Documentation": 310 { 311 "Description": "The host sent the BMC an invalid PEL", 312 "Message": "The host sent the BMC an invalid PEL", 313 "Notes": [ 314 ] 315 } 316 }, 317 318 { 319 "Name": "org.open_power.Logging.Error.TestError1", 320 "Subsystem": "platform_firmware", 321 "Severity": "unrecoverable", 322 323 "SRC": 324 { 325 "ReasonCode": "0x2003", 326 "Words6To9": 327 { 328 } 329 }, 330 331 "Callouts": [ 332 { 333 "CalloutList": [ 334 {"Priority": "high", "Procedure": "bmc_code"}, 335 {"Priority": "medium", "SymbolicFRU": "service_docs"} 336 ] 337 } 338 ], 339 340 "Documentation": 341 { 342 "Description": "An error for testing", 343 "Message": "This is a test error" 344 } 345 }, 346 347 { 348 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Error.Default", 349 "Subsystem": "other_na", 350 351 "SRC": 352 { 353 "ReasonCode": "0x2004", 354 "Words6To9": 355 { 356 } 357 }, 358 359 "Documentation": 360 { 361 "Description": "This entry is used when no other matching entry is found", 362 "Message": "Unknown (Original event not in message registry)", 363 "Notes": [ 364 "This is used when the actual error name isn't found in ", 365 "the registry. The original error name will be stored ", 366 "in the UserData section that contains the AdditionalData ", 367 "properties using the key ERROR_NAME.", 368 "This error may contain callouts if the creator passed ", 369 "them in.", 370 "The severity is set by the creator.", 371 "If this error is seen, then a code change needs to be ", 372 "made to add the missing error entry to this registry." 373 ] 374 } 375 }, 376 377 { 378 "Name": "org.open_power.PHAL.Error.Boot", 379 "Subsystem": "cec_hardware", 380 "Severity": "unrecoverable", 381 382 "SRC": 383 { 384 "ReasonCode": "0x3000", 385 "Words6To9": 386 { 387 } 388 }, 389 390 "Documentation": 391 { 392 "Description": "Failure occured during boot process", 393 "Message": "Failure occured during boot process", 394 "Notes": [ 395 "Debug traces will be captured in AdditionalData section" 396 ] 397 } 398 }, 399 400 { 401 "Name": "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeChipOpFailure", 402 "Subsystem": "processor_chip", 403 "ComponentID": "0x3500", 404 405 "SRC": 406 { 407 "ReasonCode": "0x3500", 408 "Words6To9": 409 { 410 "6": 411 { 412 "Description": "[0:15] chip position, [16:23] command class, [24:31] command type", 413 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC6" 414 } 415 } 416 }, 417 418 "Documentation": 419 { 420 "Description": "chipop failure with SBE provided FFDC", 421 "Message": "chipop request failure reported by SBE", 422 "Notes": [ 423 "The severity is set by the creator.", 424 "Callouts added based on SBE provided FFDC.", 425 "SBE provided additional debug data included as part of the", 426 "additional user data section." 427 ] 428 } 429 }, 430 431 { 432 "Name": "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeChipOpTimeout", 433 "Subsystem": "processor_chip", 434 "ComponentID": "0x3500", 435 436 "SRC": 437 { 438 "ReasonCode": "0x3501", 439 "Words6To9": 440 { 441 "6": 442 { 443 "Description": "[0:15] chip position, [16:23] command class, [24:31] command type", 444 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC6" 445 } 446 } 447 }, 448 449 "Documentation": 450 { 451 "Description": "SBE chipop timeout", 452 "Message": "chipop timeout reported during SBE communication", 453 "Notes": [ 454 "The severity is set by the creator.", 455 "Check SBE Dump associated to this error to debug the failure." 456 ] 457 } 458 }, 459 460 { 461 "Name": "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeChipOpInvalidState", 462 "Subsystem": "processor_chip", 463 "ComponentID": "0x3500", 464 465 "SRC": 466 { 467 "ReasonCode": "0x3502", 468 "Words6To9": 469 { 470 "6": 471 { 472 "Description": "[0:15] chip position, [16:23] command class, [24:31] command type", 473 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC6" 474 }, 475 "7": 476 { 477 "Description": "Value of SBE state", 478 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC7" 479 } 480 } 481 }, 482 483 "Documentation": 484 { 485 "Description": "The SBE on this processor is not in a state where chipOps can be issued", 486 "Message": "SBE Chipop is not allowed due to invalid SBE state ", 487 "Notes": [ 488 "The severity is set by the creator." 489 ] 490 } 491 }, 492 493 { 494 "Name": "org.open_power.Attn.Error.Terminate", 495 "Subsystem": "cec_hardware", 496 "Severity": "non_error", 497 498 "SRC": 499 { 500 "ReasonCode": "0xD138", 501 "SymptomIDFields": [ "SRCWord3", "SRCWord4", "SRCWord5", "SRCWord6", "SRCWord7", "SRCWord8", "SRCWord9" ], 502 "Words6To9": 503 { 504 } 505 }, 506 507 "Documentation": 508 { 509 "Description": "Status shows TI special attention active", 510 "Message": "TI special attention detected", 511 "Notes": [ 512 "This entry is for any TI special attention event ", 513 "reported by the attention handler component" 514 ] 515 } 516 }, 517 518 { 519 "Name": "org.open_power.Attn.Error.Fail", 520 "Subsystem": "bmc_firmware", 521 "Severity": "unrecoverable_loss_of_function", 522 523 "SRC": 524 { 525 "ReasonCode": "0xD13E", 526 "Words6To9": 527 { 528 "6": 529 { 530 "Description": "Error code from attention handler", 531 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "ERROR_CODE" 532 } 533 } 534 }, 535 "Documentation": 536 { 537 "Description": "The attention handler encountered an error", 538 "MessageArgSources" : ["SRCWord6"], 539 "Message": "Attention handler error %1", 540 "Notes": [ 541 "Attention handler will provide error code" 542 ] 543 } 544 }, 545 546 { 547 "Name": "org.open_power.Attn.Error.Vital", 548 "Subsystem": "processor_chip", 549 "Severity": "critical", 550 551 "SRC": 552 { 553 "ReasonCode": "0xD16D", 554 "Words6To9": 555 { 556 } 557 }, 558 559 "Documentation": 560 { 561 "Description": "Status shows SBE vital attention active", 562 "Message": "SBE vital attention detected", 563 "Notes": [ 564 "This entry is for any SBE vital attention event ", 565 "reported by the attention handler component" 566 ] 567 } 568 }, 569 570 { 571 "Name": "org.open_power.HwDiags.Error.Checkstop", 572 "Subsystem": "cec_hardware", 573 "ActionFlags": [ "service_action", "report", "call_home" ], 574 575 "SRC": 576 { 577 "ReasonCode": "0xE510", 578 "SymptomIDFields": [ "SRCWord6", "SRCWord7", "SRCWord8" ], 579 "Words6To9": 580 { 581 "6": 582 { 583 "Description": "[0:15] chip model, [16:23] reserved, [24:31] chip EC level", 584 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC6" 585 }, 586 "7": 587 { 588 "Description": "[0:15] chip position, [16:23] unused, [24:31] signature attn type", 589 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC7" 590 }, 591 "8": 592 { 593 "Description": "[0:15] signature ID, [16:23] signature instance, [24:31] signature bit position", 594 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC8" 595 } 596 } 597 }, 598 599 "Documentation": 600 { 601 "Description": "A system checkstop attention has occurred", 602 "MessageArgSources" : [ "SRCWord6", "SRCWord7", "SRCWord8" ], 603 "Message": "hw-diags signature: %1 %2 %3" 604 } 605 }, 606 607 { 608 "Name": "org.open_power.HwDiags.Error.Predictive", 609 "Subsystem": "cec_hardware", 610 "ActionFlags": [ "service_action", "report", "call_home" ], 611 612 "SRC": 613 { 614 "ReasonCode": "0xE511", 615 "SymptomIDFields": [ "SRCWord6", "SRCWord7", "SRCWord8" ], 616 "Words6To9": 617 { 618 "6": 619 { 620 "Description": "[0:15] chip model, [16:23] reserved, [24:31] chip EC level", 621 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC6" 622 }, 623 "7": 624 { 625 "Description": "[0:15] chip position, [16:23] unused, [24:31] signature attn type", 626 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC7" 627 }, 628 "8": 629 { 630 "Description": "[0:15] signature ID, [16:23] signature instance, [24:31] signature bit position", 631 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "SRC8" 632 } 633 } 634 }, 635 636 "Documentation": 637 { 638 "Description": "A hardware attention requiring service has occurred", 639 "MessageArgSources" : [ "SRCWord6", "SRCWord7", "SRCWord8" ], 640 "Message": "hw-diags signature: %1 %2 %3" 641 } 642 }, 643 644 { 645 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.PowerSupply.Error.InputFault", 646 "Subsystem": "power_supply", 647 "Severity": "unrecoverable_redundancy_loss", 648 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report"], 649 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 650 651 "SRC": { 652 "Type": "11", 653 "ReasonCode": "0x15F0", 654 "Words6To9": {} 655 }, 656 657 "Callouts": [ 658 { 659 "CalloutList": [ 660 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pwrsply" } 661 ] 662 } 663 ], 664 665 "Documentation": { 666 "Description": "Power Supply input power fault", 667 "Message": "A power supply has indicated an input or under voltage condition.", 668 "Notes": [ 669 "Check the power supply cabling and/or input power ", 670 "source. The PWRSPLY procedure is used rather than ", 671 "calling out a location code, as typically these faults ", 672 "are related to the supplied power, the cable, or the ", 673 "cable connectors. If the input fault resolves down to an ", 674 "issue with the power supply itself, the power supply ", 675 "indicating this input fault should be called out. Add the ", 676 "CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH to the additional data, and set the", 677 "CALLOUT_PRIORITY to something other than high." 678 ] 679 } 680 }, 681 682 { 683 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.PowerSupply.Error.Fault", 684 "Subsystem": "power_supply", 685 "Severity": "unrecoverable_redundancy_loss", 686 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report", "call_home"], 687 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 688 689 "SRC": { 690 "Type": "11", 691 "ReasonCode": "0x15F1", 692 "Words6To9": {} 693 }, 694 695 "Documentation": { 696 "Description": "Power Supply power fault", 697 "Message": "The power supply detected a fault condition, see AdditionalData for further details.", 698 "Notes": [ 699 "The power supply reporting the fault should be called ", 700 "out using the CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH keyword. Include ", 701 "specific fault, STATUS_* details, and code level in the ", 702 "AdditionalData section." 703 ] 704 } 705 }, 706 707 { 708 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.PowerSupply.Error.CommFault", 709 "Subsystem": "power_supply", 710 "Severity": "unrecoverable", 711 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report", "call_home"], 712 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 713 714 "SRC": { 715 "Type": "11", 716 "ReasonCode": "0x15F2", 717 "Words6To9": {} 718 }, 719 720 "Documentation": { 721 "Description": "Power Supply non-power fault", 722 "Message": "A communication failure occurred talking to the power supply", 723 "Notes": [ 724 "Communication problems with the power supply could be ", 725 "the power supply, or any hardware between it and the ", 726 "BMC. Reporting the error should be passing in a call ", 727 "out using CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH." 728 ] 729 } 730 }, 731 732 { 733 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.PowerSupply.Error.Missing", 734 "Subsystem": "power_supply", 735 "Severity": "unrecoverable_redundancy_loss", 736 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report", "call_home"], 737 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 738 739 "SRC": { 740 "Type": "11", 741 "ReasonCode": "0x15F6", 742 "Words6To9": {} 743 }, 744 745 "Callouts": [ 746 { 747 "CalloutList": [ 748 { 749 "Priority": "high", 750 "SymbolicFRUTrusted": "pwrsply", 751 "UseInventoryLocCode": true 752 } 753 ] 754 } 755 ], 756 757 "Documentation": { 758 "Description": "Power Supply is missing", 759 "Message": "A power supply that should be present is missing", 760 "Notes": [ 761 "The CalloutList should use the PWRSPLY symbolic FRU ", 762 "with the trusted location code property. The ", 763 "location code in this callout is obtained from ", 764 "the passed in CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH value." 765 ] 766 } 767 }, 768 769 { 770 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Shutdown.Power.Error.Blackout", 771 "Subsystem": "power", 772 "ActionFlags": [ "report", "service_action" ], 773 "Severity": "unrecoverable", 774 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 775 776 "SRC": 777 { 778 "Type": "11", 779 "ReasonCode": "0x00AC", 780 "Words6To9": {}, 781 "PowerFault": true 782 }, 783 784 "Callouts": [ 785 { 786 "CalloutList": [ 787 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "ac_module"} 788 ] 789 } 790 ], 791 792 "Documentation": { 793 "Description": "Input power was lost while the system was powered on.", 794 "Message": "Input power was lost while the system was powered on.", 795 "Notes": [ 796 "Input power was lost while system powered on.", 797 "The CalloutList should use the ACMODUL symbolic FRU." 798 ] 799 } 800 }, 801 802 { 803 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Error.Shutdown", 804 "Subsystem": "power_sequencer", 805 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 806 807 "SRC": { 808 "Type": "11", 809 "ReasonCode": "0x2600", 810 "Words6To9": {} 811 }, 812 813 "Callouts": [ 814 { 815 "CalloutList": [ 816 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 817 ] 818 } 819 ], 820 821 "Documentation": { 822 "Description": "A power off was issued because a power fault was detected", 823 "Message": "A power off was issued because a power fault was detected", 824 "Notes": [ 825 ] 826 } 827 }, 828 829 { 830 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Error.PowerSequencerPGOODFault", 831 "Subsystem": "power_sequencer", 832 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 833 834 "SRC": { 835 "Type": "11", 836 "ReasonCode": "0x2610", 837 "Words6To9": {} 838 }, 839 840 "CalloutsUsingAD": { 841 "ADName": "INPUT_NAME", "CalloutsWithTheirADValues": [ 842 { 843 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT0", "Callouts": [ 844 { 845 "CalloutList": [ 846 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C0" }, 847 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 848 ] 849 } 850 ] 851 }, 852 { 853 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT1", "Callouts": [ 854 { 855 "CalloutList": [ 856 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C1" }, 857 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 858 ] 859 } 860 ] 861 }, 862 { 863 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT2", "Callouts": [ 864 { 865 "CalloutList": [ 866 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C2" }, 867 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 868 ] 869 } 870 ] 871 }, 872 { 873 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT3", "Callouts": [ 874 { 875 "CalloutList": [ 876 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C3" }, 877 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 878 ] 879 } 880 ] 881 }, 882 { 883 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT4", "Callouts": [ 884 { 885 "CalloutList": [ 886 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C4" }, 887 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 888 ] 889 } 890 ] 891 }, 892 { 893 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT7", "Callouts": [ 894 { 895 "CalloutList": [ 896 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C7" }, 897 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 898 ] 899 } 900 ] 901 }, 902 { 903 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT8", "Callouts": [ 904 { 905 "CalloutList": [ 906 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C8" }, 907 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 908 ] 909 } 910 ] 911 }, 912 { 913 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT9", "Callouts": [ 914 { 915 "CalloutList": [ 916 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C9" }, 917 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 918 ] 919 } 920 ] 921 }, 922 { 923 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT10", "Callouts": [ 924 { 925 "CalloutList": [ 926 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C10" }, 927 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 928 ] 929 } 930 ] 931 }, 932 { 933 "ADValue": "PCIE_SLOT11", "Callouts": [ 934 { 935 "CalloutList": [ 936 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C11" }, 937 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 938 ] 939 } 940 ] 941 }, 942 { 943 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12A", "Callouts": [ 944 { 945 "CalloutList": [ 946 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 947 ] 948 } 949 ] 950 }, 951 { 952 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12B", "Callouts": [ 953 { 954 "CalloutList": [ 955 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 956 ] 957 } 958 ] 959 }, 960 { 961 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12C", "Callouts": [ 962 { 963 "CalloutList": [ 964 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 965 ] 966 } 967 ] 968 }, 969 { 970 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12D", "Callouts": [ 971 { 972 "CalloutList": [ 973 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 974 ] 975 } 976 ] 977 }, 978 { 979 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12L", "Callouts": [ 980 { 981 "CalloutList": [ 982 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 983 ] 984 } 985 ] 986 }, 987 { 988 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12M", "Callouts": [ 989 { 990 "CalloutList": [ 991 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 992 ] 993 } 994 ] 995 }, 996 { 997 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12N", "Callouts": [ 998 { 999 "CalloutList": [ 1000 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1001 ] 1002 } 1003 ] 1004 }, 1005 { 1006 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12P", "Callouts": [ 1007 { 1008 "CalloutList": [ 1009 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1010 ] 1011 } 1012 ] 1013 }, 1014 { 1015 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12PCIE", "Callouts": [ 1016 { 1017 "CalloutList": [ 1018 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1019 ] 1020 } 1021 ] 1022 }, 1023 { 1024 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12Q", "Callouts": [ 1025 { 1026 "CalloutList": [ 1027 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1028 ] 1029 } 1030 ] 1031 }, 1032 { 1033 "ADValue": "PGOOD_12R", "Callouts": [ 1034 { 1035 "CalloutList": [ 1036 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1037 ] 1038 } 1039 ] 1040 }, 1041 { 1042 "ADValue": "PGOOD_VDN_DCM0", "Callouts": [ 1043 { 1044 "CalloutList": [ 1045 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C14" }, 1046 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C15" }, 1047 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1048 ] 1049 } 1050 ] 1051 }, 1052 { 1053 "ADValue": "PGOOD_VDN_DCM1", "Callouts": [ 1054 { 1055 "CalloutList": [ 1056 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C23" }, 1057 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C24" }, 1058 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1059 ] 1060 } 1061 ] 1062 }, 1063 { 1064 "ADValue": "PGOOD_VCS_DCM0", "Callouts": [ 1065 { 1066 "CalloutList": [ 1067 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C14" }, 1068 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C15" }, 1069 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1070 ] 1071 } 1072 ] 1073 }, 1074 { 1075 "ADValue": "PGOOD_VCS_DCM1", "Callouts": [ 1076 { 1077 "CalloutList": [ 1078 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C23" }, 1079 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C24" }, 1080 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1081 ] 1082 } 1083 ] 1084 }, 1085 { 1086 "ADValue": "PGOOD_VIO_DCM0", "Callouts": [ 1087 { 1088 "CalloutList": [ 1089 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C14" }, 1090 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C15" }, 1091 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1092 ] 1093 } 1094 ] 1095 }, 1096 { 1097 "ADValue": "PGOOD_VIO_DCM1", "Callouts": [ 1098 { 1099 "CalloutList": [ 1100 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C23" }, 1101 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C24" }, 1102 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1103 ] 1104 } 1105 ] 1106 }, 1107 { 1108 "ADValue": "PGOOD_VPCIE_DCM0", "Callouts": [ 1109 { 1110 "CalloutList": [ 1111 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C14" }, 1112 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C15" }, 1113 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1114 ] 1115 } 1116 ] 1117 }, 1118 { 1119 "ADValue": "PGOOD_VPCIE_DCM1", "Callouts": [ 1120 { 1121 "CalloutList": [ 1122 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C23" }, 1123 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C24" }, 1124 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1125 ] 1126 } 1127 ] 1128 } 1129 ] 1130 }, 1131 1132 "Documentation": { 1133 "Description": "The power sequencer chip detected a PGOOD fault", 1134 "Message": "The power sequencer chip detected a PGOOD fault", 1135 "Notes": [ 1136 ] 1137 } 1138 }, 1139 1140 { 1141 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Error.PowerSequencerVoltageFault", 1142 "Subsystem": "power_sequencer", 1143 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1144 1145 "SRC": { 1146 "Type": "11", 1147 "ReasonCode": "0x2620", 1148 "Words6To9": {} 1149 }, 1150 1151 "CalloutsUsingAD": { 1152 "ADName": "RAIL_NAME", "CalloutsWithTheirADValues": [ 1153 { 1154 "ADValue": "12.0V", "Callouts": [ 1155 { 1156 "CalloutList": [ 1157 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1158 ] 1159 } 1160 ] 1161 }, 1162 { 1163 "ADValue": "5.0V_USB", "Callouts": [ 1164 { 1165 "CalloutList": [ 1166 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "usb_pgood" }, 1167 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 1168 ] 1169 } 1170 ] 1171 }, 1172 { 1173 "ADValue": "5.0V_DASD", "Callouts": [ 1174 { 1175 "CalloutList": [ 1176 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P1" }, 1177 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P2" }, 1178 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P3" }, 1179 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1180 ] 1181 } 1182 ] 1183 }, 1184 { 1185 "ADValue": "3.3VA", "Callouts": [ 1186 { 1187 "CalloutList": [ 1188 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1189 ] 1190 } 1191 ] 1192 }, 1193 { 1194 "ADValue": "3.3VB", "Callouts": [ 1195 { 1196 "CalloutList": [ 1197 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1198 ] 1199 } 1200 ] 1201 }, 1202 { 1203 "ADValue": "1.5V", "Callouts": [ 1204 { 1205 "CalloutList": [ 1206 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1207 ] 1208 } 1209 ] 1210 }, 1211 { 1212 "ADValue": "1.1V", "Callouts": [ 1213 { 1214 "CalloutList": [ 1215 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1216 ] 1217 } 1218 ] 1219 }, 1220 { 1221 "ADValue": "VDDA_DCM0", "Callouts": [ 1222 { 1223 "CalloutList": [ 1224 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C14" }, 1225 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C15" }, 1226 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1227 ] 1228 } 1229 ] 1230 }, 1231 { 1232 "ADValue": "VDDB_DCM0", "Callouts": [ 1233 { 1234 "CalloutList": [ 1235 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C14" }, 1236 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C15" }, 1237 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1238 ] 1239 } 1240 ] 1241 }, 1242 { 1243 "ADValue": "VDDA_DCM1", "Callouts": [ 1244 { 1245 "CalloutList": [ 1246 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C23" }, 1247 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C24" }, 1248 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1249 ] 1250 } 1251 ] 1252 }, 1253 { 1254 "ADValue": "VDDB_DCM1", "Callouts": [ 1255 { 1256 "CalloutList": [ 1257 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0-C23" }, 1258 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0-C24" }, 1259 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1260 ] 1261 } 1262 ] 1263 }, 1264 { 1265 "ADValue": "12.0VCS", "Callouts": [ 1266 { 1267 "CalloutList": [ 1268 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1269 ] 1270 } 1271 ] 1272 }, 1273 { 1274 "ADValue": "3.3VCS", "Callouts": [ 1275 { 1276 "CalloutList": [ 1277 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1278 ] 1279 } 1280 ] 1281 }, 1282 { 1283 "ADValue": "1.1V_Current", "Callouts": [ 1284 { 1285 "CalloutList": [ 1286 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1287 ] 1288 } 1289 ] 1290 }, 1291 { 1292 "ADValue": "5.0V_USB_Current", "Callouts": [ 1293 { 1294 "CalloutList": [ 1295 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "usb_pgood" }, 1296 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0" } 1297 ] 1298 } 1299 ] 1300 }, 1301 { 1302 "ADValue": "5.0V_DASD_Current", "Callouts": [ 1303 { 1304 "CalloutList": [ 1305 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P1" }, 1306 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P2" }, 1307 { "Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P3" }, 1308 { "Priority": "low", "LocCode": "P0" } 1309 ] 1310 } 1311 ] 1312 }, 1313 { 1314 "ADValue": "12.0VN", "Callouts": [ 1315 { 1316 "CalloutList": [ 1317 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1318 ] 1319 } 1320 ] 1321 }, 1322 { 1323 "ADValue": "12.0VP", "Callouts": [ 1324 { 1325 "CalloutList": [ 1326 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1327 ] 1328 } 1329 ] 1330 }, 1331 { 1332 "ADValue": "12.0VQ", "Callouts": [ 1333 { 1334 "CalloutList": [ 1335 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1336 ] 1337 } 1338 ] 1339 }, 1340 { 1341 "ADValue": "12.0VR", "Callouts": [ 1342 { 1343 "CalloutList": [ 1344 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "pgood_part" } 1345 ] 1346 } 1347 ] 1348 }, 1349 { 1350 "ADValue": "ThermalDiode1", "Callouts": [ 1351 { 1352 "CalloutList": [ 1353 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1354 ] 1355 } 1356 ] 1357 }, 1358 { 1359 "ADValue": "ThermalDiode2", "Callouts": [ 1360 { 1361 "CalloutList": [ 1362 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1363 ] 1364 } 1365 ] 1366 }, 1367 { 1368 "ADValue": "ThermalDiode3", "Callouts": [ 1369 { 1370 "CalloutList": [ 1371 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1372 ] 1373 } 1374 ] 1375 }, 1376 { 1377 "ADValue": "ThermalDiode4", "Callouts": [ 1378 { 1379 "CalloutList": [ 1380 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1381 ] 1382 } 1383 ] 1384 } 1385 ] 1386 }, 1387 1388 "Documentation": { 1389 "Description": "The power sequencer chip detected a voltage fault", 1390 "Message": "The power sequencer chip detected a voltage fault", 1391 "Notes": [ 1392 ] 1393 } 1394 }, 1395 1396 { 1397 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Regulators.Error.WriteVerification", 1398 "Subsystem": "power", 1399 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1400 1401 "SRC": { 1402 "Type": "11", 1403 "ReasonCode": "0x2900", 1404 "Words6To9": {} 1405 }, 1406 1407 "Documentation": { 1408 "Description": "A write verification error occurred on a device", 1409 "Message": "A write verification error occurred on a device", 1410 "Notes": [ 1411 "This error occurs when a device register is written, ", 1412 "read back, and the two values do not match. This is ", 1413 "also called a read-back error. The device should be ", 1414 "identified using the CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH or ", 1415 "CALLOUT_IIC_BUS/CALLOUT_IIC_ADDR keywords in the ", 1416 "AdditionalData property of the event log. This will ", 1417 "cause the device and the hardware in the communication ", 1418 "path to be called out." 1419 ] 1420 } 1421 }, 1422 1423 { 1424 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Regulators.Error.ConfigFile", 1425 "Subsystem": "power", 1426 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1427 1428 "SRC": { 1429 "Type": "11", 1430 "ReasonCode": "0xA013", 1431 "Words6To9": {} 1432 }, 1433 1434 "Callouts": [ 1435 { 1436 "CalloutList": [ 1437 { "Priority": "high", "Procedure": "bmc_code" } 1438 ] 1439 } 1440 ], 1441 1442 "Documentation": { 1443 "Description": "A regulators configuration file error occurred", 1444 "Message": "A regulators configuration file error occurred", 1445 "Notes": [ 1446 "The regulators configuration file could not be found, ", 1447 "could not be read, or had invalid contents." 1448 ] 1449 } 1450 }, 1451 1452 { 1453 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Regulators.Error.ConfigFile.Critical", 1454 "Subsystem": "power", 1455 "Severity": "critical_system_term", 1456 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1457 1458 "SRC": { 1459 "Type": "11", 1460 "ReasonCode": "0xA014", 1461 "Words6To9": {}, 1462 "PowerFault": true 1463 }, 1464 1465 "Callouts": [ 1466 { 1467 "CalloutList": [ 1468 { "Priority": "high", "Procedure": "bmc_code" } 1469 ] 1470 } 1471 ], 1472 1473 "Documentation": { 1474 "Description": "A critical regulators configuration file error occurred", 1475 "Message": "A critical regulators configuration file error occurred", 1476 "Notes": [ 1477 "The regulators configuration file could not be found, ", 1478 "could not be read, or had invalid contents. As a result ", 1479 "voltage regulators could not be configured, and the ", 1480 "chassis could not be powered on." 1481 ] 1482 } 1483 }, 1484 1485 { 1486 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Error.PowerSequencerFault", 1487 "Subsystem": "power_sequencer", 1488 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1489 1490 "SRC": { 1491 "Type": "11", 1492 "ReasonCode": "0xD000", 1493 "Words6To9": {} 1494 }, 1495 1496 "Callouts": [ 1497 { 1498 "CalloutList": [ 1499 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1500 ] 1501 } 1502 ], 1503 1504 "Documentation": { 1505 "Description": "The power sequencer chip detected a fault", 1506 "Message": "The power sequencer chip detected a fault", 1507 "Notes": [ 1508 ] 1509 } 1510 }, 1511 1512 { 1513 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Error.PowerOnFailure", 1514 "Subsystem": "power_sequencer", 1515 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1516 1517 "SRC": { 1518 "Type": "11", 1519 "ReasonCode": "0xD002", 1520 "Words6To9": {} 1521 }, 1522 1523 "Callouts": [ 1524 { 1525 "CalloutList": [ 1526 { "Priority": "high", "LocCode": "P0" } 1527 ] 1528 } 1529 ], 1530 1531 "Documentation": { 1532 "Description": "System power failed to turn on", 1533 "Message": "System power failed to turn on", 1534 "Notes": [ 1535 ] 1536 } 1537 }, 1538 1539 { 1540 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Error.Internal", 1541 "Subsystem": "power", 1542 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1543 1544 "SRC": { 1545 "Type": "11", 1546 "ReasonCode": "0xE000", 1547 "Words6To9": {} 1548 }, 1549 1550 "Callouts": [ 1551 { 1552 "CalloutList": [ 1553 { "Priority": "high", "Procedure": "bmc_code" } 1554 ] 1555 } 1556 ], 1557 1558 "Documentation": { 1559 "Description": "An internal firmware error occurred", 1560 "Message": "An internal firmware error occurred", 1561 "Notes": [ 1562 "The error details must be provided in the AdditionalData ", 1563 "property of the event log." 1564 ] 1565 } 1566 }, 1567 1568 { 1569 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Error.I2C", 1570 "Subsystem": "cec_i2c", 1571 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1572 1573 "SRC": { 1574 "Type": "11", 1575 "ReasonCode": "0xE100", 1576 "Words6To9": {} 1577 }, 1578 1579 "Documentation": { 1580 "Description": "An I2C error occurred communicating with a device", 1581 "Message": "An I2C error occurred communicating with a device", 1582 "Notes": [ 1583 "The device should be identified using the ", 1584 "CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH or CALLOUT_IIC_BUS/CALLOUT_IIC_ADDR ", 1585 "keywords in the AdditionalData property of the event ", 1586 "log. This will cause the device and the hardware in the ", 1587 "communication path to be called out." 1588 ] 1589 } 1590 }, 1591 1592 { 1593 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Error.PMBus", 1594 "Subsystem": "power", 1595 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1596 1597 "SRC": { 1598 "Type": "11", 1599 "ReasonCode": "0xE200", 1600 "Words6To9": {} 1601 }, 1602 1603 "Documentation": { 1604 "Description": "A PMBus error occurred on a device", 1605 "Message": "A PMBus error occurred on a device", 1606 "Notes": [ 1607 "This error occurs when the I2C communication was ", 1608 "successful, but the PMBus value read is invalid or ", 1609 "unsupported. CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH should be specified ", 1610 "in the AdditionalData property of the event log so that ", 1611 "the device is called out but not the communication path." 1612 ] 1613 } 1614 }, 1615 1616 { 1617 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Error.DBus", 1618 "Subsystem": "power", 1619 "ComponentID": "0x2700", 1620 1621 "SRC": { 1622 "Type": "11", 1623 "ReasonCode": "0xE300", 1624 "Words6To9": {} 1625 }, 1626 1627 "Callouts": [ 1628 { 1629 "CalloutList": [ 1630 { "Priority": "high", "Procedure": "bmc_code" } 1631 ] 1632 } 1633 ], 1634 1635 "Documentation": { 1636 "Description": "A firmware inter-process communication (D-Bus) error occurred", 1637 "Message": "A firmware inter-process communication (D-Bus) error occurred" 1638 } 1639 }, 1640 1641 { 1642 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Fan.Error.Fault", 1643 "Subsystem": "power_fans", 1644 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 1645 1646 "SRC": { 1647 "Type": "11", 1648 "ReasonCode": "0x76F0", 1649 "Words6To9": {} 1650 }, 1651 1652 "Documentation": { 1653 "Description": "Fan rotor fault", 1654 "Message": "Fan rotor fault", 1655 "Notes": [ 1656 "This error occurs when a fan rotor has been faulted for a ", 1657 "certain amount of time. The callout is the fan which is ", 1658 "passed in with CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH. The severity is ", 1659 "passed in during creation and will be either informational ", 1660 "or unrecoverable. The action flags use the defaults and ", 1661 "vary based on the severity." 1662 ] 1663 } 1664 }, 1665 1666 { 1667 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Fan.Error.Missing", 1668 "Subsystem": "power_fans", 1669 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 1670 "Severity": "unrecoverable_redundancy_loss", 1671 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report", "call_home"], 1672 1673 "SRC": { 1674 "Type": "11", 1675 "ReasonCode": "0x76F1", 1676 "Words6To9": {} 1677 }, 1678 1679 "Callouts": [ 1680 { 1681 "System": "ibm,rainier", 1682 "CalloutList": [ 1683 { 1684 "Priority": "high", 1685 "SymbolicFRUTrusted": "air_mover", 1686 "UseInventoryLocCode": true 1687 }, 1688 { 1689 "Priority": "low", 1690 "LocCode": "P0" 1691 } 1692 ] 1693 }, 1694 { 1695 "System": "ibm,everest", 1696 "CalloutList": [ 1697 { 1698 "Priority": "high", 1699 "SymbolicFRUTrusted": "air_mover", 1700 "UseInventoryLocCode": true 1701 }, 1702 { 1703 "Priority": "low", 1704 "LocCode": "P1" 1705 } 1706 ] 1707 } 1708 ], 1709 1710 "Documentation": { 1711 "Description": "A fan is missing", 1712 "Message": "A fan is missing", 1713 "Notes": [ 1714 "This error occurs when a fan has been missing for a ", 1715 "certain amount of time. The first callout is the ", 1716 "symbolic FRU AIR_MOVR that has the trusted fan location ", 1717 "code, which it gets using the passed in ", 1718 "CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH. The second callout is the FRU ", 1719 "where the controller and GPIO expander are." 1720 ] 1721 } 1722 }, 1723 1724 { 1725 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Fan.Presence.Error.Detection", 1726 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 1727 "Subsystem": "power_fans", 1728 "Severity": "non_error", 1729 "ActionFlags": ["report"], 1730 "MfgSeverity": "predictive", 1731 "MfgActionFlags": ["service_action", "report"], 1732 1733 "SRC": { 1734 "Type": "11", 1735 "ReasonCode": "0x76F2", 1736 "Words6To9": {} 1737 }, 1738 1739 "Callouts": [ 1740 { 1741 "System": "ibm,rainier", 1742 "CalloutList": [ 1743 {"Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P0"} 1744 ] 1745 }, 1746 { 1747 "System": "ibm,everest", 1748 "CalloutList": [ 1749 {"Priority": "medium", "LocCode": "P1"} 1750 ] 1751 } 1752 ], 1753 1754 "Documentation": { 1755 "Description": "Presence detect methods for the same fan disagree", 1756 "Message": "Presence detect methods for the same fan disagree", 1757 "Notes": [ 1758 "This error occurs when there is more than one way to detect", 1759 "fan presence, and they don't all agree. For example, the", 1760 "GPIO says a fan isn't present, but the tach readings are", 1761 "nonzero. This is informational, unless in manufacturing.", 1762 "The fan FRU is passed in as a high priority callout.", 1763 "The FRU the GPIO source is on is called out medium." 1764 ] 1765 } 1766 }, 1767 1768 { 1769 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.TemperaturePerfLossHigh", 1770 "Subsystem": "power", 1771 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 1772 "Severity": "predictive", 1773 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report"], 1774 1775 "SRC": { 1776 "ReasonCode": "0x2801", 1777 "Words6To9": {} 1778 }, 1779 1780 "CalloutsUsingAD": { 1781 "ADName": "SENSOR_NAME", 1782 "CalloutsWithTheirADValues": [ 1783 { 1784 "ADValue": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/Ambient_Virtual_Temp", 1785 "Callouts": [ 1786 { 1787 "CalloutList": [ 1788 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "ambient_temp" } 1789 ] 1790 } 1791 ] 1792 } 1793 ] 1794 }, 1795 1796 "Documentation": { 1797 "Description": "A temperature sensor exceeded its performance loss threshold.", 1798 "Message": "A temperature sensor exceeded its performance loss threshold.", 1799 "Notes": [ 1800 "A temperature sensor crossed its performance loss threshold value", 1801 "If it is the ambient sensor, then a symbolic FRU will be added.", 1802 "Otherwise, CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH will be passed in to add", 1803 "a FRU callout." 1804 ] 1805 } 1806 }, 1807 1808 { 1809 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.TemperaturePerfLossHighClear", 1810 "Subsystem": "power", 1811 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 1812 "Severity": "non_error", 1813 "ActionFlags": ["report"], 1814 "EventType": "env_normal", 1815 1816 "SRC": { 1817 "ReasonCode": "0x2802", 1818 "Words6To9": {} 1819 }, 1820 1821 "CalloutsUsingAD": { 1822 "ADName": "SENSOR_NAME", 1823 "CalloutsWithTheirADValues": [ 1824 { 1825 "ADValue": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/Ambient_Virtual_Temp", 1826 "Callouts": [ 1827 { 1828 "CalloutList": [ 1829 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "ambient_temp_back" } 1830 ] 1831 } 1832 ] 1833 } 1834 ] 1835 }, 1836 1837 "Documentation": { 1838 "Description": "A temperature sensor is under its performance loss threshold.", 1839 "Message": "A temperature sensor is under its performance loss threshold.", 1840 "Notes": [ 1841 "A temperature sensor crossed under its performance loss threshold value", 1842 "If it is the ambient sensor, then a symbolic FRU will be added." 1843 ] 1844 } 1845 }, 1846 1847 { 1848 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.TemperatureWarningHigh", 1849 "Subsystem": "power", 1850 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 1851 "Severity": "predictive", 1852 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report"], 1853 1854 "SRC": { 1855 "ReasonCode": "0x2803", 1856 "Words6To9": {} 1857 }, 1858 1859 "CalloutsUsingAD": { 1860 "ADName": "SENSOR_NAME", 1861 "CalloutsWithTheirADValues": [ 1862 { 1863 "ADValue": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/Ambient_Virtual_Temp", 1864 "Callouts": [ 1865 { 1866 "CalloutList": [ 1867 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "ambient_temp" } 1868 ] 1869 } 1870 ] 1871 } 1872 ] 1873 }, 1874 1875 "Documentation": { 1876 "Description": "A temperature sensor exceeded its warning threshold.", 1877 "Message": "A temperature sensor exceeded its warning threshold.", 1878 "Notes": [ 1879 "A temperature sensor crossed its warning threshold value", 1880 "If it is the ambient sensor, then a symbolic FRU will be added.", 1881 "Otherwise, CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH will be passed in to add", 1882 "a FRU callout." 1883 ] 1884 } 1885 }, 1886 1887 { 1888 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.TemperatureWarningHighClear", 1889 "Subsystem": "power", 1890 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 1891 "Severity": "non_error", 1892 "ActionFlags": ["report"], 1893 "EventType": "env_normal", 1894 1895 "SRC": { 1896 "ReasonCode": "0x2804", 1897 "Words6To9": {} 1898 }, 1899 1900 "CalloutsUsingAD": { 1901 "ADName": "SENSOR_NAME", 1902 "CalloutsWithTheirADValues": [ 1903 { 1904 "ADValue": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/Ambient_Virtual_Temp", 1905 "Callouts": [ 1906 { 1907 "CalloutList": [ 1908 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "ambient_temp_back" } 1909 ] 1910 } 1911 ] 1912 } 1913 ] 1914 }, 1915 1916 "Documentation": { 1917 "Description": "A temperature sensor is under its warning threshold.", 1918 "Message": "A temperature sensor is under its warning threshold.", 1919 "Notes": [ 1920 "A temperature sensor crossed under its warning threshold value", 1921 "If it is the ambient sensor, then a symbolic FRU will be added." 1922 ] 1923 } 1924 }, 1925 1926 { 1927 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.TemperatureCriticalHigh", 1928 "Subsystem": "power", 1929 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 1930 "Severity": "predictive", 1931 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report"], 1932 1933 "SRC": { 1934 "ReasonCode": "0x2805", 1935 "Words6To9": {} 1936 }, 1937 1938 "CalloutsUsingAD": { 1939 "ADName": "SENSOR_NAME", 1940 "CalloutsWithTheirADValues": [ 1941 { 1942 "ADValue": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/Ambient_Virtual_Temp", 1943 "Callouts": [ 1944 { 1945 "CalloutList": [ 1946 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "ambient_temp" } 1947 ] 1948 } 1949 ] 1950 } 1951 ] 1952 }, 1953 1954 "Documentation": { 1955 "Description": "A temperature sensor exceeded its critical threshold.", 1956 "Message": "A temperature sensor exceeded its critical threshold.", 1957 "Notes": [ 1958 "A temperature sensor crossed its critical threshold value", 1959 "If it is the ambient sensor, then a symbolic FRU will be added.", 1960 "Otherwise, CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH will be passed in to add", 1961 "a FRU callout." 1962 ] 1963 } 1964 }, 1965 1966 { 1967 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.TemperatureCriticalHighClear", 1968 "Subsystem": "power", 1969 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 1970 "Severity": "non_error", 1971 "ActionFlags": ["report"], 1972 "EventType": "env_normal", 1973 1974 "SRC": { 1975 "ReasonCode": "0x2806", 1976 "Words6To9": {} 1977 }, 1978 1979 "CalloutsUsingAD": { 1980 "ADName": "SENSOR_NAME", 1981 "CalloutsWithTheirADValues": [ 1982 { 1983 "ADValue": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/Ambient_Virtual_Temp", 1984 "Callouts": [ 1985 { 1986 "CalloutList": [ 1987 { "Priority": "high", "SymbolicFRU": "ambient_temp_back" } 1988 ] 1989 } 1990 ] 1991 } 1992 ] 1993 }, 1994 1995 "Documentation": { 1996 "Description": "A temperature sensor is under its critical threshold.", 1997 "Message": "A temperature sensor is under its critical threshold.", 1998 "Notes": [ 1999 "A temperature sensor crossed under its critical threshold value", 2000 "If it is the ambient sensor, then a symbolic FRU will be added." 2001 ] 2002 } 2003 }, 2004 2005 { 2006 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.SoftShutdownAlarmHigh", 2007 "Subsystem": "power", 2008 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 2009 "Severity": "predictive", 2010 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report"], 2011 2012 "SRC": { 2013 "ReasonCode": "0x2807", 2014 "Words6To9": {} 2015 }, 2016 2017 "Callouts": [ 2018 { 2019 "CalloutList": [ 2020 { 2021 "Priority": "high", 2022 "SymbolicFRU": "ambient_temp" 2023 } 2024 ] 2025 } 2026 ], 2027 2028 "Documentation": { 2029 "Description": "The ambient temperature passed the EPOW3 limit.", 2030 "Message": "The ambient temperature passed the EPOW3 limit. The system will shut down if temp doesn't decrease.", 2031 "Notes": [ 2032 "This error occurs when the ambient temperature surpassed", 2033 "the EPOW3 shutdown limit." 2034 ] 2035 } 2036 }, 2037 2038 { 2039 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.SoftShutdownAlarmHighClear", 2040 "Subsystem": "power", 2041 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 2042 "Severity": "non_error", 2043 "ActionFlags": ["report"], 2044 "EventType": "env_normal", 2045 2046 "SRC": { 2047 "ReasonCode": "0x2808", 2048 "Words6To9": {} 2049 }, 2050 2051 "Callouts": [ 2052 { 2053 "CalloutList": [ 2054 { 2055 "Priority": "high", 2056 "SymbolicFRU": "ambient_temp_back" 2057 } 2058 ] 2059 } 2060 ], 2061 2062 "Documentation": { 2063 "Description": "The ambient temperature is back under the EPOW3 limit.", 2064 "Message": "The ambient temperature is back under the EPOW3 limit." 2065 } 2066 }, 2067 2068 { 2069 "Name": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.HardShutdownAlarmHigh", 2070 "Subsystem": "power", 2071 "ComponentID": "0x2800", 2072 "ActionFlags": ["service_action", "report"], 2073 2074 "SRC": { 2075 "ReasonCode": "0x2809", 2076 "Words6To9": {} 2077 }, 2078 2079 "Callouts": [ 2080 { 2081 "CalloutList": [ 2082 { 2083 "Priority": "high", 2084 "SymbolicFRU": "ambient_temp" 2085 } 2086 ] 2087 } 2088 ], 2089 2090 "Documentation": { 2091 "Description": "The ambient temperature passed the EPOW4 limit.", 2092 "Message": "The ambient temperature passed the EPOW4 limit. The system will shut down", 2093 "Notes": [ 2094 "This error occurs when the ambient temperature surpassed", 2095 "the EPOW4 shutdown limit." 2096 ] 2097 } 2098 }, 2099 2100 { 2101 "Name": "com.ibm.VPD.Error.InvalidEepromPath", 2102 "Subsystem": "cec_vpd", 2103 "ComponentID": "0x4000", 2104 2105 "SRC": { 2106 "ReasonCode": "0x4000", 2107 "Words6To9": 2108 { 2109 "6": 2110 { 2111 "Description": "Errno of the failure.", 2112 "AdditionalDataPropSource": "CALLOUT_ERRNO" 2113 } 2114 } 2115 }, 2116 2117 "Documentation": { 2118 "Description": "A path access error ocurred", 2119 "Message": "An EEPROM path access error occurred.", 2120 "Notes": [ 2121 "This error occurs when parser is unable to access", 2122 "EEPROM path. Errno and device path are captured as", 2123 "additional data." 2124 ] 2125 } 2126 }, 2127 2128 { 2129 "Name": "com.ibm.VPD.Error.InvalidVPD", 2130 "Subsystem": "cec_vpd", 2131 "ComponentID": "0x4000", 2132 2133 "SRC": { 2134 "ReasonCode": "0x4001", 2135 "Words6To9": 2136 { 2137 } 2138 }, 2139 2140 "Documentation": { 2141 "Description": "Invalid VPD data.", 2142 "Message": "A VPD data exception occurred.", 2143 "Notes": [ 2144 "This error occurs when VPD data is found to be", 2145 "invalid. This can be when VPD file is missing out", 2146 "mandatory records.Inventory path is captured in", 2147 "additional data." 2148 ] 2149 } 2150 }, 2151 2152 { 2153 "Name": "com.ibm.VPD.Error.EccCheckFailed", 2154 "Subsystem": "cec_vpd", 2155 "ComponentID": "0x4000", 2156 2157 "SRC": { 2158 "ReasonCode": "0x4002", 2159 "Words6To9": 2160 { 2161 } 2162 }, 2163 2164 "Documentation": { 2165 "Description": "Invalid VPD ecc data.", 2166 "Message": "A VPD ecc exception occurred.", 2167 "Notes": [ 2168 "This error occurs when VPD ecc check fails for the FRU.", 2169 "Inventory path for the failed FRU is captured in additonal", 2170 "data." 2171 ] 2172 } 2173 }, 2174 2175 { 2176 "Name": "com.ibm.VPD.Error.InvalidJson", 2177 "Subsystem": "cec_vpd", 2178 "ComponentID": "0x4000", 2179 2180 "SRC": { 2181 "ReasonCode": "0x4003", 2182 "Words6To9": 2183 { 2184 } 2185 }, 2186 2187 "Documentation": { 2188 "Description": "Invalid Json", 2189 "Message": "A Json failure occurred.", 2190 "Notes": [ 2191 "This error occurs when parser fails to access", 2192 "Json file or there is any issue with Json data.", 2193 "Failed Json path and cause of failure is captured", 2194 "in additional data." 2195 ] 2196 } 2197 }, 2198 2199 { 2200 "Name": "com.ibm.VPD.Error.BlankSystemVPD", 2201 "Subsystem": "cec_vpd", 2202 "ComponentID": "0x4000", 2203 2204 "SRC": { 2205 "ReasonCode": "0x4004", 2206 "Words6To9": 2207 { 2208 } 2209 }, 2210 2211 "Documentation": { 2212 "Description": "System VPD restore failed", 2213 "Message": "A system VPD restoration error occurred.", 2214 "Notes": [ 2215 "This error occurs when restoring of system VPD fails.", 2216 "The FRU path and reason for failure is captured in", 2217 "additional data." 2218 ] 2219 } 2220 }, 2221 2222 { 2223 "Name": "com.ibm.VPD.Error.DbusFailure", 2224 "Subsystem": "cec_vpd", 2225 "ComponentID": "0x4000", 2226 2227 "SRC": { 2228 "ReasonCode": "0x4005", 2229 "Words6To9": 2230 { 2231 } 2232 }, 2233 2234 "Documentation": { 2235 "Description": "Dbus exception", 2236 "Message": "A Dbus internal error occurred.", 2237 "Notes": [ 2238 "This error occurs when Dbus operation fails.", 2239 "Exceptions details are captured in additonal", 2240 "data." 2241 ] 2242 } 2243 } 2244 ] 2245} 2246