1 #pragma once
2 #include "additional_data.hpp"
4 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
6 #include <filesystem>
7 #include <optional>
8 #include <string>
9 #include <variant>
10 #include <vector>
12 namespace openpower
13 {
14 namespace pels
15 {
16 namespace message
17 {
19 constexpr auto registryFileName = "message_registry.json";
20 enum class LookupType
21 {
22     name = 0,
23     reasonCode = 1
24 };
26 /**
27  * @brief A possible severity/system type combination
28  *
29  * If there is no system type defined for this entry,
30  * then the system field will be empty.
31  */
32 struct RegistrySeverity
33 {
34     std::string system;
35     uint8_t severity;
36 };
38 /**
39  * @brief Represents the Documentation related fields in the message registry.
40  *        It is part of the 'Entry' structure that will be filled in when
41  *        an error is looked up in the registry.
42  *
43  * If a field is wrapped by std::optional, it means the field is
44  * optional in the JSON and higher level code knows how to handle it.
45  */
46 struct DOC
47 {
48     /**
49      * @brief Description of error
50      */
51     std::string description;
53     /**
54      * @brief Error message field
55      */
56     std::string message;
58     /**
59      * @brief An optional vector of SRC word 6-9 to use as the source of the
60      *        numeric arguments that will be substituted into any placeholder
61      *        in the Message field.
62      */
63     std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> messageArgSources;
64 };
66 /**
67  * @brief Represents the SRC related fields in the message registry.
68  *        It is part of the 'Entry' structure that will be filled in when
69  *        an error is looked up in the registry.
70  *
71  * If a field is wrapped by std::optional, it means the field is
72  * optional in the JSON and higher level code knows how to handle it.
73  */
74 struct SRC
75 {
76     /**
77      * @brief SRC type - The first byte of the ASCII string
78      */
79     uint8_t type;
81     /**
82      * @brief The SRC reason code (2nd half of 4B 'ASCII string' word)
83      */
84     uint16_t reasonCode;
86     /**
87      * @brief An optional vector of SRC hexword numbers that should be used
88      *        along with the SRC ASCII string to build the Symptom ID, which
89      *        is a field in the Extended Header section.
90      */
91     using WordNum = size_t;
92     std::optional<std::vector<WordNum>> symptomID;
94     /**
95      * @brief Which AdditionalData fields to use to fill in the user defined
96      *        SRC hexwords.
97      *
98      * For example, if the AdditionalData event log property contained
99      * "CHIPNUM=42" and this map contained {6, {"CHIPNUM", "DESC"}}, then the
100      * code would put 42 into SRC hexword 6.
101      *
102      * AdditionalDataField specifies two fields from the SRC entry in the
103      * message registry: "AdditionalDataPropSource" and "Description"
104      */
105     using AdditionalDataField = std::tuple<std::string, std::string>;
106     std::optional<std::map<WordNum, AdditionalDataField>> hexwordADFields;
108     /**
109      * @brief If the Deconfigured flag should be set in hex word 5
110      */
111     bool deconfigFlag;
113     /**
114      * @brief If the checkstop flag should be set in hex word 5
115      */
116     bool checkstopFlag;
118     SRC() : type(0), reasonCode(0), deconfigFlag(false), checkstopFlag(false) {}
119 };
121 struct AppCapture
122 {
123     std::string syslogID;
124     size_t numLines;
125 };
127 // Can specify either the syslog IDs to capture along with how many
128 // entries of each, or just how many entries to get the full journal.
129 using AppCaptureList = std::vector<AppCapture>;
130 using JournalCapture = std::variant<size_t, AppCaptureList>;
132 /**
133  * @brief Represents a message registry entry, which is used for creating a
134  *        PEL from an OpenBMC event log.
135  */
136 struct Entry
137 {
138     /**
139      * @brief The error name, like "xyz.openbmc_project.Error.Foo".
140      */
141     std::string name;
143     /**
144      * @brief The component ID of the PEL creator.
145      */
146     uint16_t componentID;
148     /**
149      * @brief The PEL subsystem field.
150      */
151     std::optional<uint8_t> subsystem;
153     /**
154      * @brief The optional PEL severity field.  If not specified, the PEL
155      *        will use the severity of the OpenBMC event log.
156      *
157      * If the system type is specified in any of the entries in the vector,
158      * then the system type will be needed to find the actual severity.
159      */
160     std::optional<std::vector<RegistrySeverity>> severity;
162     /**
163      * @brief The optional severity field to use when in manufacturing tolerance
164      *        mode.  It behaves like the severity field above.
165      */
166     std::optional<std::vector<RegistrySeverity>> mfgSeverity;
168     /**
169      * @brief The PEL action flags field.
170      */
171     std::optional<uint16_t> actionFlags;
173     /**
174      * @brief  The optional action flags to use instead when in manufacturing
175      * tolerance mode.
176      */
177     std::optional<uint16_t> mfgActionFlags;
179     /**
180      * @brief The PEL event type field.  If not specified, higher level code
181      *        will decide the value.
182      */
183     std::optional<uint8_t> eventType;
185     /**
186      * @brief The PEL event scope field.  If not specified, higher level code
187      *        will decide the value.
188      */
189     std::optional<uint8_t> eventScope;
191     /**
192      * The SRC related fields.
193      */
194     SRC src;
196     /**
197      * The Documentation related fields.
198      */
199     DOC doc;
201     /**
202      * @brief The callout JSON, if the entry has callouts.
203      */
204     std::optional<nlohmann::json> callouts;
206     /**
207      * @brief The journal capture instructions, if present.
208      */
209     std::optional<JournalCapture> journalCapture;
210 };
212 /**
213  * @brief Holds callout information pulled out of the JSON.
214  */
215 struct RegistryCallout
216 {
217     std::string priority;
218     std::string locCode;
219     std::string procedure;
220     std::string symbolicFRU;
221     std::string symbolicFRUTrusted;
222     bool useInventoryLocCode;
223 };
225 /**
226  * @class Registry
227  *
228  * This class wraps the message registry JSON data and allows one to find
229  * the message registry entry pertaining to the error name.
230  *
231  * So that new registry files can easily be tested, the code will look for
232  * /etc/phosphor-logging/message_registry.json before looking for the real
233  * path.
234  */
235 class Registry
236 {
237   public:
238     Registry() = delete;
239     ~Registry() = default;
240     Registry(const Registry&) = default;
241     Registry& operator=(const Registry&) = default;
242     Registry(Registry&&) = default;
243     Registry& operator=(Registry&&) = default;
245     /**
246      * @brief Constructor
247      *
248      * Will load the callout JSON.
249      *
250      * @param[in] registryFile - The path to the file.
251      */
252     explicit Registry(const std::filesystem::path& registryFile) :
253         Registry(registryFile, true)
254     {}
256     /**
257      * @brief Constructor
258      *
259      * This version contains a parameter that allows the callout JSON
260      * to be saved in the Entry struct or not, as it isn't needed at
261      * all in some cases.
262      *
263      * @param[in] registryFile - The path to the file.
264      * @param[in] loadCallouts - If the callout JSON should be saved.
265      */
266     explicit Registry(const std::filesystem::path& registryFile,
267                       bool loadCallouts) :
268         _registryFile(registryFile),
269         _loadCallouts(loadCallouts)
270     {}
272     /**
273      * @brief Find a registry entry based on its error name or reason code.
274      *
275      * This function does do some basic sanity checking on the JSON contents,
276      * but there is also an external program that enforces a schema on the
277      * registry JSON that should catch all of these problems ahead of time.
278      *
279      * @param[in] name - The error name, like xyz.openbmc_project.Error.Foo
280      *                 - OR
281      *                 - The reason code, like 0x1001
282      * @param[in] type - LookupType enum value
283      * @param[in] toCache - boolean to cache registry in memory
284      * @return optional<Entry> A filled in message registry structure if
285      *                         found, otherwise an empty optional object.
286      */
287     std::optional<Entry> lookup(const std::string& name, LookupType type,
288                                 bool toCache = false);
290     /**
291      * @brief Find the callouts to put into the PEL based on the calloutJSON
292      *        data.
293      *
294      * The system type and AdditionalData are used to index into the correct
295      * callout table.
296      *
297      * Throws exceptions on failures.
298      *
299      * @param[in] calloutJSON - Where to look up the  callouts
300      * @param[in] systemNames - List of compatible system type names
301      * @param[in] additionalData - The AdditionalData property
302      *
303      * @return std::vector<RegistryCallout> - The callouts to use
304      */
305     static std::vector<RegistryCallout>
306         getCallouts(const nlohmann::json& calloutJSON,
307                     const std::vector<std::string>& systemNames,
308                     const AdditionalData& additionalData);
310   private:
311     /**
312      * @brief Parse message registry file using nlohmann::json
313      * @param[in] registryFile - The message registry JSON file
314      * @return optional<nlohmann::json> The full message registry object or an
315      *                                  empty optional object upon failure.
316      */
317     std::optional<nlohmann::json>
318         readRegistry(const std::filesystem::path& registryFile);
320     /**
321      * @brief The path to the registry JSON file.
322      */
323     std::filesystem::path _registryFile;
325     /**
326      * @brief The full message registry object.
327      */
328     std::optional<nlohmann::json> _registry;
330     /**
331      * @brief If the callout JSON should be saved in the Entry on lookup.
332      */
333     bool _loadCallouts;
334 };
336 namespace helper
337 {
339 /**
340  * @brief A helper function to get the PEL subsystem value based on
341  *        the registry subsystem name.
342  *
343  * @param[in] subsystemName - The registry name for the subsystem
344  *
345  * @return uint8_t The PEL subsystem value
346  */
347 uint8_t getSubsystem(const std::string& subsystemName);
349 /**
350  * @brief A helper function to get the PEL severity value based on
351  *        the registry severity name.
352  *
353  * @param[in] severityName - The registry name for the severity
354  *
355  * @return uint8_t The PEL severity value
356  */
357 uint8_t getSeverity(const std::string& severityName);
359 /**
360  * @brief Returns all of the system type/severity values found
361  * in the severity JSON passed in.
362  *
363  * The JSON is either a simple string, like:
364  *     "unrecoverable"
365  * or an array of system type/severity pairs, like:
366  *     [
367  *        {
368  *            "System": "1",
369  *            "SevValue": "predictive"
370  *        },
371  *        {
372  *            "System": "2",
373  *            "SevValue": "recovered"
374  *        }
375  *     ]
376  *
377  * @param[in] severity - The severity JSON
378  * @return The list of severity/system combinations.  If the System key
379  *         wasn't used, then that field will be empty in the structure.
380  */
381 std::vector<RegistrySeverity> getSeverities(const nlohmann::json& severity);
383 /**
384  * @brief A helper function to get the action flags value based on
385  *        the action flag names used in the registry.
386  *
387  * @param[in] flags - The list of flag names from the registry.
388  *
389  * @return uint16_t - The bitfield of flags used in the PEL.
390  */
391 uint16_t getActionFlags(const std::vector<std::string>& flags);
393 /**
394  * @brief A helper function to get the PEL event type value based on
395  *        the registry event type name.
396  *
397  * @param[in] eventTypeName - The registry name for the event type
398  *
399  * @return uint8_t The PEL event type value
400  */
401 uint8_t getEventType(const std::string& eventTypeName);
403 /**
404  * @brief A helper function to get the PEL event scope value based on
405  *        the registry event scope name.
406  *
407  * @param[in] eventScopeName - The registry name for the event scope
408  *
409  * @return uint8_t The PEL event scope value
410  */
411 uint8_t getEventScope(const std::string& eventScopeName);
413 /**
414  * @brief Reads the "ReasonCode" field out of JSON and converts the string value
415  *        such as "0x5555" to a uint16 like 0x5555.
416  *
417  * @param[in] src - The message registry SRC dictionary to read from
418  * @param[in] name - The error name, to use in a trace if things go awry.
419  *
420  * @return uint16_t - The reason code
421  */
422 uint16_t getSRCReasonCode(const nlohmann::json& src, const std::string& name);
424 /**
425  * @brief Reads the "Type" field out of JSON and converts it to the SRC::Type
426  *        value.
427  *
428  * @param[in] src - The message registry SRC dictionary to read from
429  * @param[in] name - The error name, to use in a trace if things go awry.
430  *
431  * @return uint8_t - The SRC type value, like 0x11
432  */
433 uint8_t getSRCType(const nlohmann::json& src, const std::string& name);
435 /**
436  * @brief Reads the "Words6To9" field out of JSON and converts it to a map
437  *        of the SRC word number to the AdditionalData property field used
438  *        to fill it in with.
439  *
440  * @param[in] src - The message registry SRC dictionary to read from
441  * @param[in] name - The error name, to use in a trace if things go awry.
442  *
443  * @return std::optional<std::map<SRC::WordNum, SRC::AdditionalDataField>>
444  */
445 std::optional<std::map<SRC::WordNum, SRC::AdditionalDataField>>
446     getSRCHexwordFields(const nlohmann::json& src, const std::string& name);
448 /**
449  * @brief Reads the "SymptomIDFields" field out of JSON and converts it to
450  *        a vector of SRC word numbers.
451  *
452  * @param[in] src - The message registry SRC dictionary to read from
453  * @param[in] name - The error name, to use in a trace if things go awry.
454  *
455  * @return std::optional<std::vector<SRC::WordNum>>
456  */
457 std::optional<std::vector<SRC::WordNum>>
458     getSRCSymptomIDFields(const nlohmann::json& src, const std::string& name);
460 /**
461  * @brief Returns the value of the 'DeconfigFlag' field.
462  *
463  * @param[in] src - The message registry SRC dictionary to read from
464  *
465  * @return bool - The field value
466  */
467 bool getSRCDeconfigFlag(const nlohmann::json& src);
469 /**
470  * @brief Reads the "ComponentID" field out of JSON and converts it to a
471  *        uint16_t like 0xFF00.
472  *
473  * The ComponentID JSON field is only required if the SRC type isn't a BD
474  * BMC SRC, because for those SRCs it can be inferred from the upper byte
475  * of the SRC reasoncode.
476  *
477  * @param[in] srcType - The SRC type
478  * @param[in] reasonCode - The SRC reason code
479  * @param[in] pelEntry - The PEL entry JSON
480  * @param[in] name - The error name, to use in a trace if things go awry.
481  *
482  * @return uin16_t - The component ID, like 0xFF00
483  */
484 uint16_t getComponentID(uint8_t srcType, uint16_t reasonCode,
485                         const nlohmann::json& pelEntry,
486                         const std::string& name);
488 } // namespace helper
490 } // namespace message
492 } // namespace pels
493 } // namespace openpower