1b9cd9914SPatrick Venture# BMC Handler Configuration
2b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
3b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe BMC BLOB handler for the flash objects is configured at run-time via a json
4b9cd9914SPatrick Venturefile or multiple json files. The json fields detail every aspect of how the
5b9cd9914SPatrick Venturehandler should behave for a given blob id.
6b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
7b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThere are three json configurations available by default:
8b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
9*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- config-bios.json
10*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- config-static-bmc-reboot.json
11*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- config-static-bmc.json
12b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
13b9cd9914SPatrick VentureLet's break them down, what they contain and what it means, and then how to
14b9cd9914SPatrick Venturewrite your own. It's helpful to start here.
15b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
16b9cd9914SPatrick Venture## config-bios.json
17b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
18b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThis file is generated from configuration and therefore some values can be
19b9cd9914SPatrick Venturereplaced, here we're using the defaults.
20b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
21b9cd9914SPatrick Venture```
22b9cd9914SPatrick Venture[{
23b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    "blob": "/flash/bios",
24b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    "handler": {
25b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "type": "file",
26b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "path": "/tmp/bios-image"
27b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    },
28b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    "actions": {
29b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "preparation": {
30b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "type": "systemd",
31b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "unit": "phosphor-ipmi-flash-bios-prepare.target"
32b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        },
33b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "verification": {
34fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington III            "type": "systemd",
35fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington III            "unit": "phosphor-ipmi-flash-bios-verify.target"
36b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        },
37b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "update": {
38b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "type": "systemd",
39b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "unit": "phosphor-ipmi-flash-bios-update.target"
40b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        }
41b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    }
42b9cd9914SPatrick Venture}]
43b9cd9914SPatrick Venture```
44b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
45b9cd9914SPatrick VentureEach json file is expected to be an array of flash handler configurations. You
46b9cd9914SPatrick Venturecan define more than one handler inside a json file, or you can have one per
47b9cd9914SPatrick Venturefile. It will make no difference. The file though, must contain an array.
48b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
49b9cd9914SPatrick VentureBeyond this, the flash handler configuration is a dictionary or object with
50b9cd9914SPatrick Venturethree fields.
51b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
52*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `blob`
53*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `handler`
54*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `actions`
55b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
56b9cd9914SPatrick Venture### `blob`
57b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
58b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe `blob` field expects to hold a string. This string is the blob id that'll be
59b9cd9914SPatrick Venturepresented to the host and registered with the blob manager. It must be unique
60b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureamong all blobs on a system and must start with `/flash/`. The uniqueness is not
61b9cd9914SPatrick Venturepresently verified at any stage. If there is another blob id that matches, the
62b9cd9914SPatrick Venturefirst one loaded will be the first one hit during any calls from the host. It's
63b9cd9914SPatrick Venturegenerally unlikely that there will be a name collision.
64b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
65b9cd9914SPatrick Venture### `handler`
66b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
67b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe `handler` field expects to hold a dictionary or object with at least one
68b9cd9914SPatrick Venturefield.
69b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
70*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `type`
71b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
72b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe `type` field expects a string and will control what other parameters are
73b9cd9914SPatrick Venturerequired. The type here refers to the handler for the incoming data associated
74b9cd9914SPatrick Venturewith the flash image contents. The hash data is always done as a file, but the
75b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureimage data is configurable via the json.
76b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
77b9cd9914SPatrick VentureIn the above configuration the `type` is set to `file`. The `file` type handler
78b9cd9914SPatrick Venturerequires one parameter: `path`. The `path` here is the full file system path to
79b9cd9914SPatrick Venturewhere to write the bytes received into a file. In this case specifically the
80b9cd9914SPatrick Venturebyte received will be written to `/tmp/bios-image`.
81b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
82b9cd9914SPatrick Venture### `actions`
83b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
84b9cd9914SPatrick VentureBecause `phosphor-ipmi-flash` is a framework for sending data from the host to
85b9cd9914SPatrick Venturethe BMC for updating various firmware, it needs to be told what to do to verify
86b9cd9914SPatrick Venturethe data and cause an update. It additionally provides a mechanism for preparing
87b9cd9914SPatrick Venturethe BMC to receive the data. On a low memory BMC, the preparation step can be
88b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureused to shut down unnecessary services, etc.
89b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
90b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe actions are split into three fields:
91b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
92*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `preparation`
93*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `verification`
94*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `update`
95b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
96b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe `preparation`, `verification`, and `update` fields expect a `type` field,
97b9cd9914SPatrick Venturesimilarly to the `handler` field. This dictates what other parameters may be
98b9cd9914SPatrick Venturerequired.
99b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
100b9cd9914SPatrick VentureIn this configuration the `preparation` type is `systemd`. The `systemd` type
101b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureexpects to receive a `unit`. The `unit` value is expected to be a string that is
102b9cd9914SPatrick Venturethe name of the systemd unit to start. In this case, it'll start
103b9cd9914SPatrick Venture`phosphor-ipmi-flash-bios-prepare.target`. This can be a single service name, or
104b9cd9914SPatrick Venturea target.
105b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
106fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington IIIIn this configuration the `verification` type is `systemd`. This will query
107fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington IIIsystemd for the status of the verification unit to determine running, success,
108fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington IIIor failure.
109b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
110b9cd9914SPatrick VentureIn this configuration the `update` type is `systemd`. This is the same object as
111fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington IIIwith the `preparation` action.
112b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
113b9cd9914SPatrick Venture## config-static-bmc-reboot.json
114b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
115b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThis file is generated from configuration and therefore some values can be
116b9cd9914SPatrick Venturereplaced, here we're using the defaults.
117b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
118b9cd9914SPatrick Venture```
119b9cd9914SPatrick Venture[{
120b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    "blob": "/flash/image",
121b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    "handler": {
122b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "type": "file",
123b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "path": "/run/initramfs/bmc-image"
124b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    },
125b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    "actions": {
126b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "preparation": {
127b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "type": "systemd",
128b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "unit": "phosphor-ipmi-flash-bmc-prepare.target"
129b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        },
130b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "verification": {
131fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington III            "type": "systemd",
132fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington III            "unit": "phosphor-ipmi-flash-bmc-verify.target"
133b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        },
134b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "update": {
135b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "type": "reboot"
136b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        }
137b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    }
138b9cd9914SPatrick Venture}]
139b9cd9914SPatrick Venture```
140b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
141b9cd9914SPatrick VentureGiven the bios configuration, we can skip the parts of this configuration that
142b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureare already explained. The new action type is `reboot`. This is a special action
143b9cd9914SPatrick Venturetype that has no parameters. It will simply trigger a reboot via systemd.
144b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
145b9cd9914SPatrick Venture## config-static-bmc.json
146b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
147b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThis file is generated from configuration and therefore some values can be
148b9cd9914SPatrick Venturereplaced, here we're using the defaults.
149b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
150b9cd9914SPatrick Venture```
151b9cd9914SPatrick Venture[{
152b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    "blob": "/flash/image",
153b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    "handler": {
154b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "type": "file",
155b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "path": "/run/initramfs/bmc-image"
156b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    },
157b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    "actions": {
158b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "preparation": {
159b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "type": "systemd",
160b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "unit": "phosphor-ipmi-flash-bmc-prepare.target"
161b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        },
162b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "verification": {
163fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington III            "type": "systemd",
164fc5d8d2eSWilliam A. Kennington III            "unit": "phosphor-ipmi-flash-bmc-verify.target"
165b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        },
166b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        "update": {
167b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "type": "systemd",
168b9cd9914SPatrick Venture            "unit": "phosphor-ipmi-flash-bmc-update.target"
169b9cd9914SPatrick Venture        }
170b9cd9914SPatrick Venture    }
171b9cd9914SPatrick Venture}]
172b9cd9914SPatrick Venture```
173b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
174b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThis configuration is of no significance in its difference.
175b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
176b9cd9914SPatrick Venture## Writing your own json Configuration
177b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
178b9cd9914SPatrick VentureIf you wish to write your own json configuration, you simply create a legal json
179b9cd9914SPatrick Venturefile containing an array of at least one entry. This array will define any
180b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureentries you wish. You can provide multiple BMC update json configurations if you
181b9cd9914SPatrick Venturewish. There may be parameters you desire to pass to an update process, for
182b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureinstance, clearing the whitelisted files. In this case, it's trivial to create
183b9cd9914SPatrick Venturetwo targets. The first target performs a normal update, the second starts a
184b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureservice that performs the desired other update. You can leverage the
185b9cd9914SPatrick Venturedefault-provided configuration files, and also add your own to add additional
186b9cd9914SPatrick Venturesupport if desired.
187b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
188b9cd9914SPatrick VentureAn entry, regardless, must contain a `blob`, a `handler`, and `actions`.
189b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
190b9cd9914SPatrick Venture### Handler Types
191b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
192b9cd9914SPatrick VentureA handler determines how the bytes from the host are stored.
193b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
194b9cd9914SPatrick Venture#### `file`
195b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
196b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe `file` handler type writes the bytes to a file path specified by the
197b9cd9914SPatrick Venturerequired parameter `path`.
198b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
199*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `path` - full file system path to where to write bytes.
200b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
201b9cd9914SPatrick Venture### Action Types
202b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
203b9cd9914SPatrick VentureAction types are used to define what to do for a specific requested action, such
204b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureas "verify the blob contents."
205b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
206d53d60a4SPatrick Venture#### `skip`
207d53d60a4SPatrick Venture
208d53d60a4SPatrick VentureThe `skip` type will effectively make that action a no-op and always return
209d53d60a4SPatrick Venturesuccess.
210d53d60a4SPatrick Venture
211b9cd9914SPatrick Venture#### `systemd`
212b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
213b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe `systemd` type should be used when you wish to start a systemd service or
214d9cc253aSWilliam A. Kennington IIItarget. For verification and update operations this will track the status of the
215d9cc253aSWilliam A. Kennington IIIsystemd service to determine success or failure.
216b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
217*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `unit` - required - string - the systemd unit to start.
218*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `mode` - optional - string - default: replace - the mode for starting the
219b9cd9914SPatrick Venture  service.
220b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
221ffbd93ebSBrandon Kim#### `fileSystemdVerify` & `fileSystemdUpdate`
222b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
223b9cd9914SPatrick VentureBecause one may care about the result of their actions, the `fileSystemdVerify`
224ffbd93ebSBrandon Kimand `fileSystemdUpdate` action type exists. It will start the service and when
225ffbd93ebSBrandon Kimasked for a status, it'll read the contents of a file. Therefore, whatever is
226d9cc253aSWilliam A. Kennington IIIperforming the action will want to update that file. NOTE: Now that the systemd
227d9cc253aSWilliam A. Kennington IIItype action tracks unit status, that action is now preferred.
228b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
229*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `path` - required - string - the full file system path to where one finds the
230*db45fd46SPatrick Williams  status.
231*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `unit` - required - string - the systemd unit to start
232*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `mode` - optional - string - default: replace - the mode for starting the
233b9cd9914SPatrick Venture  service.
234b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
235b9cd9914SPatrick Venture#### `reboot`
236b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
237b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe `reboot` type causes a reboot via systemd. If this happens quickly enough,
238b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureyou may not receive a response over IPMI that your command succeeded.
239b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
240b9cd9914SPatrick Venture### Installing your own json configuration
241b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
242b9cd9914SPatrick VentureTo install your own configuration(s) you can add your own bbappend file that
243b9cd9914SPatrick Ventureappends to the install task. The json files are installed in
244b9cd9914SPatrick Venture`${D}${datadir}/phosphor-ipmi-flash/`
245b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
246b9cd9914SPatrick Venture## Adding your own handler type
247b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
248b9cd9914SPatrick VentureFirstly, welcome! The maintainers of this repository appreciate your
249b9cd9914SPatrick Venturecontribution. A handler is just an implementation of the
250b9cd9914SPatrick Venture`ImageHandlerInterface`.
251b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
252b9cd9914SPatrick VentureYour handler must implement:
253b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
254*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `bool open(const std::string& path)`
255*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `void close()`
256*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `bool write(std::uint32_t offset, const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& data)`
257*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `int getSize()`
258b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
259b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe handler is meant to receive the bytes, and write the bytes.
260b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
261b9cd9914SPatrick VentureOnce the object is defined you can specify a type and parameters here and in the
262b9cd9914SPatrick Venture`buildjson` module.
263b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
264b9cd9914SPatrick Venture## Adding your own action type
265b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
266b9cd9914SPatrick VentureFirstly, welcome! The maintainers of this repository appreciate your
267b9cd9914SPatrick Venturecontribution. An action is just an implementation of the
268b9cd9914SPatrick Venture`TriggerableActionInterface`.
269b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
270b9cd9914SPatrick VentureYour action must implement:
271b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
272*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `bool trigger()`
273*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `void abort()`
274*db45fd46SPatrick Williams- `ActionStatus status()`
275b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
276b9cd9914SPatrick VentureThe abort method is not a guarantee.
277b9cd9914SPatrick Venture
278b9cd9914SPatrick VentureOnce the object is defined you can specify a type and parameters here and in the
279b9cd9914SPatrick Venture`buildjson` module.