1 ## This file is a template.  The comment below is emitted
2 ## into the rendered file; feel free to edit this file.
3 // This file was auto generated.  Do not edit.
4 #include "manager.hpp"
5 #include "utils.hpp"
6 #include "functor.hpp"
7 % for i in interfaces:
8 #include <${i.header()}>
9 % endfor
10 #include "gen_serialization.hpp"
12 namespace phosphor
13 {
14 namespace inventory
15 {
16 namespace manager
17 {
19 using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
21 const Manager::Makers Manager::_makers{
22 % for i in interfaces:
23     {
24         "${str(i)}",
25         std::make_tuple(
26             MakeInterface<
27                 ServerObject<
28                     ${i.namespace()}>>::op,
29             AssignInterface<
30                 ServerObject<
31                     ${i.namespace()}>>::op,
32             SerializeInterface<
33                 ServerObject<
34                     ${i.namespace()}>, SerialOps>::op,
35             DeserializeInterface<
36                 ServerObject<
37                     ${i.namespace()}>, SerialOps>::op
38         )
39     },
40 % endfor
41 };
43 const Manager::Events Manager::_events{
44 % for e in events:
45     {
46     % if e.description:
47         // ${e.description.strip()}
48     % endif
49         ${e.call(loader, indent=indent +2)},
50     },
51 %endfor
52 };
54 } // namespace manager
55 } // namespace inventory
56 } // namespace phosphor