1 /**
2  * Copyright © 2018 Intel Corporation
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #include "config.h"
18 #include "settings.hpp"
20 #include <dlfcn.h>
22 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
23 #include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
24 #include <host-cmd-manager.hpp>
25 #include <ipmid-host/cmd.hpp>
26 #include <ipmid/api.hpp>
27 #include <ipmid/handler.hpp>
28 #include <ipmid/message.hpp>
29 #include <ipmid/oemrouter.hpp>
30 #include <ipmid/types.hpp>
31 #include <phosphor-logging/lg2.hpp>
32 #include <sdbusplus/asio/connection.hpp>
33 #include <sdbusplus/asio/object_server.hpp>
34 #include <sdbusplus/asio/sd_event.hpp>
35 #include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
36 #include <sdbusplus/bus/match.hpp>
37 #include <sdbusplus/timer.hpp>
39 #include <algorithm>
40 #include <any>
41 #include <exception>
42 #include <filesystem>
43 #include <forward_list>
44 #include <map>
45 #include <memory>
46 #include <optional>
47 #include <tuple>
48 #include <unordered_map>
49 #include <utility>
50 #include <vector>
52 namespace fs = std::filesystem;
54 using namespace phosphor::logging;
56 // IPMI Spec, shared Reservation ID.
57 static unsigned short selReservationID = 0xFFFF;
58 static bool selReservationValid = false;
60 unsigned short reserveSel(void)
61 {
62     // IPMI spec, Reservation ID, the value simply increases against each
63     // execution of the Reserve SEL command.
64     if (++selReservationID == 0)
65     {
66         selReservationID = 1;
67     }
68     selReservationValid = true;
69     return selReservationID;
70 }
72 bool checkSELReservation(unsigned short id)
73 {
74     return (selReservationValid && selReservationID == id);
75 }
77 void cancelSELReservation(void)
78 {
79     selReservationValid = false;
80 }
82 EInterfaceIndex getInterfaceIndex(void)
83 {
84     return interfaceKCS;
85 }
87 sd_bus* bus;
88 sd_event* events = nullptr;
89 sd_event* ipmid_get_sd_event_connection(void)
90 {
91     return events;
92 }
93 sd_bus* ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection(void)
94 {
95     return bus;
96 }
98 namespace ipmi
99 {
101 static inline unsigned int makeCmdKey(unsigned int cluster, unsigned int cmd)
102 {
103     return (cluster << 8) | cmd;
104 }
106 using HandlerTuple = std::tuple<int,                        /* prio */
107                                 Privilege, HandlerBase::ptr /* handler */
108                                 >;
110 /* map to handle standard registered commands */
111 static std::unordered_map<unsigned int, /* key is NetFn/Cmd */
112                           HandlerTuple>
113     handlerMap;
115 /* special map for decoding Group registered commands (NetFn 2Ch) */
116 static std::unordered_map<unsigned int, /* key is Group/Cmd (NetFn is 2Ch) */
117                           HandlerTuple>
118     groupHandlerMap;
120 /* special map for decoding OEM registered commands (NetFn 2Eh) */
121 static std::unordered_map<unsigned int, /* key is Iana/Cmd (NetFn is 2Eh) */
122                           HandlerTuple>
123     oemHandlerMap;
125 using FilterTuple = std::tuple<int,            /* prio */
126                                FilterBase::ptr /* filter */
127                                >;
129 /* list to hold all registered ipmi command filters */
130 static std::forward_list<FilterTuple> filterList;
132 namespace impl
133 {
134 /* common function to register all standard IPMI handlers */
135 bool registerHandler(int prio, NetFn netFn, Cmd cmd, Privilege priv,
136                      HandlerBase::ptr handler)
137 {
138     // check for valid NetFn: even; 00-0Ch, 30-3Eh
139     if (netFn & 1 || (netFn > netFnTransport && netFn < netFnGroup) ||
140         netFn > netFnOemEight)
141     {
142         return false;
143     }
145     // create key and value for this handler
146     unsigned int netFnCmd = makeCmdKey(netFn, cmd);
147     HandlerTuple item(prio, priv, handler);
149     // consult the handler map and look for a match
150     auto& mapCmd = handlerMap[netFnCmd];
151     if (!std::get<HandlerBase::ptr>(mapCmd) || std::get<int>(mapCmd) <= prio)
152     {
153         mapCmd = item;
154         return true;
155     }
156     return false;
157 }
159 /* common function to register all Group IPMI handlers */
160 bool registerGroupHandler(int prio, Group group, Cmd cmd, Privilege priv,
161                           HandlerBase::ptr handler)
162 {
163     // create key and value for this handler
164     unsigned int netFnCmd = makeCmdKey(group, cmd);
165     HandlerTuple item(prio, priv, handler);
167     // consult the handler map and look for a match
168     auto& mapCmd = groupHandlerMap[netFnCmd];
169     if (!std::get<HandlerBase::ptr>(mapCmd) || std::get<int>(mapCmd) <= prio)
170     {
171         mapCmd = item;
172         return true;
173     }
174     return false;
175 }
177 /* common function to register all OEM IPMI handlers */
178 bool registerOemHandler(int prio, Iana iana, Cmd cmd, Privilege priv,
179                         HandlerBase::ptr handler)
180 {
181     // create key and value for this handler
182     unsigned int netFnCmd = makeCmdKey(iana, cmd);
183     HandlerTuple item(prio, priv, handler);
185     // consult the handler map and look for a match
186     auto& mapCmd = oemHandlerMap[netFnCmd];
187     if (!std::get<HandlerBase::ptr>(mapCmd) || std::get<int>(mapCmd) <= prio)
188     {
189         mapCmd = item;
190         lg2::debug("registered OEM Handler: NetFn/Cmd={NETFNCMD}", "IANA",
191                    lg2::hex, iana, "CMD", lg2::hex, cmd, "NETFNCMD", lg2::hex,
192                    netFnCmd);
193         return true;
194     }
196     lg2::warning("could not register OEM Handler: NetFn/Cmd={NETFNCMD}", "IANA",
197                  lg2::hex, iana, "CMD", lg2::hex, cmd, "NETFNCMD", lg2::hex,
198                  netFnCmd);
199     return false;
200 }
202 /* common function to register all IPMI filter handlers */
203 void registerFilter(int prio, FilterBase::ptr filter)
204 {
205     // check for initial placement
206     if (filterList.empty() || std::get<int>(filterList.front()) < prio)
207     {
208         filterList.emplace_front(std::make_tuple(prio, filter));
209         return;
210     }
211     // walk the list and put it in the right place
212     auto j = filterList.begin();
213     for (auto i = j; i != filterList.end() && std::get<int>(*i) > prio; i++)
214     {
215         j = i;
216     }
217     filterList.emplace_after(j, std::make_tuple(prio, filter));
218 }
220 } // namespace impl
222 message::Response::ptr filterIpmiCommand(message::Request::ptr request)
223 {
224     // pass the command through the filter mechanism
225     // This can be the firmware firewall or any OEM mechanism like
226     // whitelist filtering based on operational mode
227     for (auto& item : filterList)
228     {
229         FilterBase::ptr filter = std::get<FilterBase::ptr>(item);
230         ipmi::Cc cc = filter->call(request);
231         if (ipmi::ccSuccess != cc)
232         {
233             return errorResponse(request, cc);
234         }
235     }
236     return message::Response::ptr();
237 }
239 message::Response::ptr executeIpmiCommandCommon(
240     std::unordered_map<unsigned int, HandlerTuple>& handlers,
241     unsigned int keyCommon, message::Request::ptr request)
242 {
243     // filter the command first; a non-null message::Response::ptr
244     // means that the message has been rejected for some reason
245     message::Response::ptr filterResponse = filterIpmiCommand(request);
247     Cmd cmd = request->ctx->cmd;
248     unsigned int key = makeCmdKey(keyCommon, cmd);
249     auto cmdIter = handlers.find(key);
250     if (cmdIter != handlers.end())
251     {
252         // only return the filter response if the command is found
253         if (filterResponse)
254         {
255             lg2::debug("request for NetFn/Cmd {NETFN}/{CMD} has been filtered",
256                        "NETFN", lg2::hex, keyCommon, "CMD", lg2::hex, cmd);
257             return filterResponse;
258         }
259         HandlerTuple& chosen = cmdIter->second;
260         if (request->ctx->priv < std::get<Privilege>(chosen))
261         {
262             return errorResponse(request, ccInsufficientPrivilege);
263         }
264         return std::get<HandlerBase::ptr>(chosen)->call(request);
265     }
266     else
267     {
268         unsigned int wildcard = makeCmdKey(keyCommon, cmdWildcard);
269         cmdIter = handlers.find(wildcard);
270         if (cmdIter != handlers.end())
271         {
272             // only return the filter response if the command is found
273             if (filterResponse)
274             {
275                 lg2::debug(
276                     "request for NetFn/Cmd {NETFN}/{CMD} has been filtered",
277                     "NETFN", lg2::hex, keyCommon, "CMD", lg2::hex, cmd);
278                 return filterResponse;
279             }
280             HandlerTuple& chosen = cmdIter->second;
281             if (request->ctx->priv < std::get<Privilege>(chosen))
282             {
283                 return errorResponse(request, ccInsufficientPrivilege);
284             }
285             return std::get<HandlerBase::ptr>(chosen)->call(request);
286         }
287     }
288     return errorResponse(request, ccInvalidCommand);
289 }
291 message::Response::ptr executeIpmiGroupCommand(message::Request::ptr request)
292 {
293     // look up the group for this request
294     uint8_t bytes;
295     if (0 != request->payload.unpack(bytes))
296     {
297         return errorResponse(request, ccReqDataLenInvalid);
298     }
299     auto group = static_cast<Group>(bytes);
300     message::Response::ptr response =
301         executeIpmiCommandCommon(groupHandlerMap, group, request);
302     ipmi::message::Payload prefix;
303     prefix.pack(bytes);
304     response->prepend(prefix);
305     return response;
306 }
308 message::Response::ptr executeIpmiOemCommand(message::Request::ptr request)
309 {
310     // look up the iana for this request
311     uint24_t bytes;
312     if (0 != request->payload.unpack(bytes))
313     {
314         return errorResponse(request, ccReqDataLenInvalid);
315     }
316     auto iana = static_cast<Iana>(bytes);
318     lg2::debug("unpack IANA {IANA}", "IANA", lg2::hex, iana);
320     message::Response::ptr response =
321         executeIpmiCommandCommon(oemHandlerMap, iana, request);
322     ipmi::message::Payload prefix;
323     prefix.pack(bytes);
324     response->prepend(prefix);
325     return response;
326 }
328 message::Response::ptr executeIpmiCommand(message::Request::ptr request)
329 {
330     NetFn netFn = request->ctx->netFn;
331     if (netFnGroup == netFn)
332     {
333         return executeIpmiGroupCommand(request);
334     }
335     else if (netFnOem == netFn)
336     {
337         return executeIpmiOemCommand(request);
338     }
339     return executeIpmiCommandCommon(handlerMap, netFn, request);
340 }
342 namespace utils
343 {
344 template <typename AssocContainer, typename UnaryPredicate>
345 void assoc_erase_if(AssocContainer& c, UnaryPredicate p)
346 {
347     typename AssocContainer::iterator next = c.begin();
348     typename AssocContainer::iterator last = c.end();
349     while ((next = std::find_if(next, last, p)) != last)
350     {
351         c.erase(next++);
352     }
353 }
354 } // namespace utils
356 namespace
357 {
358 std::unordered_map<std::string, uint8_t> uniqueNameToChannelNumber;
360 // sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::arg0namespace() wants the prefix
361 // to match without any trailing '.'
362 constexpr const char ipmiDbusChannelMatch[] =
363     "xyz.openbmc_project.Ipmi.Channel";
364 void updateOwners(sdbusplus::asio::connection& conn, const std::string& name)
365 {
366     conn.async_method_call(
367         [name](const boost::system::error_code ec,
368                const std::string& nameOwner) {
369             if (ec)
370             {
371                 lg2::error("Error getting dbus owner for {INTERFACE}",
372                            "INTERFACE", name);
373                 return;
374             }
375             // start after ipmiDbusChannelPrefix (after the '.')
376             std::string chName =
377                 name.substr(std::strlen(ipmiDbusChannelMatch) + 1);
378             try
379             {
380                 uint8_t channel = getChannelByName(chName);
381                 uniqueNameToChannelNumber[nameOwner] = channel;
382                 lg2::info(
383                     "New interface mapping: {INTERFACE} -> channel {CHANNEL}",
384                     "INTERFACE", name, "CHANNEL", channel);
385             }
386             catch (const std::exception& e)
387             {
388                 lg2::info("Failed interface mapping, no such name: {INTERFACE}",
389                           "INTERFACE", name);
390             }
391         },
392         "org.freedesktop.DBus", "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "GetNameOwner",
393         name);
394 }
396 void doListNames(boost::asio::io_context& io, sdbusplus::asio::connection& conn)
397 {
398     conn.async_method_call(
399         [&io, &conn](const boost::system::error_code ec,
400                      std::vector<std::string> busNames) {
401             if (ec)
402             {
403                 lg2::error("Error getting dbus names: {ERROR}", "ERROR",
404                            ec.message());
405                 std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
406                 return;
407             }
408             // Try to make startup consistent
409             std::sort(busNames.begin(), busNames.end());
411             const std::string channelPrefix =
412                 std::string(ipmiDbusChannelMatch) + ".";
413             for (const std::string& busName : busNames)
414             {
415                 if (busName.find(channelPrefix) == 0)
416                 {
417                     updateOwners(conn, busName);
418                 }
419             }
420         },
421         "org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus",
422         "ListNames");
423 }
425 void nameChangeHandler(sdbusplus::message_t& message)
426 {
427     std::string name;
428     std::string oldOwner;
429     std::string newOwner;
431     message.read(name, oldOwner, newOwner);
433     if (!oldOwner.empty())
434     {
435         if (boost::starts_with(oldOwner, ":"))
436         {
437             // Connection removed
438             auto it = uniqueNameToChannelNumber.find(oldOwner);
439             if (it != uniqueNameToChannelNumber.end())
440             {
441                 uniqueNameToChannelNumber.erase(it);
442             }
443         }
444     }
445     if (!newOwner.empty())
446     {
447         // start after ipmiDbusChannelMatch (and after the '.')
448         std::string chName = name.substr(std::strlen(ipmiDbusChannelMatch) + 1);
449         try
450         {
451             uint8_t channel = getChannelByName(chName);
452             uniqueNameToChannelNumber[newOwner] = channel;
453             lg2::info("New interface mapping: {INTERFACE} -> channel {CHANNEL}",
454                       "INTERFACE", name, "CHANNEL", channel);
455         }
456         catch (const std::exception& e)
457         {
458             lg2::info("Failed interface mapping, no such name: {INTERFACE}",
459                       "INTERFACE", name);
460         }
461     }
462 };
464 } // anonymous namespace
466 static constexpr const char intraBmcName[] = "INTRABMC";
467 uint8_t channelFromMessage(sdbusplus::message_t& msg)
468 {
469     // channel name for ipmitool to resolve to
470     std::string sender = msg.get_sender();
471     auto chIter = uniqueNameToChannelNumber.find(sender);
472     if (chIter != uniqueNameToChannelNumber.end())
473     {
474         return chIter->second;
475     }
476     // FIXME: currently internal connections are ephemeral and hard to pin down
477     try
478     {
479         return getChannelByName(intraBmcName);
480     }
481     catch (const std::exception& e)
482     {
483         return invalidChannel;
484     }
485 } // namespace ipmi
487 /* called from sdbus async server context */
488 auto executionEntry(boost::asio::yield_context yield, sdbusplus::message_t& m,
489                     NetFn netFn, uint8_t lun, Cmd cmd, ipmi::SecureBuffer& data,
490                     std::map<std::string, ipmi::Value>& options)
491 {
492     const auto dbusResponse =
493         [netFn, lun, cmd](Cc cc, const ipmi::SecureBuffer& data = {}) {
494             constexpr uint8_t netFnResponse = 0x01;
495             uint8_t retNetFn = netFn | netFnResponse;
496             return std::make_tuple(retNetFn, lun, cmd, cc, data);
497         };
498     std::string sender = m.get_sender();
499     Privilege privilege = Privilege::None;
500     int rqSA = 0;
501     int hostIdx = 0;
502     uint8_t userId = 0; // undefined user
503     uint32_t sessionId = 0;
505     // figure out what channel the request came in on
506     uint8_t channel = channelFromMessage(m);
507     if (channel == invalidChannel)
508     {
509         // unknown sender channel; refuse to service the request
510         lg2::error("ERROR determining source IPMI channel from "
511                    "{SENDER} NetFn/Cmd {NETFN}/{CMD}",
512                    "SENDER", sender, "NETFN", lg2::hex, netFn, "CMD", lg2::hex,
513                    cmd);
514         return dbusResponse(ipmi::ccDestinationUnavailable);
515     }
517     // session-based channels are required to provide userId, privilege and
518     // sessionId
519     if (getChannelSessionSupport(channel) != EChannelSessSupported::none)
520     {
521         try
522         {
523             Value requestPriv = options.at("privilege");
524             Value requestUserId = options.at("userId");
525             Value requestSessionId = options.at("currentSessionId");
526             privilege = static_cast<Privilege>(std::get<int>(requestPriv));
527             userId = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::get<int>(requestUserId));
528             sessionId =
529                 static_cast<uint32_t>(std::get<uint32_t>(requestSessionId));
530         }
531         catch (const std::exception& e)
532         {
533             lg2::error("ERROR determining IPMI session credentials on "
534                        "channel {CHANNEL} for userid {USERID}",
535                        "CHANNEL", channel, "USERID", userId, "NETFN", lg2::hex,
536                        netFn, "CMD", lg2::hex, cmd);
537             return dbusResponse(ipmi::ccUnspecifiedError);
538         }
539     }
540     else
541     {
542         // get max privilege for session-less channels
543         // For now, there is not a way to configure this, default to Admin
544         privilege = Privilege::Admin;
546         // ipmb should supply rqSA
547         ChannelInfo chInfo;
548         getChannelInfo(channel, chInfo);
549         if (static_cast<EChannelMediumType>(chInfo.mediumType) ==
550             EChannelMediumType::ipmb)
551         {
552             const auto iter = options.find("rqSA");
553             if (iter != options.end())
554             {
555                 if (std::holds_alternative<int>(iter->second))
556                 {
557                     rqSA = std::get<int>(iter->second);
558                 }
559             }
560             const auto iteration = options.find("hostId");
561             if (iteration != options.end())
562             {
563                 if (std::holds_alternative<int>(iteration->second))
564                 {
565                     hostIdx = std::get<int>(iteration->second);
566                 }
567             }
568         }
569     }
570     // check to see if the requested priv/username is valid
571     lg2::debug("Set up ipmi context: Ch:NetFn/Cmd={CHANNEL}:{NETFN}/{CMD}",
572                "SENDER", sender, "NETFN", lg2::hex, netFn, "LUN", lg2::hex, lun,
573                "CMD", lg2::hex, cmd, "CHANNEL", channel, "USERID", userId,
574                "SESSIONID", lg2::hex, sessionId, "PRIVILEGE",
575                static_cast<uint8_t>(privilege), "RQSA", lg2::hex, rqSA);
577     auto ctx = std::make_shared<ipmi::Context>(
578         getSdBus(), netFn, lun, cmd, channel, userId, sessionId, privilege,
579         rqSA, hostIdx, yield);
580     auto request = std::make_shared<ipmi::message::Request>(
581         ctx, std::forward<ipmi::SecureBuffer>(data));
582     message::Response::ptr response = executeIpmiCommand(request);
584     return dbusResponse(response->cc, response->payload.raw);
585 }
587 /** @struct IpmiProvider
588  *
589  *  RAII wrapper for dlopen so that dlclose gets called on exit
590  */
591 struct IpmiProvider
592 {
593   public:
594     /** @brief address of the opened library */
595     void* addr;
596     std::string name;
598     IpmiProvider() = delete;
599     IpmiProvider(const IpmiProvider&) = delete;
600     IpmiProvider& operator=(const IpmiProvider&) = delete;
601     IpmiProvider(IpmiProvider&&) = delete;
602     IpmiProvider& operator=(IpmiProvider&&) = delete;
604     /** @brief dlopen a shared object file by path
605      *  @param[in]  filename - path of shared object to open
606      */
607     explicit IpmiProvider(const char* fname) : addr(nullptr), name(fname)
608     {
609         lg2::debug("Open IPMI provider library: {PROVIDER}", "PROVIDER", name);
610         try
611         {
612             addr = dlopen(name.c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
613         }
614         catch (const std::exception& e)
615         {
616             lg2::error("ERROR opening IPMI provider {PROVIDER}: {ERROR}",
617                        "PROVIDER", name, "ERROR", e);
618         }
619         catch (...)
620         {
621             const char* what = currentExceptionType();
622             lg2::error("ERROR opening IPMI provider {PROVIDER}: {ERROR}",
623                        "PROVIDER", name, "ERROR", what);
624         }
625         if (!isOpen())
626         {
627             lg2::error("ERROR opening IPMI provider {PROVIDER}: {ERROR}",
628                        "PROVIDER", name, "ERROR", dlerror());
629         }
630     }
632     ~IpmiProvider()
633     {
634         if (isOpen())
635         {
636             dlclose(addr);
637         }
638     }
639     bool isOpen() const
640     {
641         return (nullptr != addr);
642     }
643 };
645 // Plugin libraries need to contain .so either at the end or in the middle
646 constexpr const char ipmiPluginExtn[] = ".so";
648 /* return a list of self-closing library handles */
649 std::forward_list<IpmiProvider> loadProviders(const fs::path& ipmiLibsPath)
650 {
651     std::vector<fs::path> libs;
652     for (const auto& libPath : fs::directory_iterator(ipmiLibsPath))
653     {
654         std::error_code ec;
655         fs::path fname = libPath.path();
656         if (fs::is_symlink(fname, ec) || ec)
657         {
658             // it's a symlink or some other error; skip it
659             continue;
660         }
661         while (fname.has_extension())
662         {
663             fs::path extn = fname.extension();
664             if (extn == ipmiPluginExtn)
665             {
666                 libs.push_back(libPath.path());
667                 break;
668             }
669             fname.replace_extension();
670         }
671     }
672     std::sort(libs.begin(), libs.end());
674     std::forward_list<IpmiProvider> handles;
675     for (auto& lib : libs)
676     {
677 #ifdef __IPMI_DEBUG__
678         lg2::debug("Registering handler {HANDLER}", "HANDLER", lib);
679 #endif
680         handles.emplace_front(lib.c_str());
681     }
682     return handles;
683 }
685 } // namespace ipmi
688 /* legacy registration */
689 void ipmi_register_callback(ipmi_netfn_t netFn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
690                             ipmi_context_t context, ipmid_callback_t handler,
691                             ipmi_cmd_privilege_t priv)
692 {
693     auto h = ipmi::makeLegacyHandler(handler, context);
694     // translate priv from deprecated enum to current
695     ipmi::Privilege realPriv;
696     switch (priv)
697     {
698         case PRIVILEGE_CALLBACK:
699             realPriv = ipmi::Privilege::Callback;
700             break;
701         case PRIVILEGE_USER:
702             realPriv = ipmi::Privilege::User;
703             break;
704         case PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR:
705             realPriv = ipmi::Privilege::Operator;
706             break;
707         case PRIVILEGE_ADMIN:
708             realPriv = ipmi::Privilege::Admin;
709             break;
710         case PRIVILEGE_OEM:
711             realPriv = ipmi::Privilege::Oem;
712             break;
713         case SYSTEM_INTERFACE:
714             realPriv = ipmi::Privilege::Admin;
715             break;
716         default:
717             realPriv = ipmi::Privilege::Admin;
718             break;
719     }
720     // The original ipmi_register_callback allowed for group OEM handlers
721     // to be registered via this same interface. It just so happened that
722     // all the handlers were part of the DCMI group, so default to that.
723     if (netFn == NETFUN_GRPEXT)
724     {
725         ipmi::impl::registerGroupHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::groupDCMI,
726                                          cmd, realPriv, h);
727     }
728     else
729     {
730         ipmi::impl::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, netFn, cmd, realPriv,
731                                     h);
732     }
733 }
735 namespace oem
736 {
738 class LegacyRouter : public oem::Router
739 {
740   public:
741     virtual ~LegacyRouter() {}
743     /// Enable message routing to begin.
744     void activate() override {}
746     void registerHandler(Number oen, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, Handler handler) override
747     {
748         auto h = ipmi::makeLegacyHandler(std::forward<Handler>(handler));
749         ipmi::impl::registerOemHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, oen, cmd,
750                                        ipmi::Privilege::Admin, h);
751     }
752 };
753 static LegacyRouter legacyRouter;
755 Router* mutableRouter()
756 {
757     return &legacyRouter;
758 }
760 } // namespace oem
762 /* legacy alternative to executionEntry */
763 void handleLegacyIpmiCommand(sdbusplus::message_t& m)
764 {
765     // make a copy so the next two moves don't wreak havoc on the stack
766     sdbusplus::message_t b{m};
767     boost::asio::spawn(
768         *getIoContext(),
769         [b = std::move(b)](boost::asio::yield_context yield) {
770             sdbusplus::message_t m{std::move(b)};
771             unsigned char seq = 0, netFn = 0, lun = 0, cmd = 0;
772             ipmi::SecureBuffer data;
774             m.read(seq, netFn, lun, cmd, data);
775             std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection> bus = getSdBus();
776             auto ctx = std::make_shared<ipmi::Context>(
777                 bus, netFn, lun, cmd, 0, 0, 0, ipmi::Privilege::Admin, 0, 0,
778                 yield);
779             auto request = std::make_shared<ipmi::message::Request>(
780                 ctx, std::forward<ipmi::SecureBuffer>(data));
781             ipmi::message::Response::ptr response =
782                 ipmi::executeIpmiCommand(request);
784             // Responses in IPMI require a bit set.  So there ya go...
785             netFn |= 0x01;
787             const char *dest, *path;
788             constexpr const char* DBUS_INTF = "org.openbmc.HostIpmi";
790             dest = m.get_sender();
791             path = m.get_path();
792             boost::system::error_code ec;
793             bus->yield_method_call(yield, ec, dest, path, DBUS_INTF,
794                                    "sendMessage", seq, netFn, lun, cmd,
795                                    response->cc, response->payload.raw);
796             if (ec)
797             {
798                 lg2::error(
799                     "Failed to send response to requestor ({NETFN}/{CMD}): {ERROR}",
800                     "ERROR", ec.message(), "SENDER", dest, "NETFN", lg2::hex,
801                     netFn, "CMD", lg2::hex, cmd);
802             }
803         },
804         {});
805 }
807 #endif /* ALLOW_DEPRECATED_API */
809 // Calls host command manager to do the right thing for the command
810 using CommandHandler = phosphor::host::command::CommandHandler;
811 std::unique_ptr<phosphor::host::command::Manager> cmdManager;
812 void ipmid_send_cmd_to_host(CommandHandler&& cmd)
813 {
814     cmdManager->execute(std::forward<CommandHandler>(cmd));
815 }
817 std::unique_ptr<phosphor::host::command::Manager>& ipmid_get_host_cmd_manager()
818 {
819     return cmdManager;
820 }
822 // These are symbols that are present in libipmid, but not expected
823 // to be used except here (or maybe a unit test), so declare them here
824 extern void setIoContext(std::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_context>& newIo);
825 extern void setSdBus(std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection>& newBus);
827 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
828 {
829     // Connect to system bus
830     auto io = std::make_shared<boost::asio::io_context>();
831     setIoContext(io);
832     if (argc > 1 && std::string(argv[1]) == "-session")
833     {
834         sd_bus_default_user(&bus);
835     }
836     else
837     {
838         sd_bus_default_system(&bus);
839     }
840     auto sdbusp = std::make_shared<sdbusplus::asio::connection>(*io, bus);
841     setSdBus(sdbusp);
843     // TODO: Hack to keep the sdEvents running.... Not sure why the sd_event
844     //       queue stops running if we don't have a timer that keeps re-arming
845     sdbusplus::Timer t2([]() { ; });
846     t2.start(std::chrono::microseconds(500000), true);
848     // TODO: Remove all vestiges of sd_event from phosphor-host-ipmid
849     //       until that is done, add the sd_event wrapper to the io object
850     sdbusplus::asio::sd_event_wrapper sdEvents(*io);
852     cmdManager = std::make_unique<phosphor::host::command::Manager>(*sdbusp);
854     // Register all command providers and filters
855     std::forward_list<ipmi::IpmiProvider> providers =
856         ipmi::loadProviders(HOST_IPMI_LIB_PATH);
859     // listen on deprecated signal interface for kcs/bt commands
860     constexpr const char* FILTER = "type='signal',interface='org.openbmc."
861                                    "HostIpmi',member='ReceivedMessage'";
862     sdbusplus::bus::match_t oldIpmiInterface(*sdbusp, FILTER,
863                                              handleLegacyIpmiCommand);
864 #endif /* ALLOW_DEPRECATED_API */
866     // set up bus name watching to match channels with bus names
867     sdbusplus::bus::match_t nameOwnerChanged(
868         *sdbusp,
869         sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::nameOwnerChanged() +
870             sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::arg0namespace(
871                 ipmi::ipmiDbusChannelMatch),
872         ipmi::nameChangeHandler);
873     ipmi::doListNames(*io, *sdbusp);
875     int exitCode = 0;
876     // set up boost::asio signal handling
877     std::function<SignalResponse(int)> stopAsioRunLoop = [&io, &exitCode](
878                                                              int signalNumber) {
879         lg2::info("Received signal {SIGNAL}; quitting", "SIGNAL", signalNumber);
880         io->stop();
881         exitCode = signalNumber;
882         return SignalResponse::breakExecution;
883     };
884     registerSignalHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, SIGINT, stopAsioRunLoop);
885     registerSignalHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, SIGTERM, stopAsioRunLoop);
887     sdbusp->request_name("xyz.openbmc_project.Ipmi.Host");
888     // Add bindings for inbound IPMI requests
889     auto server = sdbusplus::asio::object_server(sdbusp);
890     auto iface = server.add_interface("/xyz/openbmc_project/Ipmi",
891                                       "xyz.openbmc_project.Ipmi.Server");
892     iface->register_method("execute", ipmi::executionEntry);
893     iface->initialize();
895     io->run();
897     // destroy all the IPMI handlers so the providers can unload safely
898     ipmi::handlerMap.clear();
899     ipmi::groupHandlerMap.clear();
900     ipmi::oemHandlerMap.clear();
901     ipmi::filterList.clear();
902     // unload the provider libraries
903     providers.clear();
905     std::exit(exitCode);
906 }