1 /*
2 // Copyright (c) 2017 2018 Intel Corporation
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #pragma once
18 #include <dbus-sdr/sdrutils.hpp>
20 #include <cstdint>
22 #pragma pack(push, 1)
24 struct SensorThresholdResp
25 {
26     uint8_t readable;
27     uint8_t lowernc;
28     uint8_t lowercritical;
29     uint8_t lowernonrecoverable;
30     uint8_t uppernc;
31     uint8_t uppercritical;
32     uint8_t uppernonrecoverable;
33 };
35 #pragma pack(pop)
37 enum class IPMIThresholdRespBits
38 {
39     lowerNonCritical,
40     lowerCritical,
41     lowerNonRecoverable,
42     upperNonCritical,
43     upperCritical,
44     upperNonRecoverable
45 };
47 enum class IPMISensorReadingByte2 : uint8_t
48 {
49     eventMessagesEnable = (1 << 7),
50     sensorScanningEnable = (1 << 6),
51     readingStateUnavailable = (1 << 5),
52 };
54 enum class IPMISensorReadingByte3 : uint8_t
55 {
56     upperNonRecoverable = (1 << 5),
57     upperCritical = (1 << 4),
58     upperNonCritical = (1 << 3),
59     lowerNonRecoverable = (1 << 2),
60     lowerCritical = (1 << 1),
61     lowerNonCritical = (1 << 0),
62 };
64 enum class IPMISensorEventEnableByte2 : uint8_t
65 {
66     eventMessagesEnable = (1 << 7),
67     sensorScanningEnable = (1 << 6),
68 };
70 enum class IPMISensorEventEnableThresholds : uint8_t
71 {
72     nonRecoverableThreshold = (1 << 6),
73     criticalThreshold = (1 << 5),
74     nonCriticalThreshold = (1 << 4),
75     upperNonRecoverableGoingHigh = (1 << 3),
76     upperNonRecoverableGoingLow = (1 << 2),
77     upperCriticalGoingHigh = (1 << 1),
78     upperCriticalGoingLow = (1 << 0),
79     upperNonCriticalGoingHigh = (1 << 7),
80     upperNonCriticalGoingLow = (1 << 6),
81     lowerNonRecoverableGoingHigh = (1 << 5),
82     lowerNonRecoverableGoingLow = (1 << 4),
83     lowerCriticalGoingHigh = (1 << 3),
84     lowerCriticalGoingLow = (1 << 2),
85     lowerNonCriticalGoingHigh = (1 << 1),
86     lowerNonCriticalGoingLow = (1 << 0),
87 };
89 enum class IPMIGetSensorEventEnableThresholds : uint8_t
90 {
91     lowerNonCriticalGoingLow = 0,
92     lowerNonCriticalGoingHigh = 1,
93     lowerCriticalGoingLow = 2,
94     lowerCriticalGoingHigh = 3,
95     lowerNonRecoverableGoingLow = 4,
96     lowerNonRecoverableGoingHigh = 5,
97     upperNonCriticalGoingLow = 6,
98     upperNonCriticalGoingHigh = 7,
99     upperCriticalGoingLow = 8,
100     upperCriticalGoingHigh = 9,
101     upperNonRecoverableGoingLow = 10,
102     upperNonRecoverableGoingHigh = 11,
103 };
105 enum class IPMINetfnSensorCmds : ipmi_cmd_t
106 {
107     ipmiCmdGetDeviceSDRInfo = 0x20,
108     ipmiCmdGetDeviceSDR = 0x21,
109     ipmiCmdReserveDeviceSDRRepo = 0x22,
110     ipmiCmdSetSensorThreshold = 0x26,
111     ipmiCmdGetSensorThreshold = 0x27,
112     ipmiCmdGetSensorEventEnable = 0x29,
113     ipmiCmdGetSensorEventStatus = 0x2B,
114     ipmiCmdGetSensorReading = 0x2D,
115     ipmiCmdGetSensorType = 0x2F,
116     ipmiCmdSetSensorReadingAndEventStatus = 0x30,
117 };
119 namespace ipmi
120 {
122 uint16_t getNumberOfSensors();
124 SensorSubTree& getSensorTree();
126 ipmi_ret_t getSensorConnection(ipmi::Context::ptr ctx, uint8_t sensnum,
127                                std::string& connection, std::string& path,
128                                std::vector<std::string>* interfaces = nullptr);
130 struct IPMIThresholds
131 {
132     std::optional<uint8_t> warningLow;
133     std::optional<uint8_t> warningHigh;
134     std::optional<uint8_t> criticalLow;
135     std::optional<uint8_t> criticalHigh;
136 };
138 namespace sensor
139 {
140 /**
141  * @brief Retrieve the number of sensors that are not included in the list of
142  * sensors published via D-Bus
143  *
144  * @param[in]: ctx: the pointer to the D-Bus context
145  * @return: The number of additional sensors separate from those published
146  * dynamically on D-Bus
147  */
148 size_t getOtherSensorsCount(ipmi::Context::ptr ctx);
150 /**
151  * @brief Retrieve the record data for the sensors not published via D-Bus
152  *
153  * @param[in]: ctx: the pointer to the D-Bus context
154  * @param[in]: recordID: the integer index for the sensor to retrieve
155  * @param[out]: SDR data for the indexed sensor
156  * @return: 0: success
157  *          negative number: error condition
158  */
159 int getOtherSensorsDataRecord(ipmi::Context::ptr ctx, uint16_t recordID,
160                               std::vector<uint8_t>& recordData);
161 } // namespace sensor
163 namespace dcmi
164 {
166 struct sensorInfo
167 {
168     std::string objectPath;
169     uint8_t type;
170     uint16_t recordId;
171     uint8_t entityId;
172     uint8_t entityInstance;
173 };
175 } // namespace dcmi
177 } // namespace ipmi