1 #include "watchdog_service.hpp"
3 #include <exception>
4 #include <ipmid/api.hpp>
5 #include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
6 #include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
7 #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
8 #include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
9 #include <sdbusplus/message.hpp>
10 #include <stdexcept>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>
13 #include <xyz/openbmc_project/State/Watchdog/server.hpp>
15 using phosphor::logging::elog;
16 using phosphor::logging::entry;
17 using phosphor::logging::level;
18 using phosphor::logging::log;
19 using sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InternalFailure;
20 using sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::State::server::convertForMessage;
21 using sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::State::server::Watchdog;
23 static constexpr char wd_path[] = "/xyz/openbmc_project/watchdog/host0";
24 static constexpr char wd_intf[] = "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Watchdog";
25 static constexpr char prop_intf[] = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties";
27 ipmi::ServiceCache WatchdogService::wd_service(wd_intf, wd_path);
29 WatchdogService::WatchdogService() : bus(ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection())
30 {
31 }
33 void WatchdogService::resetTimeRemaining(bool enableWatchdog)
34 {
35     bool wasValid = wd_service.isValid(bus);
36     auto request = wd_service.newMethodCall(bus, wd_intf, "ResetTimeRemaining");
37     request.append(enableWatchdog);
38     auto response = bus.call(request);
39     if (response.is_method_error())
40     {
41         wd_service.invalidate();
42         if (wasValid)
43         {
44             // Retry the request once in case the cached service was stale
45             return resetTimeRemaining(enableWatchdog);
46         }
47         log<level::ERR>(
48             "WatchdogService: Method error resetting time remaining",
49             entry("ENABLE_WATCHDOG=%d", !!enableWatchdog));
50         elog<InternalFailure>();
51     }
52 }
54 WatchdogService::Properties WatchdogService::getProperties()
55 {
56     bool wasValid = wd_service.isValid(bus);
57     auto request = wd_service.newMethodCall(bus, prop_intf, "GetAll");
58     request.append(wd_intf);
59     auto response = bus.call(request);
60     if (response.is_method_error())
61     {
62         wd_service.invalidate();
63         if (wasValid)
64         {
65             // Retry the request once in case the cached service was stale
66             return getProperties();
67         }
68         log<level::ERR>("WatchdogService: Method error getting properties");
69         elog<InternalFailure>();
70     }
71     try
72     {
73         std::map<std::string, std::variant<bool, uint64_t, std::string>>
74             properties;
75         response.read(properties);
76         Properties wd_prop;
77         wd_prop.initialized = std::get<bool>(properties.at("Initialized"));
78         wd_prop.enabled = std::get<bool>(properties.at("Enabled"));
79         wd_prop.expireAction = Watchdog::convertActionFromString(
80             std::get<std::string>(properties.at("ExpireAction")));
81         wd_prop.timerUse = Watchdog::convertTimerUseFromString(
82             std::get<std::string>(properties.at("CurrentTimerUse")));
84         wd_prop.interval = std::get<uint64_t>(properties.at("Interval"));
85         wd_prop.timeRemaining =
86             std::get<uint64_t>(properties.at("TimeRemaining"));
87         return wd_prop;
88     }
89     catch (const std::exception& e)
90     {
91         log<level::ERR>("WatchdogService: Decode error in get properties",
92                         entry("ERROR=%s", e.what()),
93                         entry("REPLY_SIG=%s", response.get_signature()));
94         elog<InternalFailure>();
95     }
97     // Needed instead of elog<InternalFailure>() since the compiler can't
98     // deduce the that elog<>() always throws
99     throw std::runtime_error(
100         "WatchdogService: Should not reach end of getProperties");
101 }
103 template <typename T>
104 T WatchdogService::getProperty(const std::string& key)
105 {
106     bool wasValid = wd_service.isValid(bus);
107     auto request = wd_service.newMethodCall(bus, prop_intf, "Get");
108     request.append(wd_intf, key);
109     auto response = bus.call(request);
110     if (response.is_method_error())
111     {
112         wd_service.invalidate();
113         if (wasValid)
114         {
115             // Retry the request once in case the cached service was stale
116             return getProperty<T>(key);
117         }
118         log<level::ERR>("WatchdogService: Method error getting property",
119                         entry("PROPERTY=%s", key.c_str()));
120         elog<InternalFailure>();
121     }
122     try
123     {
124         std::variant<T> value;
125         response.read(value);
126         return std::get<T>(value);
127     }
128     catch (const std::exception& e)
129     {
130         log<level::ERR>("WatchdogService: Decode error in get property",
131                         entry("PROPERTY=%s", key.c_str()),
132                         entry("ERROR=%s", e.what()),
133                         entry("REPLY_SIG=%s", response.get_signature()));
134         elog<InternalFailure>();
135     }
137     // Needed instead of elog<InternalFailure>() since the compiler can't
138     // deduce the that elog<>() always throws
139     throw std::runtime_error(
140         "WatchdogService: Should not reach end of getProperty");
141 }
143 template <typename T>
144 void WatchdogService::setProperty(const std::string& key, const T& val)
145 {
146     bool wasValid = wd_service.isValid(bus);
147     auto request = wd_service.newMethodCall(bus, prop_intf, "Set");
148     request.append(wd_intf, key, std::variant<T>(val));
149     auto response = bus.call(request);
150     if (response.is_method_error())
151     {
152         wd_service.invalidate();
153         if (wasValid)
154         {
155             // Retry the request once in case the cached service was stale
156             return setProperty(key, val);
157         }
158         log<level::ERR>("WatchdogService: Method error setting property",
159                         entry("PROPERTY=%s", key.c_str()));
160         elog<InternalFailure>();
161     }
162 }
164 bool WatchdogService::getInitialized()
165 {
166     return getProperty<bool>("Initialized");
167 }
169 void WatchdogService::setInitialized(bool initialized)
170 {
171     setProperty("Initialized", initialized);
172 }
174 void WatchdogService::setEnabled(bool enabled)
175 {
176     setProperty("Enabled", enabled);
177 }
179 void WatchdogService::setExpireAction(Action expireAction)
180 {
181     setProperty("ExpireAction", convertForMessage(expireAction));
182 }
184 void WatchdogService::setTimerUse(TimerUse timerUse)
185 {
186     setProperty("CurrentTimerUse", convertForMessage(timerUse));
187 }
189 void WatchdogService::setExpiredTimerUse(TimerUse timerUse)
190 {
191     setProperty("ExpiredTimerUse", convertForMessage(timerUse));
192 }
194 void WatchdogService::setInterval(uint64_t interval)
195 {
196     setProperty("Interval", interval);
197 }
199 void WatchdogService::setTimeRemaining(uint64_t timeRemaining)
200 {
201     setProperty("TimeRemaining", timeRemaining);
202 }