xref: /openbmc/phosphor-fan-presence/control/json/actions/action.hpp (revision 785f6d681e368ffcc1da04efb25580e8bf7412f6)
1 /**
2  * Copyright © 2022 IBM Corporation
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #pragma once
18 #include "../utils/flight_recorder.hpp"
19 #include "../zone.hpp"
20 #include "config_base.hpp"
21 #include "group.hpp"
23 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
24 #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <format>
28 #include <functional>
29 #include <iterator>
30 #include <map>
31 #include <memory>
32 #include <numeric>
34 namespace phosphor::fan::control::json
35 {
37 using json = nlohmann::json;
38 using namespace phosphor::logging;
40 /**
41  * @class ActionParseError - A parsing error exception
42  *
43  * A parsing error exception that can be used to terminate the application
44  * due to not being able to successfully parse a configured action.
45  */
46 class ActionParseError : public std::runtime_error
47 {
48   public:
49     ActionParseError() = delete;
50     ActionParseError(const ActionParseError&) = delete;
51     ActionParseError(ActionParseError&&) = delete;
52     ActionParseError& operator=(const ActionParseError&) = delete;
53     ActionParseError& operator=(ActionParseError&&) = delete;
54     ~ActionParseError() = default;
56     /**
57      * @brief Action parsing error object
58      *
59      * When parsing an action from the JSON configuration, any critical
60      * attributes that fail to be parsed for an action can throw an
61      * ActionParseError exception to log the parsing failure details and
62      * terminate the application.
63      *
64      * @param[in] name - Name of the action
65      * @param[in] details - Additional details of the parsing error
66      */
67     ActionParseError(const std::string& name, const std::string& details) :
68         std::runtime_error(
69             std::format("Failed to parse action {} [{}]", name, details)
70                 .c_str())
71     {}
72 };
74 /**
75  * @brief Function used in creating action objects
76  *
77  * @param[in] jsonObj - JSON object for the action
78  * @param[in] groups - Groups of dbus objects the action uses
79  * @param[in] zones - Zones the action runs against
80  *
81  * Creates an action object given the JSON configuration, list of groups and
82  * sets the zones the action should run against.
83  */
84 template <typename T>
85 std::unique_ptr<T>
86     createAction(const json& jsonObj, const std::vector<Group>& groups,
87                  std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Zone>>& zones)
88 {
89     // Create the action and set its list of zones
90     auto action = std::make_unique<T>(jsonObj, groups);
91     action->setZones(zones);
92     return action;
93 }
95 /**
96  * @class ActionBase - Base action object
97  *
98  * Base class for fan control's event actions
99  */
100 class ActionBase : public ConfigBase
101 {
102   public:
103     ActionBase() = delete;
104     ActionBase(const ActionBase&) = delete;
105     ActionBase(ActionBase&&) = delete;
106     ActionBase& operator=(const ActionBase&) = delete;
107     ActionBase& operator=(ActionBase&&) = delete;
108     virtual ~ActionBase() = default;
110     /**
111      * @brief Base action object
112      *
113      * @param[in] jsonObj - JSON object containing name and any profiles
114      * @param[in] groups - Groups of dbus objects the action uses
115      *
116      * All actions derived from this base action object must be given a name
117      * that uniquely identifies the action. Optionally, a configured action can
118      * have a list of explicit profiles it should be included in, otherwise
119      * always include the action where no profiles are given.
120      */
121     ActionBase(const json& jsonObj, const std::vector<Group>& groups) :
122         ConfigBase(jsonObj), _groups(groups),
123         _uniqueName(getName() + "-" + std::to_string(_actionCount++))
124     {}
126     /**
127      * @brief Get the groups configured on the action
128      *
129      * @return List of groups
130      */
131     inline const auto& getGroups() const
132     {
133         return _groups;
134     }
136     /**
137      * @brief Set the zones the action is run against
138      *
139      * @param[in] zones - Zones the action runs against
140      *
141      * By default, the zones are set when the action object is created
142      */
143     virtual void setZones(std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Zone>>& zones)
144     {
145         _zones = zones;
146     }
148     /**
149      * @brief Add a zone to the list of zones the action is run against if its
150      * not already there
151      *
152      * @param[in] zone - Zone to add
153      */
154     virtual void addZone(Zone& zone)
155     {
156         auto itZone = std::find_if(_zones.begin(), _zones.end(),
157                                    [&zone](std::reference_wrapper<Zone>& z) {
158             return z.get().getName() == zone.getName();
159         });
160         if (itZone == _zones.end())
161         {
162             _zones.emplace_back(std::reference_wrapper<Zone>(zone));
163         }
164     }
166     /**
167      * @brief Run the action
168      *
169      * Run the action function associated to the derived action object
170      * that performs a specific tasks on a zone configured by a user.
171      *
172      * @param[in] zone - Zone to run the action on
173      */
174     virtual void run(Zone& zone) = 0;
176     /**
177      * @brief Trigger the action to run against all of its zones
178      *
179      * This is the function used by triggers to run the actions against all the
180      * zones that were configured for the action to run against.
181      */
182     void run()
183     {
184         std::for_each(_zones.begin(), _zones.end(),
185                       [this](Zone& zone) { this->run(zone); });
186     }
188     /**
189      * @brief Returns a unique name for the action.
190      *
191      * @return std::string - The name
192      */
193     const std::string& getUniqueName() const
194     {
195         return _uniqueName;
196     }
198     /**
199      * @brief Set the name of the owning Event.
200      *
201      * Adds it to the unique name in parentheses. If desired,
202      * the action child classes can do something else with it.
203      *
204      * @param[in] name - The event name
205      */
206     virtual void setEventName(const std::string& name)
207     {
208         if (!name.empty())
209         {
210             _uniqueName += '(' + name + ')';
211         }
212     }
214     /**
215      * @brief Dump the action as JSON
216      *
217      * For now just dump its group names
218      *
219      * @return json
220      */
221     json dump() const
222     {
223         json groups = json::array();
224         std::for_each(_groups.begin(), _groups.end(),
225                       [&groups](const auto& group) {
226             groups.push_back(group.getName());
227         });
228         json output;
229         output["groups"] = groups;
230         return output;
231     }
233   protected:
234     /**
235      * @brief Logs a message to the flight recorder using
236      *        the unique name of the action.
237      *
238      * @param[in] message - The message to log
239      */
240     void record(const std::string& message) const
241     {
242         FlightRecorder::instance().log(getUniqueName(), message);
243     }
245     /* Groups configured on the action */
246     const std::vector<Group> _groups;
248   private:
249     /* Zones configured on the action */
250     std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Zone>> _zones;
252     /* Unique name of the action.
253      * It's just the name plus _actionCount at the time of action creation. */
254     std::string _uniqueName;
256     /* Running count of all actions */
257     static inline size_t _actionCount = 0;
258 };
260 /**
261  * @class ActionFactory - Factory for actions
262  *
263  * Factory that registers and retrieves actions based on a given name.
264  */
265 class ActionFactory
266 {
267   public:
268     ActionFactory() = delete;
269     ActionFactory(const ActionFactory&) = delete;
270     ActionFactory(ActionFactory&&) = delete;
271     ActionFactory& operator=(const ActionFactory&) = delete;
272     ActionFactory& operator=(ActionFactory&&) = delete;
273     ~ActionFactory() = default;
275     /**
276      * @brief Registers an action
277      *
278      * Registers an action as being available for configuration use. The action
279      * is registered by its name and a function used to create the action
280      * object. An action fails to be registered when another action of the same
281      * name has already been registered. Actions with the same name would cause
282      * undefined behavior, therefore are not allowed.
283      *
284      * Actions are registered prior to starting main().
285      *
286      * @param[in] name - Name of the action to register
287      *
288      * @return The action was registered, otherwise an exception is thrown.
289      */
290     template <typename T>
291     static bool regAction(const std::string& name)
292     {
293         auto it = actions.find(name);
294         if (it == actions.end())
295         {
296             actions[name] = &createAction<T>;
297         }
298         else
299         {
300             log<level::ERR>(
301                 std::format("Action '{}' is already registered", name).c_str());
302             throw std::runtime_error("Actions with the same name found");
303         }
305         return true;
306     }
308     /**
309      * @brief Gets a registered action's object
310      *
311      * Gets a registered action's object of a given name from the JSON
312      * configuration data provided.
313      *
314      * @param[in] name - Name of the action to create/get
315      * @param[in] jsonObj - JSON object for the action
316      * @param[in] groups - Groups of dbus objects the action uses
317      * @param[in] zones - Zones the action runs against
318      *
319      * @return Pointer to the action object.
320      */
321     static std::unique_ptr<ActionBase>
322         getAction(const std::string& name, const json& jsonObj,
323                   const std::vector<Group>& groups,
324                   std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Zone>>&& zones)
325     {
326         auto it = actions.find(name);
327         if (it != actions.end())
328         {
329             return it->second(jsonObj, groups, zones);
330         }
331         else
332         {
333             // Construct list of available actions
334             auto acts = std::accumulate(std::next(actions.begin()),
335                                         actions.end(), actions.begin()->first,
336                                         [](auto list, auto act) {
337                 return std::move(list) + ", " + act.first;
338             });
339             log<level::ERR>(
340                 std::format("Action '{}' is not registered", name).c_str(),
341                 entry("AVAILABLE_ACTIONS=%s", acts.c_str()));
342             throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported action name given");
343         }
344     }
346   private:
347     /* Map to store the available actions and their creation functions */
348     static inline std::map<std::string,
349                            std::function<std::unique_ptr<ActionBase>(
350                                const json&, const std::vector<Group>&,
351                                std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Zone>>&)>>
352         actions;
353 };
355 /**
356  * @class ActionRegister - Registers an action class
357  *
358  * Base action registration class that is extended by an action object so
359  * that action is registered and available for use.
360  */
361 template <typename T>
362 class ActionRegister
363 {
364   public:
365     ActionRegister(const ActionRegister&) = delete;
366     ActionRegister(ActionRegister&&) = delete;
367     ActionRegister& operator=(const ActionRegister&) = delete;
368     ActionRegister& operator=(ActionRegister&&) = delete;
369     virtual ~ActionRegister() = default;
370     ActionRegister()
371     {
372         // Templates instantiated when used, need to assign a value
373         // here so the compiler doesnt remove it
374         registered = true;
375     }
377   private:
378     /* Register actions in the factory */
379     static inline bool registered = ActionFactory::regAction<T>(T::name);
380 };
382 } // namespace phosphor::fan::control::json