1870c3fc6SBrad Bishop ## This file is a template, the comment below is emitted into the generated file
2870c3fc6SBrad Bishop /* This is an auto generated file. Do not edit. */
3870c3fc6SBrad Bishop #pragma once
4870c3fc6SBrad Bishop 
505b0c1eeSBrad Bishop #include <array>
63539db64SBrad Bishop #include <chrono>
705b0c1eeSBrad Bishop #include <string>
84041d720SBrad Bishop #include "count.hpp"
9efdd03c2SMatthew Barth #include "median.hpp"
104b916f13SBrad Bishop #include "data_types.hpp"
11c1283ae8SBrad Bishop #include "journal.hpp"
12d5faea31SGunnar Mills #include "elog.hpp"
13d5faea31SGunnar Mills #include "errors.hpp"
140df00be0SBrad Bishop #include "method.hpp"
154b916f13SBrad Bishop #include "propertywatchimpl.hpp"
1680c70610SMarri Devender Rao #include "pathwatchimpl.hpp"
171d6ca484SMatt Spinler #include "resolve_errors.hpp"
184b916f13SBrad Bishop #include "sdbusplus.hpp"
1990bfaea4SRatan Gupta #include "event.hpp"
2080c70610SMarri Devender Rao #include "snmp_trap.hpp"
2105b0c1eeSBrad Bishop 
2205b0c1eeSBrad Bishop using namespace std::string_literals;
233539db64SBrad Bishop using namespace std::chrono_literals;
2405b0c1eeSBrad Bishop 
25870c3fc6SBrad Bishop namespace phosphor
26870c3fc6SBrad Bishop {
27870c3fc6SBrad Bishop namespace dbus
28870c3fc6SBrad Bishop {
29870c3fc6SBrad Bishop namespace monitoring
30870c3fc6SBrad Bishop {
31870c3fc6SBrad Bishop 
320e7df131SBrad Bishop struct ConfigMeta
330e7df131SBrad Bishop {
340e7df131SBrad Bishop     using Meta = std::array<std::string, ${len(meta)}>;
350e7df131SBrad Bishop 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigMeta360e7df131SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
370e7df131SBrad Bishop     {
380e7df131SBrad Bishop         static const Meta meta =
390e7df131SBrad Bishop         {
400e7df131SBrad Bishop % for m in meta:
410e7df131SBrad Bishop             "${m.name}"s,
420e7df131SBrad Bishop % endfor
430e7df131SBrad Bishop         };
440e7df131SBrad Bishop         return meta;
450e7df131SBrad Bishop     }
460e7df131SBrad Bishop };
470e7df131SBrad Bishop 
480e7df131SBrad Bishop struct ConfigPaths
490e7df131SBrad Bishop {
500e7df131SBrad Bishop     using Paths = std::array<std::string, ${len(paths)}>;
510e7df131SBrad Bishop 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigPaths520e7df131SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
530e7df131SBrad Bishop     {
540e7df131SBrad Bishop         static const Paths paths =
550e7df131SBrad Bishop         {
560e7df131SBrad Bishop % for p in paths:
570e7df131SBrad Bishop             "${p.name}"s,
580e7df131SBrad Bishop % endfor
590e7df131SBrad Bishop         };
600e7df131SBrad Bishop         return paths;
610e7df131SBrad Bishop     }
620e7df131SBrad Bishop };
63e73b2c35SBrad Bishop 
64e73b2c35SBrad Bishop struct ConfigInterfaces
65e73b2c35SBrad Bishop {
66e73b2c35SBrad Bishop     using Interfaces = std::array<std::string, ${len(interfaces)}>;
67e73b2c35SBrad Bishop 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigInterfaces68e73b2c35SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
69e73b2c35SBrad Bishop     {
70e73b2c35SBrad Bishop         static const Interfaces interfaces =
71e73b2c35SBrad Bishop         {
72e73b2c35SBrad Bishop % for i in interfaces:
73e73b2c35SBrad Bishop             "${i.name}"s,
74e73b2c35SBrad Bishop % endfor
75e73b2c35SBrad Bishop         };
76e73b2c35SBrad Bishop         return interfaces;
77e73b2c35SBrad Bishop     }
78e73b2c35SBrad Bishop };
79e73b2c35SBrad Bishop 
8080c70610SMarri Devender Rao struct ConfigIntfAddPaths
8180c70610SMarri Devender Rao {
8280c70610SMarri Devender Rao     using Paths = std::array<std::string, ${len(pathinstances)}>;
8380c70610SMarri Devender Rao 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigIntfAddPaths8480c70610SMarri Devender Rao     static auto& get()
8580c70610SMarri Devender Rao     {
8680c70610SMarri Devender Rao         static const Paths paths =
8780c70610SMarri Devender Rao         {
8880c70610SMarri Devender Rao % for p in pathinstances:
8980c70610SMarri Devender Rao             "${p.path}"s,
9080c70610SMarri Devender Rao % endfor
9180c70610SMarri Devender Rao         };
9280c70610SMarri Devender Rao         return paths;
9380c70610SMarri Devender Rao     }
9480c70610SMarri Devender Rao };
9580c70610SMarri Devender Rao 
96e73b2c35SBrad Bishop struct ConfigProperties
97e73b2c35SBrad Bishop {
98e73b2c35SBrad Bishop     using Properties = std::array<std::string, ${len(propertynames)}>;
99e73b2c35SBrad Bishop 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigProperties100e73b2c35SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
101e73b2c35SBrad Bishop     {
102e73b2c35SBrad Bishop         static const Properties properties =
103e73b2c35SBrad Bishop         {
104e73b2c35SBrad Bishop % for p in propertynames:
105e73b2c35SBrad Bishop             "${p.name}"s,
106e73b2c35SBrad Bishop % endfor
107e73b2c35SBrad Bishop         };
108e73b2c35SBrad Bishop         return properties;
109e73b2c35SBrad Bishop     }
110e73b2c35SBrad Bishop };
1114b916f13SBrad Bishop 
1124b916f13SBrad Bishop struct ConfigPropertyStorage
1134b916f13SBrad Bishop {
114*26dc0bcbSPatrick Williams     using Storage = std::array<std::tuple<std::any, std::any>, ${len(instances)}>;
1154b916f13SBrad Bishop 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigPropertyStorage1164b916f13SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
1174b916f13SBrad Bishop     {
1184b916f13SBrad Bishop         static Storage storage;
1194b916f13SBrad Bishop         return storage;
1204b916f13SBrad Bishop     }
1214b916f13SBrad Bishop };
1224b916f13SBrad Bishop 
123efe0158cSMatthew Barth struct ConfigPropertyFilters
124efe0158cSMatthew Barth {
125efe0158cSMatthew Barth     using PropertyFilters = std::array<std::unique_ptr<Filters>, ${len(filters)}>;
126efe0158cSMatthew Barth 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigPropertyFilters127efe0158cSMatthew Barth     static auto& get()
128efe0158cSMatthew Barth     {
129efe0158cSMatthew Barth         static const PropertyFilters propertyFilters =
130efe0158cSMatthew Barth         {
131efe0158cSMatthew Barth % for f in filters:
132efe0158cSMatthew Barth             std::make_unique<OperandFilters<${f.datatype}>>(
133efe0158cSMatthew Barth                 std::vector<std::function<bool(${f.datatype})>>{
134efe0158cSMatthew Barth     % for o in f.filters:
135efe0158cSMatthew Barth                     [](const auto& val){
136efe0158cSMatthew Barth                         return val ${o.op} ${o.argument(loader, indent=indent +1)};
137efe0158cSMatthew Barth                     },
138efe0158cSMatthew Barth     % endfor
139efe0158cSMatthew Barth                 }
140efe0158cSMatthew Barth             ),
141efe0158cSMatthew Barth % endfor
142efe0158cSMatthew Barth         };
143efe0158cSMatthew Barth         return propertyFilters;
144efe0158cSMatthew Barth     }
145efe0158cSMatthew Barth };
146efe0158cSMatthew Barth 
1474b916f13SBrad Bishop struct ConfigPropertyIndicies
1484b916f13SBrad Bishop {
1494b916f13SBrad Bishop     using PropertyIndicies = std::array<PropertyIndex, ${len(instancegroups)}>;
1504b916f13SBrad Bishop 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigPropertyIndicies1514b916f13SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
1524b916f13SBrad Bishop     {
1534b916f13SBrad Bishop         static const PropertyIndicies propertyIndicies =
1544b916f13SBrad Bishop         {
1554b916f13SBrad Bishop             {
1564b916f13SBrad Bishop % for g in instancegroups:
1574b916f13SBrad Bishop                 {
1584b916f13SBrad Bishop     % for i in g.members:
1594b916f13SBrad Bishop                     {
1604b916f13SBrad Bishop                         PropertyIndex::key_type
1614b916f13SBrad Bishop                         {
1621ada93beSBrad Bishop                             ConfigPaths::get()[${i[0]}],
1631ada93beSBrad Bishop                             ConfigInterfaces::get()[${i[2]}],
1641ada93beSBrad Bishop                             ConfigProperties::get()[${i[3]}]
1654b916f13SBrad Bishop                         },
1664b916f13SBrad Bishop                         PropertyIndex::mapped_type
1674b916f13SBrad Bishop                         {
1681ada93beSBrad Bishop                             ConfigMeta::get()[${i[1]}],
1691ada93beSBrad Bishop                             ConfigMeta::get()[${i[4]}],
1701ada93beSBrad Bishop                             ConfigPropertyStorage::get()[${i[5]}]
1714b916f13SBrad Bishop                         },
1724b916f13SBrad Bishop                     },
1734b916f13SBrad Bishop     % endfor
1744b916f13SBrad Bishop                 },
1754b916f13SBrad Bishop % endfor
1764b916f13SBrad Bishop             }
1774b916f13SBrad Bishop         };
1784b916f13SBrad Bishop         return propertyIndicies;
1794b916f13SBrad Bishop     }
1804b916f13SBrad Bishop };
1814b916f13SBrad Bishop 
18249e66175SBrad Bishop struct ConfigPropertyCallbackGroups
18349e66175SBrad Bishop {
18449e66175SBrad Bishop     using CallbackGroups = std::array<std::vector<size_t>, ${len(callbackgroups)}>;
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigPropertyCallbackGroups18549e66175SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
18649e66175SBrad Bishop     {
18749e66175SBrad Bishop         static const CallbackGroups propertyCallbackGraph =
18849e66175SBrad Bishop         {
18949e66175SBrad Bishop             {
19049e66175SBrad Bishop % for g in callbackgroups:
19149e66175SBrad Bishop                 {${', '.join([str(x) for x in g.members])}},
19249e66175SBrad Bishop % endfor
19349e66175SBrad Bishop             }
19449e66175SBrad Bishop         };
19549e66175SBrad Bishop         return propertyCallbackGraph;
19649e66175SBrad Bishop     }
19749e66175SBrad Bishop };
19849e66175SBrad Bishop 
1994041d720SBrad Bishop struct ConfigConditions
2004041d720SBrad Bishop {
2014041d720SBrad Bishop     using Conditions = std::array<std::unique_ptr<Conditional>, ${len(conditions)}>;
2024041d720SBrad Bishop 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigConditions2034041d720SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
2044041d720SBrad Bishop     {
2054041d720SBrad Bishop         static const Conditions propertyConditions =
2064041d720SBrad Bishop         {
2074041d720SBrad Bishop % for c in conditions:
2084041d720SBrad Bishop             ${c.construct(loader, indent=indent +3)},
2094041d720SBrad Bishop % endfor
2104041d720SBrad Bishop         };
2114041d720SBrad Bishop         return propertyConditions;
2124041d720SBrad Bishop     }
2134041d720SBrad Bishop };
2144041d720SBrad Bishop 
215c1283ae8SBrad Bishop struct ConfigPropertyCallbacks
216c1283ae8SBrad Bishop {
217c1283ae8SBrad Bishop     using Callbacks = std::array<std::unique_ptr<Callback>, ${len(callbacks)}>;
218c1283ae8SBrad Bishop 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigPropertyCallbacks219c1283ae8SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
220c1283ae8SBrad Bishop     {
221c1283ae8SBrad Bishop         static const Callbacks propertyCallbacks =
222c1283ae8SBrad Bishop         {
223c1283ae8SBrad Bishop % for c in callbacks:
224c1283ae8SBrad Bishop             ${c.construct(loader, indent=indent +3)},
225c1283ae8SBrad Bishop % endfor
226c1283ae8SBrad Bishop         };
227c1283ae8SBrad Bishop         return propertyCallbacks;
228c1283ae8SBrad Bishop     }
229c1283ae8SBrad Bishop };
230c1283ae8SBrad Bishop 
23180c70610SMarri Devender Rao struct ConfigPathCallbacks
23280c70610SMarri Devender Rao {
23380c70610SMarri Devender Rao     using Callbacks = std::array<std::unique_ptr<Callback>, ${len(pathcallbacks)}>;
23480c70610SMarri Devender Rao 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigPathCallbacks23580c70610SMarri Devender Rao     static auto& get()
23680c70610SMarri Devender Rao     {
23780c70610SMarri Devender Rao         static const Callbacks pathCallbacks =
23880c70610SMarri Devender Rao         {
23980c70610SMarri Devender Rao % for c in pathcallbacks:
24080c70610SMarri Devender Rao             ${c.construct(loader, indent=indent +3)},
24180c70610SMarri Devender Rao % endfor
24280c70610SMarri Devender Rao         };
24380c70610SMarri Devender Rao         return pathCallbacks;
24480c70610SMarri Devender Rao     }
24580c70610SMarri Devender Rao };
24680c70610SMarri Devender Rao 
2474b916f13SBrad Bishop struct ConfigPropertyWatches
2484b916f13SBrad Bishop {
2494b916f13SBrad Bishop     using PropertyWatches = std::array<std::unique_ptr<Watch>, ${len(watches)}>;
2504b916f13SBrad Bishop 
getphosphor::dbus::monitoring::ConfigPropertyWatches2514b916f13SBrad Bishop     static auto& get()
2524b916f13SBrad Bishop     {
2534b916f13SBrad Bishop         static const PropertyWatches propertyWatches =
2544b916f13SBrad Bishop         {
2554b916f13SBrad Bishop % for w in watches:
2564b916f13SBrad Bishop             std::make_unique<PropertyWatchOfType<${w.datatype}, SDBusPlus>>(
257fccdc39fSBrad Bishop     % if w.callback is None:
258efe0158cSMatthew Barth         % if w.filters is None:
2594b916f13SBrad Bishop                 ConfigPropertyIndicies::get()[${w.instances}]),
260fccdc39fSBrad Bishop         % else:
261fccdc39fSBrad Bishop                 ConfigPropertyIndicies::get()[${w.instances}],
26298d6462aSLei YU                 ${w.ignore_start_callback},
263efe0158cSMatthew Barth                 ConfigPropertyFilters::get()[${w.filters}].get()),
264efe0158cSMatthew Barth         % endif
265efe0158cSMatthew Barth     % else:
266efe0158cSMatthew Barth         % if w.filters is None:
267efe0158cSMatthew Barth                 ConfigPropertyIndicies::get()[${w.instances}],
26898d6462aSLei YU                 *ConfigPropertyCallbacks::get()[${w.callback}],
26998d6462aSLei YU                 ${w.ignore_start_callback}),
270efe0158cSMatthew Barth         % else:
271efe0158cSMatthew Barth                 ConfigPropertyIndicies::get()[${w.instances}],
272efe0158cSMatthew Barth                 *ConfigPropertyCallbacks::get()[${w.callback}],
27398d6462aSLei YU                 ${w.ignore_start_callback},
274efe0158cSMatthew Barth                 ConfigPropertyFilters::get()[${w.filters}].get()),
275efe0158cSMatthew Barth         % endif
276fccdc39fSBrad Bishop     % endif
2774b916f13SBrad Bishop % endfor
2784b916f13SBrad Bishop         };
2794b916f13SBrad Bishop         return propertyWatches;
2804b916f13SBrad Bishop     }
2814b916f13SBrad Bishop };
28280c70610SMarri Devender Rao 
28380c70610SMarri Devender Rao struct ConfigPathWatches
28480c70610SMarri Devender Rao {
28580c70610SMarri Devender Rao     using PathWatches = std::array<std::unique_ptr<Watch>, ${len(pathwatches)}>;
28680c70610SMarri Devender Rao 
28780c70610SMarri Devender Rao     static auto& get()
28880c70610SMarri Devender Rao     {
28980c70610SMarri Devender Rao         static const PathWatches pathWatches =
29080c70610SMarri Devender Rao         {
29180c70610SMarri Devender Rao % for w in pathwatches:
29280c70610SMarri Devender Rao             std::make_unique<PathWatch<SDBusPlus>>(
29380c70610SMarri Devender Rao     % if w.pathcallback is None:
29480c70610SMarri Devender Rao                 ConfigIntfAddPaths::get()[${w.pathinstances}]),
29580c70610SMarri Devender Rao     % else:
29680c70610SMarri Devender Rao                 ConfigIntfAddPaths::get()[${w.pathinstances}],
29780c70610SMarri Devender Rao                 *ConfigPathCallbacks::get()[${w.pathcallback}]),
29880c70610SMarri Devender Rao     % endif
29980c70610SMarri Devender Rao % endfor
30080c70610SMarri Devender Rao         };
30180c70610SMarri Devender Rao         return pathWatches;
30280c70610SMarri Devender Rao     }
30380c70610SMarri Devender Rao };
304870c3fc6SBrad Bishop } // namespace monitoring
305870c3fc6SBrad Bishop } // namespace dbus
306870c3fc6SBrad Bishop } // namespace phosphor