1description: >
2    Implement to describe the status of the power supplied to the chassis by the
3    power supply unit(s). It is expected that the relationship to the chassis is
4    shown by implementing this interface under a multi-object path, such as
5    chassisN/unit[N] where unit can be an individual or group.
8    - name: Status
9      type: enum[self.Status]
10      default: Good
11      description: >
12        The current status of the power being supplied to the chassis.
15  - name: Status
16    description: >
17      Power status enum.
18    values:
19      - name: Fault
20        description: >
21         The power supply unit(s) are not providing enough power for normal
22         chassis operation, such as in a Brownout/Blackout condition where one
23         or more power supplies report AC loss VIN fault.
24      - name: Good
25        description: >
26         The power supply unit(s) are providing enough power for normal chassis
27         operation.