1*75ca2e95SRavi Tejadescription: >
2*75ca2e95SRavi Teja    This interface defines network static gateway
3*75ca2e95SRavi Teja
4*75ca2e95SRavi Tejaproperties:
5*75ca2e95SRavi Teja    - name: Gateway
6*75ca2e95SRavi Teja      type: string
7*75ca2e95SRavi Teja      description: >
8*75ca2e95SRavi Teja          The value of this property shall be a next hop address assigned to the
9*75ca2e95SRavi Teja          ethernet interface to reach destination address.
10*75ca2e95SRavi Teja      errors:
11*75ca2e95SRavi Teja          - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.NotAllowed
12*75ca2e95SRavi Teja
13*75ca2e95SRavi Teja    - name: ProtocolType
14*75ca2e95SRavi Teja      type: enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol]
15*75ca2e95SRavi Teja      description: >
16*75ca2e95SRavi Teja          Protocol type can be IPv4 or IPv6 etc.
17*75ca2e95SRavi Teja      errors:
18*75ca2e95SRavi Teja          - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.NotAllowed