1description: >
2    This defines DHCP client configuration.
4    - name: DNSEnabled
5      type: boolean
6      description: >
7          if true then the DNS servers received from the DHCP server will be
8          used and take precedence over any statically configured ones.
9    - name: NTPEnabled
10      type: boolean
11      description: >
12          if true then the NTP servers received from the DHCP server will be
13          used by systemd-timesyncd and take precedence over any statically
14          configured ones.
15    - name: HostNameEnabled
16      type: boolean
17      description: >
18          if true then the hostname received from the DHCP server will be set as
19          the transient hostname of the system.
20    - name: DomainEnabled
21      type: boolean
22      description: >
23          if true then the domain names received from the DHCP server will be
24          used by systemd-resolved and take precedence over any statically
25          configured ones.
26    - name: SendHostNameEnabled
27      type: boolean
28      description: >
29          if true then DHCP option 12 is enabled i.e machine`s hostname will be
30          sent to the DHCP server.