1#TODO This interface and the logging entry interface
2#     is having common properties,Ideally there should be
3#     one common interface and the specific properties
4#     for logging should go in (Logging/Entry).
5#     https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/issues/2923
6description: >
7    Implement to provide event entry attributes.
8    This interface should be instantiated for the phosphor::events namespace.
9    This interface is a collection of objects, therefore it is required to
10    implement org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager on the events namespace root.
11    Optionally, implement xyz.openbmc_project.Delete to allow the deletion of
12    individual entries.
13    The event D-Bus object path would look like
14    <PhosphorDbusRoot>/events/<type>/<id>
15    Here "type" is the type of event, Could be network/system state event etc.
16    Type would be given by the application configuration file which would
17    be implementing this interface.
18    Here "id" is positive integer starts from 1 and it gets incremented by 1
19    with any newly created object.
21    - name: Timestamp
22      type: uint64
23      description: >
24          Event creation timestamp in milliseconds since 1970.
25    - name: Message
26      type: string
27      description: >
28          The message description of the event entry.
29    - name: AdditionalData
30      type: array[string]
31      description: >
32          Additional information in the form of metadata field strings VAR=val